I emphasize that it is the idea of the unit method of modeling as a result of the above methods that represents the skillful way of graphic design.

In the method of overlap and osculate, interesting phenomena occur (for example, the former produces new colors and shapes by the lap printing of colors, and when the latter is exercised in line with the unit KOHSEI (Basic Art & Design), the fusion of forms and the creation of interspace occurs. In comparison with these two, the method of separate has no transformation on a large scale as shapes are arranged separately.


(1) Overlapping arrangement

There are three ways of overlapping shapes (Fig. 110).

                 (i) Combination ...    Overlapping the same color as that which is behind. The color of the
                                                   piled part is naturally the same. 
                (ii) Addition I     ...     Overlapping transparent colors. A new color is produced on the 
                                                    overlapped part. 
               (iii) Addition II    ...     Piling opaque-colored shapes. You cannot see the part of the shapes 
                                                    which are behind of others. 

Generally speaking, to pile shapes means that the background is concealed. As we usually have some experience like this, we can recognize the foreground-and-background relation and notice the top-and-bottom relation of shapes. In the case of printing, if you use colors which have coating ability, like silk-screen printing using opaque ink, you can make the structure like addition II.






Figure 111: A combination of round points (leaves the original shapes).
Figure 112: The addition of the combination overlap (leaves no original shape).
Figure 113: A combination of fine lines (creates moiré). 
Figure 114: The addition of the addition I overlap (leaves the original shapes).