Development of new information and communication technologies, based on advanced mathematical methods, with applications in medicine, telecommunications, power systems, protection of national heritage and education (Project III 44006)

Project results in 2011, 2012 and 2013

Leading Monographic publication of the international importance (M11):

  1. Stefan Panić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Jelena Anastasov, Petar Spalević, Fading and Interference Mitigation in Wireless Communications, Fading and Interference Mitigation in Wireless Communications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp.1--264, 2013

Monographic publication of the international importance (M12):

  1. Stankovic R.S., Astola J, Moraga C., Representations of Multiple-Valued Logic Functions, Representations of Multiple-Valued Logic Functions, Vol. 7, Iss. 2, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2012

Articles in the monographic proceedings of the leading international importance (M13):

  1. Stošović M, Rašković M, Ognjanović Z, Marković Z, Transforming electronic medical books to diagnostic decision support systems using relational database menagement systems, Computational medicine in data mining and modeling, Springer, pp.79--103, 2013
  2. Aleksandar Perović, Dragan Doder, Zoran Ognjanović, Applications of Probabilistic and Related Logics to Decision Support in Medicine, Computational Medicine in Data Mining and Modeling, Springer, pp.35--77, 2013
  3. Brajevic Ivona, Cuckoo Search and Firefly Algorithm Applied to Multilevel Image Thresholding, Cuckoo Search and Firefly Algorithm: Theory and Applications, edited by Xin-She Yang, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer International Publishing, Vol.516, pp.115--139, 2013
  4. Djordje M. Kadijevich, Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry: Report on an ICMI-ICIAM -Study; Damlamian, A., Rodrigues, J.F. & Straser, R. (Eds.), Inappropriate use of spreadsheets in the finance industry, Springer, pp.403--412, 2013
  5. Battisti, U.; Gramchev, T.; Rodino, L.; Pilipović, S., Globally bisingular elliptic operators. Operator theory, pseudo-differential equations, and mathematical physics, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., Springer Basel, Iss.228, pp.21--38, 2013
  6. Mihajlovic Aleksandar, Machine Learning-Based Imputation of Missing SNP Genotypes in SNP Genotype Arrays, Computational Medicine in Data Mining and Modeling, Springer Verlag, pp.193--231, 2013
  7. H.P.Barendregt, Silvia Ghilezan, Proof Theory, Lambda Calculus with Types by H.P.Barendregt, W.Dekkers, R.Statman, Cambridge University Press, pp.351--362, 2013
  8. M.J. Mihaljevic, H. Imai, Security Issues of Cloud Computing and a Dedicated Encryption Approach, High Performance and Cloud Computing in Scientific Research and Education, IGI Global, pp.1--24, 2013
  9. K. Vušković, The world of hereditary graph classes viewed through Truemper Configurations, Surveys in Combinatorics, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Cambridge University Press, Iss.409, pp.265--325, 2013
  10. Mirjana Borisavljević, Silvia Ghilezan, Predrag Janičić, Aleksandar Krapež, Miloš Kurilić, Žarko Mijajlović, Zoran Marković, Zoran Ognjanović, Jovanka Pantović, Zoran Petrić, Miomir S. Stanković, Radomir S. Stanković, Ivan Stojmenović, Djordje Vukomanović, History of Mathematical Logic in Serbia, Logic in Central and Eastern Europe History, Science, and Discourse, pp.470--495, 2012
  11. Silvia Ghilezan, Proof Theory Chapter 6C, Lambda Calculus with Types, Cambridge University Press, 2013
  12. Tijana Milenkovic and Natasa Przulj, Topological Characteristics of Molecular Networks, Functional Coherence of Molecular Networks in Bioinformatics, Springer, pp. 15--48, 2012
  13. Nataša Pržulj, Biological networks uncover evolution, disease and gene functions, Bioinformatics for Biologists, Cambridge University Press, pp. 291--314, 2011
  14. D. J. Higham and N. Przulj, Random graph models and their application to protein-protein interaction networks, Handbook of Statistical Systems Biology, Wiley, pp. 290--308, 2011
  15. A. D. King, N. Przulj, I. Jurisica , Protein Complex Prediction with RNSC, Bacterial Molecular Networks, Springer, pp. 297--312, 2012
  16. Milan Merkle, Measure Theory in Probability, International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Springer, pp. 793--795, 2011
  17. Milan Merkle, Weak Convergence of Probability Measures, International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Springer, pp. 1649--1651, 2011
  18. Dejan Milić, Explicit Method for Numerical Solution of Fokker-Plank equation of Filtered Phase Noise, Approximation and Computation, Series: Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 42, Springer, pp. 401--407, 2011
  19. A.S. Cvetković , M. P. Stanić, , Trigonometric orthogonal systems , Approximation and Computation - In Honor of Gradimir V. Milovanović, Vol. 42, Iss. , Springer-Verlag, pp. 103--116, 2011
  20. G.V. Milovanović, M. P. Stanić, , Multiple orthogonality and applications in numerical integration , Nonlinear Analysis: Stability, Approximation, and Inequalities, Vol. 68, Iss. , Springer-Verlag, pp. 431--455, 2012
  21. Savić Suzana, Nikolić Vesna, Vasović Dejan, Education for Emergency Management Based on Multimedia InformationSystems , Theoretical and Technical Perspectives on Security Sector Governance from the Adriatic to the Caspian Sea, Vol. 83, IOS Press (Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo, Washington, DC), pp. 189--205, 2011
  22. Nikolić Vesna, Anđelković Branislav, Vasović Dejan, Development of Research and Professional Education for Working and Living, Theoretical and Technical Perspectives on Security Sector Governance from the Adriatic to the Caspian Sea, Iss. , IOS Press and Springer Science, pp. 179--189, 2011
  23. Raka Jovanović and Milan Tuba, Optimized Algorithm for PetviashviliÔÇÖs Method for Finding Solitons in Photonic Lattices, APPROXIMATION AND COMPUTATION, 2011, Volume 42, Part 5, 393-400, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-6594-3_25

Articles in the monographic proceedings of the international importance (M14):

  1. Nenad Jovanović, Ranko Popović, E-Learning Tools for Computing and Informatics, E-Learning: New Technology, Applications and Future Trends, Nova Science Pub Incorporated, pp.97--116, 2013
  2. Žarko Mijajlović, Aleksandar Valjarević, GIS modelovanje, Multilayer digital map of Toplica Region, PMF Kosovska Mitrovica, pp.u stampi2013
  3. Dragica živković, Jasmina Jovanović, Aleksandar Valjarević, Kartografska istorija, Kartografska tradicija u srbiji, Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo, Vol.3, Iss.7, pp.83--95, 2013
  4. A. Kalogeratos, V. Chasanis, G. Rakocevic, A. Likas, Z. Babovic, M. Novakovic, Mining Clinical Data, Computational Medicine in Data Mining and Modeling, Springer Verlag, pp.1--34, 2013
  5. Miodrag Mihaljević, On Certain Approaches for Analysis and Design of Cryptographic Techniques for Symmetric Encryption and Key Management, SELECTED TOPICS ON IMAGE PROCESSING AND CRYPTOLOGY, Zbornik radova MI-SANU, Vol. 15, Iss. 23, Matematički Institut SANU, pp. 119--186, 2012
  6. Joviša Žunić, SHAPE DESCRIPTORS FOR IMAGE ANALYSIS, SELECTED TOPICS ON IMAGE PROCESSING AND CRYPTOLOGY, Zbornik radova MI-SANU, Vol. 15, Iss. 23, Matematički Institut SANU, pp. 5--38, 2012
  7. Nataša Sladoje, Joakim Lindblad, The coverage model and its use in image processing, SELECTED TOPICS ON IMAGE PROCESSING AND CRYPTOLOGY, Zbornik radova MI-SANU, Vol. 15, Iss. 23, Matematički Institut SANU, pp. 39--118, 2012
  8. Marko Nedeljkov, Introduction to Nonlinear Wave Models, Interesting Mathematical Problems in Sciences and Everyday Life, University of Szeged , p. 34, 2011
  9. S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, J. Vindas, Asymptotic behavior of generalized functions. Series on Analysis, Applications and Computation, 5. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Vol. XIV, Hackensack, NJ, p. 294, 201
  10. Mihajlo Stefanović, Jelena Anastasov, Stefan R. Panić, Petar Spalević and Ćemal Dolićanin , Channel Capacity Analysis Under Various Adaptation Policies and Diversity Techniques over Fading Channels , Wireless Communications and Networks - Recent Advances, InTech, 2012
  11. Dragan Cvetković, Duško Radaković, Časlav Mitrović, Aleksandar Bengin, Spin and Spin Recovery , Mechanical Engineering, Iss. , InTech – Open Access Publisher, pp. 209--232, 2012
  12. Dragan S. Marković, Dejan Živković, Dragan Cvetković, Ranko Popović, Information and Communication Technology in Energy Efficient Urban Communities , Energy Efficiency Methods, Limitations and Challenges, Iss. , Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY, USA , pp. 1--32, 2012
  13. Nikolić Vesna, Obrazovanie i ustoйčivoe razvitie, Sociokulьturnыe izmereniя v usloviяh globalizacii: Opыt Rossii i Serbii, Iss. , Meždunarodnый nezavisimый эkologo-politologičeskiй universitet, Fakulьtet ohranы truda i Meždunarodnaя Akademiя Nauk, Moskva, pp. 269--284, 2011
  14. Vesna Vučković, Bojan Vučković, AWGN Watermark in Images and E-Books - Optimal Embedding Strength, Watermarking, Vol. 1, InTech, pp. 183--204, 2012
  15. Stanislav Stanković, Dušan Gajić, Radomir S. Stanković, GPU Architecture and the Programming Environment , GPU Computing with Applications in Digital Logic, Iss. , TICSP – Tampere International Center for Signal Processing, Tampere, Finland, pp. 1--24, 2012
  16. Dušan Gajić, Radomir S. Stanković, Computing Spectral Transforms Used in Digital Logic on the GPU , GPU Computing with Applications in Digital Logic, TICSP – Tampere International Center for Signal Processing, Tampere, Finland, pp. 25--62, 2012
  17. Svetlana Smolčić Makuljević, Sakralna topografija svetih gora: Sinaj – Aton – Treskavac , Sedma kazivanja o Svetoj gori Atonu, Iss. 7, Društvo prijatelja Svete Gore Atonske, Zadužbina Svetog manastira Hilandara , pp. 183--235, 2011
  18. V. V. Mitić, V. Pavlović, V. Paunović, J. Purenović, Lj. Kocić, S. Janković, I. Antolović, D. Rančić . Intergranular properties and structural fractal analysis of BaTiO3-ceramics doped by rare earth additives. Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials V: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 32, Issue 8 pp. 121-132, (2011). ISBN: 978-1-1180-5993-7.
  19. Savić,S., Nikolić, V., Vasović, D., Education for Emergency Management Based on Multimedia Information Systems, in: Theoretical and Technical Perspectives on Security Sector Governance from the Adriatic to the Caspian Sea, edited by Federic Labarre and Maria Tzakova, IOS Press (Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo, Washington, DC) 2011, pp. 189-204.

Lexicographic unit or a map in the monographic proceedings of the leading international importance (M15):

  1. Aleksandar Nikolić, Vojvodić Gradimir, Srpska enciklopedija, Matica srpska, SANU, Iss.2, pp.637--638, 2013
  2. Aleksandar Nikolić, Vukićević Petar, Srpska enciklopedija, Matica srpska, SANU, Iss.2, pp.879--879, 2013
  3. Aleksandar Nikolić, Vukotić Dragan, Srpska enciklopedija, Matica srpska, SANU, Iss.2, pp.918--918, 2013
  4. Svetlana Smolčić Makuljević, Earthquake, Visual Arts, Encyclopedia of the Bible, Walter de Gruyter, Iss.7, pp.166--170, 2013
  5. Milan Božić, Srpska Enciklopedija, Srpska Enciklopedija, Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika Beogad, pp. 298--299, 2011

Editing of the monographic proceedings of the international importance (M18):

  1. Miodrag Mihaljević, SELECTED TOPICS ON IMAGE PROCESSING AND CRYPTOLOGY, Zbornik radova MI-SANU, SELECTED TOPICS ON IMAGE PROCESSING AND CRYPTOLOGY, Zbornik radova MI-SANU, Vol. 15, Iss. 23, Matematički Institut SANU, 2012

Articles in journals (M21):

  1. Nebojša Ikodinović, Miodrag Rašković, Zoran Marković, Zoran Ognjanović, A first-order probabilistic logic with approximate conditional probabilities, Logic Journal of IGPL, Vol.1, Iss.1, pp.0--0, 2014
  2. Krejic Natasa Luzanin Zorana Stojkovska Irena, A gradient method for unconstrained optimization in noisy environment, APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS, Elsevier BV ^North-Holland, Vol.70, pp.1--21, 2013
  3. Stankovic, Dragan, Nikolic Vesna, Đorđević, M., Dac Buu Cao, A survey study of critical success factors in agile software projects in former Yugoslavia IT companies, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Inc., United States, Vol.86, Iss.6, pp.1663--1678, 2013
  4. F. Oggier, M.J. Mihaljevic, An Information-Theoretic Security Evaluation of a Class of Randomized Encryption Schemes, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE, pp.1--11, 2013
  5. Sasa Adamovic, Marko Sarac, Mladen Veinovic, Milan Milosavljevic, Aleksandar Jevremovic, An Interactive and Collaborative Approach to Teaching Cryptology, Educational Technology & Society, International Forum of Educational Technology & Society, 2013
  6. S. Stević, Asymptotically convergent solutions of a system of nonlinear functional differential equations of neutral type with iterated deviating arguments, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Vol.219, pp.6197--6203, 2013
  7. S. Stević, Behaviour of solutions of some linear functional equations at infinity, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Vol.219, pp.6134--6141, 2013
  8. M. Gavrilovic, J. C. Azar, J. Lindblad, C. Wählby, E. Bengtsson, C. Busch, I. B. Carlbom, Blind Color Decomposition of Histological Images, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.32, Iss.6, pp.983--994, 2013
  9. Kovacevic A, Dehghan A, Filannino M, Keane J, Nenadic G, Combining rules and machine learning for extraction of temporal expressions and events from clinical narratives, Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)., BMJ (American Medical Informatics Association, AMIA)., Vol.20, Iss.5, 2013
  10. Velimir Ilić, Miomir Stanković, Edin Mulalić, Comments on “Generalization of Shannon–Khinchin Axioms to Nonextensive Systems and the Uniqueness Theorem for the Nonextensive Entropy”, IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, IEEE, Vol.59, Iss.10, pp.6950--6952, 2013
  11. M.V.G. da Silva, K. Vušković, Decomposition of even/hole/free graphs with star cutsets and 2/joins, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, Elsevier, Iss.103, pp.144--183, 2013
  12. Marko Nedeljkov, Nebojsa Dedovic, Delta shocks interactions and the wave front tracking method, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Elsevier, Vol.403, Iss.2, pp.580--598, 2013
  13. Marinka Žitnik, Vuk Janjić, Chris Larminie, Blaž Zupan, Nataša Pržulj, Discovering disease/disease associations by fusing systems-level molecular data, Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, pp.1--9, 2013
  14. S. Stević, Existence of solutions bounded together with their first derivatives of some systems of nonlinear functional differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Vol.219, pp.6457--6465, 2013
  15. B. Budimirović, V. Budimirović, B. Seselja, A. Tepavčević, Fuzzy equational classes are fuzzy varieties, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran., Vol.10, Iss.4, pp.1--18, 2013
  16. B. Budimirović, V. Budimirović, B. Seselja, A. Tepavčević, Fuzzy identities with application to fuzzy semigroups, Information Sciences, Elsevier, 2013
  17. W. Hayes, K. Sun, N. Pržulj, Graphlet-based measures are suitable for biological network comparison, Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press, pp.483--491, 2013
  18. Živadin Micić, Miloš Micić, Marija Blagojević, ICT innovations at the platform of standardisation for knowledge quality in PDCA, COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES, Elsevier, Vol.36, Iss.1, pp.231--243, 2013
  19. Radosavljevic Ana, Gligoric Goran, Maluckov Aleksandra A, Stepic Milutin S, Milovic Daniela, Light propagation management by disorder and nonlinearity in one dimensional photonic lattices, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, Optical Society of America, Vol.30, Iss.8, pp.2340--2347, 2013
  20. Nebojša Ikodinovć, Miodrag Rašković, Zoran Marković, Zoran Ognjanović, Logics with Generalized Measure Operators, Journal of Multiple Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Old City Publishing, Inc., Vol.20, pp.527--555, 2013
  21. H. Milosevic, N. A. Geydarov, Y. N. Zakharov, S. Stevovic, Modeling, MODEL OF INCOMPRESSIBLE VISCOUS FLUID FLOW DRIVEN BY PRESSURE DIFFERENCE IN A GIVEN CHANNEL,, , International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.62, pp.242--246, 2013
  22. By Michael J. Flynn, Oskar Mencer, Veljko Milutinovic, Goran Rakocevic, Per Stenstrom, Roman Trobec, Mateo Valero, Moving from Petaflops to Petadata, Communications of the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery, pp.39--42, 2013
  23. Šarajlić, V. Janjić, N. Stojković, D. Radak, N. Pržulj, Network topology reveals key cardiovascular disease genes, PLoS ONE, PLOS, pp.1--11, 2013
  24. S. Stević, On a solvable system of difference equations of fourth order, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Vol.219, pp.5706--5716, 2013
  25. S. Stević, On bounded continuously differentiable solutions with Lipschitz first derivatives of a system of functional differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Vol.219, pp.6344--6353, 2013
  26. S. Stević, On the system $x_{n+1}=y_nx_{n-k}/(y_{n-k+1}(a_n+b_ny_nx_{n-k}))$, $y_{n+1}=x_ny_{n-k}/(x_{n-k+1}(c_n+d_nx_ny_{n-k}))$, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Vol.219, pp.4526--4534, 2013
  27. S. Stević, On the system of difference equations $x_n=c_ny_{n-3}/(a_n+b_ny_{n-1}x_{n-2}y_{n-3})$, $y_n=\g_n x_{n-3}/(\a_n+\b_n x_{n-1}y_{n-2}x_{n-3}), Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Vol.219, pp.4755--4764, 2013
  28. Wu C, Schwartz JM, Nenadic G, PathNER: a tool for systematic identification of biological pathway mentions in the literature, BMC Systems Biology, BMC, Vol.Suppl 3, Iss.7, pp.S2--S2, 2013
  29. Biswas Anjan, Milovic Daniela M, Kumar S, Yildirim Ahmet, Perturbation of shallow water waves by semi-inverse variational principle, INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Springer, Vol.87, Iss.6, pp.567--569, 2013
  30. Hajnalka Peics, Positive solutions of second-order linear difference equation with variable delays, Advances in Difference Equations, Springer Open Journals, Vol.2013, Iss.2013:82, pp.1--12, 2013
  31. Kupusinac A., Stokić E., Doroslovački R., Predicting body fat percentage based on gender, age and BMI by using artificial neural networks, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Elsevier, pp.u štampi--u štampi, 2013
  32. Dragan Doder, John Grant, Zoran Ognjanović, Probabilistic logics for objects located in space and time, Journal of Logic and Computation, Oxford University Press, Vol.3, Iss.23, pp.487--515, 2013
  33. Gradimir Milovanović, Dušan Joksimović, Properties of Boubaker polynomials and an application to Love’s integral equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Vol.224, Iss.41579, pp.74--87, 2013
  34. Hnas-Goerg Roos, Zorica Uzelac, Qualocation for a singularly perturbed boundary value problem, Juornal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (JCAM), Elsevier, Vol.237, Iss.1, pp.556--564, 2013
  35. Miloš Milovanović, Milan Rajković, rad u časpoisu izuzetnog značaja, Quantifying Self-organization with Optimal Wavelet,, Europhysics Letters, Vol.102, Iss.4, pp.40004-1--40004-6, 2013
  36. Jovica V. Milanović, Koji Yamashita, Sergio Martinez Villanueva, Saša Ž. Djokić, Lidija M. Korunović, Rad u inostranom časopisu, International Industry Practice on Power System Load Modeling, IEEE, Vol.28, Iss.3, pp.3038--3046, 2013
  37. Milutinović Boban, Nikolić Vesna, Rethinking higher education for sustainable development in Serbia: An assessment of Copernicus Charter principles in current higher education practices, Journal of Cleaner Production Special Volume - Special issue :HESD, Elsevier BV Amsterdam,Netherlands, Vol.62, pp.107--113, 2013
  38. Bojan Furlan, Vuk Batanović, Boško Nikolić, Semantic Similarity of Short Texts in Languages with a Deficient Natural Language Processing Support, Decision Support Systems, Elsevier, Vol.55, Iss.3, pp.710--719, 2013
  39. D. Markovic, D. Zivkovic, I. Branovic, R. Popovic, D. Cvetkovic, Smart Power Grid and Cloud Computing, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, ELSEVIER, Vol.24, pp.566--577, 2013
  40. Triki Houria Milovic Daniela M Biswas Anjan, Solitary waves and shock waves of the KdV6 equation, OCEAN ENGINEERING, Pergamon, Vol.73, pp.119--125, 2013
  41. Dragana Pavlović, Nikola Sekulović, Gradimir Milovanović, Aleksandra Panajotović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Zoran  Popović, Statistics for Ratios of Rayleigh, Rician, Nakagami-m and Weibull Distributed Random Variables, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, pp.1--10, 2013
  42. Dusan Regodic, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Damir Jerkovic, The Prediction of Axial Aerodynamic Coefficient Reduction using Base Bleed, Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier, 2013
  43. Vladimir Ciric, Aleksandar Cvetkovic, Vladimir Simic, Ivan Milentijevic, Tropical algebra based framework for error propagation in systolic arrays, Applied mathematics and computation, Elsevier, Vol.225, pp.512--525, 2013
  44. Popović, J.K., Pilipović, S., Atanacković, T.M., Two compartmental fractional derivative model with fractional derivatives of different order, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., Elsevier, pp.2507--2514, 2013
  45. S. Stević, Unique existence of periodic solutions of a class of systems of nonlinear difference equations with continuous argument, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Vol.219, pp.7422--7428, 2013
  46. Perica Štrbac, Gradimir V. MIlovanović, Upgraded Petri net model and analysis of adaptive and static arithmetic coding, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Elsevier, Vol.58, pp.1548--1562, 2013
  47. Aleksandar Fistes, Dušan Rakić, Aleksandar Takači, Mirjana Brdar, Using the breakage matrix approach to define the optimal particle size distribution of the input material in a milling operation, Chemical Engineering Science, Pergamon, Vol.102, pp.346--353, 2013
  48. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Dejan Milić, Variable-length coding for performance improvement of asymptotically optimal unrestricted polar quantization of bivariate Gaussian source, Information Sciences, Elsevier, Vol.252, pp.157--167, 2013
  49. V. Memisevic, N. Przulj, C-GRAAL: Common-neighbors-based Global Graph Alignment of Biological Networks, Integrative Biology, Vol. 4, pp. 734--743, 2012.
  50. T. Milenkovic, V. Memisevic, N. Przulj, Dominating Biological Networks, PLoS ONE, Vol. 6, Iss. 8, p. e23016, 2012.
  51. Vojislav Djuric, Mirjana Bogic, Aleksandra Peric- Popadic, Vesna Tomic- Spiric, Sanvila Raskovic, Anaphylactic reaction to hydroxycobalamin with tolerance to cyanocobalamin, Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology , Vol. 108, Iss. 3, pp. 207--208, 2012.
  52. Besu I., Janković Lj., Konic-Ristic A., Raskovic S., Besu V., Djuric M., Cakic S., Ursu Magdu I., Juranic Z., Role of specific cow's milk proteins in the etiology of recurrent aphthous ulcers, Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, doi: 10.1111/j. 1600-0714.2012.01204.x, 2012.
  53. Matić I., Djordjić M., Grozdanić N., Damjanović A., Kolundžija B., Erić-Nikolić A., Džodić R., Šašić M., Nikolić S., Dobrosavljević D., Rašković S., Andrejević S., Gavrilović D., Cordero O., Juranić Z., Serum activity of DPPIV and its expression on lymphocytes in patients with melanoma and in people with vitiligo, BMC Immunology, Iss. 13, pp. 48--55, 2012.
  54. Reinhard Klette, Joviša Žunić, ADR Shape Descriptor - Distance between Shape Centroids versus Shape Diameter, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 216, Iss. 6, pp. 690--697, 2012.
  55. Branko Arsić, Dragoš Cvetković, Slobodan K. Simić, Milan Škarić, Graph Spectral Techniques In Computer Sciences, Applicable analysis and discrete mathematics, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp. 1--30, 2012.
  56. V. Janjic, N. Przulj, Biological function through network topology: a survey of the human diseasome, Briefings in Functional Genomics, Vol. 11, Iss. 6, pp. 522--532, 2012.
  57. Mladenovic Nenad, Urosevic Dragan, Hanafi Said, Ilic Aleksandar, A general variable neighborhood search for the one-commodity pickup-and-delivery travelling salesman problem, European Journal Of Operational Research, Vol. 220, Iss. 1, pp. 270--285, 2012.
  58. N. Trotignon, K. Vušković, Combinatorial optimization with 2-joins, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B , Vol. 102, Iss. 1, pp. 153--185, 2012.
  59. B. Budimirovic, V. Budimirovic, B. Seselja, A. Tepavcevic, Fuzzy equational classes are fuzzy varieties, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Iss. Acceptance Pap. No. 1266/12(IJFS), pp. 47--64, 2012.
  60. M.P. Stanić, A.S. Cvetković, S. Simić, S. Dimitrijević, Common fixed point under contractive condition of Ćirić's type on cone metric type space, Fixed Point Theory And Applications, Vol. 2012, Iss. 35, 2012.
  61. A.S. Cvetković, M.P. Stanić, Z.M. Marjanović, T.V. Tomović, Asymptotic behavior of orthogonal trigonometric polynomials of semi-integer degree, Applied Mathematics And Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 23, pp. 11528--11533, 2012.
  62. A.S. Cvetković, G.V. Milovanović, Gaussian interval quadrature rule for exponential weights, Applied Mathematics And Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 18, pp. 9332--9341, 2012.
  63. Cristina Di Bari, Marija Milojević, Stojan Radenović, Pasquale Vetro, Common fixed points for self-mappings on partial metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol. 140, 2012.
  64. Miloš Milošević, Zoran Ognjanović, A first-order conditional probability logic, Logic Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics, Vol. 20, Iss. 1, pp. 235--253, doi: doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzr033, 2012.
  65. Ž. Mijajlović, N. Pejović, S. Šegan, G. Damljanović, On asymptotic solutions of Friedmann equations, Applied Mathematics And Computation, Vol. 219, Iss. 3, pp. 1273--1286, doi:, 2012.
  66. Dragan Antić, Bratislav Danković, Saša Nikolić, Marko Milojković, Zoran Jovanović, Approximation Based on Orthogonal and Almost Orthogonal Functions, Journal of The Franklin Institute, Vol. 349, Iss. 1, pp. 323--326, 2012.
  67. Dragan Marković, Dragan Cvetković, Dejan Živković, Ranko Popović, Challenges of information and communication technology in energy efficient smart homes, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 16, Iss. 2, pp. 1210--1216, 2012.
  68. Dragan Marković, Dejan Živković, Dragan Cvetković, Ranko Popović, Impact of nanotechnology advances in ICT on sustainability and energy efficiency, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 16, Iss. 5, pp. 2966--2972, 2012.
  69. Kadijević Dj., TPCK framework: assessing teachers' knowledge and designing courses for their professional development, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 43, Iss. 1, pp. E28--E30 , 2012.
  70. Goran Shimic, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Problem Based Learning in Formal and Informal Learning Environments, Interactive Learning Environments, Vol. 20, Iss. 4, pp. 351--367, 2012.
  71. Sladjana Marinković, Miomir Stanković, Predrag Rajković, Functions Induced by Iterated Deformed Laguerre Derivative: Analytical and Operational , Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2012, pp. 1--16, doi: doi:10.1155/2012/190726, 2012.
  72. Ivan Živković, Predrag Stanimirović, Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Copper Smelting Process using Artificial Neural Networks, Expert Systems with Applications, doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2012.02.185, 2012.
  73. Z. Fidanovski, M. Srećković, S. Ostojić, J. Ilić, M. Merkle, The interpretation of the intensity of components of laser scattering by interaction with matter, Physica Scripta, Vol. T149, 2012.
  74. Brdar Mirjana, Šćiban Marina B, Takači Aleksandar A, Došenović Tatjana, Comparison of two and three parameters adsorption isotherm for Cr(VI) onto Kraft lignin, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 183, pp. 108--111, 2012.
  75. Krejić Nataša, Krklec Nataša, Line search methods with variable sample size for unconstrained optimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics , doi: 10.1016/, 2012.
  76. Milan Savic, Zoran Peric, Milan Dinčić, Coding algorithm for grayscale images based on piecewise uniform quantizers, Informatica, Vol. 23, Iss. 1, pp. 125--140, 2012.
  77. S. Stević, On some isometries on the Bergman-Privalov class on the unit ball, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, Vol. 75, Iss. 4, pp. 2448--2454, 2012.
  78. O. Hatori, Y. Iida, S. Stević, S. I. Ueki, Multiplicative isometries on F-algebras of holomorphic functions, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2012, 2012.
  79. S. Stević, J. Diblik, B.Iričanin, Z. Šmarda, On the difference equation x_n=a_nx_{n-k}/(b_n+c_nx_{n-1}?x_{n-k}), Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2012, 2012.
  80. S. Stević, J. Diblik, B.Iričanin, Z. Šmarda, On a third-order system of difference equations with variable coefficients, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2012, 2012.
  81. S. Stević, J. Diblik, B.Iričanin, Z. Šmarda, On the difference equation x_{n+1}=x_nx_{n-k}/(x_{n-k+1}(a+bx_nx_{n-k})), Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2012, 2012.
  82. S. Stević, J. Diblik, B.Iričanin, Z. Šmarda, On some solvable difference equations and systems of difference equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2012, 2012.
  83. S. Stević, J. Diblik, B.Iričanin, Z. Šmarda, On a periodic system of difference equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2012, 2012.
  84. S. Stević, Generalized composition operators on weighted Hardy spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 17, pp. 8347--8352, 2012.
  85. S. Stević, Weighted radial operator from the mixed-norm space to the nth weighted-type space on the unit ball, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 18, pp. 9241--9247, 2012.
  86. S. Stević, On the difference equation x_n=x_{n-k}/(b+cx_{n-1}?x_{n-k}), Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 11, pp. 6291--6296, 2012.
  87. S. Stević, On a third-order system of difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 14, pp. 7649--7654, 2012.
  88. S. Stević, On some solvable systems of difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 9, pp. 5010--5018, 2012.
  89. S. Stević, Weighted iterated radial operators between different weighted Bergman spaces on the unit ball, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 17, pp. 8288--8294, 2012.
  90. S. Stević, Boundedness and compactness of an integral-type operator from Bloch-type spaces with normal weights to F(p,q,s) space, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 9, pp. 5414--5424, 2012.
  91. W. Liu, S. Stević, Global attractivity of a family of nonautonomous max-type difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 11, pp. 6297--6303, 2012.
  92. S. Stević, On some linear difference equations and inequalities with continuous argument, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 19, pp. 9831--9838, 2012.
  93. S. Stević, Existence of bounded solutions of some systems of nonlinear functional differential equations with complicated deviating argument, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 19, pp. 9974--9979, 2012.
  94. S. Stević, Solutions of a max-type system of difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 19, pp. 9825--9830, 2012.
  95. S. Stević, On some periodic systems of max-type difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 23, pp. 11483--11487, 2012.
  96. S. Stević, Application of difference equations in divisibility, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 219, Iss. 4, pp. 2060--2066, 2012.
  97. S. Stević, Difference equations and nonexistence of solutions of an integral equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 219, Iss. 4, pp. 1998--2003, 2012.
  98. S. Stević, Globally bounded solutions of a system of nonlinear functional differential equations with iterated deviating argument, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 219, Iss. 4, pp. 2180--2185, 2012.
  99. S. Stević, Bounded solutions of some systems of nonlinear functional differential equations with iterated deviating argument, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 21, pp. 10429--10434, 2012.
  100. S. Stević, Local existence of Lipschitz-continuous solutions of systems of nonlinear functional equations with iterated deviations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 21, pp. 10542--10547, 2012.
  101. S. Stević, On continuous solutions of a class of systems of nonlinear functional difference equations with deviating argument, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 20, pp. 10188--10193, 2012.
  102. S. Stević, Solutions converging to zero of some systems of nonlinear functional differential equations with iterated deviating argument, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 219, Iss. 8, pp. 4031--4035, 2012.
  103. S. Stević, On solutions of a class of systems of nonlinear functional differential equations of neutral type with complicated deviations of an argument, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 219, Iss. 8, pp. 3693--3700, 2012.
  104. S. Stević, Norm of some operators from logarithmic Bloch-type spaces to weighted-type spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 22, pp. 11163--11170, 2012.
  105. S. Stević, Solutions of a system of functional differential equations in a right neighborhood of zero, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 219, Iss. 3, pp. 1011--1019, 2012.
  106. S. Stević, On a solvable rational system of difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 219, Iss. 6, pp. 2896--2908, 2012.
  107. S. Stević, Unique existence of bounded continuous solutions on the real line of a class of nonlinear functional equations with complicated deviations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Iss. 5, pp. 7813--7817, 2012.
  108. Stošović M, Stanojević M, Simić-Ogrizović S, Jovanović D, Djukanović L. The predictive value of anthropometric parameters on mortality in haemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Apr;26(4):1367-74
  109. T. Lukić, J. Lindblad, N. Sladoje. Regularized image denoising based on spectral gradient optimization. Inverse Problems Vol. 27, Nr. 8, 085010, 2011.
  110. J. Žunić, M. A. Aktas, C. Martinez-Ortiz. The distance between shape centroids is less than a quarter of the shape perimeter. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 44, Nr. 9, pp.2161-2169, 2011.
  111. N. Trotignon and K. Vušković, Combinatorial optimization with 2-joins, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B 102 (2011) 153-185.
  112. J.F. Wang, S.K. Simić, Q.X. Huang, F. Belardo and E.M. Li Marzi, Laplacian spectral characterization of disjoint union of paths and cycles, Linear Multilinear Algebra 59 (5) (2011) 531-539.
  113. F. Belardo, E.M.V. de Filippo and S.K. Simić, Computing the permanental polynomial of a matrix from a combinatorial viewpoint, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 66 (2011) 381-396.
  114. T. Milenković, V. Memišević and N. Pržulj, Dominating Biological Networks, PLoS ONE 6(8) (2011), e23016.
  115. Arabidopsis Interactome Mapping Consortium (N. Pržulj is one of authors), Evidence for Network Evolution in an Arabidopsis Interactome Map, Science 333 (2011), 601-607.
  116. O. Kuchaiev and N. Pržulj, Integrative Network Alignment Reveals Large Regions of Global Network Similarity in Yeast and Human, Bioinformatics (2011) doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr127.
  117. O. Kuchaiev, A. Stefanović, W. Hayes, and N. Pržulj, GraphCrunch 2: Software tool for network modeling, alignment and clustering, BMC Bioinformatics 12(24) (2011), 1-13.
  118. N. Pržulj, Protein-protein interactions: making sense of networks via graph-theoretic modeling, Bioessays 33(2) (2011).
  119. Janković S., Kadelburg Z., Radenović S., On cone metric spaces: a survey, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), no. 7, 2591-2601.
  120. J. Vindas, S. Pilipović, D. Rakić, Tauberian Theorems for the Wavelet Transform, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 17 (2011), 65--95.
  121. T. Došenović, A. Takači, D. Rakić, M. Brdar, A fixed point theorem for a special class of probabilistic contraction, Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 2011:74, doi:10.1186/1687-1812-2011-74.
  122. S. Stević, On a nonlinear generalized max-type difference equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 376 (2011), 317-328.
  123. L. Berg and S. Stević, On a generalized nonlinear functional equation, Nonlinear Anal. TMA 74 (2011), 3305-3310.
  124. X. Fu and S. Stević, The isometric extension problem in the unit sphere of the space sp(α), Nonlinear Anal. TMA 74 (2011), 733-738.
  125. S. Stević, On a product-type operator from Bloch spaces to weighted-type spaces on the unit ball, Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2011), 5930-5935.
  126. S. Stević and A. K. Sharma, Weighted composition operators between Hardy and growth spaces on the upper half-plane, Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2011), 4928-4934.
  127. S. Stević and A. K. Sharma, Composition operators from the space of Cauchy transforms to Bloch and the little Bloch-type spaces on the unit disk, Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2011), 10187-10194.
  128. W. Liu, X. Yang, S. Stević and B. Iričanin, Part metric and its applications to cyclic discrete dynamical systems, Abstr. Appl. Anal. Vol. 2011, Article ID 534974, (2011), 16 pages.
  129. C. M. Kent, W. Kosmala and S. Stević, On the difference equation xn+1 = xnxn-2 - 1, Abstr. Appl. Anal. Vol. 2011, Article ID 815285, (2011), 15 pages.
  130. S. Stević, On a system of difference equations, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011), 3372-3378.
  131. S. Stević, A. K. Sharma and S. D. Sharma, Weighted composition operators from weighted Bergman spaces to weighted-type spaces on the upper half-plane, Abstr. Appl. Anal. Vol. 2011, Article ID 989625, (2011), 10 pages.
  132. S. Stević and A. K. Sharma, Essential norm of composition operators between weighted Hardy spaces, Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2011), 6192-6197.
  133. S. Stević and B. Iričanin, Unbounded solutions of the difference equation xn = xn-lxn-k-1, Abstr. Appl. Anal. Vol. 2011, Article ID 561682, (2011), 8 pages.
  134. S. Stević, On some integral-type operators between a general space and Bloch-type spaces, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011), 2600-2618.
  135. L. Berg and S. Stević, On difference equations with powers as solutions and their connection with invariant curves, Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2011), 7191-7196.
  136. S. Stević, A. K. Sharma and A. Bhat, Products of multiplication composition and differenti- ation operators on weighted Bergman spaces, Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2011), 8115-8125.
  137. S. Stević, A. K. Sharma and A. Bhat, Essential norm of products of multiplication compo- sition and differentiation operators on weighted Bergman spaces, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011), 2386-2397.
  138. S. Stević and A. K. Sharma, Iterated differentiation followed by composition from Bloch-type spaces to weighted BMOA spaces, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011), 3574-3580.
  139. S. Stević and A. K. Sharma, Integral-type operators from Bloch-type spaces to QK spaces, Abstr. Appl. Anal. Vol. 2011, Article ID 698038, (2011), 16 pages.
  140. S. Stević, On the difference equation xn = xn-2/(bn +cnxn-1xn-2), Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011), 4507-4513.
  141. S. Stević, On a system of difference equations with period two coefficients, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011), 4317-4324.
  142. S. Stević, W. Liu and X. Yang, On a class of nonautonomous max-type difference equations, Abstr. Appl. Anal. Vol. 2011, Article ID 436852, (2011), 15 pages.
  143. L. Berg and S. Stević, On some systems of difference equations, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011), 1713-1718.
  144. S. Stević, Periodicity of a class of nonautonomous max-type difference equations, Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2011), 9562-9566.
  145. S. Stević, Characterizations of composition followed by differentiation between Bloch-type spaces, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011), 4312-4316.
  146. P. Galindo, M. Lindström and S. Stević, Essential norm of operators into weighted-type spaces on the unit ball, Abstr. Appl. Anal. Vol. 2011, Article ID 939873, (2011), 13 pages.
  147. Vojislav Mitić, Vesna Paunović, Jelena Purenović, Slobodanka Janković, Ljubiša Kocić, Igor Antolović, Dejan Rancic, The contribution of fractal nature to BaTiO3-ceramics microstructure analysis, Ceramic International, 38 2, (2012) pp. 1295-1301 (doi:10.1016/ceramint.2011.09.003), ISSN: 0272-8842. IF: 1.686
  148. Al Bastami, Anas; Belić, Milivoj R.; Milović, Daniela; Petrović, Nikola Z., Analytical chirped solutions to the (3 + 1)-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation for various diffraction and potential functions, Physical Review E, vol. 84, Issue 1, id. 016606
  149. Gradimir V. Milovanović, Aleksandar S. Cvetković, Gaussian quadrature rules using function derivatives, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume31, Issue1 Pp. 358-377
  150. Gradimir V. Milovanović, Aleksandar S. Cvetković, Marija P. Stanić, A generalized Birkhoff--Young--Chebyshev quadrature formula for analytic functions, Applied Mathematics and Computation Volume 218, Issue 3, 1 October 2011, Pages 944-948 (Special Issue in Honour of Hari M. Srivastava on his 70th Birth Anniversary)
  151. Aleksandar S. Cvetković, Gradimir V. Milovanović, On Drazin inverse of operator matrices, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 375, Issue 1, 1 March 2011, Pages 331-335
  152. Aleksandar Cvetković, Marija P. Stanić,Sladjana Dimitrijević, and Suzana Simić, Common Fixed Point Theorems for Four Mappings on Cone Metric Type Space, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 589725, 15 pages doi:10.1155/2011/589725
  153. Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba. An ant colony optimization algorithm with improved pheromone correction strategy for the minimum weight vertex cover problem, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 11, Issue 8, December 2011, Pages 5360-5366
  154. Marija Milojević, Stojan Radenović, Božidar Rosić, JensenÔÇÖs functional and polynomials in several variables,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 61, Issue 11, 2011,Pages 3322-3329.
  155. MC Sensor-A Novel Method for Measurement of Muscle Tension, Stancin, S., Meglic, A., Milutinovic, V., Tomazic., Sensors, vol. 11 br. 10, str. 9411-9425, 2011
  156. Miomir S. Stanković, Slađana D. Marinković, Predrag M. Rajković, DEFORMED AND MODIFIED MITTAG--LEFFLER POLYNOMIALS, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 54 (2011) 721--728.
  157. Ilic Velimir M, Stankovic Miomir S, Todorovic Branimir T, Entropy Message Passing, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, (2011), vol. 57 br. 1, str. 375-380.
  158. Dragan Marković, Dragan Cvetković, Branislav Mašić: Survey of software tools for energy efficiency in a community, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 9, December 2011, pp. 4897--4903, Elsevier Ltd., (ISSN 1364-0321), 2011. Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  159. Dragan Marković, Dragan Cvetković, Dejan Živković, Ranko Popović: Challenges of information and communication technology in energy efficient smart homes, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 16, Issue 2, February 2012, pp. 1210--1216, Elsevier Ltd., (ISSN 1364-0321), 2012. Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  160. Dragan Marković, Dragan Cvetković, Branislav Mašić, Survey of software tools for energy efficiency in a community, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 9, December 2011, pp. 4897--4903, Elsevier Ltd., (ISSN 1364-0321), 2011.
  161. Dragan Marković, Dragan Cvetković, Dejan Živković,Ranko Popović, Challenges of information and communication technology in energy efficient smart homes Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 16, Issue 2, February 2012, pp. 1210--1216, Elsevier Ltd., (ISSN 1364-0321), 2012.
  162. Aleksandar Perović, Zoran Ognjanović, Miodrag Rasšković, Dragan Radojević, Finitely additive probability measures on classical propositional formulas definable by Godel's t-norm and product t-norm, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 169, 65-90, 2011. doi:10.1016/j.fss.2010.10.007 M.
  163. Dr. Hranislav Milosević, Dr. Dojčin Petković, Dr. Svetlana Stevović, NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF INTERACTION DURING THE TOP BLOW IN A STEEL-MAKING CONVERTER, Reference: HMT8311, Journal title: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI list-Last Impact factor 1.898), PDF offprint dispatch: 24-6-2011
  164. Keren, O., Levin, I., Stanković, R.S., Linearization of logical functions defined by a set of orthogonal terms, 2, Algorithmic Aspects, Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 72, No. 4, 2011, 818-827.

Articles in journals (M22):

  1. Stefan Mišković, Zorica Stanimirović, A Memetic Algorithm for Solving Two Variants of the Two-Stage Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem, Information technology and Control, Information technology and Control, pp.131--149, 2013
  2. 1. Matic Bojan;2. Matic Danka;3. Cosic Ðorde;4. Sremac Siniša;5. Tepic Goran;6. Ranitovic Predrag;, A model for the pavement temperature prediction at specified depth, Metalurgija, Croatian Metallurgical Society;, pp.505--509, 2013
  3. Miloš Božić, Miloš Stojanović, Zoran Stajić, Dragan Tasić, A New Two-stage Approach to Short Term Electrical Load Forecasting, Energies, MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Vol.6, pp.2130--2148, 2013
  4. Bojan Furlan, Boško Nikolić, Veljko Milutinovic, A Survey and Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Intelligent Question Routing Systems, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Vol.28, Iss.7, pp.686--708, 2013
  5. Ivona Brajevic, An upgraded artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) for constrained optimization problems, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Springer, Vol.24, Iss.4, pp.729--740, 2013
  6. Branimir S. Jaksic, Boris Gara, Mile B. Petrovic, Petar Lj. Spalevic, Ivana M. Milosevic, Analysis of the Effects of Front and Back Lights in Chroma Key Effects During Implementation in Virtual TV Studio, International Journal of Computers and Communacationa - NAUN, NAUN, Vol.7, Iss.3, pp.90--97, 2013
  7. Milan Tuba, Asymptotic Behavior of the Maximum Entropy Routing in Computer Networks, Entropy: international and interdisciplinary open access journal of entropy and information studies, MDPI, Vol.15, Iss.1, pp.361--371, 2013
  8. Miloš Božić, Miloš Stojanović, Zoran Stajić, Nenad Floranović, Mutual Information-Based Inputs Selection for Electric Load Time Series Forecasting, Entropy, MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Vol.15, pp.926--942, 2013
  9. Branko Malešević, Maja Petrović, Marija Obradović, Branislav Popkonstantinović, On the extension of the Erdös-Mordell type inequalities, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, Element d.o.o Zagreb,, Vol.16, Iss.4, pp.1--13, 2013
  10. Ivana Petrovic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Petar Spalevic, Stefan R. Panic, Dušan Stefanovic, Outage Analysis Of Selection Diversity Over Rayleigh Fading Channels With Multiple Co-Channel Interferers, Telecommunication Systems, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Vol.1, Iss.52, pp.39--50, 2013
  11. Miloš Milovanović, rad u časpoisu velikog značaja, Geocentrism and heliocentrism as opposed paradigmatic conceptions, European journal of science and theology, Vol.9, Iss.4, pp.31--45, 2013
  12. Mijatovic Ivana S, Cudanov Mladen, Jednak Sandra, Kadijevich Djordje M, Unapredjivanje on-line ucenja, How the usage of learning management systems influences student achievement, Routledge, Vol.18, Iss.5, pp.506--517, 2013
  13. Kovacevic A., Dehghan A., Keane J. , Nenadic G., Topic Categorisation of Statements in Suicide Notes with Integrated Rules and Machine , Biomedical Informatics Insights, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 115--124, 2012.
  14. Erić-Nikolić A., Milovanović Z., Sánchez D., Pekáriková A., Džodić R., Matić ZI., Tučková L., Jevrić M., Buta M., Rašković S., Juranić Z., Overexpression of Calreticulin in Malignant and Benign Breast Tumors: Relationship with Humoral Immunity, Oncology; Clinical Translational Research, Iss. 82, pp. 48--55, 2012.
  15. Djordjić M., Matić I., Filipović-Lješković I., Džodić R., Šašić M., Erić-Nikolić A., Vuletić A., Koliundžija B., Damjanović A., Grozdanić N., Nikolić S., Pralica J., Dobrosavljević D., Rašković S., Andrejević S., Juranić Z.", Immunity to melanin and to tyrosinase in melanoma patients, and in people with vitiligo, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Iss. 12, pp. 109--117, 2012.
  16. Simic-Ogrizovic S., Bogavac-Stanojevic N., Vuckovic Maja, Dopsaj V., Giga V., Kravljaca M., Stosovic M., Lezaic V., Risk Factors Associated with Coronary Artery Calcification Should Be Examined before Kidney Transplantation, Tohoku J Exp Med., Vol. 226, Iss. 2, pp. 137--144, 2012.
  17. Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Joviša Žunić, A Family of Cubeness Measures , Machine Vision and Applications, Vol. 23, Iss. 4, pp. 751--760, 2012.
  18. V. Janjic, N. Przulj, The Core Diseasome, Molecular BioSystems , Vol. 8, pp. 2614--2625, 2012.
  19. M. Andjelic, C.M. da Fonseca, S.K. Simić, D.V. Tosic, Connected graphs of fixed order and size with maximal Q-index: some spectral bounds, Discrete Appl. Math., Vol. 160, Iss. 4-5, pp. 448--459, 2012.
  20. Jelena A. Anastasov, Goran T. Djorđević, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Analytical model for outage probability of interference-limited systems over extended generalized-K fading channels, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 16, Iss. 4, pp. 473--475, 2012.
  21. Ivona Brajevic, Milan Tuba, An upgraded artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) for constrained optimization problems, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, doi: DOI: 10.1007/s10845-011-0621-6, 2012.
  22. Mihajlo C. Stefanovic, Stefan R. Panic, Dušan M. Stefanovic, Bojana Nikolic , Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Second order statistics of selection combining receiver over κ-μ fading channels subject to co/channel interferences, Radio Science, Vol. 47, Iss. 6, 2012.
  23. Saša Muminović, Vladan Pavlović, Dušan Joksimović, Profitability and business excellence analysis of dairy industry in Serbia, Mljekarstvo, Vol. 62, Iss. 3, pp. 207--218, 2012.
  24. Ebadi Ghodrat, Mojaver Aida, Milovic Daniela M. , Johnson Stephen, Biswas Anjan, Solitons and other solutions to the quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation, Astrophysics and space science, Vol. 341, Iss. 2, pp. 507--513, 2012.
  25. Aleksandra Panajotović, Nikola Sekulović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, Average Level Crossing Rate of Dual Selection Diversity over Correlated Unbalanced Nakagami-m Fading Channels in the Presence of Cochannel Interference, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 16, Iss. 5, pp. 691--693, 2012.
  26. Zoran Ognjanović, Zoran Marković, Miodrag Rašković, Dragan Doder, Aleksandar Perović, A propositional probabilistic logic with discrete linear time for reasoning about evidence, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 65, Iss. 2-3, pp. 217--243, doi: DOI: 10.1007/s10472-012-9307-9, 2012.
  27. Aleksandar Nikolić, Mathematician Judita Cofman (1936-2001), Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 10, Iss. 1, pp. 91--115, 2012.
  28. Miloš Stojanović, Miloš Božić, Milena Stanković, Zoran Stajić, Adaptive least squares support vector machines method for short-term load forecasting based on mutual information for inputs selection, International review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 7, Iss. 1, pp. 3574--3585, 2012.
  29. S. Marković, N. Jovanović, Learning style as a factor which affects the quality of e-learning, Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol. 38, Iss. 4, pp. 303--312, 2012.
  30. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Design of Novel Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantizer for Gaussian Memoryless Source, Radio Science, Vol. 47, Iss. 2, pp. 1--6, 2012.
  31. Galjak Mirjana, Nikolić Vesna, Barriers to participation in programs for adult education in environmental education, Journal Technics Technologies Education Management, Vol. 7, Iss. 2, pp. 716--723, 2012.
  32. Taradi Josip, Nikolić Vesna, The Basic Principles for Improving Occupational Health and Safety Information Systems and Knowledge Management, Journal Technics Technologies Education Management, Vol. 8, Iss. 1, 2012.
  33. Todorovic Miliša, Zivković Snežana, Nikolić Vesna, Markič Mirko, The Influence of Organizational Culture of Management on Occupational Safety, Journal Technics Technologies Education Management, Vol. 8, Iss. 1, 2012.
  34. Rajter-ãirić Danijela, Seleši Dora, Nonlinear stochastic differential equations containing generalized delta processes, Monatshefte fuer Mathematik , Vol. 168, Iss. 1, pp. 75--112, 2012.
  35. S. Pilipović, D. Rakić, J. Vindas, New Classes of Weighted H÷lder-Zygmund Spaces and the Wavelet Transform, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, Vol. 2012, 2012.
  36. D. Rakić, N. Teofanov, Progressive Gelfand-Shilov Spaces and Wavelet Transforms, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, Vol. 2012, 2012.
  37. Johansson Karoline, Pilipović Stevan, Teofanov Nenad, Joachim Gabor pairs, and a discrete approach to wave-front sets, Monatsh. Math., Vol. 166, Iss. 2, pp. 181--199, 2012.
  38. Atanackovic Teodor M., Janev Marko, Pilipovic Stevan, Zorica Dusan , Complementary variational principles with fractional derivatives, Acta Mechanica , Vol. 223, Iss. 4, pp. 685--704, 2012.
  39. L. Berg, S. Stević, On the asymptotics of some difference equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol. 18, Iss. 5, pp. 785--797, 2012.
  40. Kovacevic A., Konjovic Z., Milosavljevic B., Nenadic G., Mining methodologies from NLP publications: A case study in automatic , Computer Speech & Language, Vol. 26, Iss. 2, pp. 105--126, 2012.
  41. Erić-Nikolić A, Milovanović Z, Sanchez D, Pekarikova A, Džodić R, Matić I, Tučkova L, Jevrić M, Buta M, Rašković S, Juranić Z. Overexpression of calreticulin in malignant and benign breast tumors: relationship to the humoral immunity, 2011, Oncology
  42. H. Sarve, J. Lindblad, G. Borgefors, C.B. Johansson. Extracting 3D Information on Bone Remodeling in the Proximity of Titanium Implants in SR++CT Image Volumes. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Vol 102, No 1, pp. 25-34, 2011.
  43. Z. Huang, H. Deng and S.K. Simić, On the spectral radius of cactuses with perfect matchings, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 5 (2011) 14-21.
  44. M. Andjelić, C.M. da Fonseca, S.K. Simić, D.V. Tošić, On bounds for the index of double nested graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 435(2011), 2475-2490.
  45. F. Belardo, E.M. Li Marzi, S.K. Simić, J.F.Wang, Graphs whose (signless) Laplacian spectral radius does not exceed the Laplacian Hoffman limit value, Linear Algebra Appl., 435(2011), 2913-2920.
  46. M. Petrović, T. Aleksić, S.K. Simić, Further results on the least eigenvalue of connected graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 435(2011), 2303-2313.
  47. Atanacković, T.M., Janev, M., Pilipović, S., Zorica, D., Complementary variational principle with fractional derivatives, Acta Mechanica (2012)
  48. Rajter-ãirić, D., Stojanović M., Convolution type derivatives and transforms of Colombeau generalized stochastic processes, Integral transforms and special functions, 22, 319-326, 2011
  49. Rajter-ãirić, D., Seleši D., Nonlinear stochastic differential equations containing generalized delta processes, Monatsh.Math. DOI: 10.1007/s00605-011-0356-7
  50. Aleksandra M. Cvetkovic, Jelena Anastasov, Stefan Panic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Dejan Milic, ÔÇ£Performance of dual-hop relaying over shadowed Ricean fading channels, Journal of Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 1335-3632, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp.244--248, August 2011
  51. Anjan Biswas, Megan Fessak, Stephen Johnson, Siercke Beatrice, Daniela Milovic, Zlatko Jovanoski, Russell Kohl, Fayequa Majid, Optical soliton perturbation in non-Kerr law media: Traveling wave solution, Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 44, Issue 1, February 2012, Pages 263-268
  52. Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic & Russell Kohl , Optical soliton perturbation in a log-law medium with full nonlinearity by He's semi-inverse variational principle, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/17415977.2011.603088, 2011
  53. Giovanni Monegato, Letizia Scuderi and Marija P.Stanić, Lubich convolution quadratures and their application to problems described by space-time BIEs, NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS, Volume 56, Number 3, 405-436, DOI: 10.1007/s11075-010-9394-9
  54. Abdullo Rakhmonovich Hayotov, Gradimir V. Milovanović and Kholmat Mahkambaevich Shadimetov, On an optimal quadrature formula in the sense of Sard, NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS, Volume 57, Number 4, 487- 510, DOI: 10.1007/s11075-010-9440-7
  55. Tafa, Z., Rakocevic, G., Mihailovic, Dj., Milutinovic, V., Effects of Interdisciplinary Education On Technology-driven Application Design IEEE Transactions on Education, August 2011, pp.462-470.
  56. Stankovic Miomir S, Marinkovic Sladjana D, Rajkovic Predrag M, The deformed and modified Mittag-Leffler polynomials, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, (2011), vol. 54, No. 1-2, pp. 721-728
  57. Naumovic R, Furuncic D, Jovanovic D, Stosovic M, Basta-Jovanovic G, Lezaic V. Application of artificial neural networks in estimating predictive factors and therapeutic efficacy in idiopathic membranous nephropathy. Biomed Pharmacother. 2010 Nov;64(9):633-8.
  58. Naumovic R, Jovanovic D, Pavlovic S, Stosovic M, Marinkovic J, Basta-Jovanovic G. Cyclosporine versus azathioprine therapy in high-risk idiopathic membranous nephropathy patients: A 3-year prospective study. Biomed Pharmacother. 2011 Mar;65(2):105-10.

