The third layer was:


From the first and the second layers derived the answer for the question:

What kind of visual language I should apply to reach my final aim?

The answer was obvious. The form elements should be organised so that they can be visible simultaneously. How can I manage to do it? I had to search the possibilities and I selected transparency. In painting I made illusions about spacey situations and I used glass material and string in the real space. Since things are in motion the next question was how could I simulate motion without physical movement of the forms? I applied segmented images. Segmented images are spaced so that the observers need more time and frequently motion to perceive the segmented forms. It generates motion indication. The applied images can vary in two and more than two dimensions. The more than two dimension predicts the possibilities to deal with three, four and higher graded dimension. I did it so when I developed the sixteen dimensional painting and the seventeen dimensional twin spaces as an installation measured by 270x250x200cm.