Javne nabavke |
Zaštita uzbunjivaca (Zakon, podzakonski akt, Pravilnik) |
Plan upravljanja rizicima od povrede principa rodne ravnopravnosti 2023. |
Plan upravljanja rizicima od povrede principa rodne ravnopravnosti 2024-2025. |
Gender equality plan |
The innovation project LibrAIfy, the software for increasing the quality of scanned documents and optically recognized text (LibrAIfy) in the RTS (Serbian Broadcasting Corporation) show Naučni portal (5:30), Dec. 20, 2024
Calls for nominations for Annual Awards of MISANU for PhD, M.Sc., B.Sc. students for 2024 (applications are due by March 21, 2025)
A mini-course "Lectures on RX: On the forgotten definition of the homology of a space via the configuration space of charged particles" by Prof. Stephan Klaus, December 9, 10 and 12, 2024
170 Years of Pupin's Born - Scientific Meeting in Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts on November 28, 2024 (programme and abstracts)
Vesna Todorčević, research professor in MISANU, in the RTS (Serbian Broadcasting Corporation) show about the relationship between mathematics and music, Nov. 28, 2024
The new issue of the journal Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (N.S.) 116 (130) has been published
The newspaper Politika presented the conference 34th Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics held in MISANU, November 19, 2024
Silvia Ghilezan was named the recipient of the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award of the Association of University Teachers and Scientists of Vojvodina
Stevo Stević, research professor in MISANU, was elected a corresponding member of SANU, November 7th, 2024.
Zbornik Radova 21(29) published by MISANU, November 2024 (Politika, November 15)
The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Engineering organized by MISANU was presented on the scientific news program 'Naučni portal' of the Radio Television of Serbia, September, 2024
Interview with Professor Vladimir Dragović, Politika Magazin, July 7, 2024
Luka Milićević was named the recipient of the 2024 Award for Achievements in Mathematical Sciences at the 15th Serbian Mathematical Congress, June 2024
Dr Ivana Atanasovska was appointed editor of the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, June 2024
The Grand Jury Prize for International Competition at Sheffield DocFest for Maja Novakovic's "At the Door of the House, Who Will Come Knocking", June, 2024
Student internships at the Mathematical Institute SANU, June 2024
The new issue of the journal Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (N.S.) 115 (129) has been published, May 2024.
MISANU digitization projects were presented on the daily cultural newsprogram 'Kulturni dnevnik' of the Radio Television of Serbia, May 23, 2024
May Month of Mathematics, May 14 - 31, 2024
Institute PhD and Student Awards for 2023 (May 15, 2024)
Visit of MISANU's delegation to the Gymnasium in Smederevska Palanka, May 8, 2024
Mini-course "Modular Theory: How and Why" by Vojkan Jakšić in MISANU, May 10, 2024
Special course "Linear and nonlinear waves" by Teodor Vrećica in MISANU, March 20, 2024 - May, 2024
Digital heritage presentations developed by MISANU support teaching process in schools, March 2024
Researchers from MISANU, Dr Šejla Dautović and Dr Bogdan Đorđević, elected as members of the European Mathematical Society's Young Academy for the period 2024-2027, March 2024
Introduction to Number Theory and Algebraic Curves, AESIM-CIMPA School, Belgrade, September 9-20, 2024
Niš School 2024: Information, Noise and Physics of Life, Niš, June 17-28, 2024
A special session of the Seminar for Mathematical Logic celebrates World Logic Day, January 12, 2024
The new issue of the journal Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (N.S.) 114 (128) has been published, Decembar 2023.
Mini-Workshop on Entropies for Complex Processes, December 9, 2023, 15:00-18:10 CET
Calls for nominations for Annual Awards of MISANU for PhD, M.Sc., B.Sc. students for 2023 (applications are due by March 22, 2024)
Lecture Course "Groups in Geometry" by Professors T. Šukilović and S. Vukmirović in MISANU, November 21, 2023 - January, 2024
Mathematical institute in the newspaper Politika, November 3, 2023
MISANU became a member of ERCOM, September 2023
Summer school for future STEM leaders, September 15-20, 2023
Dr Baralić invited to the 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, September 2023
The second phase of the project of digitization of the sacral heritage of the Mileševa Eparchy, August 2023
Teodor Vrećica was named the recipient of the 2023 Rastko Stojanović Award (9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, July 2023)
Dr Milićević delivers an invited lecture at the conference 200 Years of Trinity Combinatorics, July 2023
Student internships at the Mathematical Institute SANU, June 2023
MISANU implemented the project “New skills for emerging industries - national IT retraining programme”, June 2023.
Institute PhD and Student Awards for 2022 (May 15, 2023)
May Month of Mathematics, May 14 - June 4, 2023.