Articles in journals (M23):

  1. Miloš Milošević, Zoran Ognjanović, A First-Order Conditional Probability Logic With Iterations, Publications de L'Institute Matematique, Matematicki institut SANU, Vol.107, Iss.93, pp.19--27, 2013
  2. Kupusinac A., Doroslovački R., Malbaški D., Srdić Galić B., Stokić E., A primary estimation of the cardiometabolic risk by using artificial neural networks, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, Vol.43, Iss.6, pp.751--757, 2013
  3. Marija Blagojević, Živadin Micić, A web-based intelligent report e-learning system using data mining techniques, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, Vol.39, Iss.2, pp.231--243, 2013
  4. Violeta Tomašević, Milo Tomašević, An analysis of the chain characteristics in the cryptanalytic TMTO method, Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol.501, pp.52--61, 2013
  5. Zoran Perić, Aleksandar Jocić, Jelena Nikolić, Lazar Velimirović, Dragan Denić, Analysis of Differential Pulse Code Modulation with Forward Adaptive Lloyd-Max’s Quantizer for Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique, Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Vol.58, Iss.4, pp.424--434, 2013
  6. Lj.R. Janković, V.Đ. Miltenović, M.P. Stanić, Đ.V. Miltenović, Analytic and experimental determination of gear pair degree of efficiency, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.2, Iss.19, pp.202--213, 2013
  7. Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm with Pheromone Correction Strategy for the Minimum Connected Dominating Set Problem, Computer Science and Information Systems, ComSIS Consortium, Vol.10, Iss.1, pp.133--149, 2013
  8. Dragana Valjarević,Ljiljana Petrović,Aleksandar Valjarević, Jasmina Jovanović, Dragan Radovanović, Aplication in Geo-Sciences, Causality and weak solutions of stochastic differential equations with applications, DRUNPP SARAJEVO, Vol.8, Iss.3, pp.u stampi2013
  9. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Lazar Velimirović, Miomir Stanković, Danijela Aleksić, Asymmetrical Two-Level Scalar Quantizer with Extended Huffman Coding for Compression of Laplacian Source, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava and the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, Vol.13, Iss.2, pp.39--42, 2013
  10. Aleksandra Panajotović, Nikola Sekulović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, Časlav Stefanović, Average Fade Duration of Dual Selection Diversity over Correlated Unbalanced Nakagami-m Fading Channels in the Presence of Cochannel Interference, Frequenz, de Gruyter, Vol.67, Iss.41590, pp.393--398, 2013
  11. Dejan N. Milić, Goran T. Đorđević, Bit Error Rate Performance of Partially Coherent Dual-Branch SSC Receiver over Composite Fading Channels, Frequenz, De Gruyter, Vol.67, Iss.1-2, pp.51--57, 2013
  12. Jelena Anastasov, Stefan Panic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, and Vladeta Milenkovic, Capacity of Correlative Nakagami m Fading Channels under Adaptive Transmission and Maximal Ratio Combining Diversity Technique, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, M A I K Nauka - Interperiodica, Vol.12, Iss.58, pp.1227--1234, 2013
  13. Ivan Filipović, Aleksandar Valjarević, Milan Djordjević,Mila Pavlović, Aleksandar Radivojević, Marija Bratić, Ljiljana Dimitrijević, Cartographic generalization, Cartographic method and validity of computer aided cartographic generalization of river flows, DRUNPP SARAJEVO, Vol.8, Iss.1, pp.404--411, 2013
  14. Blagojević Marija, Milošević Marjan, Collaboration and learning styles in pure online courses: an action research, Journal of Universal Computer Science, J.UCS consortium, Vol.19, Iss.7, pp.984--1002, 2013
  15. H. Milosevic, D. Vasileski, S. Stevovic, Construction, SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS RENOVATION IN THE FUNCTION OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY,, TTEM, Vol.8, Iss.1, pp.31--38, 2013
  16. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Miomir Stanković, Design of Compandor Based on Approximate the First-Degree Spline Function, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Telecommunications and Electronics, Vol.19, Iss.10, pp.151--154, 2013
  17. Vladislav Dragosavac, Slobodan Jovanović, Developing an authoring Word-based tool for adaptive word documents, Pensee Journal, Espaces Marx, Paris, Vol.75, Iss.12, pp.39--53, 2013
  18. Igor Franc, Zona Kostic, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Ranko Popovic, DF-Lab: Digital Forensic Virtual Laboratory for Collaborative Distance Learning, Metalurgia International, Romanian Metallurgical Foundation, Vol.18, Iss.8, pp.102-106--102-106, 2013
  19. Darko B. Mitić, Staniša Lj. Perić, Dragan S. Antić, Zoran D. Jovanović, Marko T. Milojković, Saša S. Nikolić, Digital Sliding Mode Control of Anti-Lock Braking System, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, Vol.13, Iss.1, pp.33--40, 2013
  20. A. Kartelj, N. Mitić, V.Filipović, D. Tošić, Electromagnetism-like algorithm for support vector machine parameter tuning, Soft Computing, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
  21. Slobodan Petrović, Živadin Micić, Marija Blagojević, Nebojša Stanković, EQMx12 MODEL OF EXCELLENCE FOR IS IMPROVEMENT - On the examples of higher education institutions, Technics Technologies Education Management, DRUNPP Sarajevo, Vol.1, Iss.8, pp.148--157, 2013
  22. Svetlana Jakšić, Luca Padovani, Exception handling for copyless messaging, Science of Computer Programming, Elsevier, 2013
  23. Pesut D, Raskovic S, Tomic-Spiric V, Bulajic M, Bogic M, Bursuc B, Peric-Popadic A., Gender differences revealed by the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire in allergic rhinitis, ClinRespir J., ClinRespir J., 2013
  24. Aleksandar Valjarević, Dragica Živković, Vladica Stevanović, GIS aplication , Digital Cartography, Comparison of an analogue and computer supported line generalisation following the concrete example of the Sitnica River system, academicjournals, Vol.8, Iss.34, pp.1637--1648, 2013
  25. Milan Tuba, Ivona Brajevic, Raka Jovanovic, Hybrid Seeker Optimization Algorithm for Global Optimization, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, Natural Sciences Publ. Corp., Vol.7, Iss.3, pp.867--875, 2013
  26. Milan Tuba, Raka Jovanovic, Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm with Pheromone Correction Strategy for the Traveling Salesman Problem, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, CCC University of Oradea, Vol.8, Iss.3, pp.477--485, 2013
  27. Dalibor Radovanović, Tijana Radojević, Saša Adamović, Marko Šarac, Information technology audit process and cobit, Metalurgia International, Romanian Metallurgical Foundation, Vol.18, Iss.8, pp.102--114, 2013
  28. Marija Obradović, Slobodan Mišić, Branislav Popkonstantinović, Maja Petrović, Branko Malešević, Ratko Obradović, Investigation of Concave Cupolae Based Polyhedral Structures and Their Potential Application in Architecture, Technics Technologies Education Management, Drunpp, Sarajevo, Vol.8, Iss.3, pp.1198--1214, 2013
  29. Živadin Micić, Nebojša Stanković, Knowledge and innovations trends in metallurgy subfields within standardization platform, Metalurgia International, University Bucharest, Vol.18, Iss.8, pp.154--160, 2013
  30. Živadin Micić, Milica Tufegdžić, Knowledge trends in the subfields of manufacturing engineering at the platform, Metalurgia International, University Bucharest, Vol.18, Iss.7, pp.45--50, 2013
  31. Miloš Stojanović, Miloš Božić, Zoran Stajić, Marko Milošević, LS-SVM model for electrical load prediction based on incremental training set update, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, Wydawnictwo SIGMA - N O T Sp. z o.o., Vol.89, Iss.4, pp.195--199, 2013
  32. Zoran Babovic, Veljko Milutinovic, Novel System Architectures for Semantic-Based Integration of Sensor Networks, Advances in Computers, Elsevier, Vol.90, Iss.1, pp.91--183, 2013
  33. Marko T. Milojković, Dragan S. Antić, Saša S. Nikolić, Zoran D. Jovanović, Staniša Lj. Perić, On a New Class of Quasi-orthogonal Filters, International Journal of Electronics, Taylor & Francis, Vol.100, Iss.10, pp.1361--1372, 2013
  34. B. Malešević, M. Petrović, M. Obradović, B. Popkonstantinović, On the Extension of the Erdos - Mordell Type Inequalities,, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, Element doo. Zagreb, Croatia, Vol.16, Iss.4, 2013
  35. M. Stojanović, D. Tasić, A. Ristić, Optimal Allocation of Distribution Automation Devices in Medium Voltage Network, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, Vol.19, Iss.4, pp.9--14, 2013
  36. Marija Milojević, Optimization of the transverse load factor of helical and spur gears using genetic algorithm, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, Natural Publishing, Iss.4, pp.1323--1331, 2013
  37. Djurdje Perišić, Aleksandar Žorić, Slobodan Obradović, Djordje Perišić, originalan rad, FLL as Digital Period Synthesizer based on Binary Rate Multiplier Control, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review),, Vol.01a/2013, Iss.R. 89 NR 01a/2013, pp.145--148, 2013
  38. Aleksandra M. Cvetkovic, Dejan Milić, Aleksandar S. Cvetkovic, Mihajlo C. Stefanovic, Outage performance of dual-hop AF relay channels with co-channel interferences over rayleigh fading, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Vol.70, Iss.4, pp.1993--2006, 2013
  39. Aleksandra Cvetkovic, Dejan Milic, Aleksandar Cvetkovic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Outage Perfromance of Dual-Hop AF Relay Channels with Co-Channel Interference over Rayleigh Fading, Wireless Personal Communication, Springer, Vol.70, Iss.4, pp.1993--2006, 2013
  40. Milica Petković, Mihajlo Stefanović, Aleksandra Cvetković, Dragana Krstić, Ivan Mitić, Časlav Stefanović, Outage probability analysis of system with dual selection combining over correlated Weibull fading channel in the presence of α-µ co-channel interference, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), SIGMA-NOT Company, Vol.R. 89, Iss.NR 8/2013, pp.126--129, 2013
  41. Tatjana Davidović, Tatjana Jakšić, Dušan Ramljak, Milica Šelmić, Dušan Teodorović, Parallelization strategies for bee colony optimization based on message passing communication protocol, Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Vol.62, Iss.8, pp.1113--1142, 2013
  42. Zlatko J. Mitrović, Goran T. Đorđević, Bojana Z. Nikolić, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Dejan N. Milić, Performance of partially coherent selection combining receiver in alpha-mu fading channel, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, Springer, Vol.58, Iss.12, pp.1251--1256, 2013
  43. Miloš Božić, Miloš Stojanović, Zoran Stajić, Đukan Vukić, Power Transformer Fault Diagnosis based on Dissolved Gas Analysis with Logistic Regression, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, Wydawnictwo SIGMA - N O T Sp. z o.o., Vol.89, Iss.6, pp.83--87, 2013
  44. M. Anđelić, D. Cardoso, S.K. Simić, Relations between (kappa,tau)-regular sets and star complements, Czeckoslovakian Mathematical Journal, Springer Verlag, pp.73--90, 2013
  45. Stankovic Jelena, Savkovic Marina, Kostic Zona, Reserach on recruting simulations and carrer center services in virtual environments, Metalurgia International, Romanian Metallurgical Foundation, Vol.18, Iss.10, pp.50--58, 2013
  46. Miroslav Cajic, Bogdan Brkic, Marko Sarac, Sasa Adamovic, Mladen Veinovic, Safety assessment of android operating system, Technics Technologies Education Management, TTEM, Vol.8, Iss.3, pp.1123--1133, 2013
  47. Stanko Stankov, Savremen način upravljanja procesom proizvodnje mineralne vune, HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, Institut tehničkih nauka Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, Beograd, Vol.67, Iss.2, pp.375--384, 2013
  48. Milos Bandjur, Nikola Sekulovic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Aleksandra Golubovic, Petar Spalevic, and Dejan Milic, Second-Order Statistics of System with Microdiversity and Macrodiversity Reception in Gamma-Shadowed Rician Fading Channels, ETRI Journal, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Vol.35, Iss.4, pp.722--725, 2013
  49. Goran Janaćković, Suzana Savić, Miomir Stanković, Selection and ranking of occupational safety indicators based on fuzzy AHP: Case study in road construction companies, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, University of Pretoria - Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol.24, Iss.3, pp.175--189, 2013
  50. V. Petrovic, H. Milosevic, V. Pavlovic, Semiconductor sintering, ASPECTS OF SINTERING KINETICS OF MAGNESIUM TITANATE, Vol.45, Iss.2, pp.133--139, 2013
  51. Dragiša Žunić, Joviša Žunić, Shape ellipticity based on the first Hu moment invariant, Information Processing Letters, Elsevier, pp.807--810, 2013
  52. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Lazar Velimirović, Simple Solution for Designing the Piecewise Linear Scalar Companding Quantizer for Gaussian Source, Radioengineering, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Vol.22, Iss.1, pp.194--199, 2013
  53. Ljiljana Petrovic, Some Causal Connections Between Stochastic Dynamic Systems, FILOMAT, pp.865--873, 2013
  54. Ljiljana Petrovic, Dragana Stanojevic, Statistical Causality and Stable Subspaces of Hp, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Cambridge University Press, Vol.88, Iss.1, pp.1--9, 2013
  55. A.Fišteš, D. Šoronja Simović, D. Rakić, J. Mastilović, Statistical evaluation of different wheatand flour quality tests for predicting end-use performance, Acta Alimentaria, Akademiai Kiado Rt., Budapest, Hungary, Vol.3, Iss.42, pp.349--359, 2013
  56. Peric-Popadic A, Bogic M, Tomic Spiric V, Djuric V, Bolpacic J, Milosevic B, Spasic S, Raskovic S., The acute meningoencephalitis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus, Vojnosanitetski pregled, Vojnosanitetski pregled, Vol.70, Iss.7, pp.627--718, 2013
  57. Kostic Zona, Cvetkovic Dragan, Jevremovic Aleksandar, Dusko Radakovic, Dragan Markovic, The development of assembly constraints within a virtual laboratory for collaborative learning in industrial design, Technical Gazette, Technical faculties of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (UNIOS), Vol.20, Iss.5, pp.747--753, 2013
  58. A. Fišteš, D. Rakić, B. Pajin, Lj. Dokić, I. Nikolić, The effect of processing parameters on energy consumption of ball mill refiner for chocolate, Hemijska Industrija, Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd, Srbija, Vol.5, Iss.67, pp.747--751, 2013
  59. A. Fišteš, D. Rakić, A. Takači, The function for estimating the separation efficiencyof the wheat flour milling process, Journal of Food Science and Technology - Mysore, Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India, Vol.3, Iss.50, pp.609--614, 2013
  60. Staniša Lj. Perić, Dragan S. Antić, Vlastimir D. Pavlović, Saša S. Nikolić, Marko T. Milojković, Ultra Selective Low-pass Linear-phase FIR Filter, Electronics Letters, Institution of Engineering and Technology - IET, Vol.49, Iss.9, pp.595--597, 2013
  61. Nenad Mladenovic, Dragan Urosevic, Said Hanafi, Variable neighborhood search for the travelling deliveryman problem, 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, Springer-Verlag, Vol.11, Iss.1, pp.57--73, 2013
  62. Zona Kostić, Duško Radaković, Aleksandar Jevremović, Dragan Cvetković, Virtual computer laboratory for collaborative CAD designing on distance, Metalurgia International, Romanian Metallurgical Foundation, 2013
  63. Stosovic M., Raskovic S., Marinkovic J., Comparation of Two Diverse Measurement Methods by Graphical Agreement, Renal Failure, Vol. 34, Iss. 9, pp. 1091--1094, doi: 10.3109/0886022x.2012.715609, 2012.
  64. M.J. Mihaljevic, S. Gangopadhyay, G. Paul , H. Imai, State Recovery of Grain-v1 Employing Normality Order of the Filter Function, IET Information Security (IET) , Vol. 6, Iss. 2, pp. 55--64, 2012.
  65. M.J. Mihaljevic, S. Gangopadhyay, G. Paul , H. Imai, Internal State Recovery of Keystream Generator LILI-128 Based on a Novel Weakness of the Employed Boolean Function, Information Processing Letters (Elsevier), Vol. 112, Iss. 21, pp. 805--810, 2012.
  66. M.J. Mihaljevic, S. Gangopadhyay, G. Paul , H. Imai, Generic Cryptographic Weakness of k-normal Boolean Functions in Certain Stream Ciphers and Cryptanalysis of Grain-128, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (Springer), Vol. 65, Iss. 2, pp. 205--227, 2012.
  67. Dragiša Žunić, Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Joviša Žunić, Shape Rectangularity Measures, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 26, Iss. 6, pp. 23--23, 2012.
  68. J. Lindblad, N. Sladoje, Coverage Segmentation based on Linear Unmixing and Minimization of Perimeter and Boundary Thickness, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 33, Iss. 6, pp. 728--738, 2012.
  69. V. ãurić, J. Lindblad, N. Sladoje, H. Sarve, G. Borgefors, A new set distance and its application to shape registration, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2012.
  70. Silvia Ghilezan, Luca Paolini, Intersection types and related systems, Fundamenta informaticae, IOS Press, Netherlands, Vol. 121, Iss. 1-4, pp. 1--2, 2012.
  71. Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantović, Three Classes of Maximal Hyperclones, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol. 18, Iss. 2, pp. 201--210, 2012.
  72. Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantović, Ivo G. Rosenberg, Regular Sets of Operations, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol. 19, Iss. 1-3, pp. 149--162, 2012.
  73. Jose Espirito Santo, Jelena Ivetić, Silvia Likavec, Characterising strongly normalising intuitionistic terms, Fundamenta informaticae, IOS Press, Netherlands, Vol. 121, pp. 87--124, 2012.
  74. Jelena Govorčin, Nebojša Gvozdenović, Janez Povh, New heuristics for the vertex coloring problem based on semidefinite programming, Central European Journal of Operations Research, doi: 10.1007/s10100-012-0276-1, 2012.
  75. P. Aboulker, M. Radovanović, N. Trotignon, K. Vušković, Graphs that do not contain a cycle with a node that has two neighbors on it, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics , Vol. 26, Iss. 4, pp. 1510--1531, 2012.
  76. Jelena A. Anastasov, Stefan R. Panić, Goran T. Đorđević, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Performance of Dual Branch SSC Receiver in Correlated α-μ Fading Channels, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 63, Iss. 4, pp. 937--945, 2012.
  77. Srđan Milosavljević, Jelena A. Anastasov, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Stefan R. Panić, Average BER of SSC receiver over correlated Rayleigh fading channels in the presence of interference, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), Vol. 88, Iss. 2, pp. 262--265, 2012.
  78. Jelena A. Anastasov, Goran T. Đorđević, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Outage probability of interference-limited system over Weibull-gamma fading channel, Electronics Letters, Vol. 48, Iss. 7, pp. 408--410, 2012.
  79. Nebojsa Bacanin, Milan Tuba, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Improved with Genetic Operators, Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol. 21, Iss. 2, pp. 137--146, 2012.
  80. G.V. Milovanović, A.S. Cvetković, M.P. Stanić, A trigonometric orthogonality with respect to a nonnegative Borel measure, Filomat, Vol. 26, Iss. 4, pp. 689--696, 2012.
  81. Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Mihajlo C. Stefanovic, Outage Probability of Dual-Hop CSI-assisted Relay Systems over Rayleigh/Nakagami-m Fading Channels with Interferences at the Relay, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 122, Iss. 6, pp. 97--100, 2012.
  82. Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Dejan N. Milic, Aleksandar S. Cvetkovic, Mihajlo C. Stefanovic, ''Outage Performance of Dual-Hop AF Relay Channels with Co-channel Interferences over Rayleigh Fading'', Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 1--14, 2012.
  83. Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Goran Đorđević, Mihajlo C. Stefanovic, Outage probability of dual-hop semi-blind relaying with interferences at the relay, Prezeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), Vol. 12a, pp. 325--327, 2012.
  84. Bojana Z. Nikolić, Goran T. Đorđević, George K. Karagiannidis, On the effect of imperfect cophasing in MRC and EGC receivers over correlated Weibull fading channels, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 62, Iss. 1, pp. 31--39, 2012.
  85. Goran T. Đorđević, Ivan B. Đorđević, George K. Karagiannidis, Partially coherent EGC reception of uncoded and LDPC-coded signals over generalized fading channels, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 66, Iss. 1, pp. 25--39, 2012.
  86. Bojana Nikolic, Bojan Dimitrijevic, Nenad Milosevic, Goran T. Đorđević, Performance improvement of QPSK signal predetection EGC diversity receiver, Radioengineering, Vol. 21, Iss. 3, pp. 831--837, 2012.
  87. Mihajlo Stefanović, Petar Nikolić, Dragana Krstić, Vesad Doljak, Outage probability of the SSC/SC combiner at two time instants in the presence of lognormal fading, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), Vol. R. 88 NR , Iss. 3a/2012, pp. 237--240, 2012.
  88. D.áStefanović, B.áNikolić, D.áMilić, M.áStefanović, N.áSekulović, Post Detection Microdiversity and Dual Macrodiversity in Shadowed Fading Channels, Electronics And Electrical Engineering, Vol. 117, Iss. 1, pp. 85--88, 2012.
  89. Branimir Jaksic, Hana Stefanovic , Dejan Milić, Ljubica Spalevic, Zoran Trajcevski, Milos Peric, Relative measutrement error analysis in the Weibull fading parameter estimation, TTEM -- Technics Technologies Education management, Journal, Vol. 7, Iss. 4, pp. 1462--1467, 2012.
  90. Marija Milojević, Stojan Radenović, Convergence of iterates with errors of uniformly quasi-Lipschitzian mappings in cone metric spaces, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. Manuscript ID: 1284-BIMS (R2), 2012.
  91. Biswas Anjan, Milovic Daniela M. , Kohl Russell, Optical soliton perturbation in a log-law medium with full nonlinearity by He's semi-inverse variational principle, Inverse problems in science and engineering, Vol. 20, Iss. 2, pp. 227--232, 2012.
  92. Biswas Anjan, Fessak Megan, Johnson Stephen, Beatrice Siercke, Milovic Daniela M. , Jovanoski Zlatko, Kohl Russell, Majid Fayequa, Optical soliton perturbation in non-Kerr law media: Traveling wave solution , Optics and laser technology, Vol. 44, Iss. 1, pp. 263--268, 2012.
  93. Girgis Laila, Khan Kaisar R, Milovic Daniela M. , Crutcher Sihon H, Konar Swapan, Biswas Anjan, Adiabatic phase variation for optical Gaussons, Optics and laser technology, Vol. 44, Iss. 5, pp. 1219--1222, 2012.
  94. Girgis Laila, Milovic Daniela M. , Konar Swapan, Yildirim Ahmet, Biswas Anjan, Jafari Hossein, Optical Gaussons in Birefringent Fibers and DWDM Systems with Inter-Modal Dispersion, Romanian reports in physics, Vol. 64, Iss. 3, pp. 663--671, 2012.
  95. Slobodan Obradović, Ž. Spalević, M. Knežević, Dejan Tešić, V. Marković, A. Žorić, Causes Delays In The Development Of Card Business In Serbia, TTEM - Technics Technologies Education management, Journal, Vol. 7, Iss. 4, pp. 1796--1808, 2012.
  96. Aleksandra Panajotović, Dragan Drača, Nikola Sekulović, Dušan Stefanović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Average Fade Duration for Dual Selection Diversity in Correlated Rician Fading with Rayleigh Cochannel Interference, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques - Ser. Electrotechnique et Energetique, 2012.
  97. Bojana Nikolić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan Panić, An approach to the triple branch selection diversity analysis over correlated α-μ fading channels in the presence of CCI, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 65, Iss. 2, pp. 937--945, 2012.
  98. Ivana Petrovic, Zorica Nikolić, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Petar Spalević, Stefan Panić, Dušan Stefanovic, Selection diversity receiver over correlated rayleigh fading channels in the presence of multiple interferers, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Ser. Electrotechnique et Energetique, Vol. 57, Iss. 1, pp. 61--69, 2012.
  99. Selena Z. Stanojcic, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan Panić, Sabahudin Mekic, Goran Popovic, Second order statistics of the MIMO κ-μ keyhole fading channels, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Ser. Electrotechnique et Energetique, Vol. 57, Iss. 2, pp. 183--191, 2012.
  100. Milan Savic, Zoran Peric, Stefan Panić, Quantizer design for multilevel BTC, Electrical Review, Vol. 87, Iss. 12, pp. 153--155, 2012.
  101. Aleksandar V. Mosic, Zoran H. Peric, Stefan Panić, Dejan Milic, Performance Analysis of Á-law Companding for Laplacian Source with Transmission over Rayleigh Fading Channel, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 112, Iss. 9, pp. 16--20, 2012.
  102. Mihajlo Stefanović, Siniša Minić, Saša Nikolić, Stefan Panić, Miloš Perić, Dragan Radenković , Milan Gligorijević, The CCI Effect on System Performance in kappa-mu fading channels, TTEM, Vol. 7, Iss. 1, pp. 88--92, 2012.
  103. Ivana Petrovic, Zorica Nikolic, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan Panić, Petar Spalević, Djoko Bandjur, Multiple co-channel interferers influence on selection combining over correlated Weibull fading channels , Frequenz, Vol. 66, Iss. 3-4, pp. 109--113, 2012.
  104. Hana Stefanović, Ivana Petrovic, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan Panić, Petar Spalević, Multiple co-channel interferers influence on the selection diversity system over Rayleigh fading channels, Electrical Review, Vol. 88, Iss. 1, pp. 222--225, 2012.
  105. Aleksandar Mosic, Zoran Peric, Stefan Panić, Switched Nonuniform and Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantization of Laplacian Source, International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control, Vol. 7, Iss. 1, pp. 115--122, 2012.
  106. Zoran Peric, Milan Savić, Stefan Panić, Semilogarithmic Nonuniform Vector Quantization of Two-Dimensional Laplacean Source for Small Variance Dynamics, Radioengineering, Vol. 21, Iss. 1, pp. 99--103, 2012.
  107. Petar Spalević, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan Panić, Siniša Minić, Ljubica Spalević, Amplify-and-Forward Relay Transmission System over Mixed Rayleigh and Hoyt Fading Channels, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1, Iss. 4, pp. 21--25, 2012.
  108. Marija Matovic, Stefan Panić, Zoran Popovic, Mihajlo Stefanović, Jeroslav Zivanic, Milos Peric, Eta-Mu modeled multipath propagation of electromagnetic waves, TTEM, Vol. 7, Iss. 2, pp. 456--461, 2012.
  109. Stefanovic H., Petrovic Ivana M, Bojovic Rá., Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Relay System in Hoyt Fading Channels with Interference at Relay, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Iss. 5, pp. 37--40, 2012.
  110. Stefanovic Hana, Petrovic Ivana , Savic Ana, Popovic Zoran, Stefanovic Mihajlo, The outage probability of multibranch selection combining over correlated Weibull fading channel, Revue roumaine des sciences techniques - Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, Vol. 57, Iss. 2, pp. 192--201, 2012.
  111. S. Dimitrijević, B.Z. Popović, M.P. Stanić, Computer use in mathematics teaching - overview of the situation in Serbia, Croatian Journal of Education, Vol. 14, Iss. 2, pp. 387--415, 2012.
  112. Nikola M. Sekulović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Performance Analysis of System with Micro- and Macrodiversity Reception in Correlated Gamma Shadowed Rician Fading Channels, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 65, Iss. 1, pp. 143--156, 2012.
  113. Aleksandra Panajotović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, Nikola M. Sekulović, Average Level Crossing Rate of Microcellular Mobile Radio System with Selection Combining in the Presence of Arbitrary Number of Cochannel Interferences, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Vol. 23, Iss. 4, pp. 334--340, 2012.
  114. Edis Mekić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Petar Spalević, Nikola Sekulović, Ana Stanković, Statistical analysis of ratio of random variables and its application in performance analysis of multi-hop wireless transmissions, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2012, pp. 1--10, 2012.
  115. Edis Mekić, Nikola Sekulović, Milos Banđur, Mihajlo Stefanović, Petar Spalević, The distribution of ratio of random variable and product of two random variables and its application in performance analysis of multi-hop relaying communications over fading channels, Electrical Review, Vol. 88, Iss. 7A, pp. 133--137, 2012.
  116. Ana Stanković, Časlav Stefanović, Nikola Sekulović, Zoran Popović, Mihajlo Stefanović, The distribution of minimum of ratios of two random variables and its application in analysis of multi-hop systems, Radioengineering, Vol. 21, Iss. 4, pp. 1156--1162, 2012.
  117. Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm with Pheromone Correction Strategy for Minimum Connected Dominating Set Problem, Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 9, Iss. 4, doi: 10.2298/CSIS110927038J, 2012.
  118. B. Malešević, M. Petrović, M. Obradović, B. Popkonstantinović, On the extension of the Erdös-Mordell type inequalities, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, Vol. 16, Iss. 3, doi: DOI:, 2012.
  119. Dragan Doder, John Grant, Zoran Ognjanović, Probabilistic logics for objects located in space and time, Journal of Logic and Computation, doi: doi: 10.1093/logcom/exs054, 2012.
  120. Janković J., Petrović N., Miladinović Lj., Popkonstantinović B., Stoimenov M., Petrović D., Ostojić G., Stankovski S., Computer Simulation of Fast Hydraulic Actuators, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 36, Iss. M1, pp. 95--106, 2012.
  121. Dragan Antić, Zoran Jovanović, Vlastimir Nikolić, Marko Milojković, Saša Nikolić, Nikola Danković, Modeling of Cascade-connected Systems using Quasi-orthogonal Functions, ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 18, Iss. 10, pp. 3--8, 2012.
  122. Lidija Korunovic, Teaching Fundamentals of Measurement-based Load Modelling Approach through Practical Examples, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol. 49, Iss. 2, pp. 157--169, 2012.
  123. D. Klimenta, J. Radosavljević, M. Jevtić, V. Raičević, D. Tasić, B. Pajković, Insulation Modelling for Thermal FEM Analysis of PVC and XLPE Cables under fault conditions, European Transaction on Electric Power, Vol. 22, Iss. 8, pp. 1093--1111, 2012.
  124. Oljača M., Raičević D., Ercegović Đ., Vukić Đ., Radojević R., Oljača Snežana, Gligorević K., Pajić M. , Spalević V., Special tillage machinery for soils with increased clayey type mechanical composition-march soil case, The Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 58, Iss. 1, pp. 53--60, 2012.
  125. Marija Blagojević, Živadin Micić, A web-based intelligent report e-learning system using data mining techniques, Computers and Electrical Engineering, doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2012.09.011, 2012.
  126. Slobodan Petrovic, Živadin Micić, Marija Blagojević, Nebojsa Stanković, EQMx12 MODEL OF EXCELLENCE FOR IS IMPROVEMENT - On the examples of higher education institutions, Technics Technologies Education Management, Vol. 8, Iss. 1, 2012.
  127. Marija Blagojević, Maja Božović, Marjan Milošević , Modeling and implementation of medical informatin systems: Use case -Medical examination appointments, Metalurgia International, Vol. 18, Iss. 4, 2012.
  128. Milan Cvetković, Jordan Radosavljević, Nada Stojanović, Slavica Cvetković, The planning of the reserves of the reproductive in order to provide the continuity of the production process, Technics Technologies Education Management, Vol. 7, Iss. 4, pp. 1542--1549, 2012.
  129. Slavica Cvetković, Milan Cvetković, Rationality of the transport of stationary communal waste , Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology-JEPE, Vol. 13, Iss. 2, pp. 775--780, 2012.
  130. Kadijević Dj., Examining errors in simple spreadsheet modeling from different research perspectives, Journal of Educational Computing Research, Vol. 47, Iss. 2, pp. 137--153, 2012.
  131. Velimir Ilić, Dejan Mančev, Branimir Todorović, Miomir Stanković, Gradient computation in linear-chain conditional random fields using the entropy message passing algorithm, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 33, Iss. 13, pp. 1776--1784, 2012.
  132. Velimir Ilić, Miomir Stanković, Branimir Todorović, Computation of cross-moments using message passing over factor graphs, Advances in mathematics of communications, Vol. 6, Iss. 3, pp. 363--384, 2012.
  133. Aleksandar Jevremovic, Ranko Popovic, Dejan Zivkovic, M. Veinovic, G. Shimic, Improving Web Performance by a Differencing and Merging System, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Iss. 1, 2012.
  134. N. Jovanović, Ranko Popovic, S. Marković, Z. Jovanović, Web Laboratory For Computer Network, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 20, Iss. 3, pp. 493--502, 2012.
  135. Živadin Micić, Miroslav Demić, Knowledge Standardization In Road Vehicle Engineering, Technics - Technologies - Education - Management, Vol. 7, Iss. 3, pp. 1281--1288, 2012.
  136. Milan Protić, Miomir Stanković, Dragan Mitić, Branimir Todorović, Vlado Delić, Application of Fractional Calculus in Ground Heat Flux Estimation, Thermal Science, Vol. 16, Iss. 2, pp. 373--384, 2012.
  137. Stankovic R.S., Astola J., Moraga C., Design of Multiple-Valued Logic Networks with Regular Structure by Using Spectral Representations, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol. 19, Iss. 3, pp. 251--269, 2012.
  138. Moraga C., Astola J., Stankovic R.S., Spectral Analysis of Mosaics, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing , Vol. 19, Iss. 4, pp. 341--359, 2012.
  139. Astola J., Stankovic R.S., Determination of Sparse Representations of Multiple-Valued Logic Functions by Using Covering Codes, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol. 19, Iss. 4, pp. 285--306, 2012.
  140. Nešić Milkica, Čičević Svetlana, Nešić Vladimir, Vučković Vladan, Manić Gordana, Voice Fundamental Frequency In The Circumstances Of Exam Stress And Personality Dimensions, HealthMED Journal, Vol. 6, Iss. 7, pp. 2543--2549, 2012.
  141. Lj. Petrović, S. Dimitrijević, Causality with Finite Horizon of the Past in Continuous Time, Statistical and Probability Letters, Vol. 82, Iss. 7, pp. 1219--1223, 2012.
  142. D. Valjarević, Lj. Petrović, Statistical Causality and Orthogonality of Local Martingales, Statistical and Probability Letters, Vol. 82, Iss. 7, pp. 1326--1330, 2012.
  143. Lj. Petrović, D. Valjarević, Statistical Causality and Stable Subspaces of $H^p$, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, pp. 1--9, doi: doi:10.1017/S0004972712000482, 2012.
  144. Lj. Petrović, Some Causal Connections Between Stochastic, FILOMAT, 2012.
  145. M. Brdar, A. Takaci, M. Šćiban, D. Rakić, Isotherms for the adsorption of Cu(II) onto lignin: Comparison of linear and non-linear methods, Hemijska Industrija, Vol. 66, Iss. 4, pp. 497--503, 2012.
  146. Kostić M., Pilipović S., Ultradistributions semigroops, Siberian Math. Journal, pp. 232--242, 2012.
  147. Zoran Babovic, Veljko Milutinovic, Novel System Architecture for Semantic Based Integration of Sensor Networks, Advances in Computers, Vol. 90, Iss. 1, 2012.
  148. Jovanovic Z., Milutinovic V., FPGA Accelerator for Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication, IET Computers & Digital Techniques , Vol. 6, Iss. 4, pp. 249--256, 2012.
  149. Jovcic Nataša, Radonic (Jakšic) Jelena, Turk Sekulic Maja, Vojinovic-Miloradov Mirjana, Popov Srdjan, Identification of emission sources of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the vicinity of the industrial zone of the city of Novi Sad, Hemijska industrija, Iss. 62, pp. 1--36, 2012.
  150. Milan Savic, Zoran Peric, Stefan Panić, Semilogarithmic and Hybrid Quantization of Laplacean Source in Wide Range of Variances, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 6, Iss. 63, pp. 381--386, 2012.
  151. S. Stević, A. K. Sharma, Integral-type operators between weighted Bergman spaces on the unit disk, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, Vol. 14, Iss. 7, pp. 1339--1344, 2012.
  152. S. Stević, A. K. Sharma, S. D. Sharma, Generalized integration operators from the space of integral transforms into Bloch-type spaces, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, Vol. 14, Iss. 6, pp. 1139--1147, 2012.
  153. S. Stević, A. K. Sharma, Composition operators from weighted Bergman-Privalov spaces to Zygmund type spaces on the unit disk, Annales Polonici Mathematici, Vol. 105, Iss. 1, pp. 77--86, 2012.
  154. Lipkovski A., Lambić D., Measuring the influence of students' attitudes on the process of acquiring knowledge in Mathematics, Croatian Journal of Education, Vol. 14, Iss. 1, pp. 187--205, 2012.
  155. Stosovic MD, Naumovic RT, Stanojevic MLj, Simic-Ogrizovic SP, Jovanovic DB, Djukanovic LD. Could the level of serum albumin be a method for assessing malnutrition in hemodialysis patients? Nutr Clin Pract. 2011 Oct;26(5):607-13.
  156. Kovacevic, A., Konjovic, Z., Milosavljevic, B., Nenadic., G. Mining methodologies from NLP publications: A case study in automatic terminology recognition. Computer Speech & Language, Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 105-126, doi:10.1016/j.csl.2011.09.001 (2012)
  157. Kovacevic, A., Dehghan, A., Keane, J., Nenadic, G. Topic Categorisation of Statements in Suicide Notes with Integrated Rules and Machine Learning. J Biomed Informatics Insights (2012) (to appear)
  158. Karystianis, G., Buchan, I., Nenadic, G. Mining Characteristics of Epidemiological Studies from Medline: a Case Study in Obesity. Languages in Biology and Medicine (2011) (to appear)
  159. A.Perić-Popadić, M.Bogić, V.Tomić-Spirić, V.Djurić, J.Bolpačić, B.Milošević, S.Spasić, S.Rašković. The acute meningoencephalitis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: A case report., 2011, VOJNO-SANITETSKI PREGLED
  160. N. Trotignon and K. Vušković, On Roussel and Rubio type lemmas and their consequences, Discrete Mathematics 311 (2011) 684-687.
  161. V. Tintor, D. Urošević, B. Andjelić, J. Radunović, and N. Mladenović, Variable neighbourhood search for resolving routing and wavelength assignment problem in optical wavelength-division multiplexing networks, IET Communications, (2011), vol. 5 br. 14, str. 2028-2034.
  162. T. B-šy-ško-ƒlu, S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, Some notes on cographs, Ars Combin., 100 (2011), 421-434.
  163. Lj. Petrović, S. Dimitrijević, Czhechoslovak Mathematica Journal, ISSN 0011-4642 Springer Verlag, 2011.
  164. Lj. Petrović, S. Dimitrijević, Invariance of statistical causality under convergence, Statistical and Probability Letters, Volume 81, Issue 9, 2011, 1445-- 1448.
  165. Bojana Nikolić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan R. Panić, " An approach to the triple branch selection diversity analysis over correlated α-++ fading channels in the presence of CCI", Wireless Personal Communications, , ISSN: 0929-6212; DOI: 10.1007/s11277-011-0262-2 , accepted for publication on January 2011
  166. Zoran J. Popović, Stefan R. Panić, Jelena Anastasov, Petar Spalević, Mihajlo Stefanović, "Performance Analysis of Selection Diversity over Exponentially Correlated α-μ Fading Environment", accepted for publication in International Journal of Communication Systems, ISSN: 1074-5351, Volume 24, Issue 7, pages 925--937, July 2011
  167. Stefan R. Panić, Petar Spalević, Jelena Anastasov, Mihajlo Stefanović, Mile Petrović, "On the performance analysis of SIR-based SSC diversity over correlated α-μ fading channels ", Computers and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 0045-7906; Volume 37 Issue 3, May, 2011 pages 332-338
  168. Stefan R. Panić, Dusan M. Stefanovic, Ivana M. Petrović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Jelena Anastasov, Dragana S. Krstic "Second order statistics of selection macro-diversity system operating over Gamma shadowed k-μ fading channels", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, ISSN: 1687-1472; accepted for publication on 02.05.2011
  169. Ivana Petrovic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Petar Spalevic, Stefan R. Panic, Dušan Stefanovic "Outage Analysis Of Selection Diversity Over Rayleigh Fading Channels With Multiple Co-Channel Interferers", Telecommunication Systems, ISSN: 1018-4864; published online
  170. Bojana Nikolić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan Panić, Jelena Anastasov, Borivoje Milošević, "Selection combining system over correlated Generalized-K (KG) fading channels in the presence of co-channel interference", ETRI Journal, ISSN: 1225-6463; vol.33, no.3, June 2011, pp.320-325.
  171. Gradimir Milovanović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan R. Panić, Jelena Anastasov, Dragana Krstić, "Statistical analysis of the square ratio of two multivariate exponentially correlated α-μ distributions and its application in telecommunications", Mathematical and Computer Modelling, ISSN: 0895-7177; Volume 54, Numbers 1-2, July 2011, pp. 152-159
  172. Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Goran Đorđević, Mihajlo Stefanović, ''Performance analysis of dual switched diversity over correlated Weibull fading channels with co-channel interference'', International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 24, Issuse 9, pp. 1183--1195, September 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISSN (printed): 1074-5351. ISSN (electronic): 1099-1131
  173. Goran T. Đorđević, Dejan N Milić, Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Mihajlo C. Stefanović, Influence of inperfect Cophasing on Perforrmance of BPSK and QPSK Signals Transmitted over Weibull Fading Chanell, European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol. 22, Issuse 6, pp. 268--275, October 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, ISSN (printed): 1124-318X. ISSN (electronic): 1541-8251
  174. Petar Nikolić, Dragana Krstić, Miljana Milić, and Mihajlo Stefanović, Performance Analysis of SSC/SC Combiner at Two Time Instants in The Presence of Rayleigh Fading, Frequenz. Volume 65, Issue 11-12, Pages 319--325, ISSN (Online) 2191-6349, ISSN (Print) 0016-1136
  175. Nikola M. Sekulović, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Performance Analysis of System with Micro- and Macrodiversity Reception in Correlated Gamma Shadowed Rician Fading Channels, Wireless Personal Communications, (publisher: Springer), (publisher: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.), accepted for publication (published online 12. Feb. 2011.), DOI: 10.1007/s11277-011-0232-8, ISSN 0929-6212
  176. Petar Spalević, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan Panić, Borivoje Milošević, Zoran Trajčevski "The co-channel interference effect on average error rates in Hoyt fading channels", Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Ser. Electrotechnique et Energetique, ISSN: 0035-4066, accepted for publication in March 2011
  177. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Mihajlo Stefanović, The Outage Probability of the Satellite Telecommunication System in the Presence of Fading with Switch and Stay Combining on Satellite and Earth Station, International Journal On Advances in Telecommunications, volume 4, numbers 1 and 2, 2011, Pages: 102 to 111, 2011
  178. Nikola M. Sekulovic, Edis S. Mekic, Dragana S. Krstic, Aleksandra D. Cvetkovic, Martina Zdravkovic, , Mihajlo C. Stefanovic, Performance analysis of dual selection based macrodiversity system over channels subjected to Nakagamim fading and gamma shadowing, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATION, Issue 3, Volume 10, March 2011
  179. Stefanović, Mihajlo, Spalevic, Petar, Martinovic, Dragoljub, Petrovic, Mile Comparison of Chirped Interference Influence on Propagation Gaussian and Super Gaussian Pulse along the Optical Fiber, Journal of Optical Communications Dec 2006, Vol. 27, No. 6, Pages 305--309
  180. Ivana Petrović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Jelena Anastasov, Stefan Panić, Goran Đorđević, Dejan Milić "Outage probability of SSC receivers in correlated Rayleigh fading channel with multiple cochannel interferers", Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 1392-1215; No. 10 (107) December 2010, pp. 67-71
  181. Ivana Petrovic, Zorica. Nikolić, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Petar Spalevic, Stefan R. Panic, Dušan Stefanovic "Selection diversity receiver over correlated rayleigh fading channels in the presence of multiple interferers",Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Ser. Electrotechnique et Energetique, ISSN: 0035-4066, accepted for publication In January 2011.
  182. Nikola Sekulović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Denić, Danijela Aleksić, Performance Analysis of SINR-Based Selection Diversity Over Correlated Rayleigh Fading Channels, IET Communications, (publisher: Institution of Electrical Engineers), vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 127-134, Jan. 2011, ISSN 1751-8628,
  183. Nikola Sekulović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, Aleksandra Panajotović, Martina Zdravković, Switch and stay combining diversity receiver in microcellular mobile radio system, Electrical Review (Przeglad Elektrotechniczny), (publisher: Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT Sp. zoo), vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 346-350, Dec. 2010, ISSN 0033-2097
  184. Nikola M. Sekulović, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Dragan Lj. Drača, Aleksandra S. Panajotović, Dušan M. Stefanović Performance Analysis of Microcellular Mobile Radio Systems with Selection Combining in the Presence of Arbitrary Number of Cochannel Interferences, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, (publisher: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences), vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 3-8, Dec. 2010, ISSN 1582-7445,
  185. Aleksandra D. Cvetković, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Nikola M. Sekulović, Edis S. Mekić, Danijela Manić, Dual-Hop System Analysis in Nakagami-m Environment, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, (publisher: Kaunas University of Technology), vol.108, no. 2, pp. 47-50, 2011, ISSN 1392-1215,
  186. Dusan Stefanović, Bojana Nikolić, Dejan Milić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Nikola Sekulović, Post Detection Microdiversity and Dual Macrodiversity in Shadowed Fading Channels, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, (publisher: Kaunas University of Technology), accepted for publication, ISSN 1392-1215.
  187. Aleksandra Cvetković, Mihajlo Stefanović, Nikola Sekulović, Dejan Milić, Dušan Stefanović, Zoran Popović, Second-order statistics of dual SC macrodiversity system over channels affected by Nakagami-m fading and correlated gamma shadowing, Electrical Review (Przeglad Elektrotechniczny), (publisher: Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT Sp. zoo), vol. 87, no. 6, pp. 284-288, Jun. 2011, ISSN 0033-2097,
  188. Aleksandra Panajotović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, Nikola Sekulović, Average Level Crossing Rate of Microcellular Mobile Radio System with Selection Combining in the Presence of Arbitrary Number of Cochannel Interferences, European Transactions on Telecommunications, (publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.), accepted for publication, ISSN 1124-318X.
  189. Edis Mekić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Petar Spalević, Nikola Sekulović, Ana Stanković, Statistical analysis of ratio of random variables and its application in performance analysis of multi-hop wireless transmissions, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation), accepted for publication, ISSN 1027-123x
  190. Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Goran Đorđević, Mihajlo Stefanović, ''Performance of interference-limited dual hop nonregenerative relays over Rayleigh fading channels'', IET Communication, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 135-140, January 2011, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, ISSN 1751-8628
  191. Mihajlo Stefanović, Petar Nikolić, Dragana Krstić, Vesad Doljak, Outage probability of the SSC/SC combiner at two time instants in the presence of lognormal fading, accepted for publication in Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097
  192. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Fatih Destović, Mihajlo Stefanović, The Joint Probability Density Function of the SSC Combiner Output Signal in the Presence of Log-Normal Fading, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, (Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika), ISSN 1392-1215, No. 3(109), 2011, pp. 11-16
  193. Bojana Nikolić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan R. Panić, " An approach to the triple branch selection diversity analysis over correlated α-μ fading channels in the presence of CCI", Wireless Personal Communications, , ISSN: 0929-6212; DOI: 10.1007/s11277-011-0262-2 , accepted for publication on January 2011
  194. Petar Spalević, Veljko Stanković, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan Panić, Ana Savić, Minimum mean-squared error multi-user MIMO receive filtering", Electrical Review, ISSN 0033-2097, vol. 87 no. 7, pp. 178-182, July 2011
  195. Selena Z. Stanojcic, Mihajlo C. Stefanovic, Stefan R. Panic, Sabahudin Mekic, Goran Popovic, "Second order statistics of the MIMO α--Á keyhole fading channels" Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Ser. Electrotechnique et Energetique, ISSN: 0035-4066, accepted for publication in November 2011.
  196. B. Nikolic, G. Dordevic, D. Milic, N. Milosevic, Performance of SC Receiver over Generalized K Fading Channel in the Presence of Imperfect Reference Signal Recovery, ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Vol 115, No 9 (2011)
  197. Dejan Milić, Explicit Method for the Numerical Solution of the Fokker-Planck Equation of Filtered Phase Noise, Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 2011, Volume 42, Part 5, 401-407, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-6594-3_26
  198. Aleksandar S. Cvetković, Interlacing Property of Zeros of Shifted Jacobi Polynomials, APPROXIMATION AND COMPUTATION, 2011, Volume 42, Part 2, 97- 101, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-6594-3_7
  199. Aleksandar Cvetković and Marija P. Stanić,Trigonometric Orthogonal Systems, APPROXIMATION AND COMPUTATION, 2011, Volume 42, Part 2, 103-116, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-6594-3_8
  200. Dušan M. Stefanović, Stefan R. Panić, Petar ã. Spalević, Second-order statistics of SC macrodiversity system operating over Gamma shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 65, Issue 5, May 2011, Pages 413-418
  201. Milan Savic, Zoran Peric, Stefan Panic, Quantizer design for multilevel BTC, Electrical Review, ISSN 0033-2097, vol. 87 no. 12, pp. 153-155, December 2011
  202. Aleksandar V. Mosic, Zoran H. Peric, Stefan R. Panic, Dejan Milic, Performance Analysis of -Á-law Companding for Laplacian Source with Transmission over Rayleigh Fading Channel, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 1392-1215, No. 9(115), pp. 16-20, November of 2011
  203. Nebojsa Bacanin, Milan Tuba, and Ivona Brajevic, Performance of object-oriented software system for improved artificial bee colony optimization, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION, Issue 2, Volume 5, 2011
  204. Gradimir V.Milovanović, Nmerical quadratures and orthogonal polynomial, Stud. Univ. Babe, s-Bolyai Math. 56(2011), No.2, 449-464
  205. Milanović Đurđe R., Sajfert Vjekoslav D., Obradović Slobodan I., Vujotić Ljiljana, Rosić Božidar B., Milanović Srđan Đ. Modified divergence theorem for analysis and optimization of wall reflecting cylindrical UV reactor, Hemijska industrija, 2011 Volume 65, Issue 4, Pages: 343-354, doi:10.2298/HEMIND110330032M
  206. Milos Subotic, Milan Tuba and Nadezda Stanarevic, Different approaches in parallelization of the artificial bee colony algorithm, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCE Issue 4, Volume 5, 2011
  207. Novaković Jasmina, Strbac Perica, Bulatović Dušan, Toward optimal feature selection using ranking methods and classification algorithms Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 2011, vol. 21, br. 1, str. 119-135
  208. Božidar Rosić, Stojan Radenović, Ljubiša Janković, Marija Milojević, Optimization of planetary gear train using multiobjective genetic algorithm, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol. 17, No 3, 462--475 (2011).
  209. Tafa, Zh., and Milutinovic, V., Detectability of Static and Moving Targets in Randomly Deployed Military Surveillance Networks, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, November, 2011
  210. Tomazic, S., Pavlovic, V., Milovanovic, J., Sodnik, J., Kos, A., Stancin, S., Milutinovic, V., Fast file existence checking in archiving systems ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) TOS Homepage archive, Volume 7 Issue 1, June 2011, ACM New York, NY, USA
  211. Aleksandar Janjić, Zoran P. Stajić, Ivan Radović: Power Quality Requirements for the Smart Grid International Journal of Circuits, systems and signal processing, Issue 6, Volume 5, 2011, pp. 643-651
  212. N. Mitrović, V. Kostić, M. Petronijević and B. Jeftenić: Practical Implementation of Multi-Motor Drives for Wide Span Gantry Cranes, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction B: Engineering, ISSN 1028-6284, Volume 34, Number B6, 2010, pp. 649-654.
  213. Petronijevicšü M., Veselicšü B., Mitrovicšü N., Kosticšü V., Jeftenicšü B.: Comparative study of unsymmetrical voltage sag effects on adjustable speed induction motor drives, Electric Power Applications, IET, ISSN: 1751-8660, INSPEC Accession Number: 12032715, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1049/iet-epa.2010.0144, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2011, pp. 432-442.
  214. Blagojević Marija, Barić Sava, Appliance of OLAP and web mining techniques in analysis of behaviour patterns, Technics Technologies Education Management, Volume 6, Number 2, (2011) pp. 382-391. ISSN 1840-1503, 2011
  215. Protić Milan Z., Stanković Miomir B., Mitić Dragan M., Todorović Branimir T. Application of fractional calculus in ground heat flux estimation, Thermal Science 2011 OnLine-First Issue 00, Pages: 75-75
  216. Živadin Micić, Milica Tufegdžić (2011). Knowledge management modeling to E-learning excellence, TTEM 6(4), Print ISBN: 1840-1503, 2011, (rad prihvaćen za štampanje, biće publikovan u sledećem broju tekuće godine - novembar/decembar 2011)
  217. Suzana Marković, Nenad Jovanović, Ranko Popović: Web-Based Distance Learning System with Adaptive Testing Module, International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 27, pp. 155-166, 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  218. Suzana Marković, Nenad Jovanović, Ranko Popović, Web-Based Distance Learning System with Adaptive Testing Module International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 27, pp. 155-166, 2011
  219. Milošević, Z. Ognjanović, A first-order conditional probability logic, Logic Journal of IGPL Advance Access published August 9, 2011. doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzr033
  220. Miladinović, Lj., Popkonstantinović, B., Stoimenov, M., Petrović, D., Ostojić, G., Stankovski, S.: LASER INSPECTION OF RUBBER PROFILES, Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 6 (16), str. 3431-3436, 19 August, 2011, ISSN 1992-2248, IF 2010 = 0,445
  221. Popkonstantinović, B.,Miladinović, Lj., Stoimenov, M., Petrović, D., Ostojić, G., Stankovski, S.: DESIGN, MODELLING AND MOTION SIMULATION OF THE REMONTOIRE MECHANISM, Transactions of Famena, XXXV-2, str. 79 - 93, 2011, ISSN 1333-1124, IF 2010 = 0,143
  222. Popkonstantinović, B.,Miladinović, Lj., Stoimenov, M., Petrović, D., Petrović, N., Ostojić, G., Stankovski, S.: The Practical Method for Thermal Compensation of Long-Period Compound Pendulum, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Phisics, Vol. 49(10), str.657 - 664, October 2011, ISSN 0019-5596, IF 2010 = 0,511
  223. Janković, J., Petrović, N., Miladinović, Lj., Popkonstantinović, B., Stoimenov, M., Petrović, D., Ostojić, G., Stankovski, S.: Computer Simulation of Fast Hydraulic Actuators, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN 1028-6284, IF 2010 = 0,283
  224. Valjarević A., Valjarević D., Natural Laws of Precipitation, Great Cycle, Infiltration Overland and Groundwater Runoff with a New Formulas, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci Discuss. (2011), 8, 59-88.
  225. Aleksandar Valjarević, Dragica Živković, Mila Pavlović, Jasmina Jovanović -- Serbia, Comparison of analogue and digitalgeneralization for example of river network generalization, Human Geographies - Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography, 415-424
  226. Vladan Vučković, Nikola Stojanović The Complete 3-D Modeling and Real-Time Simulation of the TeslaÔÇÖs Boat International Journal of Emerging Sciences IJES, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 2011: Special Issue, pg. 535-544, ISSN 2222-4254.

