The second layer of the strategy was:


First of all I would like to point out that I consider human perception as a complex process. It is always active and based on the interaction of the outer and the internal received data and the nervous capacity. I gave priority one perception principle, which could help me to implement my intention taking consideration of the fact that our visual sensors register holistic images embraced in the perception zone. It means “Simultaneous perception”. To perceive matters together are not only possible but it is a necessity. If it wouldn’t be so than our chance for surviving would be doubtful. The simultaneous perception occurs subsequently with sequences and segments since the surroundings and/or the observer are under motion, and our brain integrates the parts as a whole thereafter. Let’s take a walk in a city. None of us can register the city holistically. Our brain generates the sensation about it. This means that we perceive images holistically by fragments and our brain integrates and/or substitutes the missing parts. I decided that the exhibited pictures, three-dimensional sculptures and the installations should be based on of this perception principle and the combination of vision in motion and the multi-viewpoints of vision.