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Some definitions for lists of Grundy numbers.

We need definitions for lists of Grundy numbers to study the mathematical structures of Grundy numbers.

Definition 5.2   For a fixed coordinates $ \{y,z\}$ we define four lists $ L11(\{y,z\})$ , $ L12(\{y,z\})$ , $ L13(\{y,z\})$ and $ L1(\{y,z\})$ of Grundy numbers.
$ (1)$ $ L11(\{y,z\})$ $ =\{G1R(\{w,w\}),0 \leq w \leq y, w < z\}.$
These Grundy numbers are on the diagonal part of the table of Grundy numbers.
See numbers on blue rectangles in Example 5.2.
$ (2)$ $ L12(\{y,z\})$ $ =\{G1R(\{y,w\}),y < w < z\}.$
These Grundy numbers are above $ G1R(\{y,z\})$ in the table of Grundy numbers.
See numbers on red rectangles in Example 5.2.
$ (3)$ $ L13(\{y,z\})$ $ = \{G1R(\{v,z\}), 0 \leq v < y\}.$
Grundy numbers in $ L11(\{y,z\})$ are on the left side of $ G1R(\{y,z\})$ in the table of Grundy numbers.
See numbers on yellow rectangles in yellow Example 5.2.
Let $ L1(\{y,z\}) = L11(\{y,z\}) \cup L12(\{y,z\}) \cup L13(\{y,z\})$ .

Lemma 5.1   $ G1R(\{y,z\})= Mex(L1(\{y,z\}))$ , in other words $ G1R(\{y,z\})$ is the smallest number that does not belong to $ L1(\{y,z\})$ .

Proof   By Definition 4.8 $ G1R(\{y,z\}) = Mex(G1R(\{v,w\});\{v,w\} \in move1R(\{y,z\}))$ and by Definition 5.2 $ movekR(\{y,z\}) = \{\{v,z \};0 \leq v<y \} \cup \{ \{\min(y, w),w \};0\leq w<z \}$ $ =\{\{v,z \};0 \leq v<y \} \cup \{ \{y,w \};y < w < z \}$ $ \cup \{w,w \};0\leq w\leq y, w < z \}$ , where $ v,w \in Z_{\ge 0}$ . This lemma is direct from these facts.

Example 5.2   Let $ y = 8, z = 23$ . Then $ G1R(\{y,z\})$ $ =G1R(\{8,23\}) = 19$ is on the rectangle colored in green.
Grundy numbers of $ L11(\{y,z\})$ are in blue rectangles.
Grundy numbers of $ L12(\{y,z\})$ are in red rectangles.
Grundy numbers of $ L13(\{y,z\})$ are in yellow rectangles.

Figure 5.14  

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