Articles in journals (M24):

  1. Milan S. Savić, Zoran Perić, Nikola Simić, Analysis of the impact of the quantizer range choice on compression and quality of the reconstructed image, Facta Universitatis Series: Electronics and Energetics, University of Nis, Vol.26, Iss.2, pp.79--85, 2013
  2. Sasa Adamovic, Milan Milosavljevic, Information Analysis of Iris Biometrics for the Needs of Cryptology Key Extraction, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, SJEE, Vol.10, Iss.1, pp.1--12, 2013
  3. Marija Obradović, Branislav Popkonstantinović, Slobodan Mišić, On the Properties of the Concave Antiprisms of Second Sort, FME Transactions, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.41, Iss.3, pp.256--263, 2013
  4. Nikola Danković, Darko Mitić, Marko Milojković, Stanko Stankov, Miroslav Milovanović, Thermodynamic Model of the Protector Cooling System with Applications, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics, University of Niš, Vol.26, Iss.1, pp.53--60, 2013
  5. Nataša Glišović, Time-cost Trade-off Analysis of Project Using Fuzzy-Genetic Approach (Proceedings Paper), ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCE, Advances in Education Research, Vol.13, pp.121--126, 2013
  6. Dj. Djordjević, S. Nešić, Using Daphnia Bio-sensor for Random Number Generation, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series Architecture and Civil Engineering, Univerzitet u Nišu, Vol.11, Iss.1, pp.97--105, 2013
  7. M. Nedeljkov, M. Oberguggenberger, Ordinary differential equations with delta function terms, Publications de l'Institut Mathematique, Beograd, Vol. 91, Iss. 105, pp. 125--135, 2012.
  8. B. Arsić, I. Gutman, K. Ch. Das, K. Xu, Relations Between Kirchhoff Index And Laplacian-Energy-Like Invariant, Bulletin, Classes des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, Sciences , Iss. 37, pp. 61--72, 2012.
  9. P. Charbit, M. Habib, N. Trotignon, K. Vušković, Detecting 2-joins faster, Journal of Discrete Algorithms , Vol. 17, pp. 60--66, 2012.
  10. Gordana Đukanović, Marija Obradović, The Pencil of the 4th an 3th Order Surfaces Obtained as a Harmonic Equivalent of the Pencil of Quadric Through a 4th Order Space Curve of the 1st CategoryThe Pencil of the 4th an 3th Order Surfaces Obtained as a Harmonic Equivalent of the Pencil of Quadric Through a 4th Order Space Curve of the 1st Category, Facta Universitatis, Series Archictecture and Civil Engineering , Vol. 10, Iss. 2, 2012.
  11. K. Johansson, Pilipovic Stevan, N. Teofanov, J. Toft, Micro-Local Analysis in Some Spaces of Ultradistributions, Publ. Inst. Math., Vol. 92(106), pp. 1--24, 2012.
  12. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Dragan Radenković, The Performances of Complex SSC/MRC Combiner in the Presence of Rayleigh Fading, Network Protocols and Algorithms, Vol. 4, Iss. 3, pp. 35--45, doi: 10.5296/npa.v4i3.2055, 2012.
  13. Dejan Milić, Selena Stanojčić, Zoran Popović, Dušan Stefanović, Ivana Petrović, Performance Analysis of EGC Combining over Correlated Nakagami-m Fading Channel, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 9, Iss. 2, pp. 293--300, 2012.
  14. Rašković S, Bolpačić J, Tomić-Spirić V, Stefanović Lj, Bogić M, Perić-Popadić A, Značaj ispitivanja disfagije kod bolesnika sa dermatomiozitisom-prikaz slučaja, Medicinski Pregled, Iss. 65, pp. 432--435, 2012.
  15. Cvetković D., Spectral recognition of graphs, YUJOR, Vol. 22, Iss. 2, pp. 145--161, 2012.
  16. M.P. Stanić, A.S. Cvetković, T.V. Tomović, Error bound of certain Gaussian quadrature rules for trigonometric polynomials, Kragujevac Journal Of Mathematics, Vol. 36, Iss. 1, pp. 63--72, 2012.
  17. Slobodan Obradović, Dejan Tešić, Multilateral Interchange Fees in Serbia and their impact on card payment systems development, Industrija UDK - 33, Vol. 40, Iss. 3, pp. 33--55, 2012.
  18. Mladenovic Nenad, Todosijevic Raca, Urosevic Dragan, An efficient General variable neighborhood search for large TSP problem with time windows, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 23, Iss. 2, pp. 13--23, 2012.
  19. M. Nedeljkov, M. Oberguggenberger, Ordinary Differential Equations with Delta Function Terms, Publ. Math., special issue dedicated to A. Bilimović, Edited by B. Jovanović.
  20. Nikola Sekulović, Edis Mekić, Dragana Krstić, Aleksandra Cvetković, Martina Zdravkovic, Mihajlo Stefanović, Performance analysis of dual selection-based macrodiversity system over channels subjected to Nakagami-m fading and gamma shadowing, WSEAS Transactions on Communications (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Press), vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 77-87, Mar. 2011, ISSN 1109- 2742,
  21. Petar Nikolić, Dragana Krstić, Zoran Popović, Dušan Stefanović, Mihajlo Stefanović, The Performance Analysis of MRC Combiner Output Signal in the Presence of Weibull Fading and Shadowing, WSEAS Transaction on Communications, ISSN:1109-2742, Issue 1, Volume 9, January 2010, pp. 22-32.
  22. Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragana Krstić, Stefan Panić, Jelena Anastasov, Dušan Stefanović, Siniša Minić, SC and SSC diversity reception over correlated Nakagami-m fading channels in the presence of CCI, accepted for publication in WSEAS Transaction on Communications, ISSN: 1109-2742, e-ISSN: 2224-2864
  23. Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan Panić, Jelena Anastasov, Aleksandra Cvetković, Zoran Popović, ''Capacity Evaluation for Maximal Ratio Combining over α-μ Fading Channels'', Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 221-228, May 2011
  24. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, Mihajlo Stefanović Bit error rate for SSC/MRC Combiner at Two Time Instants in The Presence of log-normal Fading, Facta Universitatis SeriesAutomatic Control and Robotics, ISSN 1820-6417, Vol.10, No 1, 2011 pp. 83 -- 95, UDC 621.396.94 621.395.38 519.724
  25. Vladeta Milentijević, Dragan Denić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Stefan R. Panić, Dragan Radenković, Relative Measurement Error Analysis in the Process of the Nakagami-m Fading Parameter Estimation, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 341-349, November 2011
  26. A. Janjić, V. Aleksić, Z. P. Stajić: Distribution Network Maintenance Prioritization using Fuzzy Influence Diagram, accepted and has been published in volume 14 (2011)4 of Communications in Dependability and Quality Management, An International Journal, 2011.
  27. Stojanović Đ£., Božić Đ£., Stanković Đ£.: Mid-Term Load Forecasting Using Recursive Time Series Prediction Strategy With Support Vector Machines, Facta Universitatis, Ser.: Elec. Energ., vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 287-298, December 2010,
  28. Popović P, Mitrović R, Jelić M. Razvoj nacionalne infrastrukture kvaliteta, Časopis -+Industrija-½, pregledni naučni članak, ISSN 0350-0373, COBISS.SR-ID 238359, UDK 346.543.4.001.892, br. 3/2011, pp.223-245
  29. Vladan Vučković " The new datastructure for internal chessboard representation ", Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research (YUJOR), Volume 17, Number 2, Belgrade 2011, ISSN 0354-0243. pp. 257- 274. accepted for publication

-- (M27):

  1. Uredjivački odbor, El Prezente, Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture Ben Gurion University of the Negev Israel, Iss.7, pp.1--283, 2013

-- (M28):

  1. Član uređivačkog odbora časopisa, International Journal on Power System Optimization, Serials Publications, New Delhi, India, 2013
  2. Član uređivačkog odbora časopisa, Bosanskohercegovačka elektrotehnika, BH K CIGRE, BiH, 2013
  3. Žarko Mijajlović, Gradimir Milovanović, Stevan Pilipović, Glavni urednik, Publications de l'Institut Mathématique, Matematički institut SANU, pp.1--250, 2013

Articles in journals (M51):

  1. Rajter-Ćirić Danijela, Stojanović Mirjana, Fractional derivatives of multidimensional Colombeau generalized stochastic processes, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Springer-Wien and Versita-Warsaw, Vol.16, Iss.4, pp.949--961, 2013
  2. Rajter-Ćirić Danijela, Stojanović Mirjana, Fractional derivatives of multidimensional Colombeau generalized stochastic processes, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Springer-Wien and Versita-Warsaw, Vol.16, Iss.4, pp.949--961, 2013
  3. Žarko Mijajlović, Zoran Ognjanović, Aleksandar Pejović, Digitization of Mathematical Editions in Serbia, Mathematics in Computer Science, Birkhäuser-Verlag, Vol.3, Iss.3, pp.251--263, 2013
  4. Milan Tuba, Nebojsa Bacanin, Branislav Pelevic, Framework for constrained portfolio selection by the firefly algorithm, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, The North Atlantic University Union, Vol.7, Iss.10, pp.888--896, 2013
  5. Milan Tuba, Nebojsa Bacanin, Nadezda Stanarevic, Multithreaded implementation and performance of a modified artificial fish swarm algorithm for unconstrained optimization, International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, The North Atlantic University Union, Vol.7, Iss.3, pp.215--222, 2013
  6. Daniela Milovic M, Anjan Biswas, Bright and Dark Solitons in Optical Fibers with Parabolic Law Nonlinearity, SERBIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, Vol.10, Iss.3, pp.365--370, 2013
  7. Popkonstantinović B., Krasić S., Perišić A, Fly-Through Animation As A Way Of Modern Presentation In Civil Engineering And Architecture, Journal For Research In The Field Of Materials And Structures, Society For Materials And Structures Testing Of Serbia, Belgrade, Vol.4, Iss.2, pp.11--26, 2013
  8. Rajter-Ćirić Danijela, A note on fractional derivatives of Colombeau generalized stochastic processes, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Vol.40, Iss.1, pp.111--121, 2013
  9. Milan Tuba, Nebojsa Bacanin, Branislav Pelevic, Framework for constrained portfolio selection by the firefly algorithm, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, The North Atlantic University Union, Vol.7, Iss.10, pp.888--896, 2013
  10. Milan Tuba, Nebojsa Bacanin, Nadezda Stanarevic, Multithreaded implementation and performance of a modified artificial fish swarm algorithm for unconstrained optimization, International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, The North Atlantic University Union, Vol.7, Iss.3, pp.215--222, 2013
  11. Milan Tuba, Ivona Brajevic, Modified seeker optimization algorithm for image segmentation by multilevel thresholding, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, The North Atlantic University Union, Vol.7, Iss.4, pp.370--378, 2013
  12. Milan Tuba, Jelena Tasic, Image analogies based filters for composite distortions, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, The North Atlantic University Union, Vol.7, Iss.5, pp.532--540, 2013
  13. Milan Tuba, Nadezda Stanarevic, Relation between Successfulness of Birthday Attack on Digital Signature and Hash Function Irregularity, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Vol.7, Iss.2, pp.186--195, 2013
  14. Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba, Dana Simian, Comparison of Different Topologies for Island-Based Multi-Colony Ant Algorithms for the Minimum Weight Vertex Cover Problem, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Vol.9, Iss.1, pp.83--92, 2013
  15. Darko Dimitrovski, Aleksandar Todorović,Aleksandar Valjarević, Revitalizacija sela Šumadijskog Okruga, Rural tourism and regional development, ELSEVIER, Vol.14, Iss.1, pp.288--297, 2013
  16. Dragica Živković, Aleksandar Valjarević, Modelovanje terena Fruške Gore, Digitalno modelovanje ekspozicija reljefa Fruške Gore, Srpsko Geografsko Društvo, Vol.93, Iss.3, pp.U štampi2013
  17. Aleksandar Valjarević, Dragana Valjarević, Natural Laws of Precipitation, Great Cycle, Infiltraton Overland and Groundwater Runoff with a New formulas, Copernicus GmbH, Vol.2, Iss.8, pp.59--88, 2013
  18. Rajter-Ćirić Danijela, A note on fractional derivatives of Colombeau generalized stochastic processes, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Vol.40, Iss.1, pp.111--121, 2013
  19. Nenad Mladenovic, Raca Todosijevic, Dragan Urosevic, AN EFFICIENT GENERAL VARIABLE NEIGHBORHOOD SEARCH FOR LARGE TRAVELLING SALESMAN PROBLEM WITH TIME WINDOWS, YUJOR - Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, Fakultet Organizacionih Nauka, Vol.23, Iss.1, pp.19--30, 2013
  20. Milan Tuba, Ivona Brajevic, Modified seeker optimization algorithm for image segmentation by multilevel thresholding, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, The North Atlantic University Union, Vol.7, Iss.4, pp.370--378, 2013
  21. Miroslava Ignjatovic, Slobodan Jovanović, Implementing SAKAI OAE, Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, International Association of Online Engineering, Vienna, Vol.8, Iss.1.2013 (januar 2013), pp.64--68, 2013
  22. Mladjan Antić, Slobodan Jovanovic, Svetlana Cvetanovic, Development of iOS еStudent Mobile Application, Int. Journal on Interactive Mobile Technologies, International Association of Online Engineering, Vienna, Vol.7, Iss.1.2013 (januar 2013), pp.35--40, 2013
  23. Marko Manasijević, Svetlana Cvetanović, Slobodan Jovanović, Automatizacija procesa rasporedjivanja ispita, InfoM Časopis, Fakultet organiyacionih nauka, Beograd, Vol.12, Iss.46/2013, pp.19--26, 2013
  24. Darko Dimitrijević, Snežana Vulović, Slobodan Jovanović, Napadi na bezbednost WLAN mreža, InfoM Časopis, Fakultet organiyacionih nauka, Beograd, Vol.12, Iss.47/2013, pp.46--50, 2013
  25. Igor Pantelić, Slobodan Jovanović, Izrada modularne LOB Silverlight aplikacije, InfoM Časopis, Fakultet organiyacionih nauka, Beograd, Vol.12, Iss.47/2013, pp.38--45, 2013
  26. Slobodan Jovanović, Software Algorithm Solution for Power Distribution Networks, e-SocietyJournal, University of Novi Sad, Vol.1, Iss.1, pp.55--62, 2013
  27. Slobodan Obradović, Srđan Milanović, Đurđe Milanović, originalan rad, Water microbiology and mineral content quality control and maintenance system, Savez inženjera Srbije, Iss.No 1, pp.167--176, 2013
  28. Milan Tuba, Nadezda Stanarevic, Relation between Successfulness of Birthday Attack on Digital Signature and Hash Function Irregularity, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Vol.7, Iss.2, pp.186--195, 2013
  29. Nadezda Stanarevic, Hybridizing artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm with differential evolution for large scale optimization problems, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp. 194--202, 2012.
  30. Milos Subotic, Artificial bee colony algorithm for constrained optimization problems modified with multiple onlookers, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, Iss. 2, pp. 314--322, 2012.
  31. Dj. Djordjević, S. Nešić, Daphnia Bio-sensor Data Tracking, Recording, and Random Generation, Pregled Nacionalnog centra za digitalizaciju, 2012.
  32. Marko Milošević, Dj. Djordjević, Ocenjivanje ekonomskog kvaliteta zgrada novom transparentnom metodom - OPEN HOUSE, Nauka + praksa, Institut za gradjevinarstvo i arhitekturu, Gradjevinski fakultet, Nis, Iss. 15, pp. 1--4, 2012.
  33. Velimir Ilić, Branimir Todorović, Miomir Stanković, Entropy Semiring Forward-Backward Algorithm for HMM Entropy Computation, Transaction on Advanced Research, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 8--15, 2012.
  34. Slađana Marinković, Miomir Stanković, Edin Mulalić, The Deformed Trigonometric Functions of two Variables, Mathematica Balkanica, Vol. 26, Iss. 1-2, pp. 147--158, 2012.
  35. A.Alwardi, B.Arsić, I.Gutman, N. D.Sonera, The common neighborhood graph and its energy, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Vol. 7, Iss. 2, pp. 1--8, 2012.
  36. Cvetković D., Simić S.K., Spectral graph theory in computer science, The IPSI BgD Transactions on Advanced Research, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 35--42, 2012.
  37. Milan Tuba, Nebojsa Bacanin, Nadezda Stanarevic, Adjusted artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm for engineering problems, WSEAS Transaction on Computers , Vol. 11, Iss. 4, pp. 111--120, 2012.
  38. Nebojsa Bacanin, Implementation and performance of an object-oriented software system for cuckoo search algorithm, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp. 185--193, 2012.
  39. Dimitrovski D., Todorović A., Valjarević A., Rural tourism and regional development: Case stady of development of rural tourism in the region of Gruza, Serbia, Procedia Enviromental Sciences, Vol. 14, Iss. 1, pp. 288--297, 2012.
  40. Zona Kostić, Duško Radaković, Dragan Cvetković, Srđan Trajković, Aleksandar Jevremović, Comparative Study of CAD Software, Web3D Technologies and Existing Solutions to Support Distance-Learning Students of Engineering Profile, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Iss. 4, pp. 181--187, 2012.
  41. Nikolić Vesna, Đurović Ljiljana, Ciljevi i zadaci ekološkog vaspitanja i obrazovanja kroz prizmu Blumove operacionalizacije, TEME, Vol. 36, Iss. 2, pp. 561--581, 2012.
  42. Nikolić Vesna, Galjak Mirjana, Obrazovanje za zaštitu životne sredine u kriznim uslovima, Andragoške studije, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Iss. 1, pp. 163--183, 2012.
  43. Milanović Vesna, Bulut Ivana, Pozicija regiona i zemalja na globalnom tržištu kroz prizmu najuspešnijih kompanija, Megatrend revija, Vol. 9, Iss. 3, pp. 217--230, 2012.
  44. Zoran Ognjanović, Miodrag Rašković, Zoran Marković, Aleksandar Perović, On probability logic, The IPSI BgD Transactions on Advanced Research, Vol. 8, Iss. 1, pp. 2--7, 2012.
  45. H.Milošević, D. Petković, N. Kontrec, A.D. Rychkov, Mathematical Modelling Of The Process Of Making Fireproof Protective Coverings By Two-Phase Jets , Journal Computational Tecnologies, Vol. 17, pp. 3--12, 2012.
  46. Dragan Antić, Zoran Jovanović, Staniša Perić, Saša Nikolić, Marko Milojković, Miloš Milošević, Anti-Swing Fuzzy Controller Applied in 3D Crane System, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research - ETASR, Vol. 2, Iss. 2, pp. 196--200, 2012.
  47. Stanko Stankov, Nadzorno upravljački sistem kupolne peći u pogonu za proizvodnju mineralne vune (Monitoring and control system of cupola furnace at plant for mineral wool production), Rudarski radovi (Mining engineering), Iss. 3, pp. 235--254, 2012.
  48. Stanko Stankov, Regulacija rada i nadgledanje stanica za katodnu zaštitu, Zaštita matrijala, Vol. 53, Iss. 1, pp. 73--81, 2012.
  49. Marija Blagojević, Marjan Milošević , Danijela Milosević, Do IT And Medicine Students E-Collaborate In The Same Way: Comparison Regarding Forums And Wikis, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, Vol. 7, Iss. Special Issue, pp. 42--45, 2012.
  50. A.Bulajić, S.Jovanović, Java and C/C++ Interoperability: Java Integration to Windows Event Log, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Iss. 10, pp. 1398--1410, 2012.
  51. A.Bulajić, S.Jovanović, An Approach to Reducing Complexity in Abstract Factory Design Pattern, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Vol. 3, Iss. 9, pp. 1335--1342, 2012.
  52. G.Lozo, S.Jovanović, A Flexible Hybrid Method for IT Project Management, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Vol. 3, Iss. 7, pp. 1027--1036, 2012.
  53. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Miomir Stanković, Design of Compandor Quantizer for Laplacian Source for Medium Bit Rate Using Spline Approximations, Facta Universitatis, Vol. 25, Iss. 1, pp. 81--92, 2012.
  54. Vladimir Njegomir, ãosić Đorđe, Ekonomske implikacije klimatskih promena na sektor osiguranja i reosiguranja , TEME , Vol. 36, Iss. 2, pp. 679--701, 2012.
  55. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, Mihajlo Stefanović, The Bit Error Rate for Complex SSC/MRC Combiner at Two Time Instants in the Presence of Hoyt Fading, International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications, Vol. 5, Iss. 1&2, pp. 69--78, 2012.
  56. Stoimenov Miodrag, Popkonstantinović Branislav, Miladinović Ljubomir, Petrović Dragan, Evolution of Clock Escapement Mechanisms, FME Transactions, Vol. 40, Iss. 1, pp. 17--23, 2012.
  57. Dj. Djordjević, S. Nešić, Using Daphnia Bio-sensor for Random Number Generation, Facta Universitatis, Series Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2012.
  58. P. Lukic, Dj. Djordjević, Ocenjivanja kvalitata lokacije zgrada na primeru Studentskog doma kod tehnickih fakulteta u Nisu novom transparentnom metodom - OPEN HOUSE, Nauka + praksa, Institut za gradjevinarstvo i arhitekturu, Gradjevinski fakultet, Nis, Iss. 15, pp. 71--75, 2012.
  59. S.M. Savic, M.S. Stankovic, G.Lj. Janackovic, Hybrid Model for E-Learning Quality Evaluation, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning - iJET, Vol. 7, Iss. 1, pp. 6--13, 2012.
  60. Cvetković D., Complexity indices for the travelling salesman problem and data mining, Transactions of Combinatorics, Vol. 1, Iss. 1, pp. 35--43, 2012.
  61. Milan Tuba, Milos Subotic, Nadezda Stanarevic, Performance of a modified cuckoo search algorithm for unconstrained optimization problems, WSEAS Transaction on Systems, Vol. 11, Iss. 2, pp. 62--74, 2012.
  62. Lidija Korunovic, Marko Vuckovic, Miodrag Stojanovic, Dragan Tasic, The analysis of typical seasonal load duration curves of low-voltage consumers, Int. J. Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4, Iss. 1-2, pp. 91--98, 2012.
  63. Darko Mitić, Dragan Antić, Marko Milojković, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Input-Output Based Quasi-sliding Mode Control of DC-DC Converter, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol. 25, Iss. 1, pp. 69--80, doi: 10.2298/FUEE1201069M, 2012.
  64. Marija Blagojević, Živadin Micić, Contribution to The Creation of Dmx Queries in Mining Student Data, International Journal of Emerging Science, Vol. 2, Iss. 3, pp. 334--344, 2012.
  65. Dušan Gajić, Radomir Stanković, Miloš Radmanović, Implementation of Dyadic Correlation and Autocorrelation on Graphics Processors, International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS), Vol. 4, Iss. 1-2, pp. 82--90, 2012.
  66. Vladan Vučković, The New Datastructure for Internal Chessboard Representation, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research (YUJOR), Vol. 17, Iss. 2, pp. 257--274, 2012.
  67. Dj. Djordjević, B. Avramović, D. Stojić , STOREPET - EVROPSKI PROJEKAT KLASTERA "DUNDJER", Facta Universitatis: Series Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2012.
  68. Lj. Petrović, Statistical Causality and Stochastic Dynamic Systems, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, (ISSN 2074-- 1278), Issue 3, Volume 5, 153--156, 2011.
  69. Milos Subotic, Milan Tuba and Nadezda Stanarevic: Different approaches in parallelization of the artificial bee colony algorithm, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 4, 2011, pp. 755-762
  70. Nadezda Stanarevic, Milan Tuba, and Nebojsa Bacanin: Modified artificial bee colony algorithm for constrained problems optimization, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 644-651
  71. Milan Tuba: Guided Maximum Entropy Method Algorithm for the Network Topology and Routing, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 620-627
  72. Nebojsa Bacanin, Milan Tuba, and Ivona Brajevic: Performance of object-oriented software system for improved artificial bee colony optimization, International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 154-162
  73. Ivona Brajevic, Milan Tuba, Milos Subotic: Performance of the improved artificial bee colony algorithm on standard engineering constrained problems, International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 135-143
  74. Zoran P. Stajić, Milan Kocić, Aleksandar Janjić, Danijela Stajić: Sistem centralizovanog upravljanja pumpnim stanicama u sistemima vodosnabdevanja Rad objavljen u časopisu PĐžlĐÿĐžprivrĐÁdnĐš tĐÁhnikĐš, No. 3, decembar 2011, st. 39-49, ISSN 0554-5587, UDK 631 (059)
  75. Pejić P., Floranović N., Vukić Đ., Stajić Z.: Autonomni sistemi za praćenje rada rezervoara koji su bez napajanja električnom energijom. Rad objavljen u časopisu Poljoprivredna tehnika, No. 3, decembar 2011, st. 29-38, ISSN 0554-5587, UDK 631 (059)
  76. Vukić Đ., Radičević B., Floranović N., Kocić M.: Energetska efikasnost asinhronih motora u poljoprivredi, Rad objavljen u časopisu Poljoprivredna tehnika, No. 3, decembar 2011, st. 1-9, ISSN 0554-5587, UDK 631 (059)
  77. Vladan Vučković, Nikola Stojanović, "Mathematical 3D Modeling and Real-Time Simulation of the Tesla's Wireless Controlled Vehicle - Boat", The Scientific Journal Facta Universitatis, Series Electronics and Energetics, Volume 24, Number 2, Niš, August 2011, ISSN 0353-3670. pg. 257-270.
  78. Dušan B. Gajić, Radomir S. Stanković, "Computation of dyadic convolution on GPU for efficient modeling of dyadic LTI systems", Facta Universitatis - Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol.10, no.1, pp.59-70, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia, 2011.

Articles in journals (M52):

  1. Marija Blagojević, Zivadin Micić, Adapting e-courses using data mining techniques-PDCA approach and quality spiral, International Journal for Quality Research, Center for Quality - University of Podgorica Montenegro, Vol.7, Iss.3, pp.3--14, 2013
  2. Marija Blagojević, Živadin Micić, Adapting e-courses using data mining techniques-PDCA approach and quality spiral, International Journal for Quality Research, Center for Quality - University of Podgorica Montenegro, Vol.7, Iss.3, pp.3--14, 2013
  3. Jovanka Pantović, Gradimir Vojvodić, Hyperalgebras and hyperclones - different approaches, RIMS Kokyuroku, RIMS, Iss.1846, pp.80--86, 2013
  4. Aleksandar Valjarević, Dragana Valjarević, Dragan Radovanović, Digital topography of the Devil City, Kamen Srbije, Vol.1, Iss.2, pp.136--143, 2013
  5. Aleksandar Valjarević, Dragomir Kićović, Zoran Ognjanović, Žarko Mijajlović, Kartografsko 3D modeliranje, Дигитална вишелејерна карта Топличког округа, Geografski fakultet Beograd, 2013
  6. Jovanka Pantović, Gradimir Vojvodić, Hyperalgebras and hyperclones - different approaches, RIMS Kokyuroku, RIMS, Iss.1846, pp.80--86, 2013
  7. 1. Alargic Ivan;2. Badnjarevic Ivana;3. Popov Srdan;4. Govedarica Miro;, Vizualna komponenta GIS-a – 3D scena na korak do globalnog 3D GIS-a, Info M, Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Vol.34, Iss.34, pp.12--17, 2013
  8. Petković N, Ristić S, Stosović M, Dukanović L, Different response to human recombinant erythropoietin in patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment, Med Pregl, Vol.66, pp.130--137, 2013
  9. Aleksandra Panajotović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, Nikola Sekulović, Performance comparison of dual SC systems using different decision algorithms in the presence of interference, Int. J. of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Inderscience Publishers, Vol.5, Iss.3, pp.215--221, 2013
  10. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Jelena Nikolić, Optimization of Quantizer's Segment Treshold Using Spline Approximations for Optimal Compressor Function, Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, Iss. 10A, pp. 1430--1434, 2012.
  11. Silvia Ghilezan, Svetlana Jakšić, Jovanka Pantović, Mariangiola Dezani-Cianciaglini, Types and Roles for Web Security, Transactions on Advanced Research, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 16--21, 2012.
  12. M. Stojanović, D. Tasić, D. Vučković, Generalized Approach for Calculation of Reduction Factor of a Cable Line Consisting of Three Single-Core Cables, International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 5, Iss. 4, pp. 1758--1764, 2012.
  13. Atanackovic Teodor M., Pilipovic Stevan, Stankovic Bogoljub, A theory of linear differential equations with fractional derivatives, Bulletin CXLIV, Classe des sciences Mathematiques et Naturellees Sci. Math, pp. 73--97, 2012.
  14. M.J. Mihaljevic, On Certain Coding Approaches for Security Evaluation and Design of Stream Ciphers, Transaction on Advanced Research, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 28--34, 2012.
  15. Stefanović Mihajlo, Panić Stefan, Anastasov Jelena, Cvetković Aleksandra, Popović Zoran, Capacity evaluation for maximal ratio combining over α-μ fading channels, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering 2011 Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages: 221-228, doi:10.2298/SJEE1102221S
  16. Zoran Jovanović, Dragan Antić, Zoran P. Stajić, Miloš Milošević, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić: Genetic Algorithms Applied in Parameters Determination of the 3D Crane Model, Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics Vol. 10, No 1, 2011, pp. 19 -- 27, UDC 004.424.521.021 007.52 004.423D,
  17. Miloš M. Božić, Miloš B. Stojanović, Zoran P. Stajić: Srednjoročno predviđanje električnog opterećenja primenom metoda podržavajućih vektora, Časopis Javnog preduzeća Elektroprivreda Srbije, Godina LXIV, januar/mart br. 1, str. 48, ISSN 0013-5755
  18. Božić, Đ£., Stojanović, Đ£.: Application of SVM Methods for Mid-Term Load Forecasting, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, 73-83, February 2011,
  19. S. Mušicki, D. Vasović, A. Ranđelović: Analiza nivoa buke u radnoj sredini kao karakterističnog uticajnog parametra Časopis Tehnika - Mašinstvo, Broj 60, Izdanje 4, 2011
  20. M. Perić, D. Tasić, S. Aleksić: Magnetic Field Distribution in Vicinity of Power Line With Bundled Conductors, Electrotechnica & Electronica E+E, Vol.45 , No 1-2, 2010., pp.34-37
  21. S. Minić, D. Tasić, M. Marković, D. Kecman, M. Stanković, N. Šušnica, B. Čupić: Mogućnosti u primeni elemenata geografskog informacionog sistema u elektrodistributivnim preduzećima, Elektroprivreda, br.3, 201 0., str. 242-252
  22. D. Tasić, M. Tanasković, M. Stojanović: Strujno opterećenje kablovskih vodova 10 kV i uticaj na izbor tipskog preseka, Elektroprivreda, br.4, 201 0., str. 311-318.
  23. Milkić Žarko, Vukić Đukan, Čukarić Aleksandar, Pejić Predrag: Uticaj napona rotora na karakteristike asinhronog generatora sa dvostranim napajanjem primenjenog u vetroelektranama. Rad objavljen u časopisu Traktori i pogonske mašine Vol. l6. No.4. p.90-95, 2011. UKD: 626.863(497.113)
  24. S.Jovanović, Software Algorithm Solution for Power Distribution Networks Analysis and Control, e-Society Journal Research and Applications, September 2010, ISSN 2217-3269
  25. G.Lj. Janaćković, S.M. Savić, M.S. Stanković, Multi-criteria decision analysis in occupational safety management systems, Safety Engineering -- Journal for scientiests and engineers, vol.1, no. 1, Faculty of occupational safety, Center for technical systems safety, Nis, October 2011, ISSN 2271-7124, COBISS.SR-ID 187159820, pp. 107-113.
  26. Jelić M, Trajković V. Benchmarking Workshops as a Tool to Raise Business Excellence, International Journal for Quality Research, published paper, Zdravko Krivokapic, Slavko Arsovski, ISSN 1800-6450, Vol. 5, No 1, 2011, pp. 7-11th
  27. Janjić A, Stajić Z, Jelić M, State of Smart Grids in European Electricity Network, 14th International Conference -+Dependability and Quality Management-½, Research Center of Dependability and Quality Management -- DQM, Prijevor, Zbornik radova, saopšteni rad štampan u zborniku, Ljubiša Papić, ISBN 978-86-86355-05-8, COBISS.SR-ID 184399116, Beograd, juni 2011, pp. 753-761 (autori A. Janjic i Z. Stajić su istraživači na potprojektu 7)
  28. Blagojević Marija, Standardizacija veb majninga sa posebnim osvrtom na standard zasnovane na XML-u, Tehnika-Kvalitet, Standardizacija i metrologija, Vol. 10, No 4, (2010) pp 1-4. Savez inženjera i tehničara, ISSN 1450-989X, 2010.
  29. Blagojević Marija, Korišćenje tehnika 'web mining-a' za dobijanje preporuka pri kreiranju idealnog modela elektronskih kurseva, Inovacije u nastavi časopis za savremenu nastavu, ISSN 0352-2334 vol. 23, br. 4, str. 68-86, 2010.

Articles in journals (M53):

  1. Veinović M., Jevremović A., Franc I., Stanić N., Izolovanje faze incidenta proaktivne digitalne forenzike korišćenjem adaptivnog virtuelnog okruženja, Singidunum revija, Univerzitet Singidunum, Vol.7, Iss.2, 2013
  2. Veinović M., Franc I., Jevremović A., Stanić N., Značaj virtuelnih mašina u digitalnoj forenzičkoj istrazi, Singidunum revija, Univerzitet Singidunum, Vol.7, Iss.2, 2013
  3. Dobromirov D., Radišić M., Kupusinac A., Marić B., Emerging Markets Unidirectional Sensitivity Coefficient as an Indicator in Portfolio Investors' Decision Making, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management - IJIEM, FTN, Novi Sad, Vol.1, Iss.2, pp.63--68, 2013
  4. Kupusinac A., Malbaški D., Automatic Verification of Inheritance, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management - IJIEM, FTN, Novi Sad, Vol.2, Iss.4, pp.139--143, 2013
  5. Malbaški D., Kupusinac A., The Strong Object Invariant, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science,Serbia, Vol.1, Iss.1, pp.9--15, 2013
  6. Kupusinac A., Malbaški D., Analysis of Loop Semantics using S-formulas, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science,Serbia, Vol.1, Iss.2, pp.72--77, 2013
  7. Kupusinac A., Malbaški D., Formalization of the General Hoare Logic Laws, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science,Serbia, Vol.1, Iss.3, pp.145--150, 2013
  8. Kupusinac A., Stokić E., Srdić Galić B., Determination of WHtR Limit for Predicting Hyperglycemia in Obese Persons by Using Artificial Neural Networks, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science,Serbia, Vol.1, Iss.4, pp.270--272, 2013
  9. Stokić E., Srdić Galić B., Kupusinac A., Doroslovački R., Estimating SAD Low-Limits for the Adverse Metabolic Profile by Using Artificial Neural Networks, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science,Serbia, Vol.2, Iss.2, pp.115--119, 2013
  10. Lečić D., Kupusinac A., The Impact of ERP Systems on Business Decision-Making, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science,Serbia, Vol.2, Iss.4, pp.323--326, 2013
  11. Sanja Životić, Saša Malkov, Nenad Mitić and Žarko Mijajlović, A Cultural Heritage Registry Prototype, Pregled Nacionalnog centra za digitalizaciju, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Iss.17, pp.1--8, 2013
  12. Žarko Mijajlović, Nenad Mitić and Saša Malkov, Digital Legacies, Pregled Nacionalnog centra za digitalizaciju, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Iss.22, pp.148--152, 2013
  13. Žarko Mijajlović, Nadežda Pejović, Works of Ruđer Bošković in Virtual Library of the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, Pregled Nacionalnog centra za digitalizaciju, ISSN: 1820-0109, Iss.22, pp.118--124, 2013
  14. 1. Branislav Popkontantinović, Sonja Krasić, Miroslav Dimitrijević, Branislav Popović, 3D Characters Modeling and Animation, Machine Design, Faculty of technical sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia, Vol.4, Iss.2, pp.117--122, 2013
  15. Dušan Tatić, Dragan Stanković, Ana Stanković, Multimedia Interactive System based on Augmented Reality (MISAR), Review of the National Center for Digitization, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Iss.23, pp.51--56, 2013
  16. Violeta Tomašević, Milo Tomašević, Pregled i analiza kriptoanalitičkih TMTO metoda, Singidunum revija, Univerzitet Singidunum, Vol.7, Iss.2, pp.141--151, 2013
  17. Aleksandar Valjarević, Multilayer digital maps (maps with many different and structure’s data), Centar za promociju Nauke, 2013
  18. Sanja Životić, Saša Malkov, Nenad Mitić and Žarko Mijajlović, A Cultural Heritage Registry Prototype, Pregled Nacionalnog centra za digitalizaciju, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Iss.17, pp.1--8, 2013
  19. Žarko Mijajlović, Nenad Mitić and Saša Malkov, Digital Legacies, Pregled Nacionalnog centra za digitalizaciju, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Iss.22, pp.148--152, 2013
  20. Taradi Josip, Nikolić Vesna, Model of Occupational Injury Information System and Knowledge Management, Safety Engineering, Vol. 2, Iss. 1, pp. 19--26, doi: DOI: 10.7562/SE2012.2.01.04, 2012.
  21. Nikolić Vesna, Taradi Josip, Visokoškolsko obrazovanje inženjera zaštite na radu u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj, Svet Rada, Vol. 9, Iss. 1, pp. 30--46, 2012.
  22. S.Jovanović, Cyber Security and Vulnerability of Smart Power Grids, InfoM , Vol. 11, Iss. 42, pp. 13--16, 2012.
  23. M.Čubrilo, S.Jovanović, Java Fork/Join Parallel Gauss-Seid, InfoM , Vol. In Press , 2012.
  24. M.Jandrić, S.Vulović, S.Jovanović, Security Protocols on the Apache Web Server, InfoM , Vol. 11, Iss. 43, pp. 13--17, 2012.
  25. Dušan Malbaški, Aleksandar Kupusinac, The Strong Object Invariant, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, Vol. 1, Iss. 1, pp. 9--15, 2012.
  26. Aleksandar Kupusinac, Dušan Malbaški, Analysis of Loop Semantics using S-formulas, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, Vol. 1, Iss. 2, pp. 72--77, 2012.
  27. Aleksandar Kupusinac, Dušan Malbaški, Formalization of the General Hoare Logic Laws, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, Vol. 1, Iss. 3, pp. 145--150, 2012.
  28. Aleksandar Kupusinac, Edith Stokić, Biljana Srdić, Determination of WHtR Limit for Predicting Hyperglycemia in Obese Persons by Using Artificial Neural Networks, Technology Education Management Informatics - TEM, Vol. 1, Iss. 4, pp. 270--272, 2012.
  29. Ž.Jovičić, M.Bogić, S.Rašković. Savremena terapija hronične urtikarije, 2011, Medicinska istraživanja
  30. M.J. Mihaljevic, On Certain Coding Approaches for Security Evaluation and Design of Stream Ciphers, Transaction on Advanced Research}, vol. 8, no. 2, Jul 2012, to appear (ISSN 1820 - 4511;
  31. Jovan Mrvić, Petar Vukelja: Prenaponi preneti iz mreže 220 kV na 15,65 kV nivo bloka transformatorgenerator u HE Bajina Bašta, Zbornik radova Instituta Nikola Tesla knjiga 21, godina 2011, ISSN 0350-8528
  32. Ninoslav Simić, Jovan Mrvić: Kvar metalnog otpornika za uzemljenje neutralne tačke mreže 35 kV, Zbornik radova Instituta Nikola Tesla knjiga 21, godina 2011, ISSN 0350-8528
  33. Aleksandar Pejović, Digitisation of Book Centralne sile u prirodi by Đorđe Stanojević, NCD Review, br. 19, 69-73, 2011, ISSN 1820-0109
  34. N. Pejović, Ž. Mijajlović, Knjige Vojislava Miškovića u Virtuelnoj biblioteci, Publ. Astr. Druš. Ruđer Bošković, br. 10, 2011, 451-465.


