Djordje M. Kadijevich

Personal Page


Djordje M. Kadijevich, Independent scholar, Belgrade, Serbia

Before retiring in March 2024, he has worked for more than ten years at the Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade, Serbia, where he conducts research in mathematics, informatics, and statistics education. He is principal research fellow of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; this research title (the highest one in Serbia) was obtained in 2006.


Kadijevich, Dj. M., Angeli, C., & Schulte, C. (Eds.). (2013).
Improving Computer Science Education.
New York and London: Routledge. See details

A review of this book can be found here, copy.

Orcid Record

Google Scholar Citation Record

Author/Cited Author in SpringerLink

Education and Degrees

BSc in mathematics (1981): Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Belgrade

MSc in mathematics (1986): Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Belgrade

PhD in informatics (1995): Technical Faculty “M. Pupin”, University of Novi Sad

PhD in mathematics education (2004): Faculty of Education, University of Joensuu, Finland

Collaborations and Cooperation

As scholar of the Danish Ministry of Education and the Danish Research Academy, I spent a year (1992-93)at the Department of Computer Sciences (DIKU), University of Copenhagen, where I studied computer assisted learning of mathematics.  In 2004, by using the TEMPUS grant IMG-SCG3018-200, I spent two weeks at Faculty of Education, University of Joensuu, where I studied the same topic. I also gave lectures at the University of Joensuu, Finland (2002, 2004), Eötvos Lorand University, Hungary (2005), and Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany (2020).

Co-Authors and Collaborators
I have worked with the following people: Charoula Angeli (Cyprus), Miriam Amit (Israel), Petar Brkić (Serbia), Lenni Haapasalo (Finland), Jozef Hvorecky (Slovakia), Dragan Janjetović (Serbia), Verka Jovanović (Serbia), Vlasta Kokol-Voljc (Slovenia), Ioannis Kordonis (Greece), László Béla Kovács (Hungary), Petar Kenderov (Bulgaria), Zora Krnjaić (Serbia), Zsolt Lavicza (Hungary/UK), Sandra R. Madden (USA), Slavica Maksić (Serbia), Joanna Mamona Downs (Greece), Bogoljub Marinković (Serbia), Milosav Marjanović (Serbia), Adam Marlewski (Poland), Ivana Mijatović (Serbia), Goran Opačić (Serbia), Charsten Schulte (Germany), Max Stephens (Australia), and Mary Webb (UK).

Professional Activities

Editorial Responsibilities / Refereeing
I have been doing refereeing for the journals "Computers & Education", "Journal for Research in Mathematics Education",  and "Journal of Educational Computing Research ", and for the conferences ICCE2005 (13th International Conference on Computers in Education; November 28-December 2, 2005, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), DES-TIME-2006 (Dresden International Symposium on Technology and its Integration into Mathematics Education, July 20-23, 2006, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany), CERME 5(5th Congress of European society for Research in Mathematics Education, February 22-26, 2007, Larnaka, Cyprus), TIME (Technology and its Integration into Mathematics Education) conferences in 2010 and 2012, and 12th Serbian Mathematical Congress (section "Mathematical education and history of mathematics"), 28 August - 2 September, 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Member of the Editorial Board of the following journals: “Journal of Computer Assisted Learning” (2004-) and “The Teaching of Mathematics” (2000-2007).

Congress Organization
I served as a member of the Programme committee for 9th ACDCA Summer Academy arranged within the DES-TIME-2006 conference in 2006 and TIME conferences in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016, member of the Program commitee for section "Mathematical education and history of mathematics" at 12th Serbian Mathematical Congress in 2008, Scientific committee member for CAD-GME (Central and Eastern European Conferences on Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education) in 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016, a co-organizer of Working Group 14 “Advanced Mathematical Thinking” at CERME 5 in 2007, member of Program and Organizing committees for ISDTF 2011 Conference arranged by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Program committee member for all eLearning conferences.

