Prigogine Prize 2025: Call for Applications

The Ilya Prigogine Prize for Thermodynamics consists of a diploma, the honour to deliver an invited talk at the next Joint European Thermodynamics Conference (JETC) and a €2,000 prize funded by the JETC organizers. It is awarded every two years to a promising researcher for their PhD thesis or equivalent. The thesis must have been defended during the two calendar years preceding the year of the JETC. All aspects and branches of thermodynamics are considered, from applied and experimental to the most theoretical. The laureate must accept to be invited to participate at the JETC with a registration waiver in person, but needs to arrange and pay for their travel and hotel expenses. More information on the application rules and deadline can be found on the official website.

The prize is traditionally awarded during the JETC where the recipient delivers a talk in person on the subject of their thesis. The applications are examined by the Selection Committee, which consists of experts in the field of thermodynamics from different European countries.

History of the Prize

The Ilya Prigogine Prize for Thermodynamics was initially established by ECAST, the European Center for Advanced Studies in Thermodynamics, and was patronized by the Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine himself while he was alive. Later on, the prize became part of the tradition of the Joint European Thermodynamics Conference (JETC) series. Over the years, applications have come for PhD theses done in 26 countries (AU, BE, BR, CA, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, HU, IE, IN, IT, LU, MX, MY, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, TR, UK, US). More information on the history of the prize can be found on the official website.

Selection Committee

Bjarne Andresen (Denmark)
University of Copenhagen

Pierre Gaspard (Belgium)
Université libre de Bruxelles

Jean-Charles de Hemptinne (France)
IFP Énergies nouvelles

Karl Heinz Hoffmann (Germany)
Chemnitz University of Technology

Signe Kjelstrup (Norway)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

J. Miguel Rubi (Spain)
University of Barcelona

Doros N. Theodorou (Greece)
National Technical University of Athens

Honorary Member
Daniel Tondeur (France)
University of Lorraine

Selection Committee Chair
Gian Paolo Beretta (Italy)
University of Brescia

Bjarne Andresen (Denmark)
University of Copenhagen

Pierre Gaspard (Belgium)
Université libre de Bruxelles

Jean-Charles de Hemptinne (France)
IFP Énergies nouvelles

Karl Heinz Hoffmann (Germany)
Chemnitz University of Technology

Signe Kjelstrup (Norway)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
J. Miguel Rubi (Spain)
University of Barcelona

Doros N. Theodorou (Greece)
National Technical University of Athens

Honorary Member
Daniel Tondeur (France)
University of Lorraine

Selection Committee Chair
Gian Paolo Beretta (Italy)
University of Brescia