  1. Milan Tuba, Editing Board, Artificial Intelligence Research, SCIEDU Press, 2013
  2. Milan Tuba, Editing Board, Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences, IFNA, University of South Florida, 2013
  3. Milan Tuba, Editing Board, Megatrend revija, Megatrend Univerzitet, 2013


  1. Žarko Mijajlović, Glavni urednik, Pregled Nacionalnog centra za digitalizaciju, ISSN: 1820-0109, pp.1--150, 2013

Conference papers (M31)

  1. Mihajlovic Aleksandar, Mihajlovic Bill, A Potential Cache Oblivious Approach to Solving Partial Differential Equations Using Space Filling Curves for Adaptive Mesh Traversals, LeMiMa Conference Belgrade Serbia, ALFA University, FORKUP (Faculty for Education of the Executives), Vol.1 of 3, Iss.2013, pp.69--74, 18.04.2013--20.04.2013, Srbija, 2013
  2. Mihajlovic Aleksandar, Jelisavcic Vladisav, Marinkovic Bojan, Zoran Ognjanovic, Milutinovic Veljko, An Overview on and Innovative Perspectives for The Serbia-Forum Cultural Heritage Digitization Project, SEEDI 2013 Conference, Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu i Matematički Institut SANU u Beogradu, Vol.1 of 1, Iss.2013, pp.26--27, 16.05.2013--17.05.2013, Hrvatska, 2013
  3. Milan Tuba, Behavior of the Maximum Entropy Routing in Computer Networks, 19th American Conference on Applied Mathematics, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, pp.131--136, 30.01.13--01.02.13, USA, 2013
  4. Mihajlovic Bill, Mihajlovic Aleksandar, Andjelkovic Maja, Cloud Computing and Legal Aspects of Personal and Business Data Security, LeMiMa Conference Belgrade Serbia, ALFA University, FORKUP (Faculty for Education of the Executives), Vol.1 of 3, Iss.2013, pp.58--68, 18.04.2013--20.04.2013, Srbija, 2013
  5. H. Imai, M.J. Mihaljevic, Cryptography Policy of Japan and CRYPTREC, BalkanCrypt 2013, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp.1--10, 7.11.2013--8.11.2013, Bulgaria, 2013
  6. Milan Tuba, Cuckoo Search Optimization Metaheuristic Adjustment, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '13), Clare College, Cambridge, Clare College, Cambridge, UK, pp.144--149, 20.02.13--22.02.13, UK, 2013
  7. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Jelena Nikolić, Design of compandor quantizer using spline approximations, 21th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, Telecommunications society and Academic mind, pp.428--434, 26.11.2013.--28.11.2013., Srbija, 2013
  8. Milan Tuba, Image Processing Algorithm for Shape Recognition by Invariant Features, 12th International Conference on Signal Processing (SIP '13), Morgan State University, Baltimore, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA, pp.370--374, 17.09.13--19.09.13, USA, 2013
  9. Stevovic S., Milosevic H., Ivanovic G., Mathematical modeling, MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR RELIABILITY CALCULATION AND MODEL EXAMPLE, MIT 2013, pp.1--5, 5.9.2013--15.09 2013, Srbija-Crna Gora, 2013
  10. Dragana Krstic, Methods for System Performance Improvement of Shadowed Fading Channels, InfoWare 2013, IARIA XPS Press, July 21--July 26, France, 2013
  11. H. Milosevic, D. Petkovic, N. Kontrec, A.D. Rychkov, V. Petrovic,, Ocena greske pri meremju teperature, ОЦЕНКА ПОГРЕШНОСТИ ТЕРМПАРНЫХ ИЗМЕРЕНИЙ ПРОФИЛА ТЕПЕРАТУРЫ В ТВЕРДУХ ВЕЩЕСТВАХ ПРИ ИХ ПИРОЛИЗЕ,, International Conference, pp.1--5, 23.6.2013--30.06 2013, Rusija, Kemerovo, 2013
  12. B. Nikolic, G. T. Djordjevic, On the effect of imperfect reference signal recoverz on BER performance of PSK receiver in composite fading channel, 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, TЕLЕCOMMUNICАTIONS SOCIЕTY, pp.276--282, 26.11.2013.--28.11.2013., Serbia, 2013
  13. Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Goran T. Đorđević, Outage Performance of Cooperative Relaying Systems in Interference-limited Environment, 21st Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2013, Društvo za telekomunikacije - DT, pp.307--314, 26.11.2013--28.11.2013, Serbia, 2013
  14. Dragana Krstic, Reducing the Impact of Different Distributed Fading and Shadowing in Channels Using the Diversity Technique, The Ninth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2013 Keynote lecture, IARIA XPS Press, June 23--June28, Italy, 2013
  15. Milan Tuba, Swarm Intelligence Algorithms Search Capabilities, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in co-operation with the Information Society Development Institute and the Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, pp.15--18, 20.08.13--23.08.13, Republic of Moldova, 2013
  16. Dimitrije Stefanovic, Dejan Blagojevic, Ivan Stefanovic, The integral features of electronic gass for viewpoint of quantum mechanic, The Serbian Ceramic Society ConferenceAdvanced Ceramics and Application II: New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbian Ceramic Society, 30.09.2013--01.10.2013, Serbija, 2013
  17. M.J. Mihaljevic, H. Imai, Towards Lightweight Cryptographic Primitives Employing Coding Theory, BalkanCrypt 2013, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp.1--10, 7.11.2013--8.11.2013, Bulgaria, 2013
  18. Milan Tuba , Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm with Crossover and Mutation , 6th European Computing Conference, pp. 157--162, Sep 24--26, Češka, 2012
  19. Milan Tuba , Swarm Intelligence Algorithms Parameter Tuning, American Conference on Applied Mathematics, pp. 389--394, Jan 25--27, SAD, 2012
  20. Milan Tuba , JPEG Algorithm Adjustment for Different Quality Metrics, 5th International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation, pp. 229--234, Sep 7--9, Malta, 2012
  21. Marko Milojković, Dragan Antić, Zoran Jovanović, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić , Generalized Concept of Orthogonality Applied in Technical Systems, 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 1005--1011, Nov 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  22. Vesna Nikolić, Tendencije upravljanja i razvoja ljudskih resursa u budućnosti, "Menadžment i sigurnost" – Upravljanje ljudskim resursima i sigurnost , pp. 19--37, Jun 14--15, Hrvatska, 2012
  23. Nikolić Vesna, Taradi Josip, Živković Snežana , Economic and Social Significance of Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety – Example of Serbia and Croatia , 1st International Scientific Conference Economic and Social Development, pp. 568--581, Apr 12--13, Nemačka, 2012
  24. S. Stevović, D. Vasiliski, H.Milošević, МЕТОДОЛОГИЈА ЗА ПРОЈЕКТОВАЊЕ И ДЕФИНИЦИЈУ ПАРАМЕТАРА МАЛИХ ХИДРОЕЛЕКТРАНА KAO ПОДРШКА ОДРЖИВОМ ГРАДИТЕЉСТВУ, VIIIth International Conference Contemporary Theory and Practice in building development , pp. 1--1, apr 26--27, Republika Srpska, BiH, 2012
  25. Lj. Petrović, On Markovian Extensions and Reductions of the Family of Hilbert spaces, 5th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modeling (ASM'11), Grčka, 2011
  26. Milan Tuba , Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm with Crossover and Mutation , 6th European Computing Conference, pp. 157--162, Sep 24--26, Češka, 2012
  27. Milan Tuba , Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm Exploitation and Exploration Balance, 1st International Conference on Computing, Information Systems and Communications, pp. 252--257, Maj 11--13, Singapur, 2102
  28. Milan Tuba , Swarm Intelligence Algorithms Parameter Tuning, American Conference on Applied Mathematics, pp. 389--394, Jan 25--27, SAD, 2012
  29. Milan Tuba , Ant colony optimization pheromone correction strategies, 2nd International Conference on Modeling and Development of Intelligent Systems, pp. 199--207, Oct 29--2, Rumunija, 2011
  30. Milan Tuba , JPEG Algorithm Adjustment for Different Quality Metrics, 5th International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation, pp. 229--234, Sep 7--9, Malta, 2012
  31. Dragan Antić, Darko Mitić, Zoran Jovanović, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Saša Nikolić , On Anti-lock Braking System Sliding Mode Control Techniques , Special International Conference on Complex Systems: Sinergy of Control, Communications and Computing, COSY 2011, pp. 369--380, Sep 16--20, Makedonija, Ohrid, 2011
  32. Marko Milojković, Dragan Antić, Zoran Jovanović, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić , Generalized Concept of Orthogonality Applied in Technical Systems, 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 1005--1011, Nov 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  33. Vesna Nikolić, Tendencije upravljanja i razvoja ljudskih resursa u budućnosti, "Menadžment i sigurnost" – Upravljanje ljudskim resursima i sigurnost , pp. 19--37, Jun 14--15, Hrvatska, 2012
  34. Nikolić Vesna, Savremena poslovna organizacija kao organizacija koja uči u funkciji bezbednosti radne i životne sredine, "Menadžment i sigurnost" M&S2011, pp. 268--282, Jun 13--13, Hrvatska, 2011
  35. Nikolić Vesna, Taradi Josip, Živković Snežana , Economic and Social Significance of Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety – Example of Serbia and Croatia , 1st International Scientific Conference Economic and Social Development, pp. 568--581, Apr 12--13, Nemačka, 2012
  36. Nikolić Vesna, Taradi Josip, Živković Snežana , Psychological – pedagogical dimension of emergency management, Varstvo pri delu, varstvo pred požari in medicina dela, maj 10--11, Slovenija, 2011
  37. 1589, 1596, Violeta Tomašević, Milo Tomašević, Kompromis između memorijskih i vremenskih zahteva u kriptoanalitičkim postupcima, , p. 2012, 20 Zbornik radova TELFOR 2012--TELFOR, 22, nov
  38. H.Milošević, Shokin Y., Захаров Ю.Н., Гейдаров Н.А., Гуммель, РЕШЕНИЕ СТАЦИОНАРНЫХ И НЕСТАЦИОНАРНЫХ ЗАДАЧ ПРОТЕКАНИЯ В КАНАЛАХ ПРИ ЗАДАННОМ ПЕРЕПАДЕ ДАВЛЕНИЯ , MIT 2011, Mathematical and Informational Technologies, pp. 289--297, Sep 27--5, Srbija, 2011
  39. S.Stevović, D. Vasiliski, H.Milošević, МЕТОДОЛОГИЈА ЗА ПРОЈЕКТОВАЊЕ И ДЕФИНИЦИЈУ ПАРАМЕТАРА МАЛИХ ХИДРОЕЛЕКТРАНА KAO ПОДРШКА ОДРЖИВОМ ГРАДИТЕЉСТВУ, VIIIth International Conference Contemporary Theory and Practice in building development , pp. 1--1, apr 26--27, Republika Srpska, BiH, 2012

Conference papers (M32)

  1. Dragan Domazet, Are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) threats or opportunities for education in developing countries?, The 2013 Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, pp.46--57, 17.12.2013--21.12.2013, Nemačka, 2013
  2. H. Imai, M.J. Mihaljevic, Contemporary Challenges of Cryptology for Cyber-Security, WECT-INFOFEST 2013, pp.1--10, 30.9.2013--5.11.2013, Montenegro, 2013
  3. Milan Tuba, Hard Optimization problems in Image Processing, Treća matematička konferencija Republike Srpske, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Trebinje, Fakultet za proizvodnju I menadžment, Fakultet za proizvodnju i menadžment, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Trebinje, pp.62--62, 07.06.13--08.06.13, Bosna i Hercegovina, 2013
  4. Silvia Gilezan, Reducibility method and logical relations in intuitionistic logic and programming languages, Constructive Mathematics: Foundations and Practise, Univerzitet u Nišu, pp.6--8, 24.06.2013.--28.06.2013., Srbija, 2013
  5. Milan Tuba, Swarm Intelligence Optimization Algorithms in Image Processing, Third International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems (MDIS’13), Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, pp.14--14, 10.10.13--12.10.13, Romania, 2013
  6. Dragana Krstic, The Application of GIS in Wireless Communication Systems with Diversity Combining in the Presence of Fading, 1st European Conference of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering (GENG’13), North Atlantic University Union, pp.13--13, October 8--October 10, Turkey, 2013
  7. Dragana Krstic, The Mitigation of Fading and Shadowing Influences in Wireless Telecommunications, 13th WSEAS International Conference on ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS, HIGH VOLTAGES, ELECTRIC MACHINES (POWER '13), WSEAS Press, pp.18--18, August 27--August 29, Greece, 2013
  8. Dragana Krstic, The upgrading of the system’s performance in the presence of fading by using diversity techniques and sampling in two time instants, The Ninth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2013 Expert Panel: Advances in Signal Processing and Networking Technologies, IARIA XPS Press, June 23--June 28, Italy, 2013
  9. Milan Tuba , Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Global Optimization Parameter Adjustment, 6th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, pp. 55--55, Jul 25--1, Grčka, 2012
  10. Đorđe Kadijević, Critical issues in effective CAS utilization INVITED LECTURE, Technology and its Integration in Mathematics Education TIME 2012 , pp. 24--24, Jul 10--14, Estonia, 2012
  11. Žarko Mijajlović, Nadežda Pejović, National Serbian digitization project: its achievements and activities. , VII BULGARIAN-SERBIAN ASTRONOMICAL CONFERENCE  ""ASTROINFORMATICS, pp. 75--82, Jun 1--4, bugarska, 2012
  12. Nadežda Pejović, Teaching of Astroinformatics at the University of Belgrade, VII BULGARIAN-SERBIAN ASTRONOMICAL CONFERENCE  ""ASTROINFORMATICS, pp. 89--96, Jun 1--4, Bugarska, 2012
  13. Milan Tuba , Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Global Optimization Parameter Adjustment, 6th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, pp. 55--55, Jul 25--1, Grčka, 2012
  14. Đorđe Kadijević, Critical issues in effective CAS utilization INVITED LECTURE, Technology and its Integration in Mathematics Education TIME 2012 , pp. 24--24, Jul 10--14, Estonia, 2012
  15. Žarko Mijajlović, Nadežda Pejović, National Serbian digitization project: its achievements and activities. , VII BULGARIAN-SERBIAN ASTRONOMICAL CONFERENCE  ""ASTROINFORMATICS, pp. 75--82, Jun 1--4, bugarska, 2012
  16. Nadežda Pejović, Teaching of Astroinformatics at the University of Belgrade, VII BULGARIAN-SERBIAN ASTRONOMICAL CONFERENCE  ""ASTROINFORMATICS, pp. 89--96, Jun 1--4, Bugarska, 2012

Conference papers (M33)

