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Grundy Number of chocolate games

In this section we study chocolate games using Grundy Number.
First we define Grundy number for the Chocolate that satisfy the inequality $ ky \leq z$ , where $k$ is a natural number.

Definition 4.1   Let $k$ be a natural number. For $ x,y,z \in Z_{\ge 0}$ we define $ movek(\{x,y,z\})=\{\{u,y,z \};u<x \} \cup \{\{x,v,z \};v<y \} \cup \{ \{x,\min(y, \lfloor w/k \rfloor ),w \};w<z \}$ , where $ u,v,w \in Z_{\ge 0}$ .

$ movek(\{x,y,z\})$ is the set of state that can be reached from the state $ \{x,y,z\}$ directly.

We define the function $ Mex(A)$ .


Definition 4.2   We define function $ Mex(A)$ to be the least nonnegative integer not in the set $ A$ .

Example 4.1   $ Mex({0,1,4,5,6 })=2$ , $ Mex( {1,4,5,6 })=0$ .

Next we define Grundy Number.

Definition 4.3   Let $ Gk({0,0,0}) = 0$ . For a state $ \{x,y,z\}$ we define Grundy Number recursively by
$ Gk(\{x,y,z\})= Mex(Gk(\{u,v,w\});\{u,v,w\} \in movek(\{x,y,z\}))$ .

For the detailed theory of Grundy Number see [2].

Theorem 4.1   In chocolate games a state is an L-state of the game if and only if the Grundy number of the state is 0 .

This is a well known fact of Grundy Number. For a proof see [2]. Grundy Number is an effective tool to calculate L-states in combinatorial games, since by Theorem 4.1 we calculate L-states using Grundy Number .

Next: To divide chocolates Up: Abstract and the table of contents Previous: Chocolate games for k