Conference Participation
2ndMediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education, Nicosia-Cyprus, 7-9 January 2000;
Exam Questions and Basic Skills in Technology-Supported Mathematics Teaching, Portoroz-Slovenia, 2-5 July 2000;
One Hundred Years of L'Enseignement Mathematique: Moments of Mathematics Education in the 20th Century, Geneva-Switzerland, 20-22 October 2000;
TIMSS 2003 3rd NRC Meeting, Madrid-Spain, 9-14 December 2001;
2nd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at the Undergraduate Level, Hersonissos, Crete-Greece, 1-6 July 2002;
Vienna International Symposium on Integrating Technology into Mathematics Education, Vienna-Austria, 10-13 July 2002;
Annual Symposium of The Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association, Joensuu-Finland, 27-28 September 2002;
ICMI Study 14: Applications and Modelling in Mathematics Education, Dortmund-Germany, 13-17 February 2004;
10thInternational Conference on Mathematical Education (ICME-10),Copenhagen-Denmark, 4-11 July 2004;
EuroMath Meeting, Innsbruck-Austria, 7-9 October 2004;
Annual Symposium of The Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association, Oulu-Finland, 25-26 November 2004;
ICMI Study 16: Challenging Mathematics in and Beyond the Classroom, Trondheim-Norway, 27 June-3 July 2006;
Dresden International Symposium on Technology and its Integration into Mathematics Education, Dresden-Germany, 20-23 July 2006;
CAME 5 Symposium, Pécs-Hungary, 19-20 June 2007;
First Central and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education , Pécs-Hungary, 20-23 June 2007;
General Meeting of TEMPUS 2006 TEMIT Project, Borovetz-Bulgaria, 11-14 April 2008;
Expert Meeting of TEMPUS 2006 TEMIT Project, Jena-Germany, 4-8 June 2008;
Joint ICMI/IASE Study: Statistics Education in School Mathematics: Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Training, Monterrey-Mexico, 30 June-4 July 2008;
11thInternational Conference on Mathematical Education (ICME-11), Monterrey-Mexico, 6-13 July 2008;
CAME 6 Symposium, Belgrade-Serbia, 16-17 July 2009;
8thInternational Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS8), Ljubljana-Slovenia, 11-16 July 2010;
CASIO Pan European Educational Conference - Use of Electronic Tools in Maths Examinations, Warsaw-Poland, 8-10 October 2010;
Joint ICMI/ICIAM Study - Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry, Lisbon-Portugal, 11-15 October 2010;
Improving Specific Subject Didactics at the Teacher Training Faculties (ISDTF 2011), Belgrade-Serbia, 20-21 October 2011;
CASIO Pan European Educational Conference - Evaluating Technology in Lesson Projects, Brussels-Belgium, 21-23 October 2011;
TIME (Technology and its Integration in Mathematics Education) 2012, Tartu-Estonia, 10-14 July 2012;
IASE 2016 Roundtable Conference, Berlin-Germany, 19-22 July 2016;
Symposium "Mathematics and Education: Learning, technology, assessment", Hamburg-Germany, 23 July 2016;
ICMI General Assembly (as the representative of Serbia), Hamburg-Germany, 24 July 2016;
13thInternational Conference on Mathematical Education (ICME-13), Hamburg-Germany, 24-31 July 2016;
CASIO Pan European Educational Conference - Connecting Life, Math, and Everything with Technology, Vienna-Austria, 7-9 October 2016;
Challenges and Innovations in Statistics Education, Szeged-Hungary, 7-9 September 2017;
EDUsummIT 2017: Rethinking learning in a digital age, Borovetz-Bulgaria, 18-20 September 2017;
CASIO Pan European Educational Conference - Exploring Mathematics with Technology, Budapest-Hungary, 13-15 October 2017;
IFIP TC3 - Open Conference on Computers in Education: Empowering learners for life in the digital age, Linz-Austria, 25-28 June 2018;
ICMI Study 24: School Mathematics Curriculum Reforms: Challenges, Changes and Opportunities, Tsukuba-Japan, 25-30 November 2018;
8th European Congress of Mathematics (MS-Mathematics in Education), Portorož-Slovenia, 20-26 June 2021;
14thInternational Conference on Mathematical Education (ICME-14), Shanghai-China, 11-18 July 2021;
14thInternational Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives (ISSEP 2021), Nijmegen-the Netherlands, 3-5 November 2021;
World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE 2022), Hiroshima-Japan, 21-24 August 2022.