  1. Dušan Jovanović, Slobodan Jovanović, „Extending Dokeos LE for Adaptive e-Learning“, eLearning 2013, 4thConference on e-Learning, Belgrade Metropolitan University, pp.32--36, 26.9.2013--27.9.2013, Serbia, 2013
  2. Svetlana Cvetanovic, Dušan Veljković, Boban Nikolić, Dragan Domazet, „Modeling University Metropolitan online learning architecture - the TOGAF/ARCHIMATE way“, eLearning 2013, 4thConference on e-Learning, Belgrade Metropolitan University, pp.126--131, 26.9.2013--27.9.2013, Serbia, 2013
  3. Valentina Paunovic, Slobodan Jovanović, „TowardsAdvanced Data Retrieval from Learning Objects Repositories“, eLearning 2013, 4thConference on e-Learning, Belgrade Metropolitan University, pp.53--59, 26.9.2013--27.9.2013, Serbia, 2013
  4. Vukić Đ., Radičević B., Floranović N., “Optimization Mode of the Electric Drive Pumps with the Doubly-Fed Induction Motor”, The First International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering, – ISAE, Belgrade, pp.107--113, 4.10.2013.--6.10.2013., Srbija, 2013
  5. Bojan Banjac, Branko Malešević, Maja Petrović, Marija Obradović, A Computer Verification of a Conjecture About The Erdös-Mordell Curve, Proceedings of 21th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, IEEE Conference TELFOR 2013, pp.1031--1034, 26.11.2013.--28.11.2013., Srbija, 2013
  6. Zoran Ognjanović, Aleksandar Perović, Dragan Doder, A First-Order Dynamic Probability Logic, Lecture notes in CS, Springer, Iss.7958, pp.461--472, 8. 6. 2013.--10. 6. 2013., Holandija, 2013
  7. Žarko Mijajlovic, Aleksandar Simonović, Nadežda Pejović, A METHOD FOR ENHANCED IMAGE PROCESSING AND SEARCH FOR VARIABLE STARS, Proc. VIII Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference (VIII SBAC), Astron. Soc. "Ruđer Bošković", Iss.12, pp.273--281, 8.5.2012--12.5.2012, Srbija, 2013
  8. M.J. Mihaljevic, A. Kavcic, An Approach for Reduction of the Security Overhead in Smart Grid Communication Infrastructure Employing Dedicated Encryption, The Twelfth International Conference on Networks - ICN 2013, Spain Proceedings of ICN-2013, pp.46--52, 27.1.2013--1.2.2013, Spain, 2013
  9. Дарко Митић, Миодраг Спасић, Драган Антић, An Approach to Design of Sliding Mode based Generalized Predictive Control, 8th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2013, Faculty of Automation and Computers "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Romania, Vol.-, Iss.-, pp.347--351, 23.05.2013.--25.05.2013., Румунија, 2013
  10. Snezana Zekovich, Milan Tuba, An Artifical Neural Network Model for Handwritten Digits Recognition, 12th International Conference on Signal Processing (SIP '13), Morgan State University, Baltimore, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA, pp.358--363, 17.09.13--19.09.13, USA, 2013
  11. Marijana S. Nesic, Ivana Milosevic, Mirko Milosevic, Mile Petrovic, Vladimir Dakovic, Analiza karakteristika raznih konfiguracija 3D kamera i preporuke za njihovo koriscenje, XII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum , INFOTEH, Jahorina, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Vol.12, pp.474--477, 2013
  12. N. Cvetković, D. Vučković, M. Stojanović, D. Krstić, D. Tasić, Application of a Model of the Road Influence on the Lighting Pillars’ Grounding Systems, 11th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics ПЕС 2013, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, pp.Paper P1-13--Paper P1-13, 01.00.3013--04.09.2013, Srbija, 2013
  13. D. Vučković, N. Cvetković, S. Aleksić, S. Ilić, D. Tasić, D. Krstić, Application of Hybrid Boundary Element Method on Modelling of Hemispherical Ground Inhomogeneity, International Symposium on Theoretical Electical Engineering, ISTET 2013, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, pp.Paper I-7--Paper I-7, 24.06.2013--26.06.2013, Czech Republic, 2013
  14. Nebojša M. Ralević, Nataša S. Glišović, Jelena S. Kiurski, Vladimir Dj. Djaković, Goran B. Andjelić, Application of Neural Networks in Investments: A Case of BELEX15 Stock Index, SISY (11th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics), Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary, pp.171--175, 26.9.--28.9., Srbija, Subotica, 2013
  15. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Approximation of the Optimal Compressor Function Combining Different Spline Functions in Segments, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services - TELSIKS 2013, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia, pp.541--544, 16.10.2013.--19.10.2013., Srbija, 2013
  16. Marija Šegan, Nikola Petrović, Archive of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Digitization of the Reports from the meetings of the Scientific Council (1948 – 1964), Review of the National Center for Digitization, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Vol.x, Iss.22, pp.140--147, x--x, x, 2013
  17. Nebojsa Bacanin, Milan Tuba, Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm for portfolio optimization problem, 5th International Conference on Applied Economics, Business and Development (AEBD '13), Chania, Crete Island, Greece, The North Atlantic University Union, pp.163--168, 27.08.13--29.08.13, Greece, 2013
  18. Nebojsa Bacanin, Milan Tuba, Artificial Immune System Algorithm Framework for Bound-Constraint Numerical Problems, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '13), Clare College, Cambridge, UK, pp.150--155, 20.02.13--22.02.13, UK, 2013
  19. Adis Alihodzic, Milan Tuba, Bat Algorithm (BA) for Image Thresholding, 12th International Conference on Signal Processing (SIP '13), Morgan State University, Baltimore, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA, pp.364--369, 17.09.13--19.09.13, USA, 2013
  20. Milica I. Petković, Goran T. Đorđević, Bata V. Vasić, BER performance of IM/DD FSO system with OOK over Gamma-Gamma atmospheric turbulence channel with pointing errors, 11th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics – ΠEC 2013, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, 01.09.2013.--04.09.2013., Serbia, 2013
  21. Valentina Paunović, Biological modeling of software development dynamics, Proceedings of International Conference on applied Internet and information, Univerzitet Novi Sad, Tehnički fakultet "Mihajlo Pupin", pp.395--402, 25.10.2013--25.10.2013, Srbija, 2013
  22. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, Aleksandar Stevanović, Bit Error Rate for Complex SSC/MRC Combiner in Gamma Fading Channel, 18th International Conference on Applied Electronics - AE 2013, University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, pp.149--152, September 10--September 12, Czech Republic, 2013
  23. B. Vasic, G. T. Djordjevic, Bane Vasic, Blind and robust 3D mesh watermarks, 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, TЕLЕCOMMUNICАTIONS SOCIЕTY, pp.749--752, 26.11.2013.--28.11.2013., Serbia, 2013
  24. Dragan Antić, Dragana Trajković, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation of the 3D Crane System Using Dymola, Proceedings of the XLVIII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2013, Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola, pp.821--824, 26.06.2013--29.06.2013, Macedonia, 2013
  25. Ivaniš Ljubomir, Adamović Saša, Jevremović Aleksandar, Case Study: DNS Service Protection Methods, International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services - TELSIKS, 8.1.1900--8.1.1900, Niš, Serbia, 2013
  26. Vesna Milanović, Andrea Bučalina, Challenges and threats of global business, Book of Proceedings 2013- International Conference on Social and Technological Development (STED): Contemporary Concepts and Challenges of Social and Technological Development in the Globalization Era, president program committee-prof. dr Boris Tihi, za izdavača: dr Mile Vasić, University for Business Engineering and Management from Banja Luka, Vol.1, Iss.1, pp.253--272, 28.09.2012.--29.09.2012., Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, 2013
  27. Aleksandra Panajotović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, Nikola Sekulović, Channel Capacity of Dual SC Diversity System Based on Desired Signal Decision Algorithm in Microcell, Conference Proceedings of ICEST 2013, Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola, pp.483--486, 26.06.--29.06., Makedonija, 2013
  28. Djordje Nedić, Marina Svičević, Boban Stojanović, Srboljub Mijailović, Computational methods for muscle modeling at the molecular level, 12th YOUNG RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE Materials Science and Engineering Belgrade, Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, pp.16--16, 11.12.--13.12., Serbia, 2013
  29. N. Jovanović, Z. Jovanović, O. Popović, I.Stanković, A.Zakić, Computer Network Simulation and Visualization Tool for Educational Purpose, TELSIKS, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, pp.579--582, 2013
  30. Mirjana Brdar, Helena Zarin, Convection-diffusion-reaction problems on a B-type mesh, PAMM, Wiley / Novi Sad, Vol.13, pp.423--424, 18.03.2013.--22.03.2013., Srbija, 2013
  31. K. Lidayova, J. Lindblad, N. Sladoje and H. Frimmel, Coverage segmentation of thin structures by linear unmixing and local centre of gravity attraction, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, IEEE Signal Processing Society / University of Zagreb; University of Trieste, pp.83--88, 04.09.13--06.09.13, Italy, 2013
  32. Nataša Glišović, Marija Milojević, Decision support system for mechanical engineering, Proceedings of international conference on applied internet аnd information technologies, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin, Zrenjanin; Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Srbija, pp.413--416, 25.10.2013.--25.10.2013., Srbija, 2013
  33. Irina Branović, Dragan Marković, Ranko Popović, Violeta Tomašević, Dejan Živković, Development of modular virtual lab for introductory computing courses, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), IEEE, pp.1027--1031, 2013
  34. Vladan Vučković, Nikola Stojanović, DYNAMIC 3D MODELING OF TESLA'S LONG ISLAND LABORATORY, Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics on CD, PES 2013, PES, Elektronski fakultet u Nisu, pp.117--118, 1.9.--04.09., Srbija, 2013
  35. Vučković Vladan, Nikola Stojanović, Dynamic Simulation of Tesla's Machines in 3D Long Island Model, Proceedings of Papers 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services - Telsiks 2013, TELSIKS, Elektronski fakultet u Nisu, Vol.2, pp.401--404, 16.10.--19.10., Srbija, 2013
  36. Slobodan Obradović, Srđan Milanović, Đurđe Milanović, Perica Štrbac, Vera Petrović, Energy optimized UV reactor for high dynamic of capacity and water quality, Sаvrеmеni mаtеriјаli 2013, Аkаdеmiја nаukа i umјеtnоsti Rеpublikе Srpskе, pp.134--135, 4.6.2013.--6.6.2013., Republika Srpska, 2013
  37. Jelena Malenović-Nikolić, Goran Janaćković, Dejan Vasović, Environmental aspects ranking: the AHP approach, 4th DQM International conference ICDQM-2013, DQM research centre, Čačak, pp.360--365, jun, 2013--jun, 2013, Srbija, 2013
  38. Jelena Malenović-Nikolić, Dejan Vasović, Goran Janaćković, Environmental management in energy industry by use of the balanced scorecard, 4th DQM International conference ICDQM-2013, DQM research centre, Čačak, pp.191--195, jun, 2013--jun, 2013, Srbija, 2013
  39. Milica I. Petković, Nemanja M. Zdravković, Goran T. Đorđević, Error performance of uncoded and convolutional coded SC receiver over FSO channel with pointing errors, 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, TЕLЕCOMMUNICАTIONS SOCIЕTY, pp.283--286, 26.11.2013.--28.11.2013., Serbia, 2013
  40. Blagojević Marija, Ružičić Vesna, Evaluation of Web based intelligent e-learning report system, International conference on Information technology and development of education, Tehnički fakultet Zrenjanin, pp.103--107, 29.6.2013.Srbija, 2013
  41. Karlo Bala, Nebojša Gvozdenović, Nenad Mirkov, Extracting a transit geopoint set from routing API, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia, Slovenian Society Informatika (SDI), Section for Operational Research (SOR), pp.319--323, Septembar 25. 2013.--Septembar 27. 2013., Slovenija, 2013
  42. Romana Capor-Hrosik, Milan Tuba, Mirjana Vukovic, Face Detection Algorithm Based on Skin Detection and Invariant Moments, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '13), Clare College, Cambridge, UK, Clare College, Cambridge, UK, pp.110--115, 20.02.13--22.02.13, UK, 2013
  43. Romana Capor-Hrosik, Milan Tuba, Mirjana Vukovic, Milenko Pikula, Face Detection by Neural Networks Based on Invariant Moments, 2nd International Conference on Computers, Digital Communications and Computing (ICDCC '13), Brasov, Transilvania University of Brasov, pp.45--50, 01.06.13--03.06.13, Romania, 2013
  44. Goran Janaćković, Factors influencing efficient integration of safety systems, Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference (HASSACC 2013), Trnava Univerisity, pp.16--20, 2013
  45. Stojmenovic, Milos; Jevremovic, Aleksandar; Nayak, Amiya, Fast Iris Detection via Shape based Circularity, 8th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2013), IEEE; University of Technology, Australia, 8.1.1900--8.1.1900, Melbourne, Australia, 2013
  46. Karlo Bala, Nebojša Gvozdenović, Dejan Brcanov, Finding Locations of Distribution centres with time window Restricted customer requests, Proceedings, Saobraćajni fakultet Beograd, pp.još nije određeno--još nije određeno, Novembar 28. 2013.--Novembar 30. 2013., Srbija, 2013
  47. Marina Svičević, Miloš Ivanović, Finite Element Solution of One-Dimensional Stefan Problem, 12th YOUNG RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE Materials Science and Engineering Belgrade, Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, pp.21--21, 11.12.--13.12., Serbia, 2013
  48. Nebojsa Bacanin, Ivona Brajevic, Milan Tuba, Firefly Algorithm Applied to Integer Programming Problems, 19th American Conference on Applied Mathematics, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp.143--148, 30.01.13--01.02.13, USA, 2013
  49. Romana Capor-Hrosik, Adis Alihodzic, Milan Tuba, Mirjana Vukovic, Milenko Pikula, Firefly Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Problems, 12th International Conference on Telecommunications and Informatics (TELE-INFO '13), Morgan State University, Baltimore, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA, pp.139--144, 17.09.13--19.09.13, USA, 2013
  50. Adis Alihodzic, Milan Tuba, Framework for Bat Algorithm Optimization Metaheuristic, 4th International Conference on Bioscience and Bioinformatics (ICBB '13), Chania, Crete Island, Greece, The North Atlantic University Union, pp.157--163, 27.08.13--29.08.13, Greece, 2013
  51. S.M. Savić, M.S. Stanković, Goran Janaćković, From quality management to risk management and sustainable excellence, 4th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management, Research Center of Dependability and Quality Management, pp.215--220, 2013
  52. S. Mišić, M. Obradović, G. Lazović, B. Popkonstantinović, Generating a Type of Concave Cupolae of Fourth Sort, Scientific Bulletin of the "POLITEHNICA" University of Timişoara, Romania TRANSACTIONS on HYDROTECHNICS, University of Timişoara, Romania, Vol.Fasc. 1, Iss.Tom 58 (72), pp.79--82, 13. 06. 2013.--15. 06. 2013., Rumunija, 2013
  53. Marija Obradović, Branko Malešević, Maja Petrović, Gordana Djukanović, Generating Curves of Higher Order Using the Generalisation of Hügelschäffer’ Egg Curve construction, Proceedings of ICEGD International Conference on Engineering Graphics and, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii „POLITEHNICA“ din Timişoara, Seria HIDROTEHNI TRANSACTIONS on HYDROTECHNICS, Vol.72, Iss.58, pp.110--114, 13.06.2013.--15.06.2013., Rumunija, 2013
  54. Aleksandra Panajotović, Felip Riera-Palou, Guillem Femenias, GMD-enhanced MU-MIMO for IEEE802.11ac, Conference Proceedings of Wireless Days 2013, IEEE Communications Society, pp.1--4, 13.11.--15.11., Španija, 2013
  55. Zona Kostić, Dragan Cvetković, Aleksandar Jevremović, Dragan Marković, Srdjan Trajković, Dusko Radaković, How to use Tools for Modelling Virtual Engineering Environments?, 17th Int.Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2013, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Fakultetska 1, 72000 Zenica, pp.373--376, Turska, 2013
  56. Snezana Zekovich, Milan Tuba, Hu Moments Based Handwritten Digits Recognition Algorithm, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '13), Clare College, Cambridge, UK, Clare College, Cambridge, UK, pp.98--103, 20.02.13--22.02.13, UK, 2013
  57. Dejan Vasović, Jelena Malenović-Nikolić, Stevan Mušicki, Implementation of principles of ISO 14000 standards and principles of water quality management in industry and energy sector, III International Conference EMC2014, Tehnički fakultet, Zrenjanin, pp.404--407, jun, 2013--jun, 2013, Srbija, 2013
  58. Jovo Arežina, Perica Štrbac, Zoran Banjac, Implementation of Selection and Mating Functions by Using Upgraded Petri Net, Infoteh, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Istočno Sarajevo, Vol.12, pp.993--997, 20.3.2013.--22.3.2013., Republika Srpska, 2013
  59. Jevremović Aleksandar, RIstić Nenad, Mladen Veinović, Improving Protection of PHP Source Code Using Cryptology Models, International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services - TELSIKS, 9.1.1900--9.1.1900, Niš, Serbia, 2013
  60. Dimitrije Stefanovic, Dejan Blagojevic, Zoran Popovic, Natasa Bogdanovic, Integral characteristics of statistical distribution functions and processes of thermal equilibrium establishing, The Serbian Ceramic Society ConferenceAdvanced Ceramics and Application II: New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbian Ceramic Society, pp.P4230.09.2013--01.10.2013, Serbija, 2013
  61. Zitnik S., Subelj L., Jankovic M., Furlan B., Draskovic D., Kojic N., Misic M., Bajec M., Iterative End-to-end Information Extraction based on Linear Models, ERK, IEEE Region 8, pp.47--50, 16.9..2013.--19.9.2013., Slovenia, 2013
  62. Živković Dragica, Valjarević Aleksandar, Izračunavanje digitalnog nagiba terena uz pomoć GIS alata, Digital Relief Modelling of Fruska Gora Expositions, Univerzitet u Skopju Kirilo i Metodije, Vol.10, Iss.1, pp.U štampi12.15.2013--12.19.2013, Makedonija, 2013
  63. Nebojsa Bacanin, Milan Tuba, Branislav Pelevic, Krill Herd (KH) Algorithm for Portfolio Optimization, 14th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics (MCBE '13), Morgan State University, Baltimore, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA, pp.39--44, 17.09.13--19.09.13, USA, 2013
  64. M.J. Mihaljevic, Light-Weight and Provable Secure Cryptographic Techniques - The Key Components for Cyber Security and Efficient Smart Grid Deployment, Global Wireless Summit (GSW) 2013, River Publishers, pp.141--142, 24.6.2013--27.6.2013, USA, 2013
  65. Paul Rosin, Jovanka Pantović, Joviša Žunić, Measuring linearity of closed curves and connected compound curves, Conference on Computer Vision, Springer 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), pp.310--321, 05.11.2012.--09.11.2012., Koreja, 2013
  66. Joviša Žunić, Jovanka Pantović, Paul Rosin, Measuring linearity of curves, International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, SciTePress 2013, pp.388--395, 15.02.2013.--18.02.2013., Španija, 2013
  67. Stanko Stankov, Mere za povećanje energetske efikasnosti kompresora, III Međunarodni kongres „Inženjerstvo, ekologija i materijali u procesnoj industriji“, Tehnološki fakultet Zvornik, pp.438--446, 04.03.2013.--06.03.2013., BiH, 2013
  68. Рычков А.Д., Бейзель С.А., Милошевич Х., Петкович Д., MODELING, ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ГРАНИЦ ЗАПЛЕСКА ВОЛН ЦУНАМИ МЕТОДОМ КРУПНЫХ ЧАСТИЦ,, International Conference, pp.1--5, 29.9.2013--5.10 2013, Rusija, Petropavlovsk, 2013
  69. Kontrec N, Milošević H, Djošić D, MODELING, ANALYSIS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TREE-TYPE STORAGE MODEL FOR AIRCRAFT INVENTORY CONTROL,, International Conference, pp.1--5, 5.9.2013--15.09 2013, Srbija-Crna Gora, 2013
  70. Svetlana Cvetanović, Dušan Veljković, Boban Nikolić, Dragan Domazet, Modeling University Metropolitan online Learning system arhitecture - the TOGAF/ArchiMate way, The Fourth International Conference on eLearning (eLearning-2013), Belgrade Metropolitan University, pp.126--131, 26.8.2013--27.9.2013, Srbija, 2013
  71. Aleksandar Janjic, Aleksandar Andjelkovic, Miroslav Docic, Multiple Criteria Decision Making under Uncertainty based on Stochastic Dominance, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods in Engineering (AMCME 2013), NAUN, pp.86--91, 16.07.2013--19.07.2013, Grčka, 2013
  72. Милошевич Х, Гуммель Е.Э, Захаров Ю.Н, Nehomogene sredine, ВЛИЯНИЕ НЕОДНОРОДНОСТИ НА ТЕЧЕНИЕ НЕСЖИМАЕМОЙ ЖИДКОСТИ, International Conference, pp.1--5, 23.6.2013--30.06 2013, Rusija, Kemerovo, 2013
  73. Danijela Stajić, Aleksandar Gošić, Zoran Stajić, Dragoslav Marković, Novi pristup preventivnom održavanju pumpnih stanica, Vodovodni i kanalizacioni sistemi, Zbornik radova, 22.05.2013--24.05.2013, Republika Srpska, 2013
  74. H. Milosevic, D. Petkovic, A. D. Rychkov, N. Kontrec, Numerical simulation, NUMERICAL MODELING OF INACCURACY ESTIMATION OF THERMOCOUPLE MEASUREMENTS OF TEMPERATURE PROFILE INHARD SOLID SUBSTANCES, International Conference, pp.1--5, 7.6.2013--8.06 2012, Republika Srpska, 2013
  75. M.J. Mihaljevic, H. Imai, On Certain Problems of Cryptology and Computational Complexity of Processing over Uncertain Data, Logic and Applications - LAP 2013, LAP Record, pp.1--3, 16.9.2013--20.9.2013, Croatia, 2013
  76. Jelena Čolić, Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantović, On hyper co-clones, International Symposium on Multiple Valued Logic (ISMVL 2013), IEEE 2013, pp.182--185, 22.05.2013.--24.05.2013., Japan, 2013
  77. Žarko Mijajlović, ONE APPLICATION OF REGULARLY VARYING FUNCTIONS TO FRIEDMANN EQUATIONS, Nonlinear Dyinamics S2- dedicated to Milutin Milanković, Naučno društvo Srbije, Scientific Reviews ns., pp.473--474, 1.10.2012--5.10.2012, Serbia, 2013
  78. Dragan Antić, Nikola Danković, Staniša Perić, Saša Nikolić, Marko Milojković, One Form of Discrete Euler-Lagrange Equation with Application in Optimal Control, 11th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, ПЕС 2013, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia, pp.P1-15--P1-15, 01.09.2013.--04.09.2013., Srbija, 2013
  79. Žarko Mijajlović, ONEDIGITIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL HERITAGE IN SERBIA, Nonlinear Dyinamics S2- dedicated to Milutin Milanković, Naučno društvo Srbije, Scientific Reviews ns., pp.481--483, 1.10.2012--5.10.2012, Serbia, 2013
  80. Aleksandar Janjic, Andrija Vukasinovic, Optimal Vehicle Fleet Mix Planning in a Distribution Utility using Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making, EUROCON 2013, pp.1173--1179, 01.07.2013--04.07.2013, Hrvatska, 2013
  81. Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba, Ivona Brajevic, Parallelization of the Cuckoo Search Using CUDA Architecture, 19th American Conference on Applied Mathematics, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp.137--142, 30.01.13--01.02.13, USA, 2013
  82. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, Performance Analysis of Complex Combiner at Two Time Instants in Weibull Fading Channel, The Ninth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2013, IARIA, pp.33--37, June 23--June 28, Italy, 2013
  83. Panic Stefan, Spalevic Petar, Markovic Aleksandar, Stefanovic Mihajlo, Performance analysis of wireless communication system in α-k-μ environment subjected to shadowing is accepted, International Conference Mathematical and Informational Technologies, MIT-2013, Društvo matematičara KiM, 2013
  84. Panić Stefan, Spalević Petar, Marković Aleksandar., Stefanović Mihajlo, Performance analysis of wireless communication system over α-η-μ fading channels in the presence of CCI, XII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum , INFOTEH, Jahorina, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2013
  85. A. Jankulovic, M. Raspopovic, Performance Measures Analysis for Online and Traditional studies, 7th International Quality Conference, Center for Quality, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, pp.423--428, Srbija, 2013
  86. Perica Štrbac, Jovo Arežina, Zoran Banjac, Permuted Sequence Implemented as an Upgraded Petri Net for Solving N Queens Problem, Infoteh, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Istočno Sarajevo, Vol.12, pp.987--992, 20.3.2013.--22.3.2013., Republika Srpska, 2013
  87. 1. Simic Jovana;2. Novakovic Tanja;3. Durakovic Nenad;4. Mijatov Gordana;5. Popovic Ljiljana;6. Sremacki Maja;7. Popov Srdan;, Persons with Disabilities Evacuation - Pathfinder Application, Zbornik radova, University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty „Mihajlo Pupin”, pp.446--449, 25.10.2013--25.10.2013, Srbija, 2013
  88. Nebojsa Bacanin, Branislav Pelevic, Milan Tuba, Portfolio Optimization Problem by the Firefly Algorithm, 2nd International Conference on Computers, Digital Communications and Computing (ICDCC '13), Brasov, Transilvania University of Brasov, pp.63--68, 01.06.13--03.06.13, Romania, 2013
  89. Nebojša M. Ralević, Nataša S. Glišović, Jelena S. Kiurski, Goran B. Andjelić, Vladimir Dj. Djaković, Prediction Risk Estimation of the Neural Networks Application on the Belgrade Stock Exchange, The 19th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, University of Szeged, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, pp.249--252, 23.9.--23.9., Szeged, Hungary, 2013
  90. Mile Petrovic, Branimir Jaksic, Ivana Milosevic, Vladimir Trifunovic, Boris Gara, Pregled DVB-T u zemljama bivse Jugoslavije, XII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum , INFOTEH, Jahorina, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Vol.12, pp.354--359, 2013
  91. Petar Nikolić, Dragana Krstić, Aleksandar Stevanović, Goran Stamenović, Probability Density Functions of SSC Combiner Output Signal Derivatives at Two Time Instants in the Presence of Log-normal Fading, 11th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics – ПЕС 2013, University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, pp.P2-7--P2-7, September 01--September 04, Serbia, 2013
  92. Ružičić Vesna, Blagojević Marija, Quality assurance of e-learning through improvement of teaching materials, 3rd International Conference on Information Society Technology and Management, E Društvo, pp.290--293, 3.3.2013.--6.3.2013., Srbija, 2013
  93. Alghaddafi Khalifa, Miodrag Živković, Irina Branović, Ranko Popović, rad predstavljen na konferenciji, Internationalized approach to wireless networks simulation, Telecommunications Forum (Telfor) 2013, pp.869--872, Srbija, 2013
  94. Irina Branović, Dragan Marković, Ranko Popović, Violeta Tomašević, Dejan Živković, rad predstavljen na konferenciji, Development of modular virtual lab for introductory computing courses, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), pp.1027--1031, Nemačka, 2013
  95. Tamara Živković, Miodrag Živković, Algaddafi Khalifa, Irina Branović, Ranko Popović, rad predstavljen na konferenciji, 3D Virtual laboratory for Wireless Sensor Networks, Telecommunications Forum (Telfor) 2013, pp.967--970, Srbija, 2013
  96. Goran Janaćković, Ranking key performance indicators of the occupational safety community of practice: Delphi-fuzzy AHP approach, The 1st Int. Conf. on Advanced Scientific Results (ScieConf 2013), Goce Delchev University Stip, Thomson Ltd. Zilina, Business Academy Smilevski Macedonia, pp.33--36, 2013
  97. Božić Miloš, Nebojša Mitrović, Marko Rosić, Realization of Flying Shear for Labotratory Experiments, ICEST 2013 Proceedings of Papers, Faculty of Technical Science - Bitola, Vol.Volume 2, pp.847--850, 26.6.2013--29.6.2013, Macedonia, 2013
  98. Nikola Milosavljevic, Aleksandar Gošić, Marko Milošević, Božidar Zečević, Real-Time anomaly Detection System, ICDQM 2013, The Research Center for Dependability and Quality Management, pp.457--462, 27.06.2013--28.07.2013, Srbija, 2013
  99. Dragan Domazet, Ljubiša Jovev, Reengineering of learning contents for neweLearning system Based on learning objects at the Belgrade Metropolitan University,, The Fourth International Conference on eLearning (eLearning-2013), Belgrade Metropolitan University, pp.137--142, 26.8.2013--27.9.2013, Srbija, 2013
  100. V. Marinković, A. Janjić, V. Majstorović, Lj. Tasić., RISK ASSESMENT IN PHARMACEUTICAL SUPPLY CHAIN BASED ON MULTI-CRITERIA INFLUENCE DIAGRAM, Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference – ''TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT - ADVANCED AND INTELLIGENT APPROACHES’’, IWC TQM, pp.135--140, 04.06.2013--07.06.2013, Srbija, 2013
  101. Suzana Savić, Dejan Vasović, Stevan Mušicki, Risk management - basis of integrated management systems, III International Conference EMC2013, Tehnički fakultet, Zrenjanin, pp.79--84, jun, 2013--jun, 2013, Srbija, 2013
  102. Časlav Stefanović, Ana Stanković, Srdjan Maričić, Dragan Stanković, Mihajlo Stefanović, Second order statistics of dual SC receiver over k-µ fading channelsin the presence of Rayleigh cochannel interfer, 7th International PhD Seminar on Computational electromagnetics and bioeffects of electromagnetic fields – CEMBEF 2013, Elektronski fakultet Niš, 28.08.2013--31.08.2013, Srbija, 2013
  103. Valentina Paunović, Dragan Domazet, Set of metadata established for application in learning materials developed, eLearning - 4Th Conference on e-Learning 2013 - proceedings, Univerzitet Metorpolitan, Matematički institut SANU, Open Universiteit -Holandija, pp.143--148, 26.9.2013--27.9.2013, Srbija, 2013
  104. Valentina Paunović, Dragan Domazet, Set of metadata established for application in learning materials developed for Belgrade Metropolitan University, The Fourth International Conference on eLearning (eLearning-2013), Belgrade Metropolitan University, pp.143--148, 26.8.2013--27.9.2013, Srbija, 2013
  105. Rychkov A.D., Milosevic H., Beisel S., simulation-modeling, NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF TSUNAMI RUNUP USING METHOD OF LARGE PARTICLES, MIT 2013,, MIT 2013, pp.1--5, 5.9.2013--15.09 2013, Srbija-Crna Gora, 2013
  106. Branimir Jaksic, Ratko Ivkovic, Mile Petrovic, Petar Spalevic, Ivana Milosevic, Softberska konverzija 2D staticnih slika u 3D animirani film anaglifnom metodom, XII međunarodni naučno-stručni simpozijum , INFOTEH, Jahorina, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Vol.12, pp.923--927, 2013
  107. Pribićević Ivan, Jelić Miloš, Some Aspects of Self-Evaluation in Hifher Education Institutions of the Republic of Serbia, 8th Research/Expert Conference "QUALITY 2013", University of Zenica, pp.351--358, 06.06.2013--08.06.2013, Bosnia&Hercegovina, 2013
  108. 1. Novakovic Tanja;2. Simic Jovana;3. Popovic Ljiljana;4. Popov Srdan;5. Velemir Marinko;6. Cosic Ðorde;7. Sakulski Dušan;, Subject „Disaster Risk Management“ - Spatial Context, Zbornik radova, University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty „Mihajlo Pupin”, pp.80--84, 25.10.2013--25.10.2013, Srbija, 2013
  109. Dragana Krstić, Marko Kovačević, Goran Stamenović, Aleksandar Stevanović, Dejan Rančić, The Application of GIS and Diversity Combining in Designing of Wireless Communication Systems in the Presence of Fading, 1st European Conference of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering (GENG’13), WSEAS Press, pp.24--31, October 8--October 10, Turkey, 2013
  110. Jelić Miloš, Aksentijević Jelić Ana, The development of New Leaders in Excellent Organizations, 14th International Symposium on Quality "QUALITY AGAINST RECESSION", Croatian Quality Managers Society, pp.103--112, 21.03.2013--22.03.2013, Croatia, 2013
  111. N. Cvetković, D. Vučković, M. Stojanović, D. Krstić, D. Tasić, The Grounding System of the Pillar on the Road, 11th International Conference on Telecomunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services-TELSIKS 2013, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, pp.45--48, 16.10.2013--19.10.2013, Srbija, 2013
  112. Dušan B. Gajić, Radomir S. Stanković, The impact of address arithmetic on the GPU implementation of fast algorithms for the Vilenkin-Chrestenson transform, Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Int. Symp. on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL), IEEE Press, pp.296--301, 21.5.2013.--24.5.2013., Japan, 2013
  113. Atanasovska Ivana, Jelić, Miloš, Mitrović Radivoje, Momčilović Dejan, The Influence of Corrosion on Stress Concentration Factor at Shaft to Flange Radius,, Power Transmitions - 4th International Conference, BAPT/ROAMET - Springer, pp.657--666, --20.06.2013, Romania, 2013
  114. Vesna Sesum-Cavic, Milan Tuba, Sinisa Rankov, The Influence of Self-Organization on Reducing Complexity in Dynamic Complex Environments, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '13), Clare College, Cambridge, UK, Clare College, Cambridge, UK, pp.104--109, 20.02.13--22.02.13, UK, 2013
  115. Dragana Krstić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Nikola Simić, Aleksandar Stevano, The Level Crossing Rate of the Ratio of Product of Two k-µ Random Variables and k-µ Random Variable, 13th WSEAS International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines (POWER '13), WSEAS Press, pp.153--158, August 27--August 29, Greece, 2013
  116. Jelić Miloš, Atanasovska Ivana, The New Approach for Calculation of Total Mesh Stiffness and Nonlinear Load Distribution for Helical Gears, Power Transmitions - 4th International Conference, BAPT/ROAMET - Springer, pp.645--654, --20.06.2013, Romania, 2013
  117. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Aleksandar Stevanović, Goran Stamenović, The Performance Analysis of Complex SSC/MRC Combiner in Rice Fading Channel, The Ninth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2013, IARIA, pp.195--199, July 21--July 26, France, 2013
  118. Petar Nikolić, Dragana Krstić, Goran Stamenović, Aleksandar Stevanović, The Performances of Complex SSC/MRC Combiner in the Presence of a-m Fading, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services – TELSIKS 2013, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, pp.601--604, October 16--October 18, Serbia, 2013
  119. Furlan B., Žitnik S., Nikolić B., Bajec M., The Role of Semantic Similarity for Intelligent Question Routing, Informatics, Slovak Society for Applied Cybernetics and Informatics (SSAKI), 5.11.2013.--7.11.2013., Slovakia, 2013
  120. Aleksandar Mihajlović, Vladisav Jelisavčić, Bojan Marinković, Zoran Ognjanović, Veljko Milutinović, The Serbia-forum Cultural Heritage Digitization Project with Emphasis on Semantic Indexing, Review of the National Center for Digitization, Matematicki fakultet Beograd, Iss.22, pp.47--54, 17. 5. 2012.--18. 5. 2012., Slovenija, 2013
  121. Milica Lajbenšperger, Marija Šegan, Sanja Rajić, The Use of Modern Technology in Education: A User Study on the Digitization of Cultural Heritage., Journal of Education Culture and Society, Foundation “Pro Scientia Publica”, Vol.x, Iss.2, pp.71--78, x--x, x, 2013
  122. Nataša Glišović, Time-cost trade-off analysis of project using Fuzzy-Genetic approach, ICESS 2013, EasyChair, 20.1.--21.1., Melburn, 2013
  123. Valentina Paunović, Slobodan Jovanović, Towards advanced data retrieval from learning object repositories, eLearning - 4Th Conference on e-Learning 2013 - proceedings, Univerzitet Metorpolitan, Matematički institut SANU, Open Universiteit -Holandija, pp.53--59, 26.9.2013--27.9.2013, Srbija, 2013
  124. Ivona Brajevic, Milan Tuba, Training Feed-Forward Neural Networks Using Firefly Algorithm, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '13), Clare College, Cambridge, UK, Clare College, Cambridge, UK, pp.156--161, 20.02.13--22.02.13, UK, 2013
  125. Milenković M., Bojović N., Glišović N., Nuhodžić R., Use of SARIMA models to assess rail passenger flows: a case study of Serbian Railways, 2nd International Symposium & 24th National Conference on Operational Research, The  Hellenic  Operational  Research Society (HELORS), pp.45--51, 26.9.--28.9., Athens, Greece, 2013
  126. Aleksandar Jevremović, Nenad Ristić, Mladen Veinović, Using Cryptology Models for Protecting PHP Source Code, 3rd Symposium on Computer Languages, Implementations and Tools - 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM2013, pp.332-336--332-336, Rhodes, Greece, 2013
  127. Branko Malešević, Ivana Jovović, Bojan Banjac, Visualization in teaching and learning mathematics in elementary, secondary and higher education, Proceedings of ICEGD International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii „POLITEHNICA“ din Timişoara, Seria HIDROTEHNI TRANSACTIONS on HYDROTECHNICS, Vol.72, Iss.58, pp.37--40, 13.06.2013.--15.06.2013., Rumunija, 2013
  128. Branko Arsić, Vladimir Cvjetković, Marija Đokić, Wikipedia Browsing With DBpedia, The 2nd Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference, (EIIC – 2013), ITALL ltd. (a company certified for the research execution by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic), Vol.2, Iss.1, pp.470--475, 1.1.1900--5.1.1900, Slovačka, 2013
  129. D. Vučković, N. Cvetković, S. Ilić, D. Tasić, D. Krstić, Wire Grounding System in the Vicinity of the Parallelepipedically Shaped Soil Inhomogeneity, ISEF 2013-XVI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Skopje, pp.Paper PS6-090--Paper PS6-090, 12.09.2013--14.09.2013, Macedonia, 2013
  130. Dj. Djordjević, Biljana Avramović, ASSESSMENT OF AN OFFICE BUILDING IN SERBIA BY NEW PROPOSED METHODOLOGY – ”OPEN HOUSE”, Sustainable Building Conference 2013, SB-13, Graz, Graz University of Technology, pp.1225--1231, September 25, 2013--September 28, 2013, Austrija, 2013
  131. Dj. Djordjević, Biljana Avramović, STOREPET – EUROPEAN PROJECT OF CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER “DUNDJER”, Sustainable Building Conference 2013, SB-13, Graz, Graz University of Technology, pp.1488--1495, September 25, 2013--September 28, 2013, Austrija, 2013
  132. Miroslava Raspopović, S. Tomić, M. Beko, R. Dinis, Distributed RSS-based Localization in WSN using Convex Relaxation, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, pp.1--10, SAD, 2013
  133. A. Stankovic, Č. Stefanović, S. Maričić, V. Doljak, M. Stefanović, Level Crossing Rate of MRC Diversity Receiver with Unbalanced Inputs over Nakagami-m Fading Channel, 7th International PhD Seminar on Computational electromagnetics and bioeffects of electromagnetic fields – CEMBEF 2013, Elektronski fakultet Niš, 28.08.2013--31.08.2013, Srbija, 2013
  134. Nebojša Ikodinović, Zoran Ognjanović, Aleksandar Perović, Miodrag Rašković, Hierarchies of probability logics , ECAI 2012, 20th European Conference on Artificial Inteligence, pp. 9--16, Aug 28--28, Francuska, 2012
  135. Angelina Ilic-Stepić, Zoran Ognjanović, Nebojša Ikodinović, Conditional p-adic probability logic, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI-2012 Workshop on Weighted logics for Artificial Intelligence WL4AI , pp. 17--24, Aug 28--31, Francuska, 2012
  136. Furio Honsell, Marina Lenisa, Liquori Luigi, Petar Maksimović, Ivan Scagnetto , LFP – A Logical Framework with External Predicates , 7th International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages: Theory and Practice, pp. 13--22, Sep 9--9, Danska, Kopenhagen, 2012
  137. Nataša Glišović, Sistem za podršku odlučivanju u mlekarskoj industriji, The first conference event, titled Ecology, environment protection and sustainable/renewable energy sources (EZO2012) , pp. 3--3, Oct 19--19, Srbija, 2012
  138. Nataša Glišović, Bayesian-GA Reasoning Risk Management for a Company Restructuring project , AIIT International conference on applied internet and information technologies , pp. 446--450, Oct 26--26, Srbija, 2012
  139. M.J. Mihaljevic , An Approach for Light-Weight Encryption Employing Dedicated Coding , , pp. 892--898, Dec 3--7, USA, Los Anglese, 2012
  140. Joviša Žunić, Reinhard Klette, Analysis of a Shape Descriptor: Distance Between two Shape Centroids versus Shape Diameter, ICIEV , pp. 1185--1190, Maj 18--19, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012
  141. Joviša Žunić, Kaoru Hirota, Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Compactness Measure for 3D Shapes, ICIEV , pp. 1180--1184, Maj 18--19, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012
  142. Tibor Lukić, Benedek Nagy, , Energy-Minimization Based Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Method for Images on Triangular Grid, ombinatorial Image Analysis - 15th International Workshop (IWCIA), Austin (TX), USA, 2012, pp. 274--284, Nov 28--30, SAD, 2012
  143. Silvia Gilezan, Jelena Ivetic, Pierre Lescanne, Silvia Likavec, Intersection types for explicit substitution with resource control , The Sixth Workshop on Intersection Types and Related Systems – ITRS 2012, pp. 1--9, Jun 29--29, Hrvatska, Dubrovnik, 2012
  144. Silvia Gilezan, Računske interpretacije intuicionističke i klasične logike, Sustavi Dokazivanja - SD 2012, Jun 28--28, Hrvatska, Dubrovnik, 2012
  145. Silvia Gilezan, Svetlana Jakšić, Jovanka Pantović, Privacy for Linked Data, Rich Model Toolkit COST Action Meeting (HVC 2012), Nov 4--4, Israel, Haifa, 2012
  146. Jelena Čolić, Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantović, Clones of Incompletely Specified Operations, IEEE 42st International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic – ISMVL 2012 , pp. 256--261, Maj 14--16, Canada, Victoria, 2012
  147. Svetlana Jakšić, Luca Padovani , Exception Handling for Copyless Messaging, ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, pp. 151--162, Sep 19--21, Belgija, Leuven, 2012
  148. Svetlana Jakšić, Input/Output Types for DynamicWeb Data, Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, pp. 84--88, Sep 19--21, Italija, Varese, 2012
  149. Svetlana Jakšić, Tipski sistemi u računarstvu, Sustavi Dokazivanja - SD 2012, Jun 28--28, Hrvatska, Dubrovnik, 2012
  150. Dušan Malbaški, Aleksandar Kupusinac, , Formalization of the General Rules of the Hoare Logic Using S-Formulas, XX Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 1586--1588, Nov 20--22, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  151. Dušan Malbaški, Aleksandar Kupusinac, On the Equilibrium of Owner/Component System, xx Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 1583--1585, Nov 20--22, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  152. Dušan Malbaški, Aleksandar Kupusinac, Analysis of Infinite Loops Using S-Formulas, xx Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 1572--1574, Nov 20--22, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  153. Jelena Ivetić, Formalni računi sa kontrolom resursa , sustavi Dokazivanja - SD 2012, Jun 28--28, Hrvatska, Dubrovnik, 2012
  154. Vladimir M Cvjetković, Marija Đokić, Branko Arsić , OWL BASED MODELING AND VISUALIZATION OF ARBITRARY SEMANTIC DATA STRUCTURES , 5th International Scientific Conference ""Science And Higher Education In Function Of Sustainable Development - SED 2012”, pp. 13--19, Oct 4--5, Srbija, Užice, 2012
  155. Vladimir Cvjetković, Marija Đokić, Branko Arsić, Ontology Visualization - Graphical web user interface for ontologies , The 1st Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas (ARSA-2012), Dec 3--7, Slovačka, 2012
  156. Lipkovski A.T., Rakonjac M, Lazic B, The connection of geometric and algebraic content in the sixth and seventh grade of primary school., , pp. 137--157, Srbija, Sombor, 2012
  157. Sasa Drezgic, Igor Grudenic, Adrian Ionescu, N. Przulj, A technical approach to local government amalgamation, 18th Dubrovnik Economic Conference, pp. 1--26, Jun 24--27, Hrvatska, Dubrovnik, 2012
  158. Urošević Dragan, Mladenović Nenad , metoda promenljivih okolina za odredjivanje maksimalne klike u težinskom grafu, XXXIX SYM-OP-IS , pp. 371--374, Sep 25--28, Srbija, 2012
  159. Mladenović Nenad, Raca Todosijević, Dragan Urošević , An efficient GVNS for solving Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows, XXVIII MiniEURO Confeerence on VNS, pp. 83--90, Jul 3--7, Crna Gora, 2012
  160. Sanja Roksandić, Emilio Carrizosa, Dragan Urošević, Mladenović Nenad , Solving Multifacility Huff Location Models on Networks Using Variable Neighborhood Search and Multi-Start Local Search Metaheuristics, XXVIII MiniEURO Confeerence on VNS, pp. 121--128, Jul 3--7, Crna Gora, 2012
  161. Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Dejan N. Milić, Jelena A. Anastasov, Bata V. Vasić , Outage analysis of partial relaying selection system in interference-limited environment, XI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements (SAUM 2012), pp. 84--87, Nov 14--16, Srbija, Niš, 2012
  162. Ivona Brajevic, Milan Tuba, Nebojsa Bacanin, Firefly Algorithm with a Feasibility-Based Rules for Constrained Optimization, 6th European Computing Conference, pp. 163--168, Sep 24--26, Češka, Prag, 2012
  163. Ivona Brajevic, Milan Tuba, Nebojsa Bacanin, Multilevel Image Thresholding Selection Based on the Cuckoo Search Algorithm, 5th International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation, pp. 217--222, Sep 7--9, Matla, Sliema, 2012
  164. Nebojsa Bacanin, Milan Tuba, Nadezda Stanarevic, Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization Problems, American Conference on Applied Mathematics, pp. 405--410, Jan 25--27, SAD, Kembridž, 2012
  165. Ivona Brajevic, Milan Tuba, Multilevel Image Thresholding Selection Using the Modified Seeker Optimization Algorithm, 1st International Conference on Computing, Information Systems and Communications, pp. 258--263, Maj 11--13, Singapur, 2012
  166. Ivona Brajevic, Milan Tuba, Modified Seeker Optimization Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization Problems, American Conference on Applied Mathematics, pp. 395--400, Jan 25--27, SAD, Kembridž, 2012
  167. B. Budimirovic, V. Budimirovic, B. Seselja, A. Tepavcevic , Fuzzy equational classes, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2012) WCCI 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp. 1413--1418, Jun 10--15, Australija, Brisbane, 2012
  168. M.P. Stanić, A.S. Cvetković and T.V. Tomović, , Error bounds for some quadrature rules with maximal trigonometric degree of exactness, nternational Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2012), pp. 1042--1045, Sep 19--25, Grčka, Kos, 2012
  169. V.Ćiric, V. Simic, A.S. Cvetkovic, I. Milentijevic, Trading defect tolerance for chip area in nanotechnology implementations of systolic arrays, Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 2012 16th IEEE Mediteranea, pp. 1083--1086, Mar 25--28, Tunis, 2012
  170. Dejan N. Milić, Aleksandra M. Cvetković and Goran T. Đorđević , BER Performance of BPSK Relaying System Influenced by Interference over Nakagami-m Fading, XI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements (SAUM 2012), pp. 96--99, Nov 14--16, Srbija, Niš, 2012
  171. Milica I. Petkovic, Bojana Nikolic, Bata V. Vasic, Goran T. Djordjevic, BEP performance of DE-QPSK and DE-OQPSK over composite fading channels in the presence of imperfect signal extraction, XLVII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2012), pp. 105--108, Jun 28--30, Bulgaria, 2012
  172. Milica Petkovic, Goran T. Djordjevic, Dragan Denic, BER performance of subcarrier QAM intensity modulated FSO communication system, XI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements (SAUM 2012), pp. 92--95, Nov 14--16, Srbija, Niš, 2012
  173. Bojana Nikolic, Bojan Dimitrijevic, Nenad Milosevic, Goran T. Djordjevic, Influence of phase loop order on the performance of modified diversity receiver, XI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements (SAUM 2012), pp. 394--397, Nov 14--16, Srbija, Niš, 2012
  174. Aleksandra Cvetkovic, Kimmo Kansanen, Goran T. Djordjevic, Outage Analysis for uncoordinated decode-and-forward networks over Nakagami-m channels, 20th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2012), pp. 490--493, Nov 20--22, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  175. Gradimir V. Milovanović , Dušan Joksimović, Some properties of Boubaker polynomials and applications, NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2012: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, pp. 1050--1053, Sep 19--25, Grčka, Kos, 2012
  176. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Stefan Panić, Vesad Doljak, The Bit Error Rate for Complex SSC/MRC Combiner in the Presence of Rayleigh Fading, The third International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS 2012), Apr 3--5, Jordan, 2012
  177. Dragana Krstić, Stefan Panić, Goran Stamenović, Dragan Radenković, Multiple Co-Channel Interferers Effect on System Performances in Ricean Fading Channels, The third International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS 2012), Apr 3--5, Jordan, 2012
  178. Dragana Krstić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Petar Nikolić, Bit Error Rate for Complex SSC/MRC Combiner in the Presence of Nakagami-m Fading, The Eighth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications AICT 2012, pp. 75--80, Jun 27--1, Nemačka, 2012
  179. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, Probability Density Functions of Derivatives in Two Time Instants for SSC Combiner in Rician Fading Channel, The Eighth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2012, pp. 329--334, Jun 24--29, Italija, Venecija, 2012
  180. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, PDFs of Time Derivatives at Two Time Moments in the Presence of Nakagami Fading, 16th WSEAS International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS (part of the 16th WSEAS CSCC’12 Multiconference), pp. 83--88, Jul 14--17, Grčka, 2012
  181. Petar Nikolić, Dragana Krstić, Goran Stamenović, Zoran Popović, PDFs of Time Derivatives for SSC Combiner at Two Time Instants in Rayleigh Fading Channels, 8th IEEE, IET Int. Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2012, Jul 18--20, Poljska, 2012
  182. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, Joint PDF for SSC Combiner Output Signal at Two Time Instants in Gamma Fading Channel, 17th International Conference on Applied Electronics - AE 2012,, pp. 157--162, Sep 5--7, Češka, 2012
  183. Petar Nikolić, Dragana Krstić, Goran Stamenović, Dejan Rančić, Second Order Statistics for SSC Receiver Over α-μ Fading Channels, 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks SoftCOM 2012, Sep 11--13, Hrvatska, Split, 2012
  184. Petar Nikolić, Dragana Krstić, Goran Stamenović, Probability Density Functions of SSC Combiner Output Signal Derivatives at Two Time Instants in Weibull Fading Channel, 1st WSEAS International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Networks (ITCN ‘12), pp. 227--231, Nov 10--12, Austrija, 2012
  185. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, Dejan Rančić, Second Order Statistics for SSC Receiver in the Presence of Hoyt Fading, 3rd European Conference of COMMUNICATIONS (ECCOM '12), pp. 299--304, Dec 2--4, Francuska, 2012
  186. Marija Milojević, Milosav Ognjanović, Božidar Rosić, Fretting wear generated in spline joint of back-to-back gear testing rig, 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advandces in Experimental Mechanics, Belgrade, pp. 262--265, Sep 26--29, Srbija, 2012
  187. Borivoje Milošević, Srđan Jovković, Slobodan Obradović, Lepomir Petković, Dejan Krstić , Rezultati komparacije open source i komercijalnih metoda organizacije baza podataka, INFOTEH, Jahorina, pp. 643--648, Mar 21--23, BiH, 2012
  188. Stanišević Ilja, Obradović Slobodan, Janković Marina, Evaluacija primenljivosti metoda za razvoj softvera, INFOTEH, Jahorina, pp. 792--796, Mar 21--23, BiH, 2012
  189. Borivoje Milosević, Slobodan Obradović, Mihajlo Stefanović, PROGRAMMING PACKET FADING, UNITECH’12, pp. 544--549, Nov 16--17, Bugarska, 2012
  190. Obradović S., Tešić D., Milanović Đ., Žorić A., Perišić Đ, Mreže ATM terminala u regionu srednje i istočne Evrope i Srbiji, 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 1564--1567, Nov 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  191. Obradović S., Tešić D., Milanović Đ., Žorić A., Perišić Đ, Protokoli i programi u mrežama ATM terminala, 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 1560--1563, Nov 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  192. Milošević Borivoje, Obradović Slobodan , Razvojni procesi BI rešenja , 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, Nov 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  193. Stefan R. Panić, Petar Spalević, Branimir Jakšić, Ivana Petrović, Srđan Jovković, Analiza bežičnog prenosa u Rajsovom feding kanalu u prisustvu višestrukih ko-kanalnih interferencija, XI međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2012, pp. 245--248, Mar 21--23, BiH, 2012
  194. M. Petrovic, B. Jaksic, I. Petrovic, P. Spalevic, V. Dakovic, Analiza pozadina kod hroma-ki efekta u virtuelnom TV studiju, XI međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2012, pp. 937--941, Mar 21--23, BiH, 2012
  195. M. Nešić, M. Petrović , I. Petrovic, Rezultati korišćenja različitih pristupa u snimanju 3D slike sistemom paralelnih kamera, XI međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2012, pp. 942--946, Mar 21--23, BiH, 2012
  196. Milos Subotic, Milan Tuba, Nadezda Stanarevic, Parallelization of the Firefly Algorithm for Unconstrained Continuous Optimization Problems, 1st International Conference on Computing, Information Systems and Communications, pp. 264--269, Maj 11--13, Singapur, 2012
  197. H. Stefanovic, D. Milic, Dimitrije Stefanović, S. Milosavljevic, Some Integral Characteristics of MRC Receiver in Nakagami-m fading Environment, International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, pp. 335--338, Jun 28--30, Bugarska, 2012
  198. H. Stefanovic, M. Djuricic, V. Stefanovic, Dimitrije Stefanović, Fracture Data Analysis Using Weibull Distribution Integral Characteristics, International Conference Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development-SED 2012, pp. 2_32--2_37, Oct 4--5, Srbija, 2012
  199. S. Veljkovic, Dimitrije Stefanović, H. Stefanovic, GSM Network Optimisation, International Conference Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development-SED 2012, pp. 2_65--2_67, Oct 4--5, Srbija, 2012
  200. H. Stefanović, I. Stefanović, D. Milić, Dimitrije Stefanović, Performanse SC prijemnika u Rajsovom feding kanalu sa Nakagami-m intrferencom, INFOTEH 2012, pp. 214--218, Mar 21--23, BiH, 2012
  201. Jovo Arežina, Perica Štrbac, Zoran Banjac, Implementation of a Fitness Function, Mutation Function and Elitism by Using Upgraded Petri Net , INFOTEH, pp. 951--956, Mar 21--23, Republika Srpska, BiH, 2012
  202. Milos Subotic, Ivan Misic, Milan Tuba, An Object-Oriented Implementation of the Firefly Algorithm for Continuous Unconstrained Optimization Problems, American Conference on Applied Mathematics, pp. 411--416, Jan 25--27, USA, Kembridž, 2012
  203. Nikola S. Rankovic, Milan Tuba, Improved Adaptive Median Filter for Denoising Ultrasound Images, 6th European Computing Conference, pp. 169--174, Sep 24--26, Češka, 2012
  204. Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba, Dana Simian, Parallelization of the Local Threshold and Boolean Function Based Edge Detection Algorithm Using CUDA, World Congress: Applied Computing Conference, pp. 157--161, Maj 2--4, Portugal, Faro, 2012
  205. Marko B. Stankovich, Milan Tuba, Face Detection Algorithm Based on Skin Color and Edge Density, 6th European Computing Conference, pp. 326--331, Sep 24--26, Češka, 2012
  206. Milos Subotic, Ivan Misic, Milan Tuba, An Object-Oriented Implementation of the Firefly Algorithm for Continuous Unconstrained Optimization Problems, American Conference on Applied Mathematics, pp. 411--416, Jan 25--27, SAD, 2012
  207. Bojan Markovich, Milan Tuba, Vision-Based Algorithm for Real-Time Hand Posture Recognition, 6th European Computing Conference, pp. 332--337, Sep 24--26, Češka, 2012
  208. Jelena Z. Tasic, Milan Tuba, Image Processing Filters Based on Image Analogies, 5th International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation, pp. 223--228, Sep 7--9, Malta, 2012
  209. Furlan B., Nikolic B., Milutinović V., A Survey of Intelligent Question Routing Systems, IEEE Intelligent Systems, pp. 14--20, Sep 6--8, Bugarska, sofija, 2012
  210. Jelisavcic, V., Furlan, B. , Protic, J. , Milutinovic, V., Topic models and advanced algorithms for profiling of knowledge in scientific papers, MIPRO, pp. 1030--1035, Maj 21--25, Hrvatska, Opatija, 2012
  211. Jelisavcic, V., Furlan, B. , Protic, J. , Milutinovic, V., Topic models and advanced algorithms for profiling of knowledge in scientific papers, YUINFO, pp. 664--669, Mar 29--2, Srbija, 2012
  212. Furlan B., Nikolic B., Milutinovic V., Intelligent Question Routing: An Overview of Some Recent Advances and Open Problems, VIPSI, Jan 30--2, Crna Gora, 2012
  213. Sasa Stojanovic, Dragan Bojic, Miroslav Bojovic, Mateo Valero, Veljko Milutinovic , An overview of Selected Hybrid and Reconfigurable Architectures, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2012), pp. 444--449, Mar 19--21, Grčka, Atina, 2012
  214. Draskovic Drazen, Nikolic Bosko, Milutinovic Veljko, A Classification of Mutational Approaches for Genetic Search , 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2012), pp. 260--264, Mar 19--21, Grčka, Atina, 2012
  215. Sustran Zivojin, Stojanovic Sasa, Rakocevic Goran, Milutinovic Veljko, Valero Mateo , A Survey of Dual Data Cache Systems, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2012), pp. 450--456, Mar 19--21, Grčka, Atina, 2012
  216. Rakocevic Goran, Sustran Zivojin, Milutinovic Veljko, , A Modified Split Temporal/Spatial Cache, 2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC'12), pp. 450--456, Oct 3--5, Hrvatska, Dubrovnik, 2012
  217. Kartelj A., Filipovic V., Milutinović V., Novel approaches to automated personality classification: Ideas and their potentials, 35th International Convention on Informatics and Communication Technology, Electronics, and Microelectronics, MIPRO2012, pp. 1017--1022, Maj 21--25, Hrvatska, Opatija, 2012
  218. Durisic P., Tafa Z., Dimic G., Milutinović V., A survey of military applications of wireless sensor networks, 2012 Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), pp. 196--199, Jun 19--21, Crna Gora, Bar, 2012
  219. Draskovic D., Milutinović V., Hybrid approaches to mutation in genetic search algorithms, Intelligent Systems (IS), 2012 6th IEEE International Conference, pp. 336--340, Sep 6--8, Bugarska, sofija, 2012
  220. Ivan Vukasinovic, Goran Rakocevic, Zoran Babovic, A Survey on the Use of Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks., 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2012), pp. 271--277, Mar 19--21, Grčka, Atina, 2012
  221. Staša Vujčić Stanković, Goran Rakočević, Nemanja Kojić, Dragan Milićev, Duško Vitas, A Classification and Comparison of Data Mining Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks., 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2012), pp. 265--270, Mar 19--21, Grčka, Atina, 2012
  222. J. Simić, S. Popov, Đ. Ćosić, D. Sakulski, T. Novaković, Lj. Popović, A. Pavlović, A. Luhović, The aspect of bringing data in spatial relationship during the process of teaching at the subject “Disaster risk management”, International Conference on Information Tecnology and Development of Education, pp. 334--338, Jun 29--29, Srbija, 2012
  223. A. Pavlović, Đ. Ćosić, S. Popov, S. Kolaković, Indikatori praćenja hazardnih pojava poplave i suše u cilju poboljšanja planiranja melioracija, Savetovanje Melioracije 12,, pp. 136--146, Jan 26--26, Srbija, 2012
  224. J. Simić, S. Popov, Đ. Ćosić, D. Sakulski, T. Novaković, M. Bender Miroslav, Disaster Risk Management Web Enabled Information Technology, Applied Internet and Information Technologies, pp. 219--223, Oct 22--22, Srbija, 2012
  225. D. Sakulski, Đ. Ćosić, S. Popov, Implementation of Innovative Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction, International Conference Natural Hazards , pp. 15--16, Maj 5--5, Srbija, 2012
  226. D. Sakulski, Đ. Ćosić, S. Popov , A. Pavlović , M. Laban, Disaster risk management and fire safety, International conference Protection, Ecology, Security, Crna Gora, 2012
  227. Lj. Popovic, T. Novakovic, J. Simic, Ð.Cosic, S. Popov, Impact of prevention measures on fire insurance premium, Bezbednosni inženjering, pp. 43--52, Oct 18--19, Srbija, 2012
  228. P. Frost, D. Sakulski, Ð. Cosic, S.Popov, T. Novakovic, Possibility Of Implementation Of The Advanced Fire Detection Information System For The Frushka Gora National Park, DAAAM International Symposium 23, pp. 823--826, Oct 24--27, Hrvatska, 2012
  229. Darko Mitić, Dragan Antić, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Saša Nikolić , Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Anti-lock Braking Systems, 7th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2012, pp. 217--222, Maj 24--26, Rumunija, 2012
  230. Dragana Trajković, Vlastimir Nikolić, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković , Modeling and Simulation of Pump Station using Bond Graphs, XI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAU, pp. 455--458, Nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  231. D. Antić, D. Rančić, B. Stoiljković, P. Stoiljković, Ž. Janković, D. Zirojević, M. Gačnik, B. Magoutas, Lj. Antić, E. Petrović, M. Milojković, D. Mitić, I. Antolović, B. Predić , Reinforcing Flexibility of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises by Dynamic Business Process Management, XI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2012, pp. 467--470, Nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  232. Nebojša Mitrović, Milutin Petronijević, Vojkan Kostić, Bojan Banković, Dynamic Braking in Induction Motor Adjustable Speed Drives, ICEST 2012, pp. 552--555, Jun 28--30, Bugarska, 2012
  233. Bojan Banković, Nebojša Mitrović, Vojkan Kostić, Milutin Petronijević, Application of Active Front End Rectifier in Electrical Drives, ICEST 2012, pp. 556--559, Jun 28--30, Bugarska, 2012
  234. Bojan Banković, Nebojša Mitrović, Milutin Petronijević, Vojkan Kostić, Practical Implementation of Field Oriented and Direct Torque Control Schemes for Teaching Induction Motor Drive, SAUM 2012, pp. 414--417, Nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  235. Janjic, A., Savic, S., Janackovic G., Multi-criteria decision support for optimal distributed generation dispatch, 2nd International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA), 2012 , pp. 134--139, Jun 25--27, UK, 2012
  236. Janjic, Z. Stajic, I. Radovic, A practical inference engine for risk assesment of power systems based on hybrid fuzzy influence diagrams, International conference on Fuzzy Systems, FS12 , pp. 29--34, Jun 13--15, Rumunija, 2012
  237. Janjic, A., Security Issues of Electrical Distributiion System with Great Penetration of Distributed Generation, 3rd International conference Life cycle engineering and management, pp. 421--427, Jun 28--29, Srbija, 2012
  238. Janjic, Z. Stajic, Multi-criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Development of Power Distribution System, 3rd International conference Life cycle engineering and management, pp. 34--40, Jun 28--29, Srbija, 2012
  239. Zorboski M, Janjic A, Milosevic M, UŠTEDE ENERGIJE SA ENERGETSKI EFIKASNIM LED SIJALICAMA I LED OSVETLJENJEM OBJEKATA, 8. savetovanje o distributivnim mrežma CIRED 2012, pp. R-5.17(1)--R-5.17(8), Sep 23--28, Srbija, 2012
  240. M. Milošević, A. Janjić, M. Milošević, Z. Radonić, Detekcija prisustva kotlova za grejanje u NN mreži na bazi merenja snage, 8. savetovanje o distributivnim mrežma CIRED 2012, pp. R-5.18(1)--R-5.18(8), Sep 23--28, Srbija, 2012
  241. A. Janjić, Višekriterijumska analiza odlučivanja o zameni prekidača snage u TS 110/x kV, 8. savetovanje o distributivnim mrežma CIRED 2012, pp. R-6.22(1)--R-6.22(8), Sep 23--28, Srbija, 2012
  242. V. Aleksić, A. Janjić, Primena standarda za upravljanje rizikom u određivanju prioriteta za investiranje, 8. savetovanje o distributivnim mrežma CIRED 2012, pp. R-6.23(1)--R-6.23(8), Sep 23--28, Srbija, 2012
  243. Dragan Antić, Zoran Jovanović, Nikola Danković, Miodrag Spasić, Stanko Stankov, Probability Estimation of Certain Properties of the Imperfect Systems, International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, SACI 2012, pp. 213--216, Maj 24--26, Rumunija, 2012
  244. Zoran Jovanović, Nikola Danković, Miodrag Spasić, Milan Radić, Improved Control Algorithm of Rubber Compounds Forming Process, International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2012, pp. 36--39, Nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  245. Milan Radić, Zoran Stajić, Miodrag Spasić, Nikola Danković, Introducing the Concept of Controlled Self-Excitation and Synchronization of a Cage-rotor, International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2012, pp. 189--192, Nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  246. Saša Arsić, Stanko Stankov, Nikola Danković, Miroslav Milovanović, Zoran Icić, The Usage of Mobile Communications for SCADA Systems Data Transmission, International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2012, pp. 427--430, Nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  247. Marija Stamenkovic, Nenad Floranovic, Greenhouse gas emission in the life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems, XI Međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2012, pp. 193--197, Mar 21--23, BiH, 2012
  248. K. Yamashita, S. Djokic, J. Matevosyan, F. O. Resende, L. M. Korunovic, Z. Y. Dong, J. V. Milanovic, Modelling and Aggregation of Loads in Flexible Power Networks – Scope and Status of the Work of CIGRE WG C4.605, 8th Power Plant & Power System Control Symposium - PPPSC 2012, p. Tu_Mo_3, Sep 3--5, Francuska, 2012
  249. L. M. Korunović, K. Yamashita, S. Z. Djokić, F. Villella, J.V. Milanović, A. Gaikwad, S. M. Villanueva, Overview of Existing Load Models and Their Applications, CIGRE SC C4 Colloquium in Japan, pp. 121--126, Oct 11--12, Japan, 2012
  250. S. M. Villanueva, K. Yamashita, L. M. Korunović, S. Z. Djokić, J. Matevosyan, A. Borghetti, Z.Y. Dong, J. V. Milanović, CIGRE WG C4.605 – Modelling and Aggregation of Loads in Flexible Power Networks – Scope and Status of the Work by June 2012, CIGRE SC C4 Colloquium in Japan, pp. 109--114, Oct 11--12, Japan, 2012
  251. L. M. Korunović, S. Sterpu, S. Djokić, K. Yamashita, S. M. Villanueva and J. V. Milanović, Processing of Load Parameters Based on Existing Load Models, IEEE PES ISGT Europe, pp. 1--6, Dec 14--17, Nemačka, 2012
  252. Milos Kostic, Marko Milosevic, Standards for cyber security in smart grids, 3th DQM International Conference “Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM 2012”, pp. 427--436, Jun 28--29, Srbija, 2012
  253. D. Stajic, M. Milosevic, A. Lj. Gosic, The identification of water supply systems and the validation of results, XI International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements Nis, Serbia, Nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  254. Stanko Stankov, S. Arsić, M. Milovanović, Milan Radić, Zoran Icić, Work Regulation of Plant for Preparation and Dosing Aluminum Sulphate in Water System, International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2012, pp. 40--43, Nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  255. M. Stojanović, D. Tasić, A. Ristić, Cyclic Current Rating of Single-Core XLPE Cables with Respect to Designed Life Time, ICEST 2012, pp. 560--563, Jun 28--30, Bugarska, 2012
  256. Vasović Dejan, Miomir Stanković, Biserka Mijučić, The role of human resources in water protection and management – reflection on multidisciplinarity aspects, Znanstveno-struč na konferencija s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem „Manadžment i sigurnost“, pp. 402--409, Hrvatska, 2012
  257. Adamović Saša, Milosavljević Milan, Teorijsko informaciona analiza iris biometrije za potrebe ekstrakcije kriptoloških ključeva, ETRAN 2012, p. 82, Jun 11--14, srbija, 2012
  258. Blagojević Marija, Barić Sava, Micić Živadin, Adaptive e-courses design based on web mining, International conference on Information technology and development of education, pp. 279--285, Jul 1--1, srbija, 2012
  259. Marija Blagojević, Analysis of relation teacher-student in e-environment: To whom a student preferably addresses on a forum, 2nd International Conference on Information Society Technology, pp. 27--32, Mar 29--3, srbija, 2012
  260. Marija Blagojevic, Nebojša Stanković, Živadin Micić, Analysis of the use of the Internet among children of school age, International conference on Information technology and development of education, pp. 388--394, Jun 29--29, srbija, 2012
  261. Božović Maja, Blagojević Marija, Milošević Marjan, Milošević Danijela, Devedžić Goran, Application of moder information technologies in medical information, The Third International Conference on e-Learning, pp. 60--64, Sep 27--29, srbija, 2012
  262. Kostić Zona, Cvetković Dragan, Veinović Mladen, Marković Dragan, Trajković Srđan, Radaković Duško , The Combination of Computer Aided Design Software and X3D Technology In the Creation of Virtual Assembly Classroom, 16th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2012 , pp. 471--474, Sep 10--12, UAE, Dubai, 2012
  263. Kostic Z., Jevremovic A., Branovic I., Markovic D., Popovic R., Dynamic Composition of Curriculum for Computer Science Courses, The Seventh International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, ICIW 2012, pp. 238--243, Jun 27--1, Nemačka, 2012
  264. Svetlana Cvetanovic, Miroslava Raspopovic , Design of Learning Object Ontology for the Database Course, Third International Conference on e-Learning , pp. 108--113, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  265. Mlađan Antić, slobodan Jovanović, Svetlana Cvetanović, E-Student IOS Mobile Application, Elearning 2012, Sept. 2012, 3rd International Conference on e-Learning, Belgrade, pp. 145--149, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  266. Popović Olivera, Prokić-Cvetković Radica, Burzić Meri, Cvetković Dragan, Correlation of Energy, Deformation and Fractographic Parameters of Microalloyed Steel Welded Joint Fracture, 16th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2012 , pp. 79--82, Sep 10--12, UAE, Dubai, 2012
  267. Željko Stanković, Gordana Radić, Cvetković Dragan, Predicting the Movement of Robotic Platforms Based on Memory Scanning Test, 10th Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics – SISY 2012 , pp. 233--237, Sep 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  268. Dragan Domazet, Dušan Veljković, Boban Nikolić, Ljubiša Jovev, CLUSTERING OF LEARNING OBJECTS FOR DIFFERENT KNOWLEDGE LEVELS AS AN APPROACH TO ADAPTIVE E-LEARNING BASED ON SCORM AND DITA, The Third International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2012) , pp. 21--31, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  269. Ljubiša Jovev, Dragan Domazet, , LEARNING CONTENT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS BASED ON DITA LEARNING OBJECTS AND DIFFERENT KNOWLEDGE LEVELS, The Third International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2012) , pp. 41--47, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  270. Dragan Domazet, , KAKO DO NOVE INDUSTRIJALIZACIJE SRBIJE: PREDUZETNIČKI UNIVERZITET KAO JEDAN OD MOGUĆIH RAZVOJNIH MODELA, Konferencija, Tehnologija, kultura i razvoj 2012, pp. 10--10, Avf 28--30, Crna Gora, 2012
  271. Suzana Savić, Zoran Keković, Goran Janaćković , Standardization in the field of security of persons, property and business in the Republic of Serbia , International Conference on Internet & Business, IBC2012, pp. 25--30, Jun 27--28, Hrvatska, 2012
  272. Aleksandar Janjić, Suzana Savić, Goran Janaćković, Multicriteria Decision Support for Optimal Distributed Generation Dispatch, International Symposium on Environment-Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA 2012), pp. 134--139, Jun 25--27, United Kingdom, 2012
  273. Suzana Savić, Goran Janaćković, Dragan Spasić , Indicators and Models of Energy Security, Life Cycle Engineering and Management , pp. 353--360, Jun 28--29, Srbija, 2012
  274. Suzana Savić, Miomir Stanković, Goran Janaćković, Systems Analysis – the Basis of Research on Performance Indicators of Energy Systems, Life Cycle Engineering and Management , pp. 361--368, Jun 28--29, Srbija, 2012
  275. Goran Janaćkovic, Miomir Stankovic, Suzana Savic, Communities of Practice for Safety, Life Cycle Engineering and Management , pp. 179--185, Jun 28--29, Srbija, 2012
  276. Šarac M., Veinović M., Adamović S., Radovanović , Analiza sigurnosti SSL saobraćaja u bežičnim računarskim mrežama, XI međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2012, pp. 760--765, Mar 21--23, Bih, 2012
  277. Šimić G., Spasić S., Jevremović A., Jarić I. , Ecologist - Web aplikacija za simulacione eksperimente na modelu populacije pastrmki, X naučni skup Sinergija 2012, pp. 70--75, Bih, 2012
  278. Ristić N., Jevremović A., Veinović M. , Identifikovanje homogenih fajlova upotrebom segmentnog hešovanja iniciranog sadržajem, 20. telekomunikacioni forum Telfor 2012., pp. 1665--1668, Nov 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  279. M.Ignjatović, S.Jovanović, Combining and Implementing Sakai CLE/OAE , Elearning 2012, Sept. 2012, 3rd International Conference on e-Learning, Belgrade, pp. 120--124, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  280. D. Zivkovic, D. Markovic., Energy efficiency of cloud computing, 10th International Scientific Meeting SINERGIJA 2012, pp. 126--130, Bih, 2012
  281. Živković Miodrag, Branović Irina, Marković Dragan, Popović Ranko, Energy Efficient Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks, Telfor 2012, nov 21--22, Srbija, 2012
  282. Nicholas Misiunas, Miroslava Raspopovic, Charles Thompson, Kavitha Chandra, Spectrum sharing with adjacent channel constraints , IEEE SoftCOM - 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, pp. 1--5, Sep 11--13, Hrvatska, 2012
  283. Miroslava Raspopovic, Vanja Lucic, Analysis of eLearning Success Factors , Third International Conference on e-Learning , pp. 102--107, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  284. Suzana Savić, Goran Janaćković, Dragan Spasić , Indicators and Models of Energy Security, Life Cycle Engineering and Management , pp. 353--360, Jun 28--29, Srbija, 2012
  285. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Nikola Simić, Nikola Vučić, Projektovanje kvantizera Laplasovog izvora zasnovano na aproksimaciji funkcije gustine verovatnoće , 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 807--810, Nov 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  286. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Miomir Stanković, Aproksimacija optimalne kompresorske funkcije pomoću splajn funkcija , 18th Conference and exhibition YUINFO 2012, pp. 331--334, Mar 29--3, Srbija, 2012
  287. Bratislav Danković, Predrag Rajković, Miomir Stanković, Slađana Marinković, Almost orthogonal polinomial sequences of Laguerre type and Applications , XI International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, pp. 379--381, Nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  288. Dušan Tatić, Č. Stefanović, D. Stanković, A Comparative Analysis of Mobile Augmented Reality Software with the Application to the Archeological Site Medijana, ICEST 2012 - XLVII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies , pp. 182--185, Jun 28--30, Bugarska, 2012
  289. Dušan Tatić, Dragan Tatić , Primena tehnologije proširene stvarnosti na izložbenoj postavci arheološkog parka Medijana, 20. telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 1327--1330, Nov 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  290. Nikolić Vesna, Markič Mirko, Šrekl J., Taradi Josip , Analiza zastupljenosti sadržaja iz područja upravljanja ljudskim resursima u studijskim programima zaštite na radu u Srbiji, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj, "Menadžment i sigurnost" – Upravljanje ljudskim resursima i sigurnost , pp. 58--76, Jun 14--15, Hrvatska, 2012
  291. Taradi Josip, Grošanić Nevenka, Nikolić Vesna , , Model procesa upravljanja ljudskim resursima i znanjem – teorija i praksa, "Menadžment i sigurnost" – Upravljanje ljudskim resursima i sigurnost , pp. 108--123, Jun 14--15, Hrvatska, 2012
  292. Nikolić Vesna, Taradi Josip, Comparative analysis of the higher education system of occupational safety engineers in Serbia and Croatia, The 16th conference of the series Man and Working Environment, International Conference Safety of Techical Systems in Living and Working Environment, , pp. 455--462, Oct 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  293. Đurović Ljiljana, Nikolić Vesna, Eco-pedagogical competencies of teaching staff in education of environment protection , The 16th conference of the series Man and Working Environment, International Conference Safety of Techical Systems in Living and Working Environment, pp. 479--482, Oct 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  294. Maksimović Nebojša, Nikolić Vesna, Intellectual Capital in Occupational Health and Safety, The 16th conference of the series Man and Working Environment, International Conference Safety of Techical Systems in Living and Working Environment, pp. 483--487, Oct 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  295. Nikolić Vesna, Veličković Dragan, Elektronsko učenje u osnovnom obrazovanju , Tehnika i informatika u obrazovanju TIO 2012, pp. 439--445, Jun 1--3, Srbija, 2012
  296. Galjak M., Nikolić Vesna, Razvoj ljudskih resursa conditio sine qua non upravljanja kriznim i vanrednim situacijama, 6. međunarodnoi naučni skup ''Dani bezbjednosti -Društvena reakcija na savremene oblike ugrožavanja bezbjednosti", pp. 227--237, maj 25--25, Republika Srpska, BiH, 2012
  297. Taradi Josip, Živković Snežana, Nikolić Vesna , Teorijske osnove modela upravljanja sistemom bezbednosti na radu, VII Međunarodno savetovanje ""Rizik i bezbednosni inženjering, pp. 443--450, Feb 29--4, srbija, 2012
  298. Milan Pilja, Violeta Tomašević, Evidencija – web aplikacija za praćenje nastavnih aktivnosti, TELFOR, pp. 1500--1503, nov 20--22, Srbija, 2012
  299. Zoran Perić, Lazar Velimirović, Aleksandar Jocić, Dragan Denić, The Design of the First and the Second Order Linear Predictor for Delta Modultion with Adaptive Quantizer , XI International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, pp. 80--83, nov 14--16, Srbija, 2012
  300. Marija Obradović, A Group Of Polyhedra Arised as Variations of Concave Bicupolae of Second Sort, moNGeometrija 2012, pp. 95--132, Jun 21--24, srbija, 2012
  301. Marija Obradović, Branislav Popkonstantinović, Slobodan Mišić:, Concave Antiprisms of Second Sort with Regular Polygonal Bases, moNGeometrija 2012, pp. 133--145, Jun 21--24, srbija, 2012
  302. Marija Obradović, Slobodan Mišić, Maja Petrović:, Investigating Composite Polyhedral forms obtained by combining concave cupolae of II sort with Archimedean Solids , moNGeometrija 2012, pp. 109--123, Jun 21--24, srbija, 2012
  303. Marija Obradović, Branko Malešević, Maja Petrović, Branislav Popkonstantinović:, One Application of the Cone Surfaces on the Erdösh-Mordell inequality, moNGeometrija 2012, pp. 335--351, Jun 21--24, srbija, 2012
  304. Vladimir Šušić, Biljana Abolmasov, Marija Obradović:, Development of 3D Object Model by Applying Google Sketchup Software Package, moNGeometrija 2012, pp. 125--132, Jun 21--24, srbija, 2012
  305. M. Nenezić, Branko Malešević, Some interactive visuelisations in eletronics signals using program GeoGebra, moNGeometrija 2012, pp. 145--163, Jun 21--24, srbija, 2012
  306. N. Lazić, Branko Malešević, Construction of some regular polygons using program Geogebra, moNGeometrija 2012, pp. 565--571, Jun 21--24, srbija, 2012
  307. Filip Marić, Miodrag Živković, Bojan Vučković, Formalizing Frankl's Conjecture: FC-Families, Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics CICM 2012, pp. 248--263, Jul 8--13, Nemačka, 2012
  308. Marija Šegan, Miloš Milovanović, The Monuments and Sites of Toplica District of Serbia in Digital Catalogue of Cultural Monuments, CIDOC2012 - Enriching Cultural Heritage, p. 8, Jun 10--14, Finska, 2012
  309. A. Perović, D. Doder, Z. Ognjanović , On Real-Valued Evaluation of Propositional Formulas, Seventh International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS), pp. 264--277, Mar 5--9, Nemačka, 2012
  310. Nebojša Ikodinović, Zoran Ognjanović, Aleksandar Perović, Miodrag Rašković, Hierarchies of probability logics, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI-2012 Workshop on Weighted logics for Artificial Intelligence WL4AI , pp. 9--15, Aug 28--31, Francuska, 2012
  311. Dragan Doder, Zoran Ognjanović, Aleksandar Perović, Miodrag Rašković, On Evaluations of Propositional Formulas Whose Range is a Subset of Some Fixed Countable Ordered Field, Flins Conference on Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making (FLINS 2012), pp. 567--572, Aug 26--29, Turska, 2012
  312. Saša Malkov, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, Miloš Beljanski, Nenad S. Mitić, Mirjana D. Pavlović, and Jovana Kovačević, Bioinformatics Research Group at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Data Mining in Bioinformatics, pp. 21--27, Jun 26--28, Srbija, 2012
  313. Nenad S. Mitić, Mirjana D. Pavlović, Davorka R. Jandrlić, Saša N., T-cell epitope clustering in different structural regions of cancer/testis antigen proteins, Regional Biophysics Conference, pp. 11--13, Sep 3--7, Srbija, 2012
  314. Žarko Mijajlović, Nadežda Pejović, Stevo Šegan, Goran Damljanović, Regularly varying solutions of Friedman acceleration equation , VII BULGARIAN-SERBIAN ASTRONOMICAL CONFERENCE  ""ASTROINFORMATICS, pp. 305--310, Jun 1--4, bugarska, 2012
  315. Nadežda Pejović, Žarko Mijajlović, Aleksandar Valjarević, Goran Damljanović, Serbian astronomical works in the Virtual library of the Faculty of mathematics in Belgrade, VII BULGARIAN-SERBIAN ASTRONOMICAL CONFERENCE  ""ASTROINFORMATICS, pp. 311--324, Jun 1--4, bugarska, 2012
  316. Nenad S. Mitić, Mirjana D. Pavlović, and Davorka Jandrlić, T-cell epitope frequency in ordered and disordered protein regions, Data Mining in Bioinformatics, pp. 11--14, Jun 26--28, Srbija, 2012
  317. Mirjana D. Pavlović, Davorka R. Jandrlić, Jovana B. Simić-Krstić, Nenad S. Mitić, Epitope location in ordered and disordered structural regions of tumor-associated antigen EBNA 1, Regional Biophysics Conference, pp. 8--10, Sep 3--7, Srbija, 2012
  318. Milica Knežević, Nenad Mitić, Zoran Ognjanović, Veljko Milutinović, Agent based data mining in wireless sensor networks: a survey , YU INFO / ICITS 2012, Mar 29--3, Srbija, 2012
  319. Popkonstantinović B., Jeli Z., Obradović R, The Course In Product Aesthetics At The Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering In Belgrade, 3rd International Scientific Conference „moNGeometrija 2012“, pp. 397--408, Jun 21--24, Srbija, 2012
  320. Jeli Z., Komatina M., Popkonstantinović B., Regodić M., Usage Of Modern Graphical 3d Presentations In Development Of Technical Systems, 3rd International Scientific Conference „moNGeometrija 2012“, pp. 553--564, Jun 21--24, Srbija, 2012
  321. Dragica Zivkovic, Mila Pavlovic, Aleksandar Valjarevic, Gis Technology Role in Development and Integration of Serbia , 4th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, pp. 67--74, Jun 18--22, Bugarska, 2012
  322. D. Petković, I. Aranđelović H.Milošević, PADE'S APPROXIMATIONS, CONVERGENCE AND THEIR APPLICATION TO SOME OF THE FUNCTIONS,, Tenth International Conference on Mathematical Models & Modeling in Laser-Plasma Processes and Advanced Science Technologies, Jun 25--1, Crna Gora, 2012
  325. S. Stevović, D. Vasiliski, H. Milošević, MULTI-ATTRIBUTIVE METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO PROKLETIJE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, VIIth Conference on sustainable development of Energy, Water And environment systems, Jul 1--6, Makedonija, 2012
  326. D. Vasiliski, S. Stevović, H. Milošević, SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE INSPIRED BY ENVIRONMENT AS CONTEMPORARY DESIGN MODEL FOR THE 21stCENTURY, VIIth Conference on sustainable development of Energy, Water And environment systems, Jul 1--6, Makedonija, 2012
  327. V. Petrović, H. Milošević, EFFECT OF SYNTESIS AND FREQUENCY ON ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES ON DIELECTRIC CERAMICS MgCO3-TiO2 , 2012 International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy (ICFMEME 2012), dec 20--22, Kina, 2012
  328. Dušan Gajić, Radomir S. Stanković, GPU Accelerated Construction of Characters of Finite Abelian Groups, XLVII Intl. Scientific Conf. on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST), pp. 190--193, Jun 28--30, Bugarska, 2012
  329. Miloš Radmanović, Dušan Gajić, Efficient Implementation of BDD Packages on the GPU Platform, XLVII Intl. Scientific Conf. on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST), pp. 216--219, Jun 28--30, Bugarska, 2012
  330. S. Stanković, J. Astola, R. S. Stanković, Remarks on Beads and Shapes of Decision Diagrams for the Representation of Discrete Functions, 10th International Workshop on Boolean Problems, pp. 49--57, Sep 19--21, Nemačka, 2012
  331. S. Stojković, M. Stanković, R. Stanković, Determining Assignments of Incompletely Specified Boolean Functions for Compact Representations by Binary Decision Diagrams, 10th International Workshop on Boolean Problems, pp. 233--238, Sep 19--21, Nemačka, 2012
  332. S. Stanković, R. S. Stanković, J. T. Astola, Remarks on Shapes of Decision Diagrams and Classes of Multiple-Valued Functions, IEEE 42nd International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2012, pp. 134--141, Maj 14--16, Kanada, 2012
  333. M. Stanković, S. Stojković, R. S. Stanković, Representation of Incompletely Specified Binary and Multiple-Valued Logic, IEEE 42nd International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2012, pp. 142--147, Maj 14--16, Kanada, 2012
  334. Nataša Glišović, System for random match probability , Proceedings, pp. 131--132, Sep 8--10, Srbija, 2011
  335. Cukic, Ivan: Algorithm for automatic clustering of learning materials based on the usage statistics. The Second International Conference eLearning-2011 (2011)
  336. S. Dražić, J. Lindblad, N. Sladoje. Precise Estimation of the Projection of a Shape from a Pixel Coverage Representation. In Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), Dubrovnik, Croatia. IEEE, pp. 569-574, 2011.
  337. V. ãurić, J. Lindblad, N. Sladoje. Distance measures between digital fuzzy objects and their applicability in image processing. In Proc. of the 14th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA2011), Madrid, Spain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6636, pp. 385-395, 2011.
  338. T. Lukić. Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Based on the Multi-well Potential. In Proc. of the 14th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA2011), Madrid, Spain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6636, pp. 335-345, 2011.
  339. M.Dezani-Cinaciaglini, S.Ghilezan, S. Jakšić, J. Pantović. Types for Role-Based Access Control of Dynamic Web Data. In Proc. of the 19th International Workshop WFLP 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6559, pp. 1-29, 2011.
  340. H. Machida, L. Haddad, J. Pantović. Invitation to Clone Theory with Partial Clones and Hyperclones, Proc. of the 41st IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2011, pp. 205-212.
  341. J. čolić, H. Machida, J. Pantović. Maximal Hyperclones Determined by Monotone Operations. Proc. of the 41st IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2011, pp.160-163.
  342. M. Mihaljevic, H. Imai, M. David, K. Kobara and H. Watanabe. On Advanced Cryptographic Techniques for Information Security of Smart Grid AMI. 7th Annual Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop - CSIIRW 2011, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Tennessee, US, October 11-14, to appear in ACM Proceedings.
  343. Lj. Petrović, On Markovian Extensions and Reductions of the Family of Hilbert spases, Recent Researches in Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Model- ing, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modeling (ASM2011), Corfu Island, Grece, 75--79,
  344. Zoran J. Popović, Dragana S. Krstić, Nikola M. Sekulović, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Performance of SIR-based Triple Selection Combining over Correlated Weibull Channel, 9th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications - ISETC 2010, Timisoara, Romania, 11-12 November 2010, Proceedings of papers, pp. 295-299, ISBN 978-1-4244-8457-7.
  345. Aleksandra Panajotović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, Nikola Sekulović, Ivana Petrović, Average Fade Duration for Dual Selection Diversity over Correlated Rician Fading Channels in the Presence of Cochannel Interferences, 8th International Conference on Computers as a Tool -- EUROCON 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, 27-29 April 2011, Proceedings of papers, pp. 1-4, ISBN 978-1-4244-7486-8.
  346. Aleksandra Panajotović, Nikola Sekulović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, Dušan Stefanović, OP Comparison of Dual SC Systems using Desired and SIR Power Algorithm in Presence of Interference, XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies - ICEST 2011, Niš, Serbia, 29-1 July 2011, Proceedings of papers, vol. 1, pp. 239-242, ISBN 978-86-6125-031-6.
  347. Dragana Krstić, Nikola Sekulović, Goran Stamenović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Average bit error probability of dual selection-based macrodiversity system over channels subjected to Nakagami-m fading and gamma shadowing, 10th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics PES 2011, Niš, Serbia, 25-29 September 2011, Proceedings of papers, P2-7, ISBN 978-86-6125-035-4.
  348. Aleksandra Cvetković, Nikola Sekulović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dejan Milić, Aleksandra Panajotović, Dušan Stefanović, Influence of selection combining diversity on system capacity, 10th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics PES 2011, Niš, Serbia, 25-29 September 2011, Proceedings of papers, P2-10, ISBN 978-86-6125-035-4.
  349. Nikola Sekulović, Dragana Krstić, Edis Mekić, Miloš Banđur, Mihajlo Stefanović, Effect of Macrodiversity on Outage Probability and Average Channel Capacity in Composite Nakagami-gamma environment, 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services - TELSIKS 2011, Nis, Serbia, 5-8 Oct. 2011, Proceedings of papers, vol. 2, pp. 463-466.
  350. Aleksandra Panajotović, Nikola Sekulović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Dragan Drača, BEP Comparison for Dual SC Systems Using Different Decision Algorithms in the Presence of Interference, 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services - TELSIKS 2011, Nis, Serbia, 5-8 Oct. 2011, Proceedings of papers, vol. 2, pp. 467-470.
  351. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, Mihajlo Stefanović, The joint probability density function of the SSC Combiner Output Signal at two Time Instants in the Presence of Hoyt Fading, The Seventh International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2011, 19-24. june, Luxembourg
  352. Stefan R. Panić, Dragana S. Krstić, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Siniša Minić, Second order statistics of selection macro-diversity system operating over Gamma shadowed Ricean fading channels, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITST-2011) St. Petersburg, Russia, August 23 - 25, 2011
  353. Dragana Krstić, Goran Stamenović, Stefan Panić, Zoran Popović, Dejan Rančić, Mihajlo Stefanović, The Application of GIS in Designing of Wireless Communication Systems with SC Combining in the Presence of Ricean Fading, 19th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks SoftCOM 2011, September 15 - 17, 2011, Split -- Hvar -- Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp.
  354. Dragana Krstić, Nikola Sekulović, Goran Stamenović and Mihajlo Stefanović, Average Bit Error Probability of Dual Selection-Based Macrodiversity System Over Channels Subjected to Nakagami-m Fading and Gamma Shadowing, 10th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics -- ПЕС 2011, Niš, Serbia, September 26-29, 2011.
  355. Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Jelena A. Anastasov and Goran T. Djordjević, ''Outage probability of AF system with interference-limited relay over Rayleigh/Rician fading channels'', XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2011), Proceedings of Papers, Vol. 1, pp. 129-132, Niš, Serbia, June 29-1 July, 2011. Published by Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, ISBN 978-86-85195-59-4
  356. Aleksandra D. Cvetković, Jelena A. Anastasov, Dejan N. Milić, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Srđan Milosavljević, "Capacity Evaluation for Maximal-ratio Diversity Technique over Rician Fading Channels", 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS 2011), Proceedings of papers, pp. 505-508, Niš, Serbia, October 5-8, 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-2017-8.
  357. Ivana Petrovic, Stefan Panic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Jelena Anastasov, Ana Savic, Srdjan Milosavljevic, Outage probability of SSC receivers over correlated Weibull fading chanel with multiple cochannel interferers, ETAI 2011, Ohrid, Makedonija.
  358. Stefan Panic, Mihajlo C. Stefanovic, Ivana Petrovic, Hana Stefanovic and Dejan Jaksic SC/EGC Hybrid Divrsity Reception Over Weibull Fading Channels, Unitech, Gabrovo 2011.
  359. Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Jelena A. Anastasov, Goran T. Đorđević, Dejan N. Milić, "Dual-hop Transmissions corrupted by Interferences over Asymmetric Fading Channels", 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS 2011), Proceedings of papers, pp. 471-474, Niš, Serbia, October 5-8, 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-2017-8.
  360. Dragana Krstić, Dejan Rancić, Petar Nikolić, Zoran Popović, Goran Stamenović, Janko Aleksić, Probability Density Function of the Satellite Signal in the Presence of Rayleigh Fading on Satellite and Earth Station, naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFORMACIONE TEHNOLOGIJE, INFOTEH- JAHORINA, 17-19. mart, 2010.
  361. Petar B. Nikolić, Dragana S. Krstić, Ana Matović, Ivana M. Petrović, Ljupče P. Đorđević, Probability density function of M-ary FSK signal in the presence of Gaussian noise, intersymbol interference and G fading, International conference of the Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and Applied Mathematics: CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, SIGNALS (CSS), 2010, Sliema, Malta, September 15-17, 2010
  362. Jelena A. Anastasov, Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Stefan Panić, Dejan N. Milić and Dušan M. Stefanović, ''Outage probability of correlated SC SIR-based diversity systems over K fading channels'', XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2011), Proceedings of Papers, pp. 133-136, Niš, Serbia, June 29-1 July, 2011. Published by Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, ISBN 978-86-85195-59-4
  363. I. Petrovic, S. Panic, P. Spalevic, S. Minic, B. Radovanovic, The influence of multiple co-channel interferers on the Selection Diversity System Performance over Weibull fading channels, ICEST 2011, Niš 2011. Danka Pevac, Ivana Petrovic, Risto Bojovic, The Possibility of Application the Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing Network for Streaming Multimedia Distribution, EUROCON 2011, A.178,, International conference on computer as a tool, IEEE, April 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
  364. Ivona BRAJEVIC, Artificial bee colony algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem, Proceedings of the European Computing Conference
  365. Slobodan Obradović, Milan Mijalković, Dejan Tešić, Vesna Marković, Valentina Pavlović, CAUSES DELAYS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CARD BUSINESS IN SERBIA, INFOTEH-JAHORINA,Vol. 10, Ref. E-IV-8, p. 689-693, March 2011.
  366. Milan TUBA, Milos SUBOTIC, Nadezda STANAREVIC, Modified cuckoo search algorithm for unconstrained optimization problems, Proceedings of the European Computing Conference, 2011-11-27
  367. Milan Tuba, Nebojsa Bacanin, Nadezda Stanarevic, Guided artificial bee colony algorithm, Proceeding ECC'11 Proceedings of the 5th European conference on European computing conference
  368. Nadezda STANAREVIC, Comparison of different mutation strategies applied to artificial bee colony algorithm, Proceedings of the European Computing Conference
  369. Milos Subotić, Artificial bee colony algorithm with multiple onlookers for constrained optimization problems, Proceedings of the European Computing Conference
  370. Remi Leandre, France Metin, Milan Tuba, Luige Vladereanu, Olga Martin, Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS international conference on Finite differences - finite elements - finite volumes - boundary elements
  371. B. Rosić, Lj. Janković, M. Milojević, Multicriteria optimization of planetary gear train using evolutionary strategies, 12th International Conference onTribology, Serbian Tribology Society, Kragujevac, Serbia, 11. -- 13. May 2011.
  372. Vujicic Stanikovic, S., Rakocevic G., Vitas, D., Milutinovic., V., Simulator Za Poređenje Data Mining Algoritama Za Bežične Senzorske Mreže I Concept Modeling Pristupa U Sistemima Bežičnih Senzorskih Mreža, YUINFO2011, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2011
  373. Jovic, M., Kos, A., Jeremic, V., Milutinovic, V.,Setting The Experiments For The Research On The Effects Of Multimedia Product Presentation On Online Customers, YUINFO2011, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2011
  374. Savic, E., Potic, J., Babovic, Z., Rakocevic, G., Strineka, V., Dobrota, M., Milutinovic, V., Sensor Nets And Data Mining In Medical Applications, YUINFO2011, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2011
  375. Vujicic Stanikovic, S., Rakocevic G., Vitas, D., Milutinovic., V., Klasifikacija Data Mining Algoritama Za Bežične Senzorske Mreže I Concept Modeling Pristupa U Sistemima Bežičnih Senzorskih Mreža, YUINFO2011, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2011
  376. Rakocevic, G., Andric, J., Milutinovic, V. A Vertically Distributed Data Mining Approach to Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, ETAI2011, Ohrid, 2011
  377. Andric, J., Rakocevic, G., Milutinovic, V. A FRAMEWORK FOR RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF WSN APPLICATIONS, ETAI2011, Ohrid, 2011
  378. Babovic, Z., Jelic, S., Milutinovic, V. AN ARCHITECTURE FOR SEMANTIC SENSOR NETWORKS INTEGRATION, ETAI2011, Ohrid, 2011
  379. S. Vujicšîicšü-Stankovicšü, G. Rakocšîevicšü, V. Milutinovicšü, A Metadata-Supported Distributed Approach for Data Mining Based Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks, TELSKIS2011, Nis, 2011
  380. Aleksandar Janjić, Zoran P. Stajić, Miloš Jelić: Stanje razvoja inteligentnih elektrodistibutivnih mreža u Evropi Zbornik radova sa međunarodne konferencije UpravlĐÿanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću 14. DQM međunarodna konferencija, Beograd 29-30. jun 2011, str. 753-761. (CD u prilogu), ISBN 978-86-86355-05-8
  381. Milan M. Radic, Zoran P. Stajic Comparison of Two Methods for Estimation of a Single-Phase TransformerÔÇÖs Magnetization Curve, ICEST 2011
  382. Miloš Stojanović, Miloš Božić, Milena Stanković, Zoran Stajić: Least squares support vector machines for short-term electrical load prediction Proceedings of the international conference "ICT Innovations 2011", Skopje, Macedonia,14 - 16th September 2011, Session: Machine Learning, file:///E:/conference_papers.htm
  383. Miloš Božić, Zoran Radonjić, Dragan Tasić, Ivan Radović, Zoran P. Stajić: Short-term load forecasting with least square support vector machines Proceedings 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2011), Novi Sad, Serbia, July 4--7, 2011, pp. 1010-1020, ISBN 978-86-6055-016-5
  384. Miloš Božić, Miloš Stojanović, Zoran P Stajić: Kratkoročno predviđanje električnog opterećenja primenom metoda podržavajućih vektora, Međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH-Ž-JAHORINA 2011, Jahorina, Bosna i Hercegovina, 16 - 18. mart 2011., Vol. 10, Ref. D-11, p. 326-329, ISBN-99938-624-2-8.
  385. Darko Mitić, Dragan Antić, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Saša Nikolić: Sliding Mode Control of Anti-lock Braking System Based on Reaching Law Method, Proceedings of the XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2011, Niš, Serbia, June 29.- July 01., 2011, vol. 2, pp. 387-390. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-032-3)
  386. Dragan Antić, Marko Milojković, Saša Nikolić, Darko Mitić, Staniša Perić: The Concept of Quasi Orthogonality Applied in Technical Systems, Proceedings of the XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2011, Nis, Serbia, June 29.- July 01., 2011, vol. 2, pp. 379-382. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-032-3).
  387. Darko Mitić, Dragan Antić, Marko Milojković, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić: Quasi-sliding Mode Control of a DC-DC Converter, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, PES 2011, Niš, Serbia, September 25.-29., 2011, (ISBN: 978-86-6125-042-2).
  388. Stanko Stankov: Određivanje dinamike toplovodnog grejača, II Međunarodni kongres Inženjerstvo, ekologija i materijali u procesnoj industriji, E -- zbornik - Knjiga radova, (str. 763 -- 767), ISBN: 978-99955-81-00-8, Jahorina, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina, 9 -- 11 mart, 2011.
  389. Stanko Stankov: Upravljanje pogonom za toplo cinkovanje, II Međunarodni kongres Inženjerstvo, ekologija i materijali u procesnoj industriji, E -- zbornik - Knjiga radova, (str. 768 -- 778), ISBN: 978-99955-81-00-8, Jahorina, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina, 9 -- 11 mart, 2011.
  390. Stanko Stankov: Primena fotonaponskih panela kod rezervoara za vodu, II Međunarodni kongres Inženjerstvo, ekologija i materijali u procesnoj industriji, E -- zbornik - Knjiga radova, (str. 779 -- 788), ISBN: 978-99955-81-00-8, Jahorina, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina, 9 -- 11 mart, 2011.
  391. Stanko Stankov, Zoran Jovanović, Miodrag Spasić, Nikola Danković, Dejan Mitić: Software Package for Measuring of Generators Temperatures, E -- zbornik str. 213 -- 216., Niš, Serbia, 29. 06. -- 01. 07. 2011., ICEST 2011, ISBN: 978-86-6125-031-6
  392. Zoran Jovanović, Nikola Danković, Miodrag Spasić, Stanko Stankov, Zoran Icić: Adaptive Control of System for Rubber Transportation, E -- zbornik str. 383 -- 386, Niš, Serbia, 29. 06. -- 01. 07. 2011., ICEST 2011, ISBN: 978-86-6125-031-6
  393. Zoran Jovanović, Nikola Danković, Miodrag Spasić, Stanko Stankov, Zoran Icić: Practical testing of the Probability of Stability of the Discrete System with Random Parameters, Proceedings of Papers of the International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics PĐòS 2011 Niš, Serbia, September 25.--29. 2011., CD -- ROM, ISBN: 978-86-6125-042-2,, COBISS.SR-ID 186265612
  394. V. Nikolić, S. Danković, D.Vasović: Corporate Education for Green Manufacturing from a Discurse of Sustainable Develoment Proceedings, 6th Dubrovnik International Conference on Sustainable Development of Water, Energy and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2011.
  395. J.Malenović -- Nikolić, D. Spasić, D. Vasović: Sustainable Development and Energy Indicators Proceedings, International Conference Safety of Technical Systems, Nis, Serbia, 2011.
  396. S. Savić, D. Vasović, S. Mušicki: Management of Innovation Projects in the Context of the Competitiveness of Organization, Proceedings, I International Conference Engineering Management and Competitiveness, Zrenjanin, Serbia, 2011.
  397. S. Mušicki, D. Vasović, M. Stanković: Eco-efficiency and Competitiveness of Organization, Proceedings, I International Conference Engineering Management and Competitiveness, Zrenjanin, Serbia, 2011.
  398. M. Perić, S. Aleksić, D. Tasić: Influence of Induced Currents and Charges on Electromagnetic Field in Vicinity of Power Line, The 14th International IGTE Symposium, Graz, Austria, 20-22 September, 2010, Graz University of Technology, pp.130-134, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-85 125-133-3.
  399. D. Tasić, M. Stojanović, A. Ristić: Reconfiguration as a Measure for Reduction of Energy Losses in Distribution Networks Proceeding of XL VI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, Nis, June 29-July 1, 2011 , pp. 443-446.
  400. L. Korunović, M. Vučković, M. Stojanović, D. Tasić: The Analysis ofTypical Seasonal Load Duration Curves of Low Voltage Consumers Proceeding of XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, Nis, June 29-July 1, 2011, pp. 469-472.
  401. M. Božić, Z. Radonjić, D. Tasić, I. Radović, Z. Stajić: Short-term Load Forecasting With Least Square Support Vector Machines Proceedings of 24th International Conference ECOS 2011 , Novi Sad, July 4-7, 2011, pp. 1010-1019.
  402. S. Minić, D. Tasić: Wind Farm Connection to Serbian Distribution Network - Austere Quality Requirements vs. More Economical Power Distribution, Proceedings of the 15th WSEAS International Conference on Systems, Corfu, Greece, July 14-16, 2011 , pp. 282 -287.
  403. D. Vučković, M. Rančić, M. Stojanović, D. Tasić: Tubular Daylight Guidance Systems for Interior Lighting, 1 Ot11 International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Nis, September 25-29, 2011.
  404. Nebojša Mitrović, Vojkan Kostić, Milutin Petronijević and Bojan Banković, Active Front End Converter in Common DC Bus Multidrive Application, ICEST 2011, June 29 -- July 1, 2011, Niš, Serbia, Proceedings of Papers, Volume 3, pp. 989-992.
  405. Nebojša Mitrović, Milutin Petronijević, Vojkan Kostić, Borislav Jeftenić, Bojan Banković: Analysis Of Active Front End Based Multidrive System In Crane Application, 16th International Symposium On Power Electronics - Ee 2011, Novi Sad, Republic Of Serbia, October 26th - 28th, 2011, Proceedings of Papers on CD, ISBN 978-86-7892-356-2, Paper No. T2-1.5, pp. 1-5
  406. M.S. Stanković, S.D. Marinković , Predrag M. Rajković, A Deformed Exponential Function of Two Variables --Motivation and Applications, Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conf. Proc. 1404, 265-270 (2011).
  407. Savić, S., Vasović, D., Mušicki, S., Management of Innovation Projects in the Context of the Competitiveness of the Organization, Proceedings of I International Symposium Engineering Management And Competititveness 2011 (EMC 2011), Zrenjanin, June 24-25, 2011, pp. 111-116.
  408. Janaćković, G., Savić, S., Stanković, M., Safety Performance Indicators in Organizational Safety Management System, Proceedings of the second international conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management, ICDQM 2011, Belgrade, June 29-30, 2011, pp. 131-139.
  409. Savić, S., Stanković, M., Quality Estimation Model of Higher Education Institutions, Proceedings of XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2011, Volume 2, Faculty of Electronics, Nis, June 29-July 1, 2011, pp. 345-348.
  410. Savić, S., Stanković, M., Janaćković, G., Hibrid Model for e-Learning, in: Proceedings of The Second International Conference on eLearning eLearning-2011, Metropolitan University, Belgrade, September 29-30, 2011, pp. 24-31.
  411. J.R. Malenović-Nikolić, G.Lj. Janaćković, S. Krstić, Measurement point selectin for thermal power plant monitoring system, In Proc. of the XVI Conference Series on Man and working environment -- Safety of technical systems in living and working environment STS 2011, Nis, 27- 28. October 2011, ISBN 978-86-6093-035-6, COBISS.SR-ID 187155980, pp. 213-219.
  412. G.Lj. Janaćković, S.M. Savić, M.S. Stanković, Multi-criteria decision analysis in occupational safety management systems, In Proc. of the XVI Conference Series on Man and working environment -- Safety of technical systems in living and working environment STS 2011, Nis, 27- 28. October 2011, ISBN 978-86-6093-035-6, COBISS.SR-ID 187155980, pp. 107-113.
  413. S.M. Savić, G.Lj. Janaćković, M.S. Stanković, Maintenance strategy selection based on AHP-GP model, In Proc. of the XVI Conference Series on Man and working environment -- Safety of technical systems in living and working environment STS 2011, Nis, 27- 28. October 2011, ISBN 978-86-6093-035-6, COBISS.SR-ID 187155980, pp. 113-119.
  414. G.Lj. Janaćković, S.M. Savić, M.S. Stanković, Multi-criteria methods for ranking polygeneration systems based on renewable energy sources, In Proc. of the 15th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia under title Energy - Efficiency -- Ecology, Sokobanja, October 18.-21. 2011, pp. 399-408.
  415. J.R. Malenović-Nikolić, G.Lj. Janaćković, I.. Ristović, Gaussian model for determining immission concentrations of sulphur dioxide and selection of measuring locations for thermal power plant monitoring system, In Proc. Of the 11th International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry - RaDMI 2011, 15 - 18. September 2011, Sokobanja, Serbia, (in print).
  416. J. Malenović-Nikolić, G. Janaćković, I. Ristović, Application of Gaussian dispersion model in the selection of measuring locations for monitoring the impact of nitrogen oxides from coal combustion process, In Proc. of the Integrated international symposium TRIORIR 2011 (ISTI, ORRE, IRSE), 11-15. September 2011, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-7352-257-9, COBISS.SR-ID 185943820, pp. 438-444.
  417. S.M. Savić, G.Lj. Janaćković, M.S. Stanković, Quality Estimation Model of Higher Education Institutions, In Proc. of the XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies - ICEST 2011, Nis, 29. June- 1. July 2011, ISBN 978-86-6125-032-3, pp. 345-348.
  418. J. Malenović-Nikolić, G.Lj. Janaćković, Estimation of NO2 immission concentrations from Teko-B power plant and measuring locations selection, In Proc. of the XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies - ICEST 2011, Nis, 29. June- 1. July 2011, ISBN 978-86-6125-033-0, pp. 740-743.
  419. G.Lj. Janaćković, S.M. Savić, M.S. Stanković, Safety Lifecycle and risk assessment, In Proc. Of the 1st International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2010, 29-30 June, Belgrade, Serbia, 255-261.
  420. Stanković, D., Nikolić, V. (2011). Brza izrada prototipova algoritama za heurističku optimizaciju za primenu kod kolaborativnih sistema za učenje, Zbornik radova sa 6 . međunarodnog simpozijuma: Tehnologija Informatika Obrazovanje -- Đòa društvo učenja i znanja, TIO6, Tehnički fakultet u Čačku, Univeryitet u Kragujevcu, Institut za pedagoška istraživanja u Beogradu,Čačak. str.446-451. UDK: 004.021:37.018.43
  421. Nikolić, V, Taradi, J. (2011). E-learning in Higher Education: Case study, Proceedings of The Second International Conference on E- Learning (E-Learning 2011), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, pp.18-23
  422. Meško, M., Markič, M., Štok, Z., Nikolić, V. (2011). From knowledge menagement to quality and business excellence, Proceedings 2nd International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2011, Research Center of DQM , Beograd, pp.271-277.
  423. Štok, Z., Markič, M., Meško, M., Nikolić, V. (2011). Six Sigma and Business excellence in Medium-sized and Large Enterprises, Proceedings 2nd International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2011, Research Center of DQM, Beograd,.pp.290-301
  424. Nikolić, V., Taradi, J. (2011). Comparative analysis of the higher education system of occupational safety engineers in Serbia and Croatia, Proceedings: The 16th conference of the series Man and Working Environment, International Conference Safety of Techical Systems in Living and Working Environment, STS - 11Faculty of Occupational Safety in Nis, Nis.pp.455-462 COBISS. SR-ID. 187155980 III 44006
  425. Nikolić, V., StĐšnkĐžvić, D., (2010). Upravljanje znanjem kao osnova za interaktivno timsko učenje, Zbornik radova: Elektronsko učenje na putu ka društvu znanja, Univerzitet Metropolitan, Beograd, 2010., str. 73-78. ISBN 978-86-912685-3-4 COBIS.SR-ID 179053580
  426. J.R. Malenović-Nikolić, G.Lj. Janaćković, I.. Ristović, Gaussian model for determining immission concentrations of sulphur dioxide and selection of measuring locations for thermal power plant monitoring system, In Proc. Of the 11th International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry - RaDMI 2011, 15 - 18. September 2011, Sokobanja, Serbia, (in print).
  427. J. Malenović-Nikolić, G. Janaćković, I. Ristović, Application of Gaussian dispersion model in the selection of measuring locations for monitoring the impact of nitrogen oxides from coal combustion process, In Proc. of the Integrated international symposium TRIORIR 2011 (ISTI, ORRE, IRSE), 11-15. September 2011, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-7352-257-9, COBISS.SR-ID 185943820, pp. 438-444.
  428. J. Malenović-Nikolić, G.Lj. Janaćković, Estimation of NO2 immission concentrations from Teko-B power plant and measuring locations selection, In Proc. of the XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies - ICEST 2011, Nis, 29. June- 1. July 2011, ISBN 978-86-6125-033-0, pp. 740-743
  429. M. Jelić, V. Trajković National Award as a Business Excellence Driver for Countries in Transition, 12th International Symposium on Quality Quality for Business Excellence, Croatian Quality Managers Society, published paper, proceedings, Dr. sc. Miroslav Drljača, ISBN 978-953-6619-24-5, CIP 760022, Osijek, Hrvatska 2011
  430. D.Marinković, P.Milanović, Z.Popović, M.Jelić, G.Nešić Procena emisije izduvnih gasova motornih vozila u Srbiji u periodu 2001 -- 2020, XIII YUCORR International Conference, -+Exchanging experience in the field of corrosion, materilas and environmental protection-½, rad štampan u celini, proceedings, Prof. dr Miodrag Pavlović, prof. dr Časlav Lačnjevac, ISBN 978-86-82343-15-8, Tara, april 2011, pp.411-41
  431. Z.Starčević, I Atanasovska, B.Bogdanović, M.Jelić Defining procedures of the laboratory comparison for the freight wagon stationary brake test, 5th International Quality Conference, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kragujevac, published paper, Conference manual, Dr. Slavko Arsovski, Dr. Miodrag Lazić, Dr. Miladin Stefanović, ISBN 978-86-86663-68-9, Kragujevac, May 2011, pp. 631-637
  432. Jelić M, Trajković V. National quality award development in the Republic of Serbia, 7th Research/Expert Conference with International Participation QUALITY 2011, University of Zenica, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, published paper, Proceedings, Safet Brdarevic, Sabahudin Jasarevic, ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, June 2011, pp. 1103-1107
  433. Jelic M. Organization culture as prerequisite to attain organizational excellence, The 6th International Working Conference, TQM -- Advanced and Intelligent Approaches, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, published paper, Proceedings, Vidosav Majstorovic, ISBN 978-86-7083-727-0, COBISS.SR ID 183755276, Belgrade, June 2011, pp. 145-148
  434. Jelić M, Bunčić D Maintenance perspectives in management system standards, International Scientific-Expert Conference -+Maintenance and Production Engineering-½ - KODIP-2011, plenary lecture, Proceedings, Miodrag Bulatović, Mileta Janjić, ISBN 978-9940-527-17-4, COBISS.CG-ID 18317840, Herceg Novi, June 2011, pp. 27-33
  435. Jelić M, Jevtić M. Quality audit performance and ethical issues, 6th International Conference ICQME 2011, University of Montenegro, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Podgorica, Montenegro, publishd paper, Proceedings, Zdravko Krivokapić, ISBN 978-9940-527-19-8, COBISS.CG-ID 18768912, Tivat, MNE, September 2011, pp. 195-203
  436. Ećim-Đurić O, Milanović P, Jelić M. Improvement of greenhouse energy efficiency by dynamic modellingmof geothermal heating energy storage tank, 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems -- ECOS 2011, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -- Niš, published paper, Proceedings, Milorad Bojić, ISBN 978-86-6055-016-5, COBISS.SR-ID 184846604, Novi Sad, July 2011, pp. 3821-3830
  437. Radović T, Sovrlić M, Jelić M. Proposal for design of environment protection program in large open-pit coal mines and coal-fired power plants, 4th International Conference Science and Higher Education of Sustainable Development, SED 2011, published paper, proceedings, Ljubica Diković, ISBN 978-86-83573-22-6, COBISS.SR-ID 186645260, Užice, SRB, October 2011, p.4
  438. Micić Živadin, Blagojević Marija, Stanković Nebojša, Božović Maja, Razvoj i primene međunarodnih standarda u e-ucenju, XVI Naucno stručni skup Informacione tehnologije, Zabljak, 22-26th February 2011, Proceedings, pp. 59-63. (ISBN 978-86-7664-097-3)
  439. Micić Živadin, Blagojević Marija, Standardization of representation knowledge in IT, Technology, Informatics And Education for Learning And Knowledge Society, 6th International Symposium, Technical Faculty Čačak, 35th June 2011. Proceedings, 726-731. (ISBN: 978-86-7776-127-1)
  440. Blagojević Marija Comparation possibilities of k-means and HAC clustering in analysis of usersÔÇÖ patterns of behavior, 1st International Conference on Information Society Technology and Management, Kopaonik, 7-8th March 2011. Proceedings, pp. 24-28. (ISBN 978-86-85525-07-0)
  441. Ružičić Vesna, Blagojević Marija Geomedia-Osnove i pirmena u integraciji prostornih podataka geografskog informacionog sistema, 6th International Symposium, Technical Faculty Čačak, 35th June 2011. (ISBN: 978-86-7776-127-1)
  442. Milošević Danijela, Blagojević Marija, Božović Maja, Primena savremenih informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija u nastavi medicine 6th International Symposium, Technical Faculty Čačak, 35th June 2011. (ISBN: 978-86-7776-127-1)
  443. Blagojević Marija, Barić Sava, The appliance of OLAP and Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services in the analysis of user behavior patterns, XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 29-1st July 2011. Proceedings , pp. 1025-1028 (ISBN 978-86-6125-033-0)
  444. Blagojević Marija, Barić Sava, Micić Živadin, Adaptive e-courses design based on web mining, International conference on Information technology and development of education, 1st July 2011. Proceedings, pp. 279-285. (ISBN: 978-86-7672-134-4)
  445. Blagojević Marija, Milošević Marjan, Milošević Danijela, Do IT and medicine students e-learn in the same way: Analysis considering collaborative modules, The Second International Conference on e-Learning - eLearning-2011, Belgrade, September 29-30.2011, pp. 190-193. (ISBN 978-86-912685-5-8)
  446. Živadin Micić, Milica Tufegdzic (2011). Modeling of new IT studies through dozen aspects and ISO/IEC standardization, International Educational Technology Conference - IETC, Proceedings Book (Volume I), pp. 739-745, Turkey, may 25-27. 2011.
  447. Nešković M., Živadin Micić (2011). The integration of educational and key aspects of IT on Joomla CMS examples, Technology, Informatics And Education for Learning And Knowledge Society, 6th International Symposium, Technical Faculty Čačak, 3´Ç¡5th June 2011. Proceedings, ISBN: 978-86-7776-127-1, pp. 1086-1091.
  448. Miroslava Raspopovic and Svetlana Cvetanovic, Implementation of Adaptive eLearning through workflow technology, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Learning, pgs. 124-129, Belgrade, Serbia, 2011.
  449. Svetlana Cvetanovic, Miroslava Raspopovic, and Stefan Mirkovic, Integration of Sakai Based e-Learning and Business Management Systems Using Workflow Management System, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Learning, pgs. 152-156, Belgrade, Serbia, 2011.
  450. ĐĐžrđĐÁ ĐĐžrđĐÁvić, Lazar Ignjatovic, SrbislĐšv NĐÁšić: BIOTOKSINOMER -- A Bio-Device for Water Quality Control, International Conference Innovation as a Function of Engineering Development, GAF, Niš, September 25-26, 2011, Paper accepted for presentation
  451. ĐĐžrđĐÁ ĐĐžrđĐÁvić, Čedomir Antanasijević, Lazar Ignjatovic Numerical Model of Oil and Grease Separator from Waste Water, International Conference Innovation as a Function of Engineering Development, GAF, Niš, September 25-26, 2011, Paper accepted for presentation
  452. ĐĐžrđĐÁ ĐĐžrđĐÁvić, SrbislĐšv NĐÁšić: Daphnia Bio-sensor Data Tracking, Recording, and Random Generation, Pregled Nacionalnog centra za digitalizaciju (NCD Review), To appear
  453. Zona Kostić, Aleksandar Jevremović, Ranko Popović: 3D Modeling Educational Environment, Eurocon 2011, Lisbon, Portugal Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  454. Zona Kostić, Dragan Cvetković, Aleksandar Jevremović, Ranko Popović: GViRoom: Virtual Room for Graphics Design, Gpmmta 2011, Chongqing, China Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  455. Aleksandar Jevremović, Ranko Popović, Dejan Zivković, Mladen Veinović, Goran Shimić: DMS - Improving Web Performance, 2011 19th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  456. Zona Kostic, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Dragan Markovic, Ranko Popovic: Virtual Educational System and Communication, 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services -- TELSIKS, 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  457. O. Popović, Z. Jovanović, N. Jovanović, R. Popović: A Comparison and Security Analysis of the Cloud Computing Software Platforms, 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services -- TELSIKS, Vol.2, pp.632-634, 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  458. I. Branovic, S. Veskovic, S. Mladenovic, S. Milinkovic, S. Jankovic: SOA Architecture for Complying with EU Railway Timetable Data Exchange Format, 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services -- TELSIKS, 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  459. Saša Adamović, Irina Branović, Dejan Živković, Violeta Tomašević, Milan Milosavljević: Teaching interactive cryptography: the case for CrypTool, XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies - ICEST 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  460. Srđan Trajković, Zona Kostić, Dragan Cvetković, Ranko Popović: Virtual Classroom for Graphic Technology, EIRD 2011, 4th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, ISBN: 978--608--65144-2-6, Ohrid, Macedonia, pp. 1183-1187, May 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  461. Zona Kostić, Dragan Cvetković, Dragan Marković, Aleksandar Jevremović: X3D Educational Environment for Aviation Students, 15th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology TMT 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, ISSN: 1840-4944, pp. 489 -- 492, September 2011
  462. Srđan Trajković, Zona Kostić, Dragan Cvetković, Dragan Marković: Virtaul Educational Environment for Learning Graphics Technology, 15th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology TMT 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, ISSN: 1840-4944, pp. 533 -- 536, September 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  463. S. Veskovic, S. Mladenovic, S. Milinkovic, I. Branovic, K. Dimanovski: Simulacioni model saobraćaja vozova na jednokolosečnoj pruzi u funkciji kvaliteta usluge, III Međunarodni simpozijum "Novi horizonti saobraćaja i komunikacija", Doboj, 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  464. S. Jankovic, S. Mladenovic, I. Branovic, S. Milinkovic: Cloud computing u saobraćaju i transport, III Međunarodni simpozijum "Novi horizonti saobraćaja i komunikacija", Doboj, 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)
  465. Zona Kostić, Aleksandar Jevremović, Ranko Popović, 3D Modeling Educational Environment, Eurocon 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
  466. Zona Kostić, Dragan Cvetković, Aleksandar Jevremović, Ranko Popović, GViRoom: Virtual Room for Graphics Design, Gpmmta 2011, Chongqing, China
  467. Aleksandar Jevremović, Ranko Popović, Dejan Zivković, Mladen Veinović, Goran Shimić, DMS - Improving Web Performance 2011 19th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR)
  468. Zona Kostic, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Dragan Markovic, Ranko Popovic, Virtual Educational System and Communication, 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services -- TELSIKS, 2011
  469. M.Jelić, P.Petrović Global approach to recycling end-of life cars to attain sustainable environment protection, JUMV, XXIII International Automotive Conference, Science and Motor Vehicles 2011, International thematic issue, Publisher: JUMV, Editor: Čedomir Duboka, JUMV-SP-1101, ISBN 978-86-80941-36-3, COBISS.SR-ID 182650892, Beograd, 2011, CD-ROM, p.16
  470. O. Popović, Z. Jovanović, N. Jovanović, R. Popović, A Comparison and Security Analysis of the Cloud Computing Software Platforms 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services -- TELSIKS, Vol.2, pp.632-634, 2011
  471. I. Branovic, S. Veskovic, S. Mladenovic, S. Milinkovic, S. Jankovic, SOA Architecture for Complying with EU Railway Timetable Data Exchange Format, 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services -- TELSIKS, 2011
  472. Saša Adamović, Irina Branović, Dejan Živković, Violeta Tomašević, Milan Milosavljević, Teaching interactive cryptography: the case for CrypTool, XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies - ICEST 2011
  473. Srđan Trajković, Zona Kostić, Dragan Cvetković, Ranko Popović, Virtual Classroom for Graphic Technology, EIRD 2011, 4th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, ISBN: 978--608--65144-2-6, Ohrid, Macedonia, pp. 1183-1187, May 2011
  474. Zona Kostić, Dragan Cvetković, Dragan Marković, Aleksandar Jevremović, X3D Educational Environment for Aviation Students, 15th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology TMT 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, ISSN: 1840-4944, pp. 489 -- 492, September 2011
  475. Srđan Trajković, Zona Kostić, Dragan Cvetković, Dragan Marković, Virtaul Educational Environment for Learning Graphics Technology, 15th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology TMT 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, ISSN: 1840-4944, pp. 533 -- 536, September 2011
  476. S. Veskovic, S. Mladenovic, S. Milinkovic, I. Branovic, K. Dimanovski, Simulacioni model saobraćaja vozova na jednokolosečnoj pruzi u funkciji kvaliteta usluge, III Međunarodni simpozijum "Novi horizonti saobraćaja i komunikacija", Doboj, 2011
  477. S. Jankovic, S. Mladenovic, I. Branovic, S. Milinkovic, Cloud computing u saobraćaju i transportu, III Međunarodni simpozijum "Novi horizonti saobraćaja i komunikacija", Doboj, 2011
  478. B. Marinković, L. Liquori, V. Ciancaglini and Z. Ognjanović, A Distributed Catalog for Digitized Cultural Heritage, in: Second International Conference, ICT Innovations 2010, Ohrid Macedonia, September 12-15, 2010, Editors: M. Gusev, P. Mitrevski, Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol. 83, 176 -- 186, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. ISBN: 978-3-642-19324-8.
  479. Ž. Mijajlović, N. Pejović, Z. Ognjanović, Doctoral dissertations in NCD Virtual library, Review of the NCD, 18, 15--18, 2011.
  480. Z. Ognjanović, D. Doder, Z. Marković, A Branching Time Logic with Two Types of Probability Operators, in: Fifth International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management SUM-2011, October 10 - 12, 2011, Dayton, Ohio, USA, Editors: S. Benferhat and J. Grant, Springer LNCS 6929, 219--232, 2011.
  481. D. Doder, A. Perović, Z. Ognjanović, Probabilistic approach to nonmonotonic consequence relations, in: The 11th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty ECSQARU 2011, 29th June - 1st July 2011, Belfast, North Ireland, UK, editor: Weiru Liu, LNCS 6717, 459 -- 471, 2011.
  482. M. Obradović, S. Mišić, B. Popkonstantinović, M. Petrović: Possibilities of Deltahedral Concave Cupola Form Application in Architecture, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, Publicat de Universitatea Tehnică Gheorghe Asachi din Iaşi, Tomul LVII (LXI), Fasc. 3, 2011, Romania, pg. 123-140.
  483. M. Petrović, M. Obradović, R. Mijailović: Suitability Analysis of Hugelschaffer's Egg Curve Application in Architectural StructuresÔÇÖ Geometry, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, Publicat de Universitatea Tehnică Gheorghe Asachi din Iaşi, Tomul LVII (LXI), Fasc. 3, 2011, Romania, pg. 115-122.
  484. B. Popkonstantinovic, M. Obradovic, B. Malesevic, Z. Jeli, Solid Modeling And Motion Study of Chronometer Detent Escapement Mechanism, F5-55, pp. 55-72, International Conference on Engineering Graphics and Design, ICEGD 2011 -- Sustainable Eco Design IASI, Romania 2011
  485. N. Pejović, Ž. Mijajlović: Early Astronomical Heritage in Virtual Library of Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, NCD Review, Vol. 19, 2011, 11-25.
  486. N. Pejović: Digitization of Textbook Nebeska mehanika by Milutin Milanković, NCD Review, Vol. 19, 2011, 63-68.
  487. Popkonstantinovic, B., Jeli, Z., Dimitrijevic, M., Misic, S.: 3D Modeling And Motion Anaisys of the Clock Mechanism, A23_405, pp. 1-6, The 13th World Congress in Mechanisms and machine Science, Universidad de Guanajuato (UCEA), Mexico, 2011
  488. Stanković, R.S., Astola, J.T., Moraga, C., Remarks on applicability of spectral representations on finite non-Abelian groups in the design for regularity, Proc. 40th Int. Symp. on Multiple-Valued Logic, Barcelona, Spain, May 26-28, 2010, 313-318.
  489. Stanković, S., Stanković, M., Stanković, R.S., Astola, J., Representation of bent functions using Walsh decision diagrams, Proc. 9th International Workshop on Boolean Problems, Freiberg, Germany, September 16-17, 2010, 179-186.
  490. Stanković, R.S., Astola, J.T., Moraga, C., Multiple-valued logic networsk with regular structure obtained from Fast Fourier transforms on finite groups, Proc. 41th Int. Symp. on Multiple-Valued Logic, Tuusula, Finland, May 23-25, 2011, 54-61.
  491. Vladan Vučković, THE COMPLETE 3D MODELING AND REAL-TIME SIMULATION OF THE TESLAÔÇÖS BOAT, Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics on CD, PES 2011, Niš, 31.8.-2. September 2011, Proceedings of Extended Abstracts, pp. 16-17.
  492. D.B. Gajić , R.S. Stanković, Computing Fast Spectral Transforms on graphics processing units using OpenCL, Proc. Reed-Muller 2011 Workshop, Tuusula, Finland, May 25-26, 2011,27-36. (M33)

