Seminar for Geometry, education and visualization with applications



Seminar geometriju, obrazovanje i vizualizaciju sa primenama


CETVRTAK, 10. maj 2007. u 17 sati
dr Srdjan Vukmirovic, Matematicki fakultet, Beograd
Princip trijalnosti

Apstrakt: Na predavanju ce biti reci o vaznom principu trijalnosti koji je vezan za algebru oktoniona i para oktoniona ("split octonions"). Takodje cemo razmatrati posledice tog principa u geometrijama signatura (8,0) i (4,4).

CETVRTAK, 17. maj 2007. u 17 sati
Prof. dr Katica (Stevanovic) Hedrih, Masinski fakultet, Nis
Tensor - Society, Journal and Scientific conferences with Topic Differential Geometry and Applications

Abstract: By use presentation of the international scientific conferences with topic differential geometry and applications organized by Tensor Society - Japan (Buharest 1992, Tsukuba 2002, Varna 2004 and Sapporo 2006), scientific results of the participants and organizer from Japan, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia are pointed out. Collaboration of the Akicugi Kawaguchy, founder of the Tensor Society, and present president Tomoaki Kawaguchy with Serbian scientists, especially with academician Mileva Prvanovic is pointed out. Also, a survey with memory to the academician Tatomir Andjeli\'c, who introduced tensor calculus in Mathematical faculty studies and Professor Danilo Ra~Zkovic, who introduced tensor calculus applications into technical and engineering faculty studies is one of topic of this lecture. A scientific results of the academician Radu Miron's school in area of differential geometry applications to the geometrization of the mechanical systems and dynamics are present with questions do these results a advances to the mechanics of real engineering systems. Also, a question are there in Serbia interests between young researchers for collaboration with Tensor Society and participation in the international scientific activity of Tensor Society.

CETVRTAK, 24. maj 2007. u 17 sati
Prof. dr Luc Vrancken, LAMAV, Universite de Valenciennes, France
Lagrangian submanifolds satisfying Chen's equality

Abstract: We give an overview of the Lagrangian submanifolds of the complex projective space which at every point satisfy Chen's equality. Namely, we expose the classification in dimension 3, the classification of the complete ones, the classification of some other special classes (constant scalar curvature, integrable distribution) and how one might proceed in higher dimensions (in particular in dimension 4).

CETVRTAK, 31. maj 2007. u 17 sati
Kristina Obrenovic, Tehnolosko-metalurski fakultet, Beograd
Realne hiperpovrsi kompleksnih prostornih formi

Apstrakt: Iako je ambijentni prostor kompleksnih prostornih formi (tj. kompleksnih mnogostrukosti konstantne holomorfne sekcione krivine) najprostiji posle prostora konstantne krivine, on odredjuje znacajna ogranicenja pri izucavanju geometrije hiperpovrsi. Pored osnovnih definicija i rezultata neophodnih za istrazivanje u ovoj oblasti, predmet predavanja bice i neki klasifikacioni rezultati.

Sednice seminara odrzavaju se u zgradi Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, Beograd, Knez Mihailova 35, na prvom spratu u sali 2.

Rukovodilac Seminara dr Mirjana Djoric