Research Areas
Mathematics, informatics and statistics education. Using humanistic, technologically-supported learning environments studied by quantitative research.

Research Projects
I am involved in the research projects funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

Selected Publications

     Last publications

▪ * Kadijevich, D. M., Gutvajn, N., & Ljubojevic, D. (2024). Fostering twenty-first century digital skills by the means of educational platforms in the times of COVID-19. Interactive Learning Environments, 32, 7, 3388--3397. Available at:

▪ Kadijevich, D. M. (2023). Computational/algorithmic thinking in school mathematics. In Hujdurovic, A. et al. (Eds.), European Congress of Mathematics, Portoroz, 20-26 June 2021 (pp. 749-769). Berlin: EMS Press. Available at:

▪ Four co-authored chapters in book
Shimizu, Y., & Vithal, R. (Eds.) (2023). Mathematics curriculum reforms around the world. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Available at:

▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M., Masliković, D., & Tomić, B. M. (2022). Familiarity with state regulations regarding access to information for persons with disabilities in Serbia. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 69, 5, 1715-1725.

▪ Kadijevich, Dj. M., Ljubojevic, D., & Gutvajn, N. (2022). What kind of e-assessment feedback is important to students? An empirical study. In Passey D., Leahy, D., Williams, L., Holvikivi, J., & Ruohonen, M. (Eds.), Digital transformation of education and learning – Past, present and future. OCCE 2021. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 642, 261-273.

▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2021). First programming course in business studies: Content, approach, and achievement. In Barendsen, E., & Chytas, C. (Eds.), Informatics in schools. Rethinking computing education. ISSEP 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1305, 45–56.

▪ Stephens, M., & Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2020). Computational/algorithmic thinking. In Lerman, S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of mathematics education (pp. 117–123). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

▪ Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2020). Interactive displays: Use of interactive charts and dashboards in education. In Tatnall A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of education and information technologies (pp. 968--973). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M., Masliković, D., & Tomić, B. M., (2020). Dataset regarding access to information for persons with disabilities in Serbia. Data in Brief, 32, 106309.

▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2020). Data science for novice students: A didactic approach to data mining using neural networks. The Teaching of Mathematics, 23, 2, 90–101.

▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M., & Stephens, M. (2020). Modern statistical literacy, data science, dashboards, and automated analytics and its applications. The Teaching of Mathematics, 23, 1, 71–80.