Conference papers (M34)

  1. Stefan Mišković, Zorica Stanimirović, A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving the Two-Stage Capacitated Facility Location Problem, Proceedings of the XI Balkan Conference on Operational Research, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, pp.23--32, 2013
  2. Branko Malešević, Milica Makragić, About decidability of a problem in the theory of analytic inequalities, International conference Constructive mathematics - foundation and practice CMFP, 24.06.2013.--28.06.2013., Srbija, 2013
  3. Ristić Miroslav, Nastić Aleksandar, Popović Predrag, Bivariate models for time series of counts, Applied Statistics, Statistical Society of Slovenia and University of Ljubljana, pp.26--26, 21.1.1900--24.1.1900, Slovenia, 2013
  4. Milica Knežević, Bojan Marinković, Zoran Ognjanović, Ivan Čukić, Nataša Bulatović, CENDARI (Collaborative EuropeaN Digital Archive Infrastructure), SEEDI, National and University Library in Zagreb, pp.24--25, 15.5.2013--16.5.2013, Hrvatska, 2013
  5. Dragan Domazet, Ljubiša Jovev, Chartering  process for eLearning content production enabled by DITA and component CMS - an university case, Content Management Strategies/DITA North America Conference 2013, Center for Information-Development Management, Denver, USA, 15.4.2013--17.4.2013, USA, 2013
  6. Stosovic M, Lezaic V, Radivojevic D, Simic-Ogrizovic S, Stanojevic M, Jovanovic D, Naumovic R., Comparison of survival of home hemodialysis and kidney transplatation., XI BANTAO congres 2013. Abstract book, BANTAO, pp.67Rumunja, 2013
  7. Jelena Ivetić, Pierre Lescanne, Computational interpretations of some substructural logics, UNILOG 2013 - The Fourth World Congress on Universal Logic, Univesidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, pp.286--287, 03.04.2013.--07.04.2013., Brazil, 2013
  8. Jelena Ivetić, Silvia Gilezan, Pierre Lescanne, Silvia Likavec, Constructive approach to relevant and affine term calculi., Constructive Mathematics: Foundations and Practise, Univerzitet u Nišu, pp.39--42, 24.06.2013.--28.06.2013., Srbija, 2013
  9. Stanojevic M, Simic-Ogrizovic S, Stosovic M, Jovanovic D, Naumovic R, Depression in long term hemodialysis patients mortality prediction, XI BANTAO congres 2013. Abstract book, BANTAO, pp.66Rumunja, 2013
  10. Marija Šegan, Miloš Milovanović, Žarko Mijajlović, Zoran Ognjanović, Digital Catalogue of Cultural Monuments in Serbia 2004 – 2012: An Overview and Highlights, Book of Abstracts, National and University Library in Zagreb, Vol.x, Iss.x, pp.56--57, 15.05.2013--16.05.2013, Hrvatska, 2013
  11. Aleksandar Valjarević, Marija Šegan, Milos Milovanović, Zoran Ognjanović, Zarko Mijajlović, Digitalna karta sa 3D elementima, Cultural Monuments in Serbia: Web GIS and Mapping of Toplica District,, Vol.12, Iss.1, 16.10.2013--18.10.2013, Nemačka, 2013
  12. N. Sladoje, Distances between fuzzy sets and their application to image processing, Archeological Digital Map of the Toplica Region, International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 18.3.2013--22.3.2013, Serbia, 2013
  13. Ljiljana Petrovic, Generalizations of Granger’s Causality in Continuous Time, 26th Nordic and 1st European-Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Lund University and European Mathematical Society, 10.06.13.--13.06.13., Svedska, 2013
  14. Aleksandar Valjarević, Žarko Mijajlović, GIS aplikacije, baze podataka na karti, Digital multilayer map od Toplica DC, Humbolt Fondacija, 01.10.2013--05.10.2013, Bugarska, 2013
  15. Aleksandar Valjarević, Mila Pavlović, Dragica Živković, GIS modelovanje poplavnih talasa na Kosovu i Metohiji, THE PROBABILITY OF FLOODING WAVE OCCURRENCE AND THE VULNERABILITY OF THE KOSOVO TERRITORY SETTLEMENTS, Geografski Institut Jovan Cvijić, 08.11.2013--11.11.2013, Srbija, 2013
  16. B. Budimirovic, V. Budimirovic, B. Seselja, A. Tepavcevic, Lattice valued identities; applications to semigroups, Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra (AAA86), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute for Algebra, May, 30, 2013--June, 2, 2013, Czech Republic, 2013
  17. Srboljub M. Mijailovich, Boban Stojanovic, Djordje Nedic, Marina Svicevic, Richard Gilbert, Michael A. Geeves, Thomas Irving, Modulation of Crossbridge Cycling Kinetics and Length Dependent Calcium Sensitivity by Titin and Nebul, Biophysical Journal, American Physical Society, Vol.2, Iss.104, pp.310--310, 2.2.2013.--6.2.2013., Сједињене Америчке Државе, 2013
  18. Ivan Cukic, Natural task scheduling using futures and continuations, Qt Developer Days, KDAB GMBH, Digia, ICS, pp./--/, 7. 8.--9. 8., Nemačka, 2013
  19. Stosovic M, Petrovic M, Vujisic-Tesic B, Stanojevic M, Simic-Ogrizovic S, Jovanovic D, Naumovic R., Predictive value of echocardiographic parameters in hemodialysis patients., XI BANTAO congres 2013. Abstract book, BANTAO, pp.67Rumunja, 2013
  20. Kravljaca M, Maslovaric J, Simic-Ogrizovic S, Bogavac-Stanojevic N, Stosovic M, Naumovic R., Predictors of early and late indicators of atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis patients, XI BANTAO congres 2013. Abstract book, BANTAO, pp.20Rumunja, 2013
  21. Stefan Mišković, Problem of Exploration of Online Social Networks with Interaction Between Resource Nodes, Proceedings of the XI Balkan Conference on Operational Research, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, pp.298--306, 2013
  22. Jelena Ivetić, Silvia Gilezan, Pierre Lescanne, Silvia Likavec, Resource aware computing with proofs., The 84th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics – GAMM 2013, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, pp.224--224, 18.03.2013.--22.03.2013., Srbija, 2013
  23. Stokić E., Kupusinac A., Srdić Galić B., Tomić Naglić D., Isenović E., Sagittal Abdominal Diameter (SAD) in Identification Obese Patients of Higher Cardiovascular Risk, 10. International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease (ICCAD), Florence, Italy, pp.169--169, 13.10.2013.--16.10.2013., Italija, 2013
  24. Knežević N., Bojović N., Milenković M., Nataša Glišović, SARIMA-KALMAN model za predviđanje obima poštanskih usluga, PosTel 2012 XXX Simpozijum o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobracaju, Saobraćajni fakultet, pp.21--30, 3.12.--4.12., Srbija, Beograd, 2013
  25. Marija Šegan, Miloš Milovanović, Milica Lajbenšperger, Sanja Rajić, The Use of Modern Technology in Education: A User Study on the Digitization of Cultural Heritage., Book of Abstracts, National and University Library in Zagreb, Vol.x, Iss.x, pp.36--37, 15.05.2013--16.05.2013, Hrvatska, 2013
  26. Jovanovic D, Stosovic M, Jovanovic N, Dokic Z, Kravljaca M, Savin M, Stojimirovic B, Naumovic R., Staphylococcal Peritonitis: Eight-year study, 14th Congres of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis 2012., pp. S95--S95, Oct 21--24, Malaysia, Kuala Lupur, 2012
  27. Lj. Petrović, S. Dimitrijević, D. Valjarević, Some Generalization of Granger's Causality in Continuous Time,, European Congress of Mathematics, Krakow, 2012, Poljska, Krakov, 2012
  28. D. Valjarević, , Lj. Petrović, , Statistical Causality and Martingale Representation Theory, European Congress of Mathematics, Krakow, 2012, 2012
  29. Zorana Lužanin, Valentina Sokolovska, Possibilities of Application of Statistical Analysis in the System of Higher Education Institution Quality, Applied Statistics 2012, p. 23, Sep 23--26, Slovenija, Ribno, 2012
  30. Marko Nedeljkov, Singularities in (generalized) Chaplygin gas, 50 Years of Seminar for Analysis and Foundations of Mathematics led by Academician Bogoljub Stanković , Sep 3--8, Srbija, Novi Sad, 2012
  31. Vesna Milanović, Andrea Bučalina, , Challenges and threats of global business , International Conference on Social and Technological Development (STED) 2012 , pp. 9--9, Sep 28--29, Republika Srpska, BiH, 2012
  32. B. Budimirovic, V. Budimirovic, B. Seselja, A. Tepavcevic , Fuzzy identities and fuzzy equational classes, Tenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, Feb 30--3, Slovačka, Bratislava, 2012
  33. B. Budimirovic, V. Budimirovic, B. Seselja, A. Tepavcevic , Lattice valued identities and equational classes, Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory, Jun 21--25, Mađarska, 2012
  34. H. Stefanovic, D. Blagojevic, Z. Popovic, Dimitrije Stefanović, Explanation of the Driving Force of the Sintering Process on the Basis of Integral Characteristic of the Functions of Distributions, Serbian Ceramic Society Conference-Advanced Ceramics and Application , Maj 10--11, Srbija, 2012
  35. Vesna Sesum-Cavic, Milan Tuba, Sinisa Rankov, The Influence of Self-Organization on Reducing Complexity in Information Retrieval, European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research, pp. 244--246, Apr 10--13, Austria, 2012
  36. S. Antic, Dušan Tatić, B. Djindjic, D. Zdravkovic, M. Tatic, J. Antic, Interactive Multimedia System for Education of Diabetics, The 5th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), Feb 8--11, Španija, 2012
  37. Nenad S. Mitić, Mirjana D. Pavlović, Davorka R. Jandrlić, Jovana J. , Kovačević, Saša N. Malkov and Miloš V. Beljanski, N-gram analysis of prokaryotic genomes: characteristics and predictions of genomic islands, Regional Biophysics Conference, pp. 122--122, Sep 3--7, Srbija, 2012
  38. Marija Boričić, Hypothetical syllogism rule probabilized, Logic Colloquium 2012, pp. 5--6, Jul 12--18, Velika Britanija, 2012
  39. A. Pavlovic, D. Milutin, S. Popov Srdan, A. Ruman, D. Sakulski, Ð. Cosic, On Complementarity Of Monitoring Data For Natural Hazard Risk Assessment, International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, pp. 346--346, Apr 13--13, Austrija, 2011
  40. Đorđe Kadijević, Using SOLO taxonomy in explaining difficulties in informatics learning, Improving specific subject didactics at the teacher training faculties, pp. 37--38, Oct 20--21, Srbija, 2011
  41. Popović Predrag, Pricing Multi Assets American Options Using Monte Carlo Simulation , Applied Statistics, pp. 49--49, Sep 25--28, Slovenija, Ribno, 2011
  42. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Lazar Velimirović, A Novel Method for the Design of Piecewise Linear Compressor Function Based on the First Derivative Approximation of Optimal Compressor Function in the case of Gaussian Source, The First International Conference – TAKTONS, pp. 11--11, nov 11--12, Srbija, 2011
  43. Svetlana Smolčić Makuljević, Ideology and memory: The cult of the Mother of God Trojerucica (Tricherusa) in medieval Serbia, 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, pp. 363--363, Aug 22--27, Bugarska, 2011
  44. Svetlana Smolčić Makuljević, The Image of the Other in the Christian Visual Culture of Ottoman Balkan (15th – 17th Century), Common Culture and Particular Identities: Christians, Jews and Muslims on the Ottoman Balkans (15th – 20th Century) Beograd 20–23. juna 2011, pp. 50--50, Jun 20--23, Srbija, 2011
  45. Jovanovic D, Stosovic M, Dokic Z, Nesic V: Five-year experiecne with peritonitis in CAPD patients: causes and outcome. 13th ISPD congres Mexico 2010. Perit Dial Int 2010; 30(suppl 2): S20.
  46. M. Stanojevic, M. Stosovic, Z. Dokic, S. Simic-Ogrizovic, D. Jovanovic, N. Jovanovic. B. Stojimirovic. Analysis of parameters related to cardiac arrhytmias in hemodialysis patietns. X BANTAO congres 2011. Abstract book 2011. PP-090.
  47. N. Petkovic, V. Lezaic, B. Miljkovic, S. Pivascevic, A. Bozic, K. Vucicevic, M. Stosovic, S. Simic-Ogrizovic, L. Djukanovic. Factors associated with erythropoietin responsiveness in hemodialysis patients. X BANTAO congres 2011. Abstract book 2011. PP-121.
  48. M. Stosovic, M. Stanojevic, S. Pejanovic, S. Simic-Ogrizovic, D. Jovanovic, N. Vasiljevic, R. Naumovic. Hemodialysis population difference in nutritional status after 23 years. X BANTAO congres 2011. Abstract book 2011. PP-137.
  49. D. Jovanovic, M. Stosovic, N. Jovanovic, Z. Dokic, R. Naumovic. What are most frequent causes of peritonitis in CAPD patients?. X BANTAO congres 2011. Abstract book 2011. PP-138.
  50. S. Simic-Ogrizovic, M. Kravljaca, T. Jemcov, S. Pejanovic, M. Radovic, M. Stosovic. Health related qualtiy of life and treatment efficiacy, ten years later. X BANTAO congres 2011. Abstract book 2011. PP-161.
  51. S. Pejanovic, J. Marinkovic, V. Lezaic, M. Stosovic, S. Simic-Ogrizovic, T. Jemcov, M. Radovic, S. Ignjatovic, M. Dajak. Adinamic bone disease -- risk factors. X BANTAO congres 2011. Abstract book 2011. PP-204.
  52. D. Jovanovic, M. Stosovic, N. Jovanovic, Z. Dokic, M. Stanojevic, R. Naumovic. Inflammatory factors as mortality predictors in patients on peritoneal dialysis. 10th European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting 2011. 21-24 Oct 2011, Birmingham UK, Book of abstracts P-56.
  53. V. Mitic, S.Jankovic, V. Paunovic, V.Pavlovic, J. Purenovic, Lj.Zivkovic, The microstructure contact surfaces influence on BaTiO3 dielectric properties, , Materials science and Technology, MST 2011,
  54. Milutinović, V., Scientometrics for Individual Researchers and for Universities, 11th International Scientific conference on Digitalization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, University Repositories and Distance Learning, Belgrade, Serbia September 2011
  55. Rakocevic, G., Dream Search; a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system, 11th International Scientific conference on Digitalization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, University Repositories and Distance Learning, Belgrade, Serbia September 2011
  56. Babovic, Z., The Fraunhofer-IPSI Art Gallery, 11th International Scientific conference on Digitalization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, University Repositories and Distance Learning, Belgrade, Serbia September 2011
  57. Nikolić, V., Danković, S., Vasović, D. (2011). Corporate education for green manufacturing from the discourse of sustainable development,6 th International Dubrovnik Conference on of Energy, Water and Environment Systems,SDEWES11, UNESCO sponsored, University of Zageb, Croatia and Instituto Superior Technico, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.145. ISBN 978-953-7738-12-9
  58. Đorđe Đorđević, Srbislav Nešić: Daphnia Bio-sensor Data Tracking, Recording, and Random Generation, Belgrade, September 22-23, 2001, Book of Abstracts, p. 13. 22.-23. 09.2011., Digitalization of National Heritage
  59. B. Marinković, Z. Ognjanović, T. Butigan-Vučaj, A Distributed Implementation of a Catalog of Digitized Cultural Collection, Book of abstracts of The Sixth SEEDI Conference Digitization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, 18-20. 5. 2011, str. 28, 2011.
  60. Miloš Milovanović, About the Book Chess A Symbol of the Cosmos, Book of abstracts of The Sixth SEEDI Conference Digitization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, 18-20. 5. 2011, str. 51, 2011.
  61. H. Milošević, V.Petrović, I. Stanišević, Basis of informatics through distance learning, Međunarodna konferencija INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2011, 16-18. 03. 2011. Jahorina, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
  62. V. Petrović, S. Obradović, A.Žorić, H. Milošević, Influence of synthesis parameters on the electrical properties of the system MgO-TiO2, International Scientific Conference Contemporary materials 2011, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, July, 2nd - 3th 2011
  63. H. Milošević, V. Petrović, D. Petković, M. Rajović, MODELLING OF TWO-PHASE TURBULENT FLOWS IN SUBSONIC JETS WITH BURNING PARTICLES AND PHASE TRANSITION IN CORE, Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: Theory, Experiment and Applications", devoted to the 90th anniversary of professor Nikolaii N. Yanenko, Novosibirsk, Russia, May 30 - June 4, 2011
  64. Kontrec N., Milošević H., Lazović G., Despotović-Zrakić M., ADAPTIVE APPROACH TO SPARE PARTS INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE, konferencija MIT 2011, Vrnjačka Banja - Budva, Serbia - Montenegro, August 27 - September 5 2011
  65. H. Milošević, V. Petrović, INFORMACIONE TEHNOLOGIJE KROZ SOFTVERSKU PLATFORMU MOODLE, konferencija MIT 2011, Vrnjačka Banja - Budva, Serbia - Montenegro, August 27 - September 5 2011
  66. Milošević H., Petković D., Kontrec N., MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE PROCESS OF MAKING FIREPROOF PROTECTIVE COVERINGS BY TWO-PHASE JETS, Konferencija MIT 2011, Vrnjačka Banja - Budva, Serbia - Montenegro, August 27 - September 5 2011
  67. Marija Šegan, Identification of some historiographic dilemma on an example of digitization of selected publications of Hydrographic Institute in Split, The Sixth SEEDI Conference Digitization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, Zagreb, Croatia, 18--20 May 2011
  68. Aleksandar Valjarević, Dragica Živković, Mila Pavlović, Jasmina Jovanović -- Serbia, Comparison of analogue and digitalgeneralization for example of river network generalization, 4-6 November, (2011), Bucharest, Romania

