(ii) Divisions using oblique lines, water rings, vortex shapes, and others

There are various methods for divisions other than the vertical and horizontal divisions.

If the progression division is used in a oblique direction, the ratio of the divided areas will be different from that of the progression used there. In other words, the distance between the dividing lines gradually increases like a progression, while the ratio of the divided area changes differently from that of the progression. But the changing ratio is regular so that the unity as a whole will not be lost. These relationships can be similarly found in the divisions using wave forms and vortex forms.





Figure 211: Gradual division using oblique lines and arithmetic progressions.
212: Gradual division using progression similar to water rings.
Figure 213, 214: Gradually  changing divisions using regularly changing direction 
                                 and sizes in a vortex shape (a mixture of water rings and vortex).