* Covered by Web of Science

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▪ Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2019). Cultivating computational thinking through data practice. In Passey, D., Bottino, R., Lewin, C., & Sanchez, E. (Eds.), Empowering learners for life in the digital age (pp. 24–33). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2019). Participation in online cooperative professional development: Factors to consider and activities to practice. The Teaching of Mathematics, XXII, 2, 49-57. Internet:
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2019). Influence of TIMSS research on the mathematics curriculum in Serbia: Educational stardards in primary education. The Teaching of Mathematics, XXII, 1, 33-41. Internet:
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2018). Data modelling using interactive charts. The Teaching of Mathematics, XXI, 2, 55-72. Internet:
▪ * Webb, M. E., Prasse, D., Phillips, M., Kadijevich, Dj. M., Angeli, C., Strijker, A., Carvalho, A. A., Andresen, B. B., Dobozy, E., & Laugesen, H. (2018). Challenges for IT-enabled formative assessment of complex 21st century skills. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 23, 3, 441-456. Internet:
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2018). Relating procedural and conceptual knowledge. The Teaching of Mathematics, XXI, 1, 15-28. Internet:
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M. et al. (2016). Using ICT and quality of life: comparing persons with and without disabilities. In K. Miesenberger et al. (Eds.): ICCHP 2016: Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Part I (pp. 129-133). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9758. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Internet:
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2015). A dataset from TIMSS to examine the relationship between computer use and mathematics achievement. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46, 5, 984-987.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. M. & Madden, S. R. (2015). Comparing approaches for developing TPCK. In Khine, M. S. (Ed.), New directions in technological pedagogical content knowledge research: Multiple perspectives (pp. 125-146). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. M., Zakelj, A., & Gutvajn, N. (2015). Explaining differences for Serbia and Slovenia in mathematics achievement in fourth grade. Nastava i vaspitanje, LXIV, 1, 21-38. Internet:
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2014). Neglected critical issues of effective CAS utilization. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 61&62, 85-99.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. M., Angeli, C., & Schulte, C. (Eds.). (2013). Improving Computer Science Education. New York and London: Routledge. See details
▪ * Mijatovic, I., Cudanov, M., Jednak, S., & Kadijevich, Dj. M. (2013). How the usage of learning management systems influences student achievement. Teaching in Higher Education, 18, 5, 506-517.
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. (2013). Inappropriate use of spreadsheets in the finance Industry. In Damlamian, A., Rodrigues, J.F. & Straser, R. (Eds.), Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry (pp. 403-412). New York: Springer.
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. (2012). Examining errors in simple spreadsheet modeling from different research perspectives. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 47, 2, 137-153..
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. (2012). TPCK framework: assessing teachers' knowledge and designing courses for their professional development. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43, 1, E28-30.
▪ Marjanovic, M., Kadijevic, Dj., Jokic, S., & Vuco, J. (Eds.) (2011). The Book of Abstracts (ISDTF 2011). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (pp. 59).
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2010). Improving research in statistics education. In C. Reading (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Slovenia, July 11-16, 2010 (on CD). International Association for Statistics Education.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2010). Using spreadsheets in the finance industry. In A. Araújo, A. Fernandes, A. Azevedo and J. F. Rodrigues (Eds.), Proceedings of the EIMI 2010 Conference: Educational Interfaces Between Mathematics and Industry (pp. 311-320). Coimbra, Portugal: Centro Internacional de Matemática.

