Seminar for Mathematical Logic



Plan rada Seminara za logiku za januar 2015.

Seminar za matematicku logiku Matematickog instituta SANU nastavlja rad u letnjem semestru 2011/2012.g. na ovoj adresi: Kneza Mihaila 36/III sprat, soba 301f - sala za seminare. Cetvrtkom posle podne, ali od 15:00 sati, odrzavace se predavanja na Seminaru iz verovatnosnih logika pod rukovodstvom Profesora Miodraga Raskovica koji je u decembru 2007. dobio akreditaciju Naucnog veca Instituta. Na taj nacin, ponovo, kao pre vise decenija, postoje dva logicka seminara.

PETAK, 16.01.2015. U 16:15 (MI SANU, 301f)
Zajednicki sastanak sa Odeljenjem za matematiku
Pierre-Louis Curien, UniversitParis Diderot, Francuska

Abstract: In my work with Hugo Herbelin, and then with my student Guillaume Munch, we explored term syntaxes for sequent calculus (a formalism for writing formal proofs proposed by Gentzen in the 1930s). I recently found out that the same style of syntax allows for a neat programming-language style description of the wiring structures underlying operads, cooperads, dioperads, cyclic operads and possibly more types of operad-like structures, that have popped up in topology, geometry, and mathematical physics. The talk will introduce our language and take this occasion to revisit the various definitions of these notions as found in the literature, pointing out why they are equivalent (a task usually considered easy and left to the reader, but whose careful examination is not a luxury).

PETAK, 23.01.2015. U 16:15 (MI SANU, 301f)
Hugo Torres Vieira, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italija

Abstract: Formal analysis of Software systems has proved to be of crucial importance in the delivery of reliable systems. There has been a significant research effort in the last decades dedicated to the development of techniques and tools that allow to ensure some correctness properties of programs. Moreover, such approaches have explored in depth precise relations between implementations and specifications, in particular via specification logics and type systems. In this talk we present ongoing work on how to exploit such relations between programs and specifications aiming at the synthesis of correct by construction programs based on types that may serve as easier faster to write program specifications. In particular, our aim is to automatically generate the communication skeleton for message-passing programs based on behavioral type systems.

PETAK, 30.01.2015. U 14:00 (SVECANA SALA SANU)
Zajednicki sastanak sa Odeljenjem za matematiku, Odeljenjem za mehaniku, Seminarom za racunarstvo i primenjenu matematiku, Seminarom za istoriju i filozofiju matematike i mehanike i Seminarom za verovatnosne logike
Stevan Pilipovic, Departman za matematiku, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
VREDNOVANjE U NAUCI U 2015. nas ocekuje citav niz vaznih dogadjanja u nauci Srbije: naucna strategija, kraj projektnog ciklusa, konkurs za novi projektni ciklus, zakon o nauci i odgovarajuci pravilnici, izbori u SANU...
Zasnivanje naucne politike i naucnog izbora treba da bude izvedeno na osnovu jasnih principa vrednovanja u nauci.
U okviru predavanja ce biti izlozeni predlozi novog pravilnika o izboru u zvanja i vrednovanju naucnih rezultata, bice analizirani kvantitativni i kvalitativni pokazatelji naucnog vrednovanja i, konkretno, bice dati predlozi vazni za pocetak novog projektnog ciklusa u nauci.


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rukovodioci seminara Zoran Petric i Predrag Tanovic