2.1 Uniform tessellations
From sets of regular polygons one can construct uniform tessellations, in which the same arrangement of polygons occurs at each vertex. The example shown is unselfreflexible or cheiral, that is to say it differs from its mirror image. Uniform tessellations can also be constructed from 12-sided coins.

2.2 Matt’s Bricks
In three dimensions the commonest building blocks are cubical or rectangular, but other types are more attractive. A toy, “Matt’s Bricks” (designed and made by the author in 1952 for Matthew Hinton, as a present on his sixth birthday), consists of coloured tetrahedra and octahedra in similarly shaped boxes. The blocks can easily be made from painted cardboard.

2.3 Stellations of regular polyhedra
Other examples of other polyhedra constructed in this way include the five regular polyhedra and their stellations, some of which are cheiral.

2.4 Compound polyhedra
Symmetric combinations of the regular polyhedra include the “2-dodecahedra” and “2 icosahedra” (which have cubic symmetry); “3-cubes,” “3-octahedra” and “6-tetrahedra;” “4-cubes,” “4-octahedra” and “8-tetrahedra,” and the well-known “5-cubes,” “5-octahedra” and “10-tetrahedra.”

2.5 Wire models, and their construction
There is another method of construction which is essentially simpler. The only material used is garden wire, and the only tool is a pair of pliers. A cuboctahedron, for example, is constructed from 4 hexagonal rings, which hold together through their springiness. Such models have been made of all the uniform polyhedra. Examples include the “snub” uniform polyhedra, some of which are unselfreflexible.

2.6 Flexible models: degrees of freedom
An interesting and delightful toy consists of a set of wooden rods and flexible (plastic) joints. With this one can construct polyhedra which are either “just stiff,” or which have a certain number of degrees of freedom. After removing 6 of the edges of a stiff icosahedron in a cubically symmetric way, the structure can be made to expand into a cuboctahedron or to collapse into an octahedron or even further into a flat triangle. Further, one can construct a flexible ring of 6 or more tetrahedra which can be used to demonstrate a generalization of Euler’s theorem on the number of faces, edges and vertices of any convex polyhedron.

2.7 A model of DNA
From the toy “Playsticks” one can construct a double helix with cross-links, which illustrates the structure of DNA, the molecule that carries most of the genetic information in living cells.