Eventually, though in the left side of the window frame the oblique parallels appear to be located behind the vertical ones, it is designated that the oblique lines, at the upper and lower side of the window frame, are on the same level as the verticals. The phenomena like this are found here and there, producing the complicated perception of space to the picture.

In Figure 118, the stripe lines of deep gray color run across the white circles. How do you interpret the top-and-bottom relation of the circles, now in sight and now out of sight behind the stripes?

(2) Contacting arrangement

Figure 120 is made from Figure 119 unit. In spite of this, Figure 120 has such a surprising transformation that one cannot remember the former shape. What is the cause of this?

To arrange a shape adjacent to another means that there exists the part at which the outline of the shape lies upon the other. At the very part, both of the shapes lose their border lines. In short, the shapes are combined and fused into one. In the case of the shape which consists of lines or involves much interspace, it is likely to remain unchanged even after the fusion of units. In contrast, you can get such a big change in shape that it is hard to recognize the former shape when painting all over with the same color or making the area of the merging part of shapes large.

One of the good points in the osculating arrangement is that you can enjoy the appearance of an unexpectedly new shape.






Figure 119.
Figure 120: A figure made from Figure 119 unit in the oscilating composition.
Figure 121, 123: The interspace adjoined and surrounded by the arrow-units
                                 has the shape of an arrow or a cross. 
Figure 122: The envelope curve made of circumscribed similar circles creates a spiral shape.