In memoriam - Dr. Koriolan Ghilezan (April 2023)
Mika Alas Lectures 2023: Boriša Kuzeljević, An Introduction to Proofs of
Independence, room 301f, 12:15h, on Wednesdays in February - April (live streaming on the Instiutute's video platform https://miteam.mi.sanu.ac.rs)
Special Course: Mathematical Methods of Mechanics, room 301f, on Wednesdays at 16:00h, starting on March 1, 2023 during the Spring Semester.
Gallery Matica Srpska and Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts signed a protocol on cooperation, February 9th 2023.
Zbornik Radova 20(28) published by MISANU (January 2023).
A special session of the Seminar for Mathematical Logic
celebrates World Logic Day, January 13, 2023
Calls for nominations for Annual Awards of MISANU for PhD, M.Sc., B.Sc. students for 2022 (applications are due by March 24, 2023)
Online trainings in software development knowledge and skills leading to employment in the IT sector (MISANU project funded by UNDP), 2022.
Mathematical days in Novi Sad, November 18-26, 2022.
The new issue of the journal Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (N.S.) 112 (126) has been published.
Exibition "Information Security and Blockchain Technology", October 6-26, 2022 (SASA Gallery of Science and Technology)
Scientific conference "Blockchain technology and information security: Advances in applications and techniques", October 11, 2022
In memoriam - academician Vladan Đorđević (October 2022)
In memoriam - Dr. Miodrag Kapetanović (October 2022)
The Managing Board of MISANU approved the revised version of gender equality plan on June 13th, 2022 (in: Serbian, English)
In memoriam - Prof. Dr. Nenad Mladenović (May 2022)
Project AI4TrustBC OpenDay events, May, 16 and 20, 2022
Institute PhD and Student Awards for 2022 (May 25, 2022)
May Month of Mathematics, May 10 - May 31, 2022.
MISANU digitization projects presented on the Science Portal of the Radio Television of Serbia, (March 25, 2022)
MISANU became an associate partner of ARIADNEplus, a data infrastructure serving the archaeological community worldwide, March 2022
Seven members of MISANU Listed in the Stanford University's list, 2022.
Professors M. Mihaljević, S. Ghilezan and Đ. Baralić presented MISANU at EXPO 2020 DUBAI
Virtual Exhibition 75th Anniversary of MISANU published. (Google Play, App Store)
Calls for nominations for Annual Awards of MISANU for PhD, M.Sc., B.Sc.
students for 2021 (applications are due by March 25, 2022)
Calls for nominations for Annual Award of MISANU for the best graduation thesis of the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade, in the fields of mathematics and computing (applications are due by June 24, 2022)
The projects "Integration and Extremal Problems in Mechanics Geometry and Combinatorics", "Graphical Languages" and "Set-theoretical, Model-theoretical and Ramsey-theoretical Phenomena in Mathematical Structures: Similarity and Diversity” approved for funding by the The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, November, 2021
In memoriam - Prof. Dr. Đorđe Vukomanović (November 2021)
Miodrag Mihaljević, research professor in MISANU, was elected a
corresponding member of SANU, November 4th, 2021.
The MISANU Award assigned to academician Teodor Atanacković, academician
Vladan Đorđević, academician Dragoš Cvetković, professor Žarko Mijajlović and research professor Zoran Marković, September 13th, 2021.
A solemn session and department meetings on the occasion of the jubilee of the 75th anniversary of the Mathematical Institute SANU, September 27, 2021.
The MISANU Award assigned to academician Teodor Atanacković, academician Vladan Đorđević, academician Dragoš Cvetković, professor Žarko Mijajlović and research professor Zoran Marković, September 13th, 2021.
Institute Awards for the best graduation thesis of the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade for 2021 (August 1, 2021).
The Managing Board of MISANU adopted the first plan of gender equality on May 26, 2021.
Research Internship at MISANU, 2021.
Prof. Silvia Ghilezan has been awarded the distinction Officiers de l'Ordre des Palmes académiques of the French Republic, Jan 4, 2021.
Institute PhD and Student Awards for 2021 (May 14, 2021)
May Month of Mathematics, May 10 - May 31, 2021.
The MISANU Board proclaimed May 15th the Day of the Institute commemorating the first meeting of the Institute’s Management Board held on May 15th, 1946. (April 1, 2021)
MISANU becomes National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, March 25, 2021.
Belgrade Summer School on Dynamics, July 17-22, 2021.
The International Day of Mathematics, March 14, 2021.
The 3rd edition of the World Logic Day, January 14, 2021.
In memoriam - Prof. Dr. Veljko Vujičić (November 2020).