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▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2009). Simple spreadsheet modeling by first-year business undergraduate students: Difficulties in the transition from real world problem statement to mathematical model. In M. Blomhøj & S. Carreira (Eds.), Mathematical applications and modeling in the teaching and learning of mathematics: Proceedings from Topic Group 21 at the 11th International Congress on mathematical Education, Mexico, July 6-13, 2008 (pp. 241-248). Roskilde University, Denmark: Department of Science, Systems and Models (IMFUFA tekst nr. 461/2009).
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2009). Critical issues of improving computer algebra systems. In Dj. Kadijevich & R. M. Zbiek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th CAME Symposium (pp. 25-29). Belgrade: Megatrend.
▪ Kokol-Voljc, V., Kadijevich, Dj., & Haapasalo, L. (2009). CAS-based task requirements and critical activities in completing them. In Dj. Kadijevich & R. M. Zbiek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th CAME Symposium (pp. 31-34). Belgrade: Megatrend.
▪ * Bergsten, C., Grevholm, B, Favilli, F., N. Bednarz, J. Proulx, D. Mewborn, P. Johnson, T. Rowland, A. Thwaites, P. Huckstep, L. DeBlois, J.-F. Maheux, O. Chapman, L. M. Rosu, B. Arvold, U. Gellert, G. Krummheuer, J. Skott, K. G. Garegae, P. A. Chakalisa, D. Kadijevich, L. Haapasalo, J. Hvorecky, A. Carneiro Abrahão, A. T. de Carvalho Correa de Oliveira, J. Novotná, M. Hofmannová, D. Tirosh, and P. Tsamir (2009). Learning to teach mathematics: Expanding the role of practicum as an integrated part of a teacher education programme. In R. Even & D. L. Ball (Eds.), The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics (pp. 57-70). New York: Springer.
▪ * Freiman, V., Kadijevich, Dj., Kuntz, G., Pozdnyakov, S., & Stedøy, I. (2009). Technological environments beyond the classroom. In E. J. Barbeau & P. Taylor (Eds.), Challenging Mathematics In and Beyond the Classroom: The 16th ICMI Study (pp. 97-131). New York: Springer.
▪ * Kenderov, P., Rejali, A., Bartolini Bussi, M. G., Pandelieva, V., Richter, K., Maschietto, M., Kadijevich, Dj., & Taylor, P. (2009). Challenges beyond the Classroom - Sources and organizational issues. In E. J. Barbeau & P. Taylor (Eds.), Challenging Mathematics In and Beyond the Classroom: The 16th ICMI Study (pp. 53-96). NewYork: Springer.
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. & Haapasalo, L. (2008). Factors that influence student teacher's interest to achieve educational technology standards. Computers & Education, 50, 1, 262-270.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj., Kokol-Voljc, V. & Lavicza, Z. (2008). Towards a suitable designed instruction on statistical reasoning: Understanding sampling distribution with technology. In C. Batanero, G. Burrill, C. Reading & A. Rossman (Eds.), Proceedings of the ICMI Study 18 Conference and IASE 2008 Round Table Conference, ITESM, Monterrey, México (on CD). International Commision on Mathematical Instruction & International Association for Statistics Education.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2008). Which kind of creativity may be attained by most students? In E. Velikova & A. Andzes (Eds.), Proceedings of the Discussion Group 9: Promoting Creativity for All Students in Mathematics Education, at the 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education (pp. 62-68). Rousse, Bulgaria: University of Rousse.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2008). TIMSS 2003: Relating dimensions of mathematics attitude to mathematics achievement. Zbornik instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja, 40, 2, 327-346.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2007). Towards relating procedural and conceptual knowledge by CAS (invited presentation at CAME 5). Internet:
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. (2007). Towards a wider implementation of mathematical modelling at upper secondary and tertiary levels. In W. Blum, P. Galbraith, H.-W. Henn & M. Niss (Eds.), Modelling and Applications in Mathematics Education (pp. 349-356). New York: Springer.
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. (2006). Achieving educational technology standards: the relationship between student teacher's interest and institutional support offered. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 22, 4, 437-443.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2006). Coordinating the process and object features of mathematical knowledge by CAS. In Böhm, J. (Ed.), Tagungsband: DES-TIME-2006 (on a CD). Linz, Austria: bk teachware.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2006). Developing trustworthy TIMSS background measures: A case study on mathematics attitude. The Teaching of Mathematics, 9, 2, 41-51. Internet:
▪ Kadijević, Đ. & Marinković, B. (2006). Challenging mathematics by "Archimedes". The Teaching of Mathematics, 9, 1, 31-39.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj., Haapasalo, L. & Hvorecky, J. (2005). Using technology in applications and modelling. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 24, 2-3, 114-122.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2005). Towards basic standards for research in mathematics education. The Teaching of Mathematics, 8, 2, 73-81. Internet:
▪ Jovanović, V., Kadijević, Đ. (2005). Kako uspesnije poslovati pomoću GIS-a? U J. Vuleta & M. Backović (Ur.), SYM-OP-IS 2005 - Zbornik Radova (str. 654-647). Beograd: Ekonomski fakultet.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj., Haapasalo, L. & Hvorecky, J. (2005). Educational technology standards in professional development of mathematics teachers: an international study. The Teaching of Mathematics, 8, 1, 47-52. Internet:
▪ Kadijevich, Dj.(2004). Improving mathematics education: neglected topics and further research directions. University of Joensuu: Publications in Education: No. 101.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2004). Impact of writing about mathematics in a humanistic context on mathematical self-concept. Annals of the Institute for Educational Research, 36, 122-128.
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. (2004). Some aspects of visualizing geometric knowledge: possibilities, findings, further research. In N. Bokan, M. Djorić, A. Fomenko, Z. Rakić & J. Wess (Eds.), Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics. Proceedings of the Workshop Belgrade, Yugoslavia 15 - 21 May 2002 (pp. 277-283). Singapore: World Scientific.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. & Haapasalo, L. (2004). Mathematics teachers as multimedia lessons designers. In J. B. Lagrange, M. Artigue, D. Guin, C. Laborde, D. Lenne & L. Trouche (Eds.), Actes du Colloque Européen ITEM Reims 20-22 juin 2003 (on CD). Reims, France: IUFM.
▪ Haapasalo, L. & Kadijevich, Dj. (2004). Simultaneous activation of conceptual and procedural mathematical knowledge by means of CLASSPAD. In J. B. Lagrange, M. Artigue, D. Guin, C. Laborde, D. Lenne & L. Trouche (Eds.), Actes du Colloque Européen ITEM Reims 20-22 juin 2003 (on CD). Reims, France: IUFM.
▪ Kadijević, Đ. (2004). What factors may influence collaborative problem solving performance? The Teaching of Mathematics, 7, 2, 95-101.