Conference papers (M35)

  1. Marija Milojević, Modelling fretting wear using ontology approach, Lecture and poster session given in the 7th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, Univerzitet u Manhajmu, Nemačka, 27.7.2013.--29.7.2013., Nemačka, 2013
  2. Milica Knežević, Nenad Mitić, Zoran Ognjanović, Veljko Milutinović, Datamining in WSNs Based on Mobile Agents, MIPRO 2012 – 35th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, maj 21--25, Hrvatska, 2012
  3. Žarko Mijajlović, Nenad Mitić, Saša Malkov, Digital Legacies, SEEDI 2012, maj 15--18, Slovenija, 2012

-- (M36)

  1. Milan Tuba, Editor, Advances in Applied Computer Science & Digital Services, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS '13), Iwate Prefectural University, Morioka City, Iwate, Iwate Prefectural University, Morioka City, Iwate, pp.1--173, 23.04.2013--25.04.2013, Japan, 2013
  2. Milan Tuba, Editor, 2nd International Conference on Automatic Control, Soft Computing and Human-Machine Interaction (ASME '13) (editors: Hamido Fujita, Milan Tuba, Jun Sasaki), Iwate Prefectural University, Morioka City, Iwate, Iwate Prefectural University, Morioka City, Iwate, pp.1--204, 23.04.2014--25.04.2014, Japan, 2013
  3. Milan Tuba, Editor, 2nd International Conference on Applied, Numerical and Computational Mathematics (ICANCM '13), Iwate Prefectural University, Morioka City, Iwate, Iwate Prefectural University, Morioka City, Iwate, pp.1--199, 23.04.2016--25.04.2016, Japan, 2013
  4. Dragana Krstic, Uređivanje zbornika radova međunarodnog naučnog skupa, The Ninth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications AICT 2013 under WebTel 2013, IARIA XPS Press, June 23--June 28, Italy, 2013

Monographic proceedings of the leading national importance (M41):

  1. Milicev D., Furlan B., Programiranje u realnom vremenu – Skripta sa praktikumom i rešenim, Programiranje u realnom vremenu – Skripta sa praktikumom i rešenim, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2011

Monographic proceeding of the national importance (M42):

  1. Petar Vukelja, Radomir Naumov, Jovan Mrvić, Dejan Hrvić, monografija nacionalnog značaja, Eksperimentalna istraživanja naponskih i strujnih pojava pri sklopnim operacijama prekidača u mrežama 110 kV, 220 kV i 400 kV, Elektrotehnički institut "Nikola Tesla", 2013
  2. Perić-Popadić A., Monografija nacionalnog značaja, Akademija medicinskih nauka Srpskog lekarskog društva, Akademija medicinskih nauka Srpskog lekarskog društva, pp.23--41, 2013
  3. Светлана Смолчић Макуљевић, Манастир Трескавац, Mанастир Трескавац, Универзитет Метрополитан, pp.1--250, 2013
  4. Nataša Pržulj, Uvod u mreze proteinskih interakcija, Uvod u mreze proteinskih interakcija, CET, 2011
  5. Dragan Radovanović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Radomir Ivanović, Aleksandar Valjarević, Uticaj fizičko-geografskih faktora na intezitet erozije u rečnim slivovima Kosova i Metohije , Uticaj fizičko-geografskih faktora na intezitet erozije u rečnim slivovima Kosova i Metohije , Vol. 1, Iss. 1, Lično izdanje, 2012
  6. Stosovic M: Metode za procenu ishrane i uhranjenosti kod bolesnika na hemodijalizi. Lečenje dijalizom i transplantaciojm bubrega u Srbiji u periodu 1999-2009. Urednik Djukanović Lj. Monografije naučnih skupova AMN SLD 2010; 1:143-72.
  7. Lidija M. Korunović, Parametri modela potrošnje distributivne mreže, Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd, 2010, ISBN 978-86-7244-917-4.
  8. G. Lj. Janaćković, Upravljanje energijom u Srbiji i mogućnosti primene poligeneracija zasnovanih na obnovljivim izvorima, tematski zbornik sa XVI naučnog skupa Regionalni razvoj i demografski tokovi zemalja jugoistične Evrope (redaktor: Z. Aranđelović), Univerzitet u Nišu, Ekonomski fakultet, 2, 24. Jun 2011, UDK 620.91 (497.11), 621.311, ISBN 978-86-6139-026-5, COBISS.SR-ID 184361996, 2011, 671-694.
  9. Zoran Ognjanović, Dragan Doder, Some Temporal-Probabilistic logics, in: Advanced in nonlinear sciences, (V. Đorđević, editor), Južnoslovenska akademija nelinearnih nauka, Beograd, vol 3, 227--262, 2011. ISBN 978-86-905633-3-3
  10. Vladan Vučković Napredni šahovski algoritmi i sistemi, monografija, Zadužbnina Andrejević, Biblioteka Dissertatio, ISSN 0354-7671, Beograd 2011.
  11. Djukanovic Lj i sar: Rezultati lečenja dijalizama u Srbiji: 10 godina kasnije. Lečenje dijalizom i transplantaciojm bubrega u Srbiji u periodu 1999-2009. Urednik Djuknović Lj. Monografije naučnih skupova AMN SLD 2010; 1:143-72.


  1. Jelić Miloš, Prilog određenju paradigme detinjstva kao društvenog fenomena, Sistem menadžmenta kvalitetom, Visoka škola strukovnih studija BEOGRADSKA POLITEHNIKA, pp.1--261, 2013

Chapter of the monographic proceedings of the leading national importance (M44):

  1. Žarko Mijajlović, Računarska geometrija sa 3D modelovanjem, Sima Marković, SANU, Vol.34, Iss.CXL, pp.207--216, 2013
  2. Nikolić Vesna, Education and sustainable development , “Signposts Towards Sustainable Development”, Iss. , The Office for European Integrations of the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, pp. 120--148, 2011
  3. Nikolić Vesna, Obrazovanje i održivi razvoj, Putokaz ka održivom razvoju- nacionalna strategija održivog razvoja, Iss. , Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj, Beograd,, pp. 120--148, 2011
  4. Zoran Ognjanović, Dragan Doder , Some Temporal-Probabilistic logics, Advanced in nonlinear sciences, Vol. 3, Južnoslovenska akademija nelinearnih nauka, Beograd, pp. 227--262, 2011
  5. Nikolić, V. (2011). Obrazovanje i održivi razvoj, Putokaz ka održivom razvoju, nacionalna strategija održivog razvoja, Kabinet potpresednika Vlade za evropske integracije, Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj, Beograd, 2011, str.120-148 ISBN 978-86-84163-39-6 COBISS.SR-ID 182328332
  6. Nikolić, V. (2011). Znanje i organizaciono učenje u novim uslovima društveno-ekonomskog razvoja, Organizacione nauke - izazov za 21. vek, Ekonomski institut Beograd, Beograd, str 77-99.

Chapter of the monographic proceedings of the national importance (M45):

  1. Nikolić Vesna, Znanje i organizaciono učenje u novim uslovima društveno-ekonomskog razvoja , Organizacione nauke – izazov za 21.vek, Iss. , Ekonomski institut, Beograd, pp. 77--99, 2011

Lexicographic unit or map of the national importance (M46):

  1. Светлана Смолчић Макуљевић, Валтер, Кристофер, Српска енциклопедија, Матица српска, САНУ, Завод за уџбенике, Vol.1, Iss.2, pp.742013
  2. Marija Obradović, Slobodan Mišić, Magdalena Dragović, Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz računarske geometrijea sa 3D modelovanjem, Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz računarske geometrijea sa 3D modelovanjem, Građevinski fakultet, Beograd, 2011


  1. Katica Hedrih, Žarko Mijajlović, Sistem menadžmenta kvalitetom, Nonlinear Dyinamics S2- dedicated to Milutin Milanković, Naučno društvo Srbije, Scientific Reviews ns., pp.1--512, 2013
  2. M. Dimitrijevic, M. Tsvetkov, Z. Mijajlovic, K. Tsvetkova., Urednik, VIII Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference (VIII SBAC), 2013

Other monographic bibliographic publictions:

  1. M. Obradović, S. Mišić, M. Dragović: Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz Računarske geometrije sa 3D modelovanjem, Građevinski fakultet u Beogradu, ISBN 978-86-7518-137-8 Beograd, oktobar 2011.
  2. Vladan Vučković, Radomir S. Stanković, Computer Simulation and 3D Modeling of Original Patents of Nikola Tesla, University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering Nis, 2011, ISBN 978-86-6125-039-2 (FEE)

Conference papers (M61)

  1. Mihajlovic Bill, Stanković Ivica, Mahmood A., Mihajlovic Aleksandar, Računanje u oblačku i detekcija upada, BISEC 2013, Metropolitan Univerzitet, Beograd, Srbija, Vol.5 in 2013, Iss.5, 19.06.2013--19.06.2013, Srbija, 2013
  2. Milan Božić, Nataša Glišović, Miloš Milenković, Modelovanje neizvesnosti pri upravljanju projektimau Pošti Srbije primenom Bjesovskih mreža, PosTel 2012 XXX Simpozijum o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobracaju, pp. 97--104, Dec 4--5, Srbija, 2012
  3. Keković Z., Savić S., Komazec, N. Milošević, M. Jovanović, D., Procena rizika u zaštiti lica, imovine i poslovanja – prikaz standarda SRPS A.L2.003:2010, 8. nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem “Zaštita na radu u 21. veku – teorija i praksa”, pp. 16--26, Oct 3--8, Srbija, 2011
  4. M. Mihaljevic. Power of Randomness for Design of Compact and Secure Encryption and Authentication Techniques. Invited Talk by Cryptology Research Society of India, 11th National Workshop on Cryptology, India, New Delhi - Neemrana, 23-24 September 2011. (the talk slides available at:
  5. M. Mihaljevic. On Information security for Smart Grid IT Systems. Invited Talk, III Konferencija o bezbednosti informacija BISEC Forum 2011, Jun 27, 2011, Beograd, Zbornik, pp. 18-21,
  6. Z. Markovic and M. Mihaljevic. On Information Security for the Health IT Systems. Invited Talk, III Konferencija o bezbednosti informacija BISEC Forum 2011, Jun 27, 2011, Beograd, Zbornik, pp. 22-24,

Conference papers (M62)

  1. M.J. Mihaljevic, Z. Ognjanovic, Komunikacija mašina-mašina javnim kanalima: Koncept i izazovi bezbednosti, BISEC 2013, BISEC, pp.1--10, Srbija, 2013
  2. Aleksandar Mihajlović, Vladisav Jelisavčić, Siniša Tomović, Milan Todorović, Bojan Marinković, Zoran Ognjanović, Veljko Milutinović, Progress and Innovative Ideas for the Serbia-Forum Cultural Heritage Digitization Project, NCD 2013, XII KONFERENCIJA NOVE TEHNOLOGIJE I STANDARDI: DIGITALIZACIJA NACIONALNE BAŠTINE, Ministarstvo prosvete i nauke Republike Srbije, Matematicki fakultet, Uni. u Beogradu, Matematicki Institut SANU, Narodna Biblioteka Srbije, Iss.12, pp.15--15, 31.10.2013--01.11.2013, Srbija, 2013
  3. Stosovic M: Kako proceniti ishranu i uhranjenost kod bolesnika na hemodijalizi? 1. Kongres nefrologa Srbije, Beograd 2010. Knjiga sažetaka, strana 12.
  4. Vukmirović S, Petrović P, Jelić M, Jevtić M Uloga Železnice Srbije u nacionalnom sistemu upravljanja zaštite životne sredine, VI regionalna naučno-stručna konferencija o sistemu upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u elektroprivredi, TMF Beograd et al, saopšteni rad štampan u zborniku, Beograd, 2011, pp. 414-422

Conference papers (M63)

  1. Зоран Јовановић, Миодраг Спасић, Марко Милојковић, Дејан Митић, Реализација управљачке логике код уређаја за прање и дезинфекцију посуда у медицинским установама, 57. Конференција ЕТРАН 2013, Друштво за ЕТРАН, pp.АУ 4.3-1--АУ 4.3-4, 03.06.2013.--06.06.2013., Србија, 2013
  2. Péics Hajnalka, Rožnjik Andrea, A vizsgáztatás hatékonysága matematikából a szabadkai Építőmérnöki Karon a bolognai rendszer bevezetésével és a bolognai rendszer előtt, TUDOMÁNYOS DISKURZUSOK - KONFERENCIAKÖTET, Vajdasági Magyar Akadémiai Tanács, 2013
  3. Furlan B., Stamenković J., Nikolić B., Mišić M., Algoritam određivanja semantičke sličnosti između korisničkog profila i pitanja, ETRAN, Društvo za ETRAN, Srbija, 2013
  4. Mladen Veinović, Milan Milosavljević, Marko Šarac, Jovan Jovanović, Saša Adamović Jevremović i Vladislav Mišković, Analiza bežičnih računarskih mreža zasnovanih na wpa2-psk korišćenjem sopstvenog rešenja distribuiranog računarstva, Zbornik radova 57. konferencije za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku - Etran, 2.1.1900--5.1.1900, Zlatibor, Serbia, 2013
  5. Ivan Cukic, Deep belief learning and neural networks, Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, Matematički institut, SANU, pp.14--15, Srbija, 2013
  6. Marija Šegan, Ljubica Jankov, Digitization of star maps on the example of two maps from Kotlarić’s ''New Star Finder'', Review of the National Center for Digitization, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Iss.23, pp.37--43, x--x, x, 2013
  7. Vladislav Miškovic, Saša Adamović, Direktna primena metoda nosećih vektora na učenje pravila odlučivanja u berzanskom trgovanju, Zbornik radova 57. konferencije za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku - Etran, 2.1.1900--5.1.1900, Zlatibor, Serbia, 2013
  8. M. Vučković, L. Korunović, Dnevni dijagrami opterećenja domaćinstava u stambenoj gradnji bez grejanja iz toplana, ETRAN, Društvo za ETRAN, Fakultet tehničkih nauka Čačak i Elektrotehnički fakultet u Beogradu, pp.EE2.7.1-5--EE2.7.1-5, 03. 06. 2013.--06. 06. 2013., Srbija, 2013
  9. N. Jovanović, Z.Jovanović,O.Popović, Edukacioni sistem za vizualizaciju algoritama, ETRAN, Društvo za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku, pp.RT 5.3-1--RT 5.3-4, 2013
  10. Nataša Glišović, Factor analysis in medical research, Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, Matematički institut SANU, pp.16--17, 26.9.--26.9., Srbija, Beograd, 2013
  11. Adamović S., Šarac M., Milenković M., Radovanović D, Generatori slučajnih sekvenci i njihov uticaj na sigurnost, INFOTEH 2010, Vol.9, pp.820--822, 17.03.--19.03., Jahorina, Bosna, 2013
  12. Zivadin Micić, Nebojša Stanković, Inoviranje znanja o multimedijima, zaštiti/ bezbednosti i drugim podoblastima IT, Reinženjering poslovnih procesa u obrazovanju – RPPO 2013, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Čačku Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Vol.1, pp.368--375, 20.09.13--22.09.13, Srbija, 2013
  13. Jelić Miloš, Interesne strane u podizanju poslovne izvrsnosti, XV Naučno stručni skup "Sistem kvaliteta - uslov za uspešno poslovanje i konkurentnost", AQSS Kruševac, pp.171--175, 28.11.2013--30.11.2013, Srbija, 2013
  14. Mladden Janjić, Vera Lazarević, Zivadin Micić, Momčilo Vujičić, Komparativna analiza uspeha učenika u srednjoj školi i na prijemnom ispitu na mašinskim fakultetima, YU INFO 2013 - XIX naučnostručna i biznis konferencija, Informaciono društvo Srbije, Vol.1, Iss.19, pp.221--226, 03.03.13--06.03.13, Srbija, 2013
  15. T. S. Igić, G.V. Milovanović: D. Turnić, Kvadraturne formule za razvoj metoda u mehanici, Зборник у част Николе Хајдина поводом деведесетог рођендана, Helicon publishing, pp.1--7, 2013
  16. Zivadin Micić, Modeliranje procesa obrazovanja/ e-učenja na platformi standardizacije i PDCA, Reinženjering poslovnih procesa u obrazovanju – RPPO 2013, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Čačku Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Vol.1, pp.207--215, 20.09.13--22.09.13, Srbija, 2013
  17. Saša P. Arsić, Stanko P. Stankov, Nikola B. Danković, Zoran D. Icić, Dejan Z. Mitić, Napajanje telekomunikacionih repetitora pomoću solarne energije, 57. Konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku - ETRAN 2013, Društvo za ETRAN, pp.AU4.5-1--AU4.5-4, 03.06.2013.--06.06.2013., Srbija, 2013
  18. Nataša Glišović, Optimization Problems Time/CostTradeoff by Using MonteCarlo Methods, TINKOS, Matematički institut SANU, 25.9.--25.9., Srbija, Beograd, 2013
  19. Milica I. Petković, Goran T. Đorđević, Dejan N. Milić, Bata V. Vasić, Performance of APD receiver over IM/DD FSO system, 57. konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, racunarstvo i nuklearnu tehniku ETRAN 2013, Društvo za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku, pp.TE2.403.06.2013.--06.06.2013., Srbija, 2013
  20. Simic Jovana; Sremacki Maja; Tucakov Jelena; Dumanjic Elmedin; Kneževic Svetlana; Popov Srdan; Cosic Ðorde; Sakulski Dušan;, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN CATASTROPHIC EVENTS – EXPOSURE AND GEOSPATIAL ANALYSIS, zbornik, Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija u Novom Sadu, pp.146--151, 02.02.2013--09.02.2013, srbija, 2013
  21. Nenad Ristić, Aleksandar Jevremović, Mladen Veinović, Poboljšanje kvaliteta i nivoa zaštite korisničkih podataka u Web okruženju, XII naučni skup Sinergija 2013, Univerzitet Sinergija, Univerzitet Sinergija, 5.1.1900--5.1.1900, Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, 2013
  22. Stanko Stankov, Nikola Danković, Saša Arsić, Praktična iskustva u eksploataciji i održavanju frekventnih regulatora, 26. kongres o procesnoj industriji, Procesing 2013, Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Društvo za procesnu tehniku, Beograd, 06.06.2013.--07.06.2013., Srbija, 2013
  23. Nataša Glišović, Predicting Cash Flows by Using Neural Networks, TINKOS, Matematički institut SANU, 25.9.--25.9., Srbija, Beograd, 2013
  24. Slobodan Jovanović, Dušan Regodić, Aleksandar Jovanović, Primena numerički upravljivih mernih mašina u računarski integrisanoj proizvodnji, XII naučni skup Sinergija 2013, Univerzitet Sinergija, Univerzitet Sinergija, 2.1.1900--2.1.1900, Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, 2013
  25. Aleksandar Jevremović, Mladen Veinović, Dušan Regodić, Goran Šimić, Saad Zeid, Profilisanje Web aplikacija i vizualizacija rezultata, XII naučni skup Sinergija 2013, Univerzitet Sinergija, Univerzitet Sinergija, 2.1.1900--2.1.1900, Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, 2013
  26. Milan Milosavljević, Jovan Jovanović, Saša Adamović, Marko Šarac, Aleksandar Jevremović, Vladislav Miškovic, Protokol za generisanje i razmenu apsolutno tajnih kriptoloških ključeva putem javnih kanala u savremenim računarskim mrežama, Zbornik radova 57. konferencije za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku - Etran, 2.1.1900--5.1.1900, Zlatibor, Serbia, 2013
  27. Vladan Vučković, Realizacija tehnike za adaptivnu kontrolu dubine u search algoritmima, Zbornik radova sa 57. Konferencije ETRAN, Zbornik radova sa 57. Konferencije ETRAN, pp.RT2.4.1--RT.2.4.5, 3.6.--6.6., Srbija, 2013
  28. Zoran Jovanović, Miodrag Spasić, Dejan Mitić, Realizacija upravljačke logike kod uređaja za pranje i dezinfekciju posuda u medicinskim ustanovama, 57. Konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku ETRAN 2013, ETF Beograd, pp.AU 4.3.1--AU 4.3.4, 03.06.--6.6.2014, Srbija, 2013
  29. Stanko Stankov, Nikola Danković, Saša Arsić, Regulacija rada toplotnih podstanica, 26. kongres o procesnoj industriji, Procesing 2013, Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Društvo za procesnu tehniku, Beograd, 06.06.2013.--07.06.2013., Srbija, 2013
  30. Nebojša Gvozdenović, Sinhronizovanje proizvodnje sa distribucijom - primer kolaboracije u lancu snabdevanja, Zbornik radova, Srpska logistička asocijacija i Asocijacija rukovodilaca transporta i logistike TransportLog, pp.9--12, 2013
  31. Ristić N., Jevremović A., Veinović M., Sistem segmentovane zaštite korisničkih podataka u Veb aplikacijama, XII međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2013, pp.915-918--915-918, 2.1.1900--2.1.1900, Jahorina, Republika Srpska, 2013
  32. Jelić Miloš, Sistemi menadžmenta kvalitetom i njihova budućnost, II naučno-stručni skup "POLITEHNIKA 2013", VŠSS "Beogradska politehnika", pp.109--115, 06.12.2013--06.12.2013, Srbija, 2013
  33. Nikola B. Danković, Darko B. Mitić, Marko T. Milojković, Stanko P. Stankov, Miroslav B. Milovanović, Termodinamički model sistema za hlađenje protektora i njegova primena, 57. Konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku - ETRAN 2013, Društvo za ETRAN, pp.AU5.4=1--AU5.4-4, 03.06.2013.--06.06.2013., Srbija, 2013
  34. Nataša Glišović, THE STATISTICAL SYSTEM FOR DECISION SUPPORT FOR RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES, ETRAN, Društvo za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku, pp.88--88, 3.6.--6.6., Srbija, Zlatibor, 2013
  35. Zivadin Micić, Nebojša Stanković, Trendovi znanja na platformi standardizacije zivotne sredine, zaštite zdravlja i bezbednosti, 16th International Conference ICDQM-2013, Research Center of Dependability and Quality Management - DQM, Prijevor, Vol.2, Iss.16, pp.519--529, 27.06.13--28.06.13, Srbija, 2013
  36. Ristić N., Jevremović A., Veinović M., Upotreba metode segmentnog hešovanja iniciranog sadržajem za identifikovanje homogenih fajlova, XII međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2013, pp.998-1001--998-1001, 2.1.1900--2.1.1900, Jahorina, Republika Srpska, 2013
  37. Saša Arsić, Stanko Stankov, Nikola Danković, Upravljanje inteligentnim zgradama, 26. kongres o procesnoj industriji, Procesing 2013, Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Društvo za procesnu tehniku, Beograd, 06.06.2013.--07.06.2013., Srbija, 2013
  38. Milan Đorđević, Milan Radić, Uvažavanje nelinearnosti magnetskog jezgra u modelovanju grane magnećenja, Zbornik referata sa 31. savetovanja CIGRE Srbija, Srpski nacionalni komitet Međunarodnog saveta za velike električne mreže, pp.39--39, 26.05. 2013.--30.05 2013., Srbija, 2013
  39. Dusan Radaković, Dragan Cvetković, Zona Kostić, Виртуални менаџмент - нови модел организације, Други научно-стручни скуп ПОЛИТЕХНИКА-2013, Београд, pp.115--124, Srbija, 2013
  40. В. Удовичић, Н. Веселиновић, А. Драгић, Р. Бањанац, Д. Јоковић, Д. Малетић, Д. Јоксимовић, Зависност приноса неутрона од притиска радног гаса у уређају плазма фокус, Зборник радова 12 Конгреса физичара Србије, Друштво физичара Србије, pp.260--263, 30.04.2013.--02.05.2013., Србија, 2013
  41. Александар Јевремовић, Саша Адамовић, Младен Веиновић, Праћење курсора миша посетилаца као евалуација ефикасности дизајна веб сајта, Zbornik radova 57. konferencije za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku - Etran, 5.1.1900--5.1.1900, Zlatibor, Serbia, 2013
  42. Миодраг Спасић, Драган Антић, Дарко Митић, Станиша Перић, Саша Николић, Примена дигиталног предиктивног управљања заснованог на моделу процеса зауправљање хидрауличким системом са три резервоара, 57. Конференција ЕТРАН 2013, Друштво за ЕТРАН, pp.АУ 4.4-1--АУ 4.4-5, 03.06.2013.--06.06.2013., Србија, 2013
  43. З. Гршић, П. Милутиновић, С. Павловић, Д. Арбутина, Д. Драмлић, С. Драмлић, Ј. Каљевић, Д. Јоксимовић, Провера модула за атмосферску дифузију радионуклида кроз гранични слој атмосфере у моделу НФС Винча, Зборник радова 27 Симпозијумa Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе, Институт за нуклеарне науке Винча, Лабораторијa за заштиту од зрачења и заштиту животне средине "Заштита", pp.130--133, 02.10.2013.--04.10.2013., Србија, 2013
  44. H. Peic, A. Roznjik, The Docimology Of Pre-Exam Obligations in Mathematics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Subotica, , pp. 182--194, 2012
  45. Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Jelena A. Anastasov, Mihajlo Č. Stefanović, Daniela Milović, Boško Radovanović, Verovatnoća prekida relejnog sistema u prisustvu Nakagami-m fedinga i interferencije na prijemu, XVIII konferencija YU INFO 2012, pp. 422--425, Mar 29--3, Srbija, Kopaonik, 2012
  46. Bojana Z. Nikolić, Goran T. Đorđević, Dušan B. Drajić, Uticaj faznog šuma na verovatnoću greške MDPSK i MDCPSK signala u kanalu sa kompozitnim fedingom, ETRAN 2012, pp. TE1.1-1--TE1.1-4, Jun 11--14, BiH, 2012
  47. Goran T. Djordjevic, Ivan B. Djordjevic, Bane Vasic, Bit error rate performance of LDPC-coded MPSK signal detection over extended generalized K fading channels, ETRAN 2012, pp. TE3.3-1--TE3.3-4, Jun 11--14, BiH, 2012
  48. H. Stefanovic, D. Milic, I. Petrovic, Verovatnoća otkaza u sistemu sa neregenerativnim linkom u Hoytovom feding kanalu u prisustvu interference na mestu relejne stanice, Etran, Jun 11--14, Srbija, 2012
  49. Jovo Arežina, Perica Štrbac, Mating and Fitness Function Implemented as an Upgraded Petri Net, ETRAN, pp. VI2.5_1--VI2.5_4, Jun 11--11, Srbija, 2012
  50. Perica Štrbac, Jovo Arežina , Genetic Algorithm Implemented as an Upgraded Petri Net for Solving n-queen Problem, ETRAN, pp. VI2.8_1--VI2.8_4, Jun 11--11, Srbija, 2012
  51. Vasović Dejan, Mušicki Stevan, Stanković Miomir, Strategic role of small, decentralized hydro generation systems in Serbian energy policy development, II International Conference Engineering Management and Competitiveness, pp. 263--268, Jun 21--22, Srbija, 2012
  52. Savić Suzana, Vasović Dejan, Mušicki Stevan, Reflection on Occupational Health and Safety Elements in Context of Corporate Social Responsability, II International Conference Engineering Management and Competitiveness, pp. 174--181, Jun 21--22, Srbija, 2012
  53. Micić Živadin, Blagojević Marija, Inovacijama ka napretku učenja - na primerima standardizacije IT i sveukupnog, Kоnfеrеnciја Теhnikа i Infоrmаtikа u Оbrаzоvаnju - ТIО 2012, pp. 264--270, Jun 1--3, srbija, 2012
  54. Marija Blagojevic, Živadin Micić, Nebojša Stanković, Analiza korišćenja Moodle sistema za upravljanje učenjem , Kоnfеrеnciја Теhnikа i Infоrmаtikа u Оbrаzоvаnju - ТIО 2012, Jun 1--3, srbija, 2012
  55. Marija Blagojević, Maja Božović, Suzana Petrović, Danijela Milošević, Goran Devedžić, An approach to modelling medical information systems, Kоnfеrеnciја Теhnikа i Infоrmаtikа u Оbrаzоvаnju - ТIО 2012, pp. 588--595, Jun 1--3, srbija, 2012
  56. G. Šimić, M. Veinović, A. Jevremović, Improving HTTP performance (by) using diff algorithm, XVIII konferencija YU INFO 2012, pp. 411--416, Mar 29--3, Srbija, 2012
  57. Nenad Jovanović, Zoran Jovanović, Oliver Popović, OBJEKTNO ORIJENTISAN PRISTUP MODELOVANJA TCP/IP RAČUNARSKE MREŽE, ETRAN, p. RT1.6, Jun 11--14, Srbija, 2012
  58. S.Jovanović, Directives for Cyber Security of Smart Power Grids, BISEC 2012, Konferencija o bezbednosti informacija, Beograd, Jun 2012, pp. 27--31, Jun 27--27, Srbija, 2012
  59. S.Ninkov, S.Jovanović, GPGPU Processing in the Cloud, Konferencija YUINFO 2012, mart 2012, Kopaonik, pp. 95--99, Mar 29--2, Srbija, 2012
  60. D.Čančarević, S.Jovanović, N.Gligorić, Web-Based Visual HTML/CSS Development Tool, Konferencija YUINFO 2012, mart 2012, Kopaonik, pp. 647--652, Mar 29--2, Srbija, 2012
  61. Nikolić V., Savić S., Taradi J., Zaštita na radu kao aspekt društveno odgovornog poslovanja, Konferencija „Kvalitet i društvena odgovornost“, pp. 13--25, Mar 15--16, Srbija, 2012
  62. Goran Janaćković, S. Savić, M. Stanković, Faktori, performanse i indikatori zaštite na radu, 9. nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem “Zaštita na radu u industriji, poljoprivredi, saobraćaju i komunalnoj delatnosti”, pp. 293--297, Oct 2--6, Srbija, 2012
  63. Suzana Savić, D. Spasić, Razvoj programa visokog obrazovanja za upravljanje komunalnim sistemom, 9. nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem “Zaštita na radu u industriji, poljoprivredi, saobraćaju i komunalnoj delatnosti”, Oct 2--6, Srbija, 2012
  64. M. Stošić, Dušan Tatić, Primena proširene stvarnosti i Android tehnologije u arheološkom parku Medijana, 5th IEEESTEC Student Projects Conference, nov 29--29, Srbija, 2012
  65. B. Marinković, Z. Ognjanović, T. Butigan-Vučaj, A Distributed Implementation of a Catalog of Digitized Cultural Collections, Sixth International SEEDI Conference, pp. 19--24, Maj 18--20, Hrvatska, 2012
  66. Branko Malešević, Ivana Jovović, Milica Makragić, Aleksandar Pejović, Vojin Katić, Aleksandar Jovanović, Bojan Banjac, Buhbergerov algoritam i vizuelizacija monomijalnih ideala, Drugi simpozijum Matematika i primene, pp. 117--125, maj 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  67. Marija Boričić, Еволуција концепта ентропије – од термодинамике до алгебре , SYM-OP-IS 2012, XXXIX Сimpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima, Sep 25--28, Srbija, 2012
  68. Dušan Gajić, Softverski sistem za podršku kontinualnom praćenju rada sa studentima u institucijama visokog obrazovanja, 17. konferencija YUINFO, p. P4.8, Mar 6--9, Srbija, 2011
  69. Miloš Radmanović, Jedno rešenje za bežičnu audio podršku kod multijezičke multimedije korišćenjem standardne računarske opreme , YU INFO 2011, pp. 619--623, Mar 6--9, Srbija, 2011
  70. Miloš Radmanović, Implementacija interfejsa Espreso paketa za minimizaciju prekidačkih funkcija korišćenjem XML Web servisa, YU INFO 2011, pp. 657--662, Mar 6--9, Srbija, 2011
  71. Nadežda Pejović, Žarko Mijajlović., Recent activities of Astronomical society Magellanic cloud, Nacionalna konferencija astronoma Srbije, pp. 303--306, Oct 10--12, Srbija, 2011
  72. Nadežda Pejović, Žarko Mijajlović., Календари у Виртуелној библиотеци Математичког факултета , Kalendarsko znanje i doprinos Milutina Milankovića , pp. 146--157, Sep 14--15, Srbija, 2011
  73. Janaćković G., Savić S., Stanković M., Faktori, performanse i indikatori zaštite na radu, 8. nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem “Zaštita na radu u 21. veku – teorija i praksa”, pp. 293--297, Oct 3--8, Srbija, 2011
  74. Savić S., Stanković M., Zaštita na radu u kontekstu društveno odgovornog poslovanja, 8. nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem “Zaštita na radu u 21. veku – teorija i praksa”, pp. 105--110, Oct 3--8, Srbija, 2011
  75. Z.Jovanović, O.Popović, N. Jovanović, Pregled alata za simulaciju računarskih mreža u edukacionom okruženju, YUINFO, pp. 668--690, Mar 6--9, Srbija, 2011
  76. O. Popović, Z. Jovanović, M. Cvjetković, N. Jovanović, R. Popovic, PRIMENA OPEN-SOURCE SOFTVERA ZA VIRTUELIZACIJU SERVERSKIH SISTEMA U EDUKATIVNE SVRHE, ETRAN, p. RT1.3, Jun 6--9, Srbija, 2011
  77. Duško Radaković, Dragan Cvetković, Tatjana Tanasković, Globalni trend i karaktersitike sistema za mikroproizvodnju, I naučno-stručni skup »POLITEHNIKA-2011«, pp. 59--65, Dec 2--2, srbija, 2011
  78. N. Pejović, Ž. Mijajlović, Astronomske knjige iz 18. i 19. veka u Virtuelnoj biblioteci Matematičkog fakulteta, Publ. Astr. Druš. Ruđer Bošković, br. 10, 2011, 785-800.
  79. N.Pejović, Ž. Mijajlović, Astronomical books in Virtual Library of Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, XVI National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia, October 10-12, 2011, Belgrade, Book of Abstracts Conference, Beograd, 2011, 72-72.
  80. Cukic, Ivan: An optimised index structure for static deductional databases based on fuzzy or probabilistic DLs. Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, MISANU (2011)
  81. Ana Stanković, Nikola Sekulović, Mihajlo Stefanović, Edis Mekić, Srboljub Zdravković, Statistical characteristic of ratio of product of two random Rayleigh variables and Rayleigh random variable and its application in performance analysis of wireless communication systems, INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2011, Istočno Sarajevo, BIH, 16-28 March 2011, Proceedings of papers, vol. 10, Ref. B-I-3, pp.79-81, ISBN 99938-624-2-8.
  82. Jelena A. Anastasov, Aleksandra M. Cvetković, Stefan R. Panić, Dejan N. Milić, Mihajlo C. Stefanović, " ABER Performance of Dual-hop System over Asymmetric Fading Channels with Interference at the Relay ", 19. Telekomunikacioni forum (TELFOR 2011), Zbornik radova, str. 525-528, Beograd, 22-24 Novembar 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-1498-6.
  83. Mihajlo Stefanović, Jelena Anastasov, Stefan Panić, Srđan Jovković, Petar Spalević, Boško Radovanović, "Analiza količine fedinga SSC prijema u kanalu sa korelisanim a-m fedingom", INFOTEH 2011, Zbornik radova, Vol. 10, Ref. B-I-2, Jahorina, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, str. 75-78, 16-18. mart 2011, ISBN- 99938-624-2-8.
  84. Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Zoran Milić, Dragan Radenković, Mihajlo Stefanović, Bit Error Rate of MRC Receiver for BPSK Signals in the Presence of G Fading, zbornik radova konferencije 19. Telekomunikacioni forum (TELFOR 2011),, Beograd, 22-24. novembar 2011.
  85. Danka Pevac, Ivana Petrovic, Risto Bojovic, The Possibility of Application the Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing Network for Streaming Multimedia Distribution, EUROCON 2011, A.178,, International conference on computer as a tool, IEEE, April 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
  86. BilĐÿana BelĐÿaković, BilĐÿana Janković, Milanče Jevtić, Ivan Radović, Zoran P. Stajić: Mogućnost primene merno-informacionih sistema za lokalizovanje izvora gubitaka električne energije u širokoj potrošnji, Zbornik radova sa savetovanja Mere i aktivnosti za smanjenje netehničkih gubitaka električne energije, Iriški venac, 19. april 2011, (CD u prilogu)
  87. ŽelĐÿko Jevtić, Nikola MilosavlĐÿević, Nenad Marinković, Zoran P. Stajić: Efekti nezavisnih kontrola mernih mesta u ED Elektromorava Smederevo, Zbornik radova sa savetovanja Mere i aktivnosti za smanjenje netehničkih gubitaka električne energije, Iriški venac, 19. april 2011, (CD u prilogu)
  88. Dragan Antić, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Miloš Milošević: Primena genetičkih algoritama u pozicioniranju 3D krana, zbornik radova 55. konferencije ETRAN 2011, Banja Vrućica (Teslić), Bosnia and Hercegovina, June 06.-09., 2011, pp. AU5.4-1-4, (ISBN: 978-86-80509-66-2), Društvo za ETRAN, Elektrotehnički fakultet Banja Luka
  89. Staniša Perić, Darko Mitić, Dragan Antić, Marko Milojković, Dejan Mitić: Digitalno upravljanje sistemom protiv blokiranja kočnica sa kvazi-kliznim režimom, zbornik radova 55. konferencije ETRAN 2011, Banja Vrućica (Teslić), Bosnia and Hercegovina, June 06.-09., 2011, pp. AU5.5-1-4, (ISBN: 978-86-80509-66-2), Društvo za ETRAN, Elektrotehnički fakultet Banja Luka
  90. Stanko Stankov: Nadzorno upravljački sistem pogona za proizvodnju mineralne vune, Dvadeset četvrti međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji PROCESING 2011, Sekcija Projektovanje, izgradnja, eksploatacija i održavanje procesnih postrojenja, rad sa red. br. 3.6. u Zborniku radova na CD-u, Fruška gora, 1 -- 3. juni 2011.
  91. Stanko Stankov: Upravljanje kotlarnicom i puštanje u rad, Dvadeset četvrti međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji PROCESING 2011, Sekcija Projektovanje, izgradnja, eksploatacija i održavanje procesnih postrojenja, rad sa red. br. 3.7. u Zborniku radova na CD-u, Fruška gora, 1 -- 3. juni 2011.
  92. Stanko Stankov: Upravljanje mašinom za pakovanje mineralne vune, Dvadeset četvrti međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji PROCESING 2011, Sekcija Projektovanje, izgradnja, eksploatacija i održavanje procesnih postrojenja, rad sa red. br. 3.8. u Zborniku radova na CD-u, Fruška gora, 1 -- 3. juni 2011.
  93. Stanko Stankov, Saša Nikolić, Miodrag Spasić, Dejan Mitić, Zoran Icić: SCADA sistem pumpne stanice, 55 Konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku ETRAN, E zbornik radova (str. AU3.5-1-4), ISBN: 978-86-80509-66-2, Banja Vrućica, Teslić, Bosna i Hercegovina, 6 -- 9. juni, 2011.
  94. Zoran Jovanović, Miodrag Spasić, Stanko Stankov, Nikola Danković, Zoran Icić: Primena makete lifta u edukaciji studenata, 55. Konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku ETRAN, E zbornik radova (str. AU4.4-1-4), ISBN: 978-86-80509-66-2, Banja Vrućica, Teslić, Bosna i Hercegovina, 6 -- 9. juni, 2011.
  95. Darko Mitić, Ljilja Antić, Zoran Jovanović, Nikola Danković: Primena upravljanja s kvazi-kliznim režimom u ekonomskom sistemu opisanim Puuovim modelom, Zbornik radova 55. konferencije ETRAN 2011, Banja Vrućica (Teslić), Bosnia and Hercegovina, June 06.-09., 2011, pp. AU5.5-6-4, (ISBN: 978-86-80509-66-2), Publisher: Društvo za ETRAN, Elektrotehnički fakultet Banja Luka.
  96. J. Malenović -- Nikolić, D. Spasić, D. Vasović: Značaj indikatora za ocenu intenziteta potrošnje energije i uticaja na životnu sredinu Zbornik radova, Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Zaštita na radu u 21. veku, Tara, 2011.
  97. M. Gocić, D. Vasović: Informacioni sistem za zaštitu voda zasnovan na ontologijama, Zbornik radova, Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrst otpad i opasan otpad, Niš, Srbija 2011.
  98. D. Vasović, Z. Stajić, M. Stanković: Primena inteligentnih merno informacionih sistema u centralizovanim sistemima tretmana otpadnih voda, Zbornik radova, Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrst otpad i opasan otpad, Niš, Srbija 2011.
  99. D. Vasović, S. Mušicki, M. Gocić: Elementi planiranja odgovora na vanredne situacije u kontekstu zaštite voda Zbornik radova, Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Zaštita voda, Zlatibor, Srbija 2011.
  100. V. Stefanović, M. Stanković, D. Vasović: SWOT analiza potencija Stare planine Zbornik radova, XIV Međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću, Beograd, 2011.
  101. D. Vasović, J. Malenović -- Nikolić, S. Mušicki: Uslovi rada na postrojenjima za tretman voda Zbornik radova, Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Zaštita na radu u 21. veku, Tara, 2011.
  102. D. Tasić, M. Tanasković, M. Stojanović: Strujno opterećenje kablovskih vodova 10 kV i uticaj na izbor tipskog preseka, VII Savetovanje CIRED Srbija, R-1.13 , Vrnjačka Banja, 2010.
  103. L. Korunović, M. Stojanović, D. Tasić, L. Stoimenov, A. Krstić: Analiza dijagrama potrošnje na niskom naponu distributivne mreže Niša, VII Savetovanje CIRED Srbija, R-6.02, Vrnjačka Banja, 2010.
  104. A. Krstić, L. Stoimenov, A. Stanimirović, N. Davidović, M. Bogdanović, S. Tošić, D. Tasić: Jedan pristup za određivanje gubitaka na niskonaponskoj mreži zasnovan na informacijama iz različitih informacionih sistema, VII Savetovanje CIRED Srbija, R- 6.09, Vrnjačka Banja, 2010.
  105. M. Dočić, D. Tasić: Karakteristike izvoda srednjeg napona koji sadrži malu hidroelektranu, 30. Savetovanje CIGRE Srbija, R C6-02, Zlatibor, 2011 , CD ISBN: 978-86-82317-69-2.
  106. L. Korunović, M. Stojanović, M. Vucković, D. Tasić, A. Krstić: Faktor opterećenja i faktor gubitaka različitih kategorija potrošnje na niskom naponu, 30. Savetovanje CIGRE Srbija, R C6-13, Zlatibor, 2011, CD ISBN: 978-86-82317-69-2.
  107. D. Stojanović, A. Jović, L. Korunović, N. Krečković: Povećanje gubitaka u niskonaponskoj distributivnoj mreži usled nesimetrije opterećenja i viših harmonika, VII Savetovanje o elektrodistributivnim mrežama Srbije i Crne Gore sa regionalnim učešćem, Vrnjačka Banja, 26. 9. - 1. 10. 2010., R-6-10.
  108. D. Vasović, Z. Stajić, M. Stanković, Primena inteligentnih merno informacionih sistema u centralizovanim sistemima tretmana otpadnih voda, Zbornik radova, Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrst otpad i opasan otpad, Niš, Srbija 2011 (autori D. Vasović i Z. Stajić su istraživači na potprojektu 7)
  109. V. Stefanović, M. Stanković, D. Vasović, SWOT analiza potencija Stare planine Zbornik radova, XIV Međunarodna konferencija Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću, Beograd, 2011 (autori D. Vasović je istraživač na potprojektu 7)
  110. Janaćković, G., Savić, S., Stanković, M., Upravljanje znanjem o zaštiti na radu u kontekstu konkurentnosti organizacije, Zbornik radova sa konferencije Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošću, DQM 2011 Beograd, 28-29. jun 2011, str. 805-812.
  111. Janaćković G., Savić S., Stanković M., Faktori, performanse i indikatori zaštite na radu, 8. nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem “Zaštita na radu u 21. veku – teorija i praksa”, pp. 293--297, Oct 3--8, Srbija, 2011
  112. G.Lj. ĐêĐšnĐšćkĐžvić, S.Đ£. SĐšvić, Đ£.S. StĐšnkĐžvić, ŽivĐžtni ciklus zĐšštitĐÁ i uprĐšvlĐÿĐšnjĐÁ znĐšnjĐÁm, ZbĐžrnik rĐšdĐžvĐš kĐžnfĐÁrĐÁnciĐÿĐÁ ĐòlĐÁktrĐžnskĐž učĐÁnjĐÁ nĐš putu kĐš društvu znĐšnjĐš, UnivĐÁrzitĐÁt Đ£ĐÁtrĐžpĐžlitĐšn, BĐÁĐžgrĐšd, 7. Đ×ktĐžbĐšr 2010, 89-94.
  113. SuzĐšnĐš SĐšvić, Đ£iĐžmir StĐšnkĐžvić, G.Lj. ĐêĐšnĐšćkĐžvić, SistĐÁmskĐš ĐšnĐšlizĐš, uprĐšvlĐÿĐšnjĐÁ znĐšnjĐÁm i intĐÁrĐšktivĐšn timski rĐšd, ZbĐžrnik rĐšdĐžvĐš kĐžnfĐÁrĐÁnciĐÿĐÁ ĐòlĐÁktrĐžnskĐž učĐÁnjĐÁ nĐš putu kĐš društvu znĐšnjĐš, UnivĐÁrzitĐÁt Đ£ĐÁtrĐžpĐžlitĐšn, BĐÁĐžgrĐšd, 7. Đ×ktĐžbĐšr 2010, 95-100.
  114. G.Lj. ĐêĐšnĐšćkĐžvić, S.Đ£. SĐšvić, Đ£.S. StĐšnkĐžvić, IntĐÁgrĐšciĐÿĐš ĐžrgĐšnizĐšciĐÿĐÁ i intĐÁrĐšktivni timski rĐšd, ZbĐžrnik rĐšdĐžvĐš 13. mĐÁđunĐšrĐždnĐÁ kĐžnfĐÁrĐÁnciĐÿĐÁ UprĐšvlĐÿĐšnjĐÁ kvĐšlitĐÁtĐžm i pĐžuzdĐšnĐžšću DQM-2010, BĐÁĐžgrĐšd, 29-30. Đêun 2010, UDK 658.56, ISSN 1451-4966, 729-736.
  115. G.Lj. ĐêĐšnĐšćkĐžvić, S.Đ£. SĐšvić, Đ£.S. StĐšnkĐžvić, FunkciĐžnĐšlnĐš intĐÁgrĐšciĐÿĐš i intĐÁrĐšktivni timski rĐšd, ZbĐžrnik rĐšdĐžvĐš 50 gĐždinĐš ĐžrgĐšnizĐžvĐšnĐÁ zĐšštitĐÁ u SrbiĐÿi, Niš, 26-27. Đ£Đšrt 2010, 187-194.
  116. Nikolić, V., Lalić, Ž., Taradi, J. (2011). Bezbednost i zdravlje na radu u obrazovnim ustanovama, Zbornik radova Tara 2011, Fakultet tehničkih nauka , Novi Sad, 2011
  117. Micic Zivadin, Tufegdzic Milica (2011). TQM modeling for improving quality in technical engineering education in Serbia, National conference with international participation, Technical Faculty Cacak, 23-25. September 2011. Proceedings, ISBN: 978-86-7776-128-8, pp. 127-135.
  118. Dušan B. Gajić, "Brzo izračunavanje slant transformacije na heterogenim računarskim sistemima", Zbornik radova 55. konferencije ETRAN-a, CD, sekcija Rač. tehnika, rad RT3.7, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, 6-9.6.2011.