Calls for nominations for Annual Awards of MISANU for PhD, M.Sc., B.Sc. students for 2020 (applications are due by March 26, 2021).
Calls for nominations for Annual Award of MISANU for the best graduation thesis of the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade, in the fields of mathematics and computing (applications are due by June 25, 2021).
Eberhard Malkowsky and Vladimir Rakočević's book "Summability Methods and Applications" published by MISANU (August 2020).
MISANU's Research repository became available (July 2020).
Institute Awards for the best graduation thesis of the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade for 2020 (Jyly 17, 2020).
The project A decentralized blockchain platform for reading, writing,
publishing, selling and buying e-books (Scriptarnica), approved for funding by the Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Jun 15, 2020
The project AI4TrustBC approved for funding by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, July 10, 2020.
Đorđe Baralić presented in a TV show (May 29, 2020).
Maja Novaković's movie "Then Comes the Evening" was named the best in the category of short doc at the South East European Film Festival in Los Angeles (SEEfest 2020).
Special issue of Rudarski glasnik dedicated to 175th anniversary of the birth of Ljubomir Klerić, 2020.
Institute PhD and Student Awards for 2020 (May 5, 2020).
May Month of Mathematics, May 7 - June 1, 2020.
Meetings of colloquiums and seminars are cancelled until April 30 to prevent spreading of coronavirus. |
Masterclass of Academician Vladan Đorđević, on Wednesday, 26 February 2020, at the SASA Grand Hall, at 6 p.m. |
Dr Miodrag Mihaljević, deputy director, participated in the delegation of the Ministry of education, science and technological development visiting Japan (January, 29 to February 2, 2020) |
Digital National Library of Serbia, technically developed by MISANU, has won recognition for Top 50 on-line sites Serbia in the category Education and Culture for the year 2019 |
"Then comes the evening" a film by Maja Novaković, research assistant at MISANU, got Jury special mention at Premiers Plans – Angers Film Festival. |
The World Logic Day, January 14, 2020 |
Presentation of MISANU-projects at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, December 10, 2019 |
Calls for nominations for Annual Awards of MISANU for PhD, M.Sc., B.Sc. students for 2019 (applications are due by March 27, 2020) |
Calls for nominations for Annual Award of MISANU for the best graduation thesis of the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade, in the fields of mathematics and computing (applications are due by June 19, 2020) |
Ilijas Farah - Seminar Ultraproducts and Operator algebras, room 301f, 16:45h, on Fridays in October-November, 2019 (based on the lecturer's monograph Combinatorial set theory of C*-algebras) |
1000th volume in eLib October 7th, 2019 |
A monograph "Mihailo Petrović Alas: life, work, times", 2019.
(Serbian and English versions) |
The award of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts assigned to MSc Srđan Ognjanović, 30th August, 2019. |
First Congress of young mathematicians, Novi Sad, Serbia (October 03-05, 2019) |
Mathematical Physics Week, Mathematical Institute, Belgrade, Serbia, (July 8-12, 2019) |
A meeting dedicated to celebration of the 140th anniversary of Milutin Milanković, (May 28, 2019) |
In memoriam - Prof. Dr Slobodan K. Simić (15.05.2019.) Commemoration on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 12:00 in MISANU. |
Institute PhD and Student Awards for 2019 (May 17, 2019) |
MMM Mathematical Month May 2019 |
Mika Alas Lectures 2019: Luka Milićević - Additive Combinatorics, room 301f, 11h, on Mondays in March-May. |
The documentary film "A sad se spušta veče" (author Maja Novaković) is included in the competition program of the festival "Visions du Reel" in Nyon, Switzerland, April 5 to 13, 2019 |
The obituary of Kosta Došen (by Peter Schroeder-Heister) published in
Studia Logic |
2nd Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Topology of Configuration Spaces, (December 24 - 27, 2018) |
Calls for nominations for Annual Awards of MISANU for PhD, M.Sc., B.Sc. students for 2018 (applications are due by March 22, 2019) |
Calls for nominations for Annual Award of MISANU for the best graduation thesis of the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade, in the fields of mathematics and computing (applications are due by June 15, 2019)
A meeting dedicated to the celebration of the 85th birthday of Prof. Slaviša Prešić, (December 14 - 15, 2018) |
A mini-course Tensors in applied algebraic geometry by Prof. Bernd Sturmfels, MISANU, (December 3-4, 2018) |
A meeting dedicated to the celebration of the 70th birthday of Prof. Dr. Žarko Mijajlović, (November 16 - 17, 2018) |
A meeting dedicated to the celebration of the 70th birthday of Academician Gradimir V. Milovanović, (November 13, 2018). |
Annual national journal ranking report for 2018 and the bibliometric reports have been published.