▪ Kadijević, Đ., Marinković, B. & Brkić, P. (2004). How successful is mathematics education in Serbia according to the TIMSS 2003 primary results and what should be done to improve it? The Teaching of Mathematics, 7, 1, 53-60. Internet:
▪ Kadijević, Đ. (2004). Matematičko misljenje: opsta ili posebna pravila zaključivanja? U Milanović-Nahod, S. i N. Saranović-Bozanović (Urd.), Znanje i postignuće (str. 189-202). Beograd: Institut za pedagoska istrazivanja.
▪ Jovanović, V. & Kadijević, Đ. (2004). Modelling by GIS. In S. Vujić (Ed.), Proceedings of XXXI Symposium on Operational Research (pp. 113-116). Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade: Department of Computer Application.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2004). How to attain a wider implementation of mathematical modelling in everyday mathematics education? In Henn, H-W. & Blum, W. (Eds.), ICMI Study 14: Applications and Modelling in Mathematics Education (pp. 133-138). Dortmund, Germany: University of Dortmund.
▪ Haapasalo, L. & Kadijevich, Dj. (2003). Using innovative technology for revitalizing formal and informal mathematics: a special view on the interplay between procedural and conceptual knowledge. The Teaching of Mathematics, 6, 2, 81-89. Internet:
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2003). Linking procedural and conceptual knowlede. In L. Haapasalo & K. Sormunen(Eds.), Towards Meaningful Mathematics and Science Education. Proceedings on the XIX Symposium of the Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association (pp. 21-28). University of Joensuu, Finland: Bulletins of the Faculty of Education (no. 86).
▪ Kadijevich, Dj., Amit, M., Haapasalo, L. & Marlewski, A. (2003). Ninth-grade students' mathematical self-concept: an international study. In A. Gagatsis & S. Papastavridis (Eds.), 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Mathematical Education: Mathematics in the modern world, mathematics and didactics, mathematics and life, mathematics and society (pp. 419-427). Athens, Nicosia: Hellenic Mathematical Society & Cyprus Mathematical Society.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. & Krnjaic, Z. (2003). Is cognitive style related to link between procedural and conceptual mathematical knowledge? The Teaching of Mathematics, 6, 2, 91-95. Internet:
▪ Kadijevich, Dj., Maksic, S. & Kordonis, I. (2003). Procedural and conceptual mathematical knowledge: comparing mathematically talented with other students. In E. Velikova (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students (pp. 103-108). Athens, Greece: V-publications.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. & Janjetovich, D. (2003). Gender, computer experience and achievements in mathematics and science: a seventh grade TIMSS pilot study. U M. Danilović i S. Popov (Urd.), Tehnologija, informatika, obrazovanje, 2 (str. 92-95). Beograd, Novi Sad: Institut za pedagoska istrazivanja & Centar za razvoj i primenu nauke, tehnologije i informatike.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2003). Examining mathematics attitude in a TIMSS 2003 pilot research. Annals of the Institute for Educational Research, 35, 63-75.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2003). Basic requirements for the design and assessment of a computer-based course on mathematical modelling. In N. Mladenović & Đ. Dugosija (Urd.), SYM-OP-IS 2003 - Zbornik radova (str. 485-488). Beograd: Matematički institut SANU.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2002). TIMSS 2003 mathematics cognitive domains. Annals of the Institute for Educational Research, 34, 96-102.
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. (2002). An Internet-based collaborative environment for the learning of mathematics. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18, 1, 48-50.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2002). Towards a CAS promoting links between procedural and conceptual mathematical knowledge. The International Journal of Computer Algebra in Mathematics Education, 9, 1, 69-74.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2002). Four crtitical issues of applying educational technology standards to professional development of mathematics teachers. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Teaching of Mathematics (on a CD). Crete, Greece: University of Crete.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2002). Developing multimedia lessons in the pre-service development of mathematics teachers. In Mendez-Vilas, A., Gonzales, J.A.M. & Solo de Zaldivar, I. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ICTE2002), Vol. I (pp. 460-463). Badajoz, Spain: Consejeria de Educacion, Ciencia y Tecnologia, Junta de Extremadura.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2002). Are quantitative and qualitative reasoning related? A ninth-grade pilot study on multiple proportion. The Teaching of Mathematics, 5, 2, 91-98.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2002). Promoting P-C links by CAS: present state, limitations and improvements. In J. Böhm (Ed.), VISIT-ME-2002, Proceedings of the Vienna International Symposium on Integrating Technology in Mathematics Education (CD). Hagenberg, Austria: bk teachware.
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. & Haapasalo, L. (2001). Linking procedural and conceptual mathematical knowledge through CAL. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17, 2, 156-165.
▪ Marjanovic, M. & Kadijevich, Dj. (2001). Identification Games in Early Mathematics Education. EduMath, 12, 26-34.
▪ Marjanovic, M. & Kadijevich, Dj. (2001). Linking Arithmetic to Algebra. In Chick, H., Stacey, K. Vincent, J. & Vincent, J, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th ICMI Study Conference The Future of the Teaching and Learning Algebra (Vol. 2, pp. 425-429). University of Melbourne: Department of Science and Mathematics Education.
▪ Haapasalo, L. & Kadijevich, Dj. (2000). Two types of mathematical knowledge and their relation. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, 21, 2, 139-157.
▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. (2000). Gender differences in computer attitude among ninth-grade students. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 22, 2, 145-154.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2000). LISD approach. Facta Universitatis (Series: Philosophy and Sociology), 2, 7, 357-365.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2000). An internet-based collaborative environment for the learning of mathematics. In Gagatsis, A. & Makrides, G. (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education (pp. 184-188). Nicosia: Cyprus Mathematical Society & Cyprus Pedagogical Institute.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2000). Can procedural and conceptual mathematical knowledge be linked through computer assisted learning? In Kokol-Voljc, V., Kutzler, B. Lokar, M. & Palcic, J. (Eds.), Exam Questions & Basic Skills in Technology-Supported Mathematics Teaching (Proceedings Portoroz 2000) (pp.97-100). Hagenberg, Austria: bk teachware.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (2000). Representativity, reliability, homogeneity and validity of Selwyn's computer attitude scale for 16-19 education. Psihologija, 33, 3/4, 491-498.