Conference papers (M64)

  1. Bojan Marinković, V. Ciancaglini, Zoran Ognjanović, P. Glavan, L. Liquori, Petar Maksimović, Analyzing the Exhaustiveness of the Synapse Protocol, The first national conference: "Information theory and complex systems" tiNkos, Matematicki institut SANU, pp.21--21, 25. 9. 2013.Srbija, 2013
  2. T. Stojanović, Tatjana Davidović, Zoran Ognjanović, Bee-colony optimization for the satisfiability problem in probabilistic logic, Treća nacionalna konferencija Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, Matematicki institut SANU, pp.30--30, 26. 9. 2013.Srbija, 2013
  3. Vladan Vučković, Nikola Stojanović, COMPLETE SIMULATION OF TESLA'S MACHINES IN 3D LONG ISLAND MODEL, Knjiga apstrakata XII nacionalne konf. NCD 2013, Narodna biblioteka Srbije i Matematički institut SANU, pp.25--25, 31.10.2013.--1.11.2013., Srbija, 2013
  4. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Bojan Denić, Design and Analysis of the Two-level Scalar Quantizer with Extended Huffman Coding, The first national conference “Information theory and complex systems”, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp.36--36, 25.09.2013.--25.09.2013., Srbija, 2013
  5. Aleksandar Janjić, Suzana Savić, Lazar Velimirović, Development of Energy System Smart Grids Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making, The first national conference “Information theory and complex systems”, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp.21--22, 25.09.2013.--25.09.2013., Srbija, 2013
  6. Nikolna Vukša Popović, Žarko Mijajlović, Nenad Mitić, Saša Malkov, Digital Archive Repository for Digital Legacies, Nove tehnologije i standardi: Digitalizacija nacionalne baštine 2013, pp.25--25, 31.10.2013.--01.11.2013., Srbija, 2013
  7. Milan Todorović, Bojan Marinković, A. Zeljić, P. Glavan, Zoran Ognjanović, Formal Description of the Chord Protocol using Isabelle/HOL Proof Assistant, The first national conference: "Information theory and complex systems" tiNkos, Matematicki institut SANU, pp.20--20, 25. 9. 2013.Srbija, 2013
  8. Aleksandar Pejović, Žarko Mijajlović, Free Boolean vectors and expressions, Treća nacionalna konferencija Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, Matematički institut SANU, pp.23--24, 26.09.13--26.09.13, Srbija, 2013
  9. S.M. Savić, M.S. Stanković, Goran Janaćković, Fuzzy AHP Ranking of Occupational Safety System Quality Indicators, Tinkos – Theory of information and complex systems, Mathematical institute SANU, pp.30--31, 2013
  10. Dušan Tatić, Edin Mulalić, Graph-based System for Analysis of Researchers and Paper Citations, Information theory and complex systems THE BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, pp.17--18, 25.9.2013--25.9.2013., Srbija, 2013
  11. Stefan Mišković, Hibridni genetski algoritam za jednostepeni lokacijski problem ograničenih kapaciteta, Proceedings of the III Symposium Mathematics and Applications, Matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, pp.105--110, Srbija, 2013
  12. Zoran Ognjanović, Aleksandar Perović, Miodrag Rašković, Nebojša ikodinović, Hierarchies of probability logics, Treća nacionalna konferencija Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, Matematicki institut SANU, pp.9--9, 26. 9. 2013.Srbija, 2013
  13. Dušan Gajić, Dušan Tatić, KOMPARATIVNA ANALIZA RASPBERRY PI I BLUEBERRY TV CAT RAČUNARSKIH SISTEMA ZA MULTIMEDIJALNE PRIMENE, Zbornik apstrakata YU INFO 2013, Informaciono društvo Srbije, Vol., pp.447--450, 3.3.2013.--6.3.2013., Srbija, 2013
  14. Ivan Živković, Predrag Stanimirović, Modelling Neural Networks as Dynamical Systems for Matrix Inverse Computation, Teorija informacija i kompleksni sistemi - TINKOS, Matematički institut, SANU, pp.24--25, 25.09.2013.--25.09.2013, Srbija, 2013
  15. Edin Mulalić, Miomir Stanković, Radomir Stanković, Notes on evolution of axiomatic characterization of the Tsallis entropy, Teorija informacija i kompleksni sistemi, Knjiga apstrakta, Matematički Institut SANU, pp.9--10, 25.09.13--25.09.13, Srbija, 2013
  16. Zoran Ognjanović, Aleksandar Perović, Miodrag Rašković, On definable operators in certain probability logics, Treća nacionalna konferencija Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, Matematicki institut SANU, pp.25--25, 26. 9. 2013.Srbija, 2013
  17. Velimir Ilić, Miomir Stanković, On the characterization and relationship between q-additive information measures and certainty measures, The first national conference “Information theory and complex systems”, MISANU, pp.7--8, 25.9.2013.--25.9.2013, 2013
  18. Miloš Djurić, On the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence and Some Modifications of Dempster's Rule of Combination, The first national conference “Information theory and complex systems”, Matematički institut, SANU, pp.14.--14., 25.9.2013--25.9.2013, Srbija, 2013
  19. Velimir Ilić, Miroslav Ćirić, Miomir Stanković, On the SCFG cross-moments computation using the moment generating function, Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, MISANU, pp.18--20, 26.9.2013--26.9.2013, 2013
  20. Milica Knežević, Aleksandar Perović, One probabilistic approach to classification problems, Koferencija Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, Matematički institut SANU, pp.21--22, 26.9.2013--26.9.2013, Srbija, 2013
  21. Popović Predrag, Option Pricing Using Monte Carlo Maximum Entropy Approach, Tinkos, Matematički institut, SANU, pp.29--29, 24.1.1900--24.1.1900, Srbija, 2013
  22. Kupusinac A., Smiljenić D., Stokić E., Primena veštačkih neuralnih mreža u predikciji nivoa HDLholesterola, 3. Kongres o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Novi Sad, Društvo lekara Vojvodine Srpskog lekarskog društva, pp.78--78, 03.10.2013.--04.10.2013., Srbija, 2013
  23. Stokić E., Smiljenić D., Kupusinac A., Srdić Galić B., Telesna masa, obim struka i masna masa kao prediktori deficijencije vitamina D, Simpozijum kliničke i funkcionalne anatomije, Ortomedics Book, pp.60--60, 13.09.2013.--14.09.2013., Srbija, 2013
  24. Dušan Tatić, Miloš Stošić, Đorđe Manoilov, Radomir Stanković, UNIVERZALNI ELEKTRONSKI TURISTIČKI VODIČ ZASNOVAN NA ANDROID TEHNOLOGIJI, Knjiga apstrakata, 12. konferencija "Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine", Matematički institut SANU, Beograd, pp.24--24, 31.10.2013.--1.11.2013., Srbija, 2013
  25. Đorđe Manoilov, Nikola Gajić, Miloš Stošić, Dušan Tatić, VIRTUELNA ŠETNJA KROZ ARHEOLOŠKO NALAZIŠTE KORIŠĆENJEM UNITY3D GAME ENGINE-A, Knjiga apstrakata, 12. konferencija "Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine", Matematički institut SANU, Beograd, pp.24--24, 31.10.2013.--1.11.2013., Srbija, 2013
  26. Stokić E., Smiljenić D., Kupusinac A., Popović Đ., Srdić Galić B., Vitamin D i HDL-holesterol: kakva je povezanost?, 3. Kongres o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Novi Sad, Društvo lekara Vojvodine Srpskog lekarskog društva, pp.88--88, 03.10.2013.--04.10.2013., Srbija, 2013
  27. Marija Milojević Jevrić, Zoran Ognjanović, Bojan Marinković, Zbornik radova sa konferencije The XII National Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage, Matematički institut SANU, Matematički institut SANU, Narodna biblioteka Srbije, pp.16--18, 31.10.2013--1.11.2013, Srbija, 2013
  28. Branko Malešević, Ratko Obradović, Bojan Banjac, Ivana Jovović, Milica Makragić, Application of polynomial texture mapping in process of digitalization of cultural heritage, Dvanaesta nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine 2013., 31.10.2013.--01.11.2013., Srbija, 2013
  29. Marija Milojević, Zoran Ognjanović, Nataša Glišović, Analiza DNK mesavine korisćenjem Bjesovih mreza, Druga nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene“ , pp. 35--35, Sep 27--28, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  30. Nataša Bulatović, Milica Knežević, Bojan Marinković, Zoran Ognjanović, Ivan Čukić, Collaborative EuropeaN Digital/Archive Infrastructure (CENDARI) Projekat, XI Konferencija Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine, pp. 7--7, Sep 20--21, Srbija, 2012
  31. Milica Knežević, Reasoning in Multi-Agent Systems, Druga nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene“ , pp. 36--36, Sep 27--28, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  32. Jonvanovic D, Stošović M, Radivojevic D, Simić-Ogrizović S, Stojimirovic B, Lezaic V, Savin M, Radovic M, Naumovic R , Struktura oboljenja bubrega u nefroloskim ambulantama Klinickog centra Srbije 20 godina posle, 2. Kongres nefrologa Srbije., pp. 12--12, Oct 11--14, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  33. Stošović M, Naumovic R, Stanojevic M, Simić-Ogrizović S, Jovanovic D, Moze li albumin biti metod za procenu stanja uhranjenosti bolesnika na hemodijalizi?, 2. Kongres nefrologa Srbije., pp. 35--35, Oct 11--14, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  34. Kravljaca M, Simić-Ogrizović S, Stanojevic Bogavac N, Stošović M, Pejanovic S, Jemcov T, Naumovic R, Odredjivanje niova matriks-metaloproteinaze i njenih tkivnih inhibitora u serumu bolesnika sa hroni;nom i terminalnom bubre/nom slaboscu, 2. Kongres nefrologa Srbije., pp. 38--38, Oct 11--14, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  35. Stošović M, Stankovic S, Stanojevic M, Simić-Ogrizović S, Jovanovic D, Pejanovic S, Naumovic R, Kardijalni markeri i mortalitet bolesnika na hemodijalizi., 2. Kongres nefrologa Srbije., pp. 68--68, Oct 11--14, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  36. Stošović M, Pejanovic S, Jemcov T, Naumovic R, Stecena perforativna dermatoza kod bolesnika na hemodijalizi: prikaz slucaja., 2. Kongres nefrologa Srbije., pp. 69--69, Oct 11--14, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  37. Stanojevic-Stošović M, Stošović M, Pejanovic S, Simić-Ogrizović S, Naumovic R , Ishemijska bolest srca kod bolesnika na hronicnoj hemodijalizi i njena povezanost sa depresivnoscu, parametrima inflamacije i moralitetom, 2. Kongres nefrologa Srbije., pp. 81--81, Oct 11--14, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  38. Jonvanovic D, Dokic Z, Jovanovic N, Stošović M, Bontic A, Stojimirovic B, Naumovic R, Gram-negativni peritonitis kod bolesnika na peritoneumskoj dijalizi., 2. Kongres nefrologa Srbije., pp. 92--92, Oct 11--14, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  39. Stošović Milan, Preporuke za razvoj racunarskih sistema za podrsku u odlucivanju u nefrologiji, 2. Kongres nefrologa Srbije., pp. 101--101, Oct 11--14, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  40. Silvia Gilezan, Jelena Ivetic, Pierre Lescanne, Silvia Likavec, The resource control and strong normalisation, Druga nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene“ , pp. 19--20, Sep 27--28, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  41. Marija Milojević, Zoran Ognjanović, Nataša Glišović, Application of Bayesian Network to Reliability Assessment of Mechanical System, Probabilistic logics and applications, pp. 32--33, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  42. Miloš Djurić , Velimir Ilić , Miomir Stanković, The computation of mathematical expectation and covariance on junction trees , “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene”, pp. 15--15, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  43. Velimir Ilić, Edin Mulalić, Miomir Stanković , Pseudo-additive entropies as expected information content , Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  44. Velimir Ilić, Edin Mulalić, Miomir Stanković , Two parameter deformation of information content , Druga nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene”, pp. 26--26, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  45. Živadin Micić, Marija Blagojević, Nove tehnologije i standardi na uporednim primerima sveukupnog stvaralaštva i nacionalne “SRPS baštine” , XI National conference, New technologies and standards: digitalization of national heritage 2012, pp. 13--13, Sep 21--22, srbija, 2012
  46. Ristić Miroslav, Popović Predrag, Nastić Aleksandar , INAR Models and Application , Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, pp. 17--17, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  47. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Jelena Nikolić, Design of Asymmetrical Scalar Quantizer with Extended Huffman Coding for Gaussian Source , Druga nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene”, pp. 14--15, Sep 27--28, Srbija, 2012
  48. Dušan Tatić, M. Stošić, Mobilni AR turistički arheološki vodič , XI konferencija nove tehnologije i standardi: Digitalizacija nacionalne, pp. 20--20, Sep 21--22, Srbija, 2012
  49. A. Ilić Stepić, Z. Ognjanović, Complex valued probability logics, Druga nacionalna konferencija Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, pp. 31--31, Sep 27--28, srbija, 2012
  50. Marija Milojević, Z. Ognjanović, Nataša Glišović , Application of Bayesian Network to Reliability Assessment of Mechanical System, Druga nacionalna konferencija Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, pp. 35--35, Sep 27--28, srbija, 2012
  51. Nataša Bulatović, Milica Knežević, Bojan Marinković, Zoran, Collaborative European Digital/Archival Infrastructure (Cendari) Projekat, XI Konferencija Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine , Sep 20--21, Srbija, 2012
  52. Aleksandar Mihajlovic, Vladisav Jelisavic, Bojan Marinkovic, Goran Rakočević, Zoran Ognjanović, Veljko Milutinović, Serbia forum: cultural heritage digitalization project with emphasis on semantic indexing, XI Konferencija Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine , Sep 20--21, Srbija, 2012
  53. Marija Šegan, Nikola Petrović, , Archive of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Digitization of the Reports from the meetings of the Scientific Council (1948 – 1964) , The Seventh SEEDI Conference ,,Digitization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage'', pp. 52--52, maj 16--18, Slovenija, 2012
  54. Marija Šegan, Miloš Milovanović, Sanja Rajić, Digitalizacija kulturnog nasleđa Podunavskog i Braničevskog okruga' , Jedanaesta nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem – Nove tehnologije i standardi: Digitalizacija nacionalne baštine 2012, pp. 19--19, Sep 20--21, Srbija, 2012
  55. Nenad Mitić, Saša Malkov , Applicability of IBM content manager software in digitized resources management, Nove tehnologije i standardi: Digitalizacija nacionalne baštine 2011, pp. 26--26, Sep 22--23, Srbija, 2012
  56. Saša Malkov , Nenad Mitić, Applicability of non-relational databases in digitized resources management, Nove tehnologije i standardi: Digitalizacija nacionalne baštine 2011, pp. 21--21, Sep 22--23, Srbija, 2012
  57. Nadežda Pejović, Nenad Mitić, Saša Malkov, Žarko Mijajlović, Digital legacy “Milutin Milanković”, Nove tehnologije i standardi: Digitalizacija nacionalne baštine 2011, pp. 16--16, Sep 22--23, Srbija, 2012
  58. Aleksandar Kostić, Elektronski korpus srpskog jezika od 12. do 18. veka, XI Konferencija Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine, pp. 12--12, Sep 20--21, Srbija, 2012
  59. Marija Boričić, On probabilistic inference rules, 50 Years of Seminar for Analysis and Foundations of Mathematics – International Conference Mathematical Logic and General Topology, pp. 12--13, Sep 5--8, Srbija, 2012
  60. Marija Boričić, Probabilistic logic as a labelled deductive system, Druga nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene“ , pp. 38--39, Sep 27--28, Srbija, Beograd, 2012
  61. Petar Maksimović, Formal Verification of Key Properties for Several Probability Logics in the Proof Assistant Coq, , pp. 25--25, Sep 29--30, Srbija, 2011
  62. Velimir Ilić, Miomir Stanković, Branimir Todorović, Message Passing Algorithms over the Binomial and the Entropy Semirings , Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, pp. 29--29, Sep 29--30, Srbija, 2011
  63. Edin Mulalić, Miomir Stanković , Functional Decomposition as an Optimization Technique , Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, pp. 26--27, Sep 29--30, Srbija, 2011
  64. Ivan Živković, Miomir Stanković , Articial Neural Networks for Decision Support in Copper Smelting Process , Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, pp. 17--18, Sep 29--30, Srbija, 2011
  65. Živadin Micić (2011) Kako u Srbiji do standarda za nove tehnologije? Deseta nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine 2011, Beograd, 22-23. septembar 2011. Knjiga apstrakata, ISBN: 978-86-7589-083-6, pp. 24
  66. 1. B. Marinković, Z. Ognjanović, T. Butigan-Vučaj, Distribuirana implementacija kataloga digitalizovanih kolekcija kulturne i naučne baštine, X Konferencija Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine, Beograd, 22-23. 9. 2011.
  67. N. Ikodinović, M. Rašković, Z. Marković, Z. Ognjanović, A first-order probabilistic logic with approximate conditional probabilities, Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene Beograd, Srbija, 29-30. 9. 2011, str. 13, 2011.
  68. A. Ilić Stepić, Z. Ognjanović, N. Ikodinović, A. Perović, A p-adic probability logic, Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene Beograd, Srbija, 29-30. 9. 2011, 11-12, 2011.
  69. D. Doder, Z. Marković, Z. Ognjanović, A Branching-time Probabilistic Logic, Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene Beograd, Srbija, 29-30. 9. 2011, str. 14, 2011.
  70. Marija Šegan, Stefana Janićijević, Miloš Milovanović, Kulturno nasleđe Toplice u okviru Elektronskog kataloga spomenika kulture, X Konferencija Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine, Beograd, 22-23. 9. 2011.
  71. B. Malešević, I. Jovović, M. Makragić, B. Banjac, V. Katić, A. Jovanović, A. Pejović, Buchbergerov algoritam i vizuelizacija monomijalnih ideala, Konferencija Matematika i primene, 25-27 maj 2011, Matematički fakultet, Beograd
  72. Nenad Mitić, Saša Malkov, Applicability of IBM Content Manager Software in Digitized Resources management, X Konferencija Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine, Beograd, 22-23. 9. 2011.
  73. Saša Malkov, Nenad Mitić, Applicability of non'relational database in Digitized Resources management, X Konferencija Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine, Beograd, 22-23. 9. 2011.
  74. N.Pejović, Ž. Mijajlović, Kalendari u Virtuelnoj biblioteci matematičkog fakulteta, Prva konferencija o nauci i delu Milutina Milankovića: Kalendarsko znanje i doprinos Milutina Milankovića, 14-15. 9. 2011, Beograd, Zbornik sažetaka konferencije, Beograd, 2011, 24-24
  75. G. Damljanović, I. Milić, N. Pejović, Astrometric positions of ICRF2 radio sources with different references catalogues, XVI National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia, October 10-12, 2011, Belgrade, Book of Abstracts Conference, Belgrade, 2011, 42-42
  76. N.Pejović, M. Dacić, Digitized works of B. Ševarlić in Virtual Library of Faculty of Mathematics, XVI National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia, October 10-12, 2011, Belgrade, Book of Abstracts Conference, Beograd, 2011, 73-73.
  77. Marija Šegan, Ljubica Jankov, Digitalizacija zvezdanih karata na primeru dve karte iz Kotlarićevog Identifikatora zvijezda, Konferencija Nove tehnologije i standardi: digitalizacija nacionalne baštine, Beograd, 22-23. 9. 2011.
  78. Simonović A., Mijajlović Ž., Valjarević A.: Recent Activities of Astronomical Society Magellanic Clouds, Book of Abstracts of the XVI National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia, 10-12 October, (2011), Belgrade, Serbia.
  79. Valjarević A., Živković D.: Komparacija Analogne i Kompjuterski Podržane Generalizacije, Treći kongres Srpskih Geografa sa medjunarodnim učešćem, Oktobar 12-13, (2011), Banja Luka
  80. Valjarević A., Radovanović D., Mijajlović Ž., Valjarević D., Simonović A.: The Comparison of an Analogue and Computer Supported Line Generalisation in Process of Digitization Following the Concrete Example of the River System, Tenth National Conference Digitization of national heritage, September 22-23, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia

Conference papers (M65)

  1. Milica Knežević, Nenad Mitić, Zoran Ognjnović, Veljko Milutinović, Balcon project: ""The preconference tutorial vector on advanced issues in monitoring and control (M+C), by the University of Belgrade"", YU INFO 2012 - 18. Konferencija o informacionim i komunikacionim tehnologijama, Mar 29--3, Srbija, 2012


  1. Ivan Cukic, Uređivanje zbornika, Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene, Matematički institut, SANU, Srbija, 2013

Other conferences

  1. Naumovic R, Jovanovic D, Pavlovic S, Stosovic M, Marinkovc J, Basta-Jovanovic G: Efekti terapije ciklosporinom i azatioprinom kod visoko rizičnom membranoznom nefropatijom: trogodišnja prospektivna studija. 1. Kongres nefrologa Srbije, Beograd 2010. Knjiga sažetaka, strana 15.
  2. Jovanović D, Stošović M, Jovanović N, Dokić Ž, Stanojević M, Ležaić V: Analiza parametara koji utiču na mortalitet bolesnika na peritonumskoj dijalizi. 1. Kongres nefrologa Srbije, Beograd 2010. Knjiga sažetaka, strana 25.
  3. Jovanović D, Ajadčić M, Pejanović S, Kalezić N, Paunovic N, Živaljević V, Stošović M, Ležaić V: Korelacija izmedju težine paratiroidnih žlezda i patohistološkog nalaza i biohemijskih pokazatelja sekundarnog hiperparatiroidizma kod bolesnika lečenih hemodijalizama. 1. Kongres nefrologa Srbije, Beograd 2010. Knjiga sažetaka, strana 35.
  4. Naumović R, Furunčić D, Jovanović D, Stošović M, Basta-Jovanović G, Ležaić V: Procena prediktivnih faktora i efikasnosti terapijskih protokola pomoću arteficijalnih neuralnih mreža kod bolesnika sa idiopatskom membranoznom nefropatijom. 1. Kongres nefrologa Srbije, Beograd 2010. Knjiga sažetaka, strana 52.
  5. Stanojević M, Stošović M, Kezić A, Stojimirović B: Ishod bolesnika sa hemolitičko-uremijskim sindromom -- prikaz slučajeva. 1. Kongres nefrologa Srbije, Beograd 2010. Knjiga sažetaka, strana 57
  6. Stošović M, Jemcov T, Simić-Ogrizović S, Kezić A, Pavlović J: Spironolacton i metabolička acidoza -- prikaz slučaja. 1. Kongres nefrologa Srbije, Beograd 2010. Knjiga sažetaka, strana 58.
  7. Popović Z, Stošović M, Nikolić A, Stanojević M, Simić-Ogrizović S, Jovanović D: Činioci koji utiču na polineuropatiju kod bolesnika na hemodijalizi. 1. Kongres nefrologa Srbije, Beograd 2010. Knjiga sažetaka, strana 78.
  8. Stošović M, Stanojević M, Simić-Ogrizović S, Jovanović D: Pojasna gojaznost i preživljavanje bolesnika na hemodijalizi. 1. Kongres nefrologa Srbije, Beograd 2010. Knjiga sažetaka, strana 82.
  9. N. Pržulj, ``Topological network alignment uncovers biological function and phylogeny,'' Highlights Track, ISMB/ECCB 2011, Vianna, Austria, July 17-19, 2011.
  10. N. Pržulj, ``Integrative Network Alignment and Analysis: MI-GRAAL and GraphCrunch,'' Network Biology Special Interest Group (SIG) of ISMB/ECCB 2001, Vienna, Austria, July 15, 2011.
  11. N. Pržulj, ``Geometric Evolutionary Dynamics of Protein Interaction Networks,'' School and Conference on Computational Methods in Dynamics, Trieste, Italy, July 6, 2011.
  12. MIC 2011, 25-28. jul, Udine Hanafi Said, Ilić Aleksandar, Mladenović Nenad, Urošević Dragan "A general variable neighborhood search for one-commodity pickup-and-delivery travelling salesman problem."
  13. SYM-OP-IS 2011, 04-07. Oktobar, Zlatibor Izložen rad (štampan u Zborniku radova): Mladenović Nenad, Urošević Dragan, Said Hanafi, "Metoda Promenljivih Okolina za Problem Trgovačkog Putnika sa Minimizacijom kašnenja."
  14. Mini-workshop on discrete models and methods, November 24-25, 2011, University of Szeged, Faculkty of Education, Szeged, Hungary N. Gvozdenović i D. Urošević, "An integration of vehicle and crew scheduling with crew rostering in Public transportation companies."
  15. 11th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia, Dolenjske Toplice, Slovenia, September 28-30, 2011. N. Gvozdenović, I. Djukanović, J. Govorčin, J. Povh, "On semidefinite programming based heuristics for the graph coloring problem."
  16. N. Gvozdenović, D. Brcanov, K. Bala, "Where to place cross docking points?"
  17. The SIAM Conferemnce on Optimization, May 16-19, 2011, Darmstadt, Germany. N. Gvozdenović, "A copositive approach for perfect graphs."
  18. D. Rakić, GF2011 Martinique, France, 18-22 April 2011
  19. D. Rakić, 8th ISAAC Congress Moskow, Russia, 22-27 August 2011
  20. Lj. Petrović, On Markovian Extensions and Reductions of the Family of Hilbert spases, 5th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modeling (ASM2011), Corfu Island, Grece, 2011.
  21. Krstić, N. Davidović, A. Stanimirović, L. Stoimenov, L. Korunović, M. Stojanović, Specijalizovana aplikacija za praćenje gubitaka u niskonaponskoj mreži - Definisanje potrebnih tehničkih rešenja, tehnoloških unapređenja mernih uređaja i informatičke podrške za upravljanje smenjenjem netehničkih gubitaka, Međunarodno regionalno tematsko savetovanje Neovlašćena potrošnja električne energije i zaštita elektroenergetskih objekata od krađe i fizičkih oštećenja, Iriški venac - NORCEV, 23-24. IX 2010, Zbornik radova, str. 93-101, ISBN 978-86-84863-11-1.

Technological solutions M81:

  1. Žarko Mijajlović, Nikolina Vukša Popović, Nadežda Pejović, Nenad Mitić, Saša Malkov, Digitalni legati, Digitalni legati, 2013
  2. Dragan Domazet, Ljubiša Jovev, Dušan Veljković, Boban Nikolić, Svetlana Cvetanović, Miroslava Raspopović, Valentina Paunović, Nikola Dimitrijević, Miljan Marković, Vladimir Šormaz, Marko Lalić, Nebojša Gavrilović, Sistem za e-učenje Univerziteta Metropolitan koji koristi objekte učenje i kolaborativne metode interakcije studenata i nastavnika, Univerzitet Metropolitan u Beogradu, Sistem za e-učenje, Pušten u rad i operativnu upotrebu 1.10.2013, 2013
  3. Žarko Mijajlović, Nikolina Vukša Popović, Nadežda Pejović, Unapređenje veb prezentacije Virtuelne biblioteke Matematičkog fakulteta u Beogradu, Virtual Library of Faculty of Mathematics, 2013
  4. Zoran Ognjanović, Žarko Mijajlović, Goran Terzić, Miloš Milovanović, Bojan Vučković, Marija Šegan, Unapređenje veb prezentacije Spomenika kulture Matematičkog instituta Srpske akademije nauke i umetnosti, Spomenici kulture, 2013
  5. Žarko Mijajlović, Nadežda Pejović, Nikolina Vukša, Marija Šegan, Miloš Milovanović, Bojan Vučković i Aleksandar Pejović, Unapređenje veb prezentacije Virtuelne biblioteke Matematičkog fakulteta u Beogradu, Virtuelna biblioteka Matematičkog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2013
  6. Žarko Mijajlović, Nadežda Pejović, Nikolina Vukša, Maksimović Slavko, Milisavljević Slaviša, Simonović Aleksandar, Višić Duško, Digitalna arhiva Matematickog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i Digitalni legat Milutina Milankovica, Tehnicko resenje, 2013
  7. Z. Stajić, P. Pejić, A. Gošić, Z. Jovanović, Napredni Power Loger (""Advanced Power Logger"" - APL), IRC Alfatec, Niš, (
  8. Z. Stajić, A. Gošić, P. Pejić, S. Ivković, Inteligentni merno-kontrolni moduli za nadzor i upravljanje potrošnjom električne energije, IRC Alfatec, Niš, (
  9. Z. Stajić, M. Kocić, Marko Milošević, B. Zečević, D. Stajić, Multikomunikacioni multifunkcionalni sistem za prikupljanje i obradu podataka sa udaljenih mernih mesta i generisanje različitih tipskih izveštaja, IRC Alfatec, Niš, (

Technological solutions M82:

  1. Vlastimir Nikolić, Dragan Antić, Žarko Ćojbašić, Zoran Jovanović, Ivan Ćirić, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Hibridno upravljanje vetro turbinama nove generacije bazirano na fazi logici, genetskim algoritmima i ortogonalnim polinomima, Mašinski fakultet u Nišu, 2013
  2. Vojislav Miltenović, Miodrag Velimirović, Jelena Stefanović Marinović, Milan Banić, Aleksandar Miltenović, Siniša Kuzmanović, Boban Anđelković, Darko Mitić, Milan Radić, Nikola Danković, 'Kombinovani varijatorski prenosnik za prenos snage kod vetrogeneratora, Tehničko rešenje, 2013
  3. Zoran Babović, Softver za nadgledanje rada i podršku održavanja sistema daljinskog grejanja, Tehničko rešenje, 2013
  4. Darko Mitić, Zoran Icić, Marko Milojković, Stanko Stankov, Vojislav Miltenović, Aleksandar Miltenović, Miodrag Spasić, Milan Banić, Nebojša Jotović, Nikola Danković, Trofazni linijski korektor napona, 2013
  5. Dragan Antić, Zoran Icić, Zoran Jovanović, Vlastimir Nikolić, Žarko Čojbašić, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Miroslav Milovanović, Dejan Mitić, Ivan Ćirić, Trofazni pretvarač napona, Elektronski fakultet, Niš; Alfatec Niš, 2013
  6. Djordje Djordjević, Srbislav Nešić, Biljana Avramović, Biotoksinomer – uredjaj za indikaciju zagadjenosti vode za piće i rečne vode baziran na vodenoj buvi – Dafniji, Gradjevinski klaster DUNDJER, Gradjevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet Niš, 2013
  7. Z. Stajić, Marko Milošević, A. Gošić, N. Floranović, M. Kocić, S. Antolović, Merno-upravljački modul za praćenje i upravljanje radom solarnih elektrana, IRC Alfatec, Niš, (
  8. Z. Stajić, N. Floranović, M. Radić, Miloš Milošević, B. Zečević, Okruženje za testiranje APL/SPM-CM uređaja u industrijskim uslovima – Pekara Branković Niš , IRC Alfatec, Niš, (
  9. Z. Stajić, M. Božić, M. Đorđević, M. Radić, N. Floranović, Đ. Vukić, Merno-informacioni sistem za određivanje radnih karakteristika energetskih transformatora , IRC Alfatec, Niš, (

Technological solutions M83:

  1. Djordje Djordjević, Visokoefikasni separator ulja i masti iz otpadne vode (High efficient Oil and Greese Separator (PV On- and Off-greed powered)), Gradjevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet Niš, 2013
  2. M. Petronijević, V. Kostić, N. Mitrović, B. Banković, M. Kocić, S. Stankov, Industrijsko postrojenje za interoperabilno upravljanje elektromotornim pogonima pumpnih stanica povećane pouzdanosti, IRC Alfatec, Niš, (
  3. D. Tasić, N. Floranović, B. Mijucić, D. Stajić, Laboratorijsko postrojenje za kalibraciju mernih uređaja (APL/SPM) proizvođača IRC “ALfatec” Niš , IRC Alfatec, Niš, (
  4. ĐĐžrđĐÁ ĐĐžrđĐÁvić, SrbislĐšv NĐÁšić: BiĐž-sĐÁnzĐžr zĐš tĐžksinĐÁ rĐšstvĐžrĐÁnĐÁ u vĐždi bĐšzirĐšn nĐš kĐžrišćĐÁnju vĐždĐÁnĐÁ buvĐÁ (Dafnija), skraćeno BIOTOKSINOMER, 23.09.2011. NĐžvĐž lĐšbĐžrĐštĐžriĐÿskĐž pĐžstrĐžĐÿĐÁnjĐÁ , Odluka NN Veća GAF-a, br. 8/136 od 23.9.2011.
  5. Zoran Ognjanović, erRegister of cultural monuments in Serbia (, Serbian Mathematica Journals(

Technological solutions M84:

  1. Zoran Ognjanović,Žarko Mijajlović,Goran Terzić,Marija Šegan,Miloš Milovanović,Bojan Vučković, Poboljšanje digitalnog kataloga i web stranice Spomenici kulture u Srbiji, 2013
  2. Vladisav Jelisavčić, Aleksandar Mihajlović, Vladimir Stojanović, Siniša Tomović, Milan Todorović, Bojan Marinković, Milica Knežević, Veljko Milutinović, Zoran Ognjanović, Serbia-forum, interaktivna i dinamička aplikacija za skupljanje, skladištenje i virtuelno predstavljanje digitalizovane nacionalne baštine Srbije, Bitno poboljšan postojeći proizvod ili tehnologija (uz dokaz) recenzovano i prihvaćeno na nacionalnom nivou (uz dokaz), 2013
  3. Vladimir Cvjetković, Snežana Marković, Branko Arsić, Jovana Žižić, Marija Đokić, Tehnicko resenje - bitno poboljsan program, Semantički bazirana kastomizovana pretraga na lokalnom web sajtu, 2013
  4. Djordje Djordjević, Srbislav Nešić, Biljana Avramović, Improved ON-LINE Serbian-Romani and Romani-Serbian Dictionary, Centar za permanentnu edukaciju, Niš, 2013
  5. Marko Milošević, N. Floranović, Miloš Milošević, B. Zečević, A. Janjić, N. Danković, Sistem za generisanje izveštaja o izvršenim kontrolama mernih mesta u preduzećima za distribuciju električne energije, IRC Alfatec, Niš, (
  6. Žarko Mijajlović, Nadežda Pejović, Nikolina Vukša, Marija Šegan, Miloš Milovanović, Bojan Vučković, Aleksandar Pejović, Slavko Maksimović, Slobodan Stojanović, Vesna Vučković, Slaviša Milisavljević, Duško Višić , Aleksandar Simonović, Unapređenje veb prezentacije Virtuelne biblioteke Matematičkog fakulteta u Beogradu, Matematički fakultet u Beogradu, (
  7. Žarko Mijajlović, Nadežda Pejović, Saša Malkov, Nenad Mitić, Nikolina Vukša, Bojan Vučković, Mirjana Maljković, Biljana Stojanović, Digitalni legati, Matematički fakultet u Beogradu, (
  8. Zoran Ognjanović, Žarko Mijajlović, Goran Terzić, Miloš Milovanović, Bojan Vučković, Marija Šegan, Unapređenje veb prezentacije Spomenika kulture Matematičkog instituta Srpske akademije naukа i umetnosti, Matematički institut SANU, (
  9. Zoran Ognjanović, Miodrag Rašković, Zoran Marković, Đurić Vojislav, Perić-Popadić Aleksandra, Rašković Sanvila, Nataša Glišović, Ivan Čukić, Milica Knežević, Petar Maksimović, Elektronski zdravstveni karton pacijenata Klinike za alergologiju i imunologiju Klinickog centra Srbije, Matematički institut SANU, (
  10. Zoran Ognjanović, Bojan Marinković, Nevena Milojković, Tatjana Jakšić, Marija Šegan, Elektronski Katalog digitalnih kolekcija kulturne i naučne baštine Srbije, Matematički institut SANU, (
  11. Zoran Ognjanović, Žarko Mijajlović, Aleksandar Pejović, Tatjana Jakšić, Nina Radojičić, Nevena Milojković, Stefan Mišković, Milica Knežević, Marija Šegan, Miloš Milovanović, Bojan Vučković, Unapređenje elektronske biblioteke Matematičkog instituta SANU, Matematički institut SANU, (

Technological solutions M85:

  1. Bojan Banjac, Maja Petrović, Branko Malešević, 3-Ellipses software, The Geometry of Trifocal Curves with Applications in Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, 2013
  2. Bojan Banjac, Branko Malešević, Maja Petrović, EMC software, A Computer Verification of a Conjecture About Erdös-Mordell Curve, 2013
  3. Aleksandar Miltenović, Milan Banić, Miodrag Velimirović, Slobodan Jovanović, Miloš Milovančević, Milan Rackov, Zoran Icić, Stanko Stankov, Miodrag Spasić, Ispitni sto za ispitivanje prenosnika vetrogeneratora baziranog na CVT, 2013
  4. Petar Stamenković, Rastko Kukuć, Bojan Stevanić, Svetlana Smolčić Makuljević, Izrada 3D modela Medijane i veb sajt o Medijani, Posebna veb stranica, 2013
  5. Kupusinac A., Doroslovački R., Malbaški D., Srdić Galić B., Stokić E., Primarna procena kardiometaboličkog rizika primenom veštačkih neuralnih mreža, Softver, 2013
  6. Milica Knežević, Aleksandar Perović, Miodrag Rašković, Sanvila Rašković, Aleksandra Perić, Vojislav Đurić, Sistem za automatsko testiranje korelacije dijagnostičkih kriterijuma, softver (uz dokaz), 2013
  7. Dragan Domazet, Ljubiša Jovev, Dušan Veljković, Boban Nikolić, Svetlana Cvetanović, Valentina Paunović, Nikola Dimitrijević, Miljan Marković, Vladimir Šormaz, Marko Lalić, Nebojša Gavrilović, Sistem za e-učenje Univerziteta Metropolitan koji koristi objekte učenje i kolaborativne metode interakcije studenata i nastavnika, 2013
  8. Zoran Babovic, Marko Novakovic, Softverski sistem za akviziciju, monitoring i obradu podataka sa senzorskih mreža u sistemu daljinskog grejanja, ICEF i JP Toplifikacija Lazarevac, p.
  9. Z. Stajić, T. Andrejević, N. Floranović, M. Kocić, M. Božić, P. Šećerov , Softver za praćenje proizvoda u toku proizvodnje i održavanja, IRC Alfatec, Niš, ( )
  10. Z. Stajić, M. Milošević, M. Radić, M. Božić, D. Vučković , Softver za analizu efekata kompenzacije reaktivne snage na potrošnju električne energije , IRC Alfatec, Niš, ( )
  11. M. Kocić, A. Gošić, B. Zečević, M. Petronijević, V. Kostić, D. Mitić, AWM - Softver za akviziciju, prikaz i arhiviranje podataka sa digitalnih laboratorijskih mrežnih analizatora, IRC Alfatec, Niš, (
  12. I. Antov, B. Mijucić, Đ. Vukić, A. Stanković, D. Tasić, D. Antić, Digitalni laboratorijski mrežni analizator, IRC Alfatec, Niš, (
  13. P. Šećerov, T. Andrejević, M. Komazec, S. Savić, V. Nikolić, A. Stanković , Web portal za podršku odlučivanju pri proceni rizika od udesa, IRC Alfatec, Niš, ( )
  14. Radomir Stanković, Dušan Tatić, Miloš Stošić, Đorđe Manoilov, ARhiMed – Mobilni turistički arheološki vodič zanovan na tehnologiji proširene stvarnosti , CIITLab (Computational Intelligence and Information Technologies Laboratory) laboratorija Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu. , pp. 1--16
  15. Dejan Živković, The verbments package: Pretty printing source code in LaTeX , , (
  16. Zoran Ognjanović, Bojan Marinković, Nevena Milojković, Tatjana Jakšić, Marija Šegan, Katalog digitalnih kolekcija u Srbiji, Matematički institut SANU, ( )

Technological solutions M86:

  1. M. Mihaljevic, P. Maksimovic, S. Roksandic, M. Milojevic-Jevric, Analiza sadrzaja baza podataka o ostvarivanju napredne informacione bezbednosti u Cloud Computing, Studija - Kriticka Analiza, 2013
  2. M. Mihaljevic, A. Krapez, B. Marinkovic, Analiza sadrzaja baza podataka o ostvarivanju napredne informacione bezbednosti za M2M (masina-masina) komunikacije u okviru IoT (Internet of Things), Studija - Kriticka Analiza, 2013
  3. Jovanović D., Furlan B., Nikolić B., Određivanje Semantičke Sličnosti Rečenica sa Primenom u Okviru Srpskog Jezika, Elektrotehnički fakultet u Beogradu, ( )

PHD thesis of researchers

  1. Jelena Ivetić, Intersection types and resource control in the intuitionistic sequent lambda calculi, Doktorska disertacija, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Univerzitet u Novim Sadu, pp.1--196, 2013
  2. Andrea Bučalina, Komparativna analiza savremenih svetskih tokova u upravljanju investicijama u nanotehnološke proizvode, Doktorska disertacija, Megatrend univerzitet, Beograd, pp.1--283, 2013
  3. Sandra Buhmiler, Modifikacije Njutnovog postupka za rešavanje nelinearnih singularnih problema, Doktorska disertacija, Autorski reprint, 2013
  4. Aleksandra Cvetković, Performanse kooperativnih relejnih sistema u prisustvu fedinga i interferencije, Doktorska disertacija, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, pp.1--167, 2013
  5. Lazar Velimirović, Projektovanje skalarnih kompandora za srednje brzine korišćenjem splajn aproksimacija, Doktorska disertacija, Elektronski fakultet Niš, pp.1--128, 2013
  6. Aleksandar Valjarević, Dana 10.11.2012 u Nišu Aleksandar (Đorđa) Valjarević je odbranio doktorsku tezu pod nazivom "Kartografski metod u digitalizovanoj generalizaciji rečne mreže Kosova i Metohije". Imenovani je stekao pravo da bude promovisan u zvanje: Doktor nauka Geo-nauke.
  7. Velimir Ilić, Naslov: Izračunavanje kros-momenata nad probailističkim kontekstno-nezavisnim gramatikaama i probabilističkim grafičkim modelima, 2012
  8. Tibor Lukić, Regularized Problems in Image Processing. Doktorska teza. FTN, Novi Sad. Komentori: N. Sladoje, J. Lindblad
  9. Aleksandar Jevremović: Integracija sopstvenih kriptoloških sistema u standardnu računarsko-telekomunikacionu infrastrukturu, Doktorska disertacija odbranjena aprila 2011 Tema: 3D Modeling Environment (3DME)

Invited talks:

  1. N. Pržulj, ``Network mining uncovers new biology,'' Petnica International Seminar, Petnica Research Station, Serbia, August 3, 2011.
  2. N. Pržulj and Sasa Drezgic, ``Graph theory, biological networks and economic systems,'' Scientific Society of Economists Election Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, February 26, 2011.
  3. N. Pržulj, ``Graph-Theoretic Modeling of Biological Networks,'' FutureSysBio Workshop on ``Defining modelling strategies for systems biology,'' Goteborg, Sweden, January 20-21, 2011.
  4. N. Pržulj, ``Biological Networks Uncover Evolution, Disease, and Gene Functions,'' Complexity and Networks Programme workshop on ``Complexity and Networks -- Biology,'' Imperial College London, December 1, 2010.
  5. K. Vušković, Pretty Structures 2011 (serija kratkih doktorskih kurseva koju su organizovali Jack Edmoinds i Leo Libretti), Paris, France, May 2011.
  6. K. Vušković, Second Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Graphs, Bertinoro, Italy, December, 2011.
  7. Dragana Krstić, The Overview of SC Macrodiversity System Second Order Statistics Operating over Shadowed Fading Channels, Conference APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACS), International conference of the Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and Applied Mathematics (IEEEAM), Malta, September 15-18, 2010
  8. Dragana Krstić, Methods for reducing the impact of fading in mobile telecommunications, The Seventh International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2011 under InfoWare 2011, June 19-24, 2011 -- Luxembourg
  9. Milan Tuba: Ant colony optimization pheromone correction strategies, Invited plenary lecture, 2nd International Conference on Modeling and Development of Intelligent Systems (MDIS 2011), Sibiu, Romania, Sept. 29 - Oct. 02, 2011, ISSN 2067-3965, pp. 291-298, "Lucian Blaga" University Press, 2011
  10. Zoran P. Stajić, Aleksandar Janjić, Zoran Simendić: Power quality and electrical energy losses as a key drivers for smart grid platform development, Proceedings of the 15th WSEAS International Conference on Systems, Recent Researches in System science, Corfu Island, Greece, July 14-16, 2011, pp. 417-422. ISSN: 1792-4235, ISBN: 978-1-61804-023-7
  11. Aleksandar Janjić, Zoran P. Stajić, Ivan Radović: Power Quality in Smart Grid Environment Serbian Case Studies, Proceedings of the 15th WSEAS International Conference on Systems, Recent Researches in System science, Corfu Island, Greece, July 14-16, 2011, pp. 423-428, ISSN: 1792-4235, ISBN: 978-1-61804-023-7
  12. Dragan Antić, Darko Mitić, Zoran Jovanović, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Saša Nikolić: On Anti-lock Braking System Sliding Mode Control Techniques, Proceedings of the Special International Conference on Complex Systems: Sinergy of Control, Communications and Computing, COSY 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia, September 16.-20., 2011, pp. 369-380. (ISBN: 978-9989-2175-8-6), ETAI -- The Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation, and Informatics of the Republic of Macedonia.
  13. Savić, S., Janaćković, G., Stanković, M., Maintenance Strategy Selection Based on Hibrid AHP-GP Model, in: Proceedings Safety of Technical Systems in Living and Working Environment -- STS 2011 Faculty of Occupational Safety, Nis, October 27-28, 2011, pp. 113-118.
  14. Nikolić, V. (2011). Savremena poslovna organizacija kao organizacija koja uči u funkciji bezbednosti radne i životne sredine, Znornik radova sa VI naučne konferencije ÔÇÖÔÇÖMenadžment i sigurnostÔÇÖÔÇÖ M&S2011, Hrvatsko društvo inženjera sigurnosti, Visoka škola za sigurnost s pravom javnosti, Zagreb. (uvodno predavanje -- rad po pozivu )str.268-283
  15. Jelić M, Stanković M, Various Approaches in Quality Audit Implementation,, 2nd International Conference -+Life Cycle Engineering and Management-½ - ICDQM-2011, Research Center of Dependability and Quality Management -- DQM, Prijevor, plenary lecture, Proceedings, Ljubiša Papić, ISBN 978-86-86355-06-5, COBISS.SR-ID 184392716, Belgrade, June 2011, pp. 28-33 rad po pozivu
  16. Vladan Vučković, Predavanje po pozivu, "Computer Simulation and 3D modeling of the original patents of Nikola Tesla", Fakultat fur Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Illmenau, Germany, Firts lecture on 25.10.2011., Doctoral Seminar, N2010, (auth. Dr Hartmut Brauer) shedule at:, Second lecture on TFT section, on 28.10.2011. (auth. Prof. Dr Hannes Tofer).
  17. Vladan Vučković, 3-D Modeling and Simulation of the TeslaÔÇÖs Wireless Controlled Boat (Invited Paper) Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium Nikola Tesla Belgrade, November 23, 2011. pg. 37-44, ISBN 978-86-7466-421-6

Other results:

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