ὅδε οἶκος, ὦ ἑταῖρε, μνημεῖον ἐστιν ζωῶν τῶν σοφῶν ἀνδρῶν, καὶ τῶν ἔργων αὐτῶν

Seminar for Mathematical Logic


PROGRAM Program Seminara za logiku za april 2003

Sastanci Seminara za matematicku logiku Matematickog instituta SANU odrzavace se i u 2003. godini po pravilu petkom od 16.15 sati u Biblioteci Matematickog instituta SANU na I spratu zgrade SANU, Beograd, Kneza Mihaila 35.

PETAK, 04. APRIL 2003.G. U 16.15 SATI
Milanka Bradic (Visa tehnoloska skola, Arandjelovac)
REPREZENTACIJA ELEMENTARNIH, BOGATIH I LOKALNO KONACNIH VEROVATNOSNIH CILINDRICNIH ALGEBRI (Representation of simple rich locally finite probability cylindric algebras)

Rezime: U radu se daje kriterijum za reprezentabilnost elementarnih, bogatih i lokalno konacnih verovatnosnih cilindricnih algebri, prosirujuci tako algebarsku verziju Henkinovog dokaza teoreme potpunosti za predikatski racun prvog reda na verovatnosne cilindricne algebre. S druge strane, razmatraju se dve verovatnosne logike s uobicajenim kvantifikatorima cije algebre formula pripadaju klasi lokalno konacnih verovatnosno cilindricnih algebri i primenjuju rezultati o reprezentabilnosti u njihovj metateoriji. Npr., za potpun, bogat i neprotivurecan skup S recenica u bilo kojoj od dve razamatrane logike, daju se dovoljni uslovi da S ima model i na prirodan nacin definisu se verovatnoce formula u odnosu na S.

PETAK, 11. APRIL 2003.G. U 16.15 SATI
Rados Bakic (Matematicki institut SANU, Beograd)
KONACNE GRUPE - ISTORIJA I PERSPEKTIVE (Finite groups - history and perspectives)

Rezime: Tema predavanja je pregled istorijskog razvoja teorije konacnih grupa, posebno one linije koja je dovela do klasifikacije konacnih prostih grupa kao jednog od najvaznijih rezultata algebre uopste. Takodje ce biti dat i osvrt na neke od rezultata koji se nalaze u nedavno odbranjenoj doktorskoj disertaciji predavaca iz ove oblasti.

PETAK, 18. APRIL 2003.G. U 16.15 SATI
Endre Pap (Departman za matematiku i informatiku, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu)
PRESENTATION OF HANDBOOK OF MEASURE THEORY, Ed. E. Pap, University of Novi Sad, North Holland - Elsevier, 2002, 1636 pages, 2 volumes

The main goal of this Handbook is to survey measure theory with its many different branches and its relations to other areas of mathematics. Mostly aggregating many classical branches of measure theory, the aim of the Handbook is also to cover new fields, approaches and applications which support the idea of "measure" in a wider sense, which are covered in the ninth part of the Handbook. Although chapters are written of surveys in the various areas they contain many special topics and challengimg problems valuable for experts and rich sources of inspiration. Mathematicians from other areas as well as physicists, computer scientists, engineers and econometrists will find useful results and powerful methods for their research. The Handbook contains examples of many close relations to other mathematical areas: real analysis, probability theory, statistics, egodic theory, functional analysis, potential theory, topology, SET THEORY, geometry differential equations, optimization, variational analysis, decision making and others. The Handbook is a rich source of relevant references to articles, books and lecure notes and contains extensive subject and author index. CONTENTS: 1. Classical measure theory, 2. Vector measures, 3. Integration theory, 4. Topological aspects of measure theory, 5. Order and measure theory, 6. Geometric measure theory, 7. Relation to transformation and duality, 8. RELATION TO THE FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS, 9. Non-additive measures.

PETAK, 25. APRIL 2003.G. U 16.15 SATI
Zbog Uskrsnjih praznika, sastanak Seminara nece biti odrzan

PETAK, 2. MAJ 2003.G.
Zbog Prvomajskih praznika, sastanak Seminara nece biti odrzan


Pod rukovodstvom Profesora Zarka Mijajlovica nastavlja rad SREDOM U 12 SATI u njegovom kabinetu na Matematickom fakultetu, Studentski trg 16, Seminar iz Algebarske geometrije, Komutativne algebre i Teorije brojeva.


Pod rukovodstvom Profesora Miodraga Raskovica, nastavlja rad Seminar iz Kvantnih logika PETKOM OD 15 SATI u Biblioteci Matematickog instituta SANU.

U Beogradu, 1.4.2003.

Rukovodioci seminara:
Dr. Djordje Vukomanovic i Dr. Kosta Dosen.

Azurirani programi svih seminara Matematickog instituta SANU mogu se naci na adresi www.mi.sanu.ac.yu.