US-Serbia and West Balkan Data Science Workshop, Belgrade, Serbia, August 26 - August 28, 2018. |
Nenad Mladenović received more than 15000 citations (June 2018) |
Constructive Theory of Orthogonality and Applications (CTOA 2018), a conference dedicated to the celebration of the 70th birthday of Academician Prof. Gradimir V. Milovanović. |
Institute PhD and Student Awards for 2018 (May 23, 2018). |
In memoriam - academician Bogoljub Stanković (16.05.2018.) |
Opening of the exhibition celebrating the 150th anniversary of Mihailo Petrović Alas, Tuesday, May 15th, 19h. |
2018, The Year of Mihailo Petrović Alas. |
14th Serbian Mathematical Congress, Kragujevac, May 16 - 19, 2018. |
Academician Dragoš Cvetković presented his book "Autobiographical notes", May 10, 2018. |
Ivana Atanasovska recognized as one of the top reviewers for the Journal Mechanism and Machine Theory (July 2017). |
Springer republished a book written by Prof. Vlatko Brčić (1919 - 2000), a previous Head of Department of Mechanics (1973-1984). |
Academician Prof. Gradimir V. Milovanović, the keynote speaker at a conference dedicated to the celebration of the 90th birthday of Walter Gautschi. |
The Mediterranean International Conference of Pure and Applied Mathematics and Related Areas, dedicated to Professor G. V. Milovanović on the occasion of his 70th Anniversary, held on October 26 - 29, 2018 in Antalya, Turkey. |
K. Došen and M. Adžić edited Gödel’s Basic Logic Course at Notre Dame (1939). |
Lecture on 20 Years of Variable Neighborhood Search, Tuesday, November 28, 2017, at 14:15, Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. |
Institute student awards for 2017 |
In memoriam - Prof. Dr. Kosta Došen (21.10.2017.) |
Forum "Privacy in the Digital Age: Illusion or a National Challenge", was held on October, 05. 2017 in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts |
Memorandum of understanding on digitization of heritage signed between MISANU, Ministry of culture and information and Telekom Srbija (August, 1. 2017) |
The Mathematical Institute SANU hosted a meeting of The NUCLEUS Working Group (Belgrade, March 14-15, 2017) |
The digitization project "Documents about foreign politics of the Kingdom of Serbia 1903-1914" presented in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (December 16, 2016) |
Nenad Mladenović ranked in the list of top H-Index scientists in Computer Science and Electronics by Guide2Research.com (2016) |
Professor Dr. Alexey Karapetyants, Head of the Chair “Computing devices and automated systems software” Don State Technical University, delivered a plenary lecture at the Mathematics Colloquium of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, Belgrade (9.12.2016.) |
In memoriam - dr Rade Dacić (3.12.2016.) |
The Royal Society of Canada, Academy of Science, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division, elected Dr. Stevo Todorčević as a Fellow (November 18, 2016) |
A figure form the paper "Fractality and Self/organization in the Orthodox Iconography" by Miloš Milovanović and Bojan Tomić has been printed at the front page of the journal Complexity in Vol.21/No.S1, Septembar/Octobar 2016.
EMS e-News (No. 20 September 2016) has presented the Serbian PhD School of Mathematics and the Serbian Scientific Mathematical Society.
A cooperation agreement signed between Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Production and Management Faculty Trebinje.
Dr. Sonja Cukic received the 2016 Yale Educator Award. |
The Programme for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
The awards of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts assigned to academician Mileva Prvanović and Prof. Dr Veljko Vujičić, 26th of April, 2016. |
The first lecture of a new Cosmology Seminar will be held on Thursday, the 31st of March 2016, at 11AM. The lecturer is Dr. Žarko Mijajlovic.
Series of lectures "Cryptography" will be held at Zadužbina Ilije M. Kolarca, from 24.3.-14.4.2016. The lecturers are Dr. Miodrag Mihaljevic, Dr. Žarko Mijajlovic and Dr. Milan Božic.
An agreement on establishing the doctoral school of mathematics signed in Novi Sad on March 18, 2016 by University of Novi Sad, University of Niš, University of Kragujevac, State University of Novi Pazar, Faculty of Science (University of Novi Sad), Faculty of Science (University of Niš), Faculty of Science (University of Kragujevac), and Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Cooperation agreements signed between Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Institute of Computational Technologies (Novosibirsk), Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory (Irkutsk) and Institute of Computational Modelling (Krasnoyarsk) of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Emisija o Matematickom institutu na Srpskoj naucnoj televiziji
In memoriam - academician Mileva Prvanovic (12.02.2016.)
Miloš Milovanovic has got a grant for a 12-months period provided by ITO Foundation for International Education Exchange, Tokyo
Zoran