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▪ * Kadijevich, Dj. (1999). An approach to learning mathematics through knowledge engineering. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 15, 4, 291-301.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (1999). What may be neglected by an application-centred approach to mathematics education? A personal view. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 7, 1, 29-39.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (1999). Conceptual tasks in mathematics education. The Teaching of Mathematics, 2, 1, 59-64. Internet:
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (1998). Can Mathematics Students be Successful Knowledge Engineers? Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 9, 3/4, 235-248.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (1998). Promoting the Human Face of Geometry in Mathematical Teaching at the Upper Secondary Level. Research in Mathematical Education, 2, 1, 21-39.
▪ Opachich, G. & Kadijevich, Dj. (1997). Mathematical self-concept: An operationalization and its validity. Psihologija, 30, 4, 395-412.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (1993). Learning, Problem Solving and Mathematics Education. Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen: report 93/3.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (1991). Backtracking in Basic: How to Escape from the Labyrinth. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 10, 2, 64-73.
▪ Kadijevich, Dj. (1990). Method of False Presumption in Mathematics and Informatics. Mathematics in School, 19, 2, 44-45.

* Covered by Web of Science

My papers have often been citated in international publications (e.g., about 600 times in (Social) Science Citation Index & Web of Science; more than 1,750 times via Google Scholar).


Past Courses (2001-2014)
Business informatics, Business computer applications, Basics of modelling, Basics of web programming, Statistics (Faculty for Business Studies, Faculty of biofarming). Didactics of mathematics and computer science (BS level at Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Kragujevac); Didactics of informatics (BS level at the Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade University); Methodology of research in mathematics and computer science education, Multimedia in education (MS level at the Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade University).