(i) Equal-shaped division

Many of the shapes obtained by equal-shaped division can be appreciated as they are. But, there are many cases in which the design becomes better by selecting the boundary lines of adjoining shapes.

In addition to the clear and ordered feelings coming from the dividable structures, elements of variation from the differences in the areas and the shapes are added. KOHSEI (Basic Art & Design) which have variations of this order appear as Figures 193 and 194.


(ii) Equal area division

After a space is divided into equal areas, some parts of the dividing lines are erased, and the fusion and consolidation of the shapes is attempted.

Although these will result in shapes with various amounts of area, the ratios of the area are integers such as 1:2:3. Therefore, the clear images of the shapes are maintained. The ordered relationships between the numbers which can be simply divided is an element to give a person who sees the work pleasure. (Figs. 195, 196). Though it is an effective method for changing the width and shape of the dividing lines, it is also important to avoid too many modifications.





Figure 193: Free composition based on equal-shaped division.
Figure 194: Composition based on equal-shaped division (see color illustration 9).
Figure 195: Free composition based on equal-area division.
Figure 196: Free composition based on equal-area division (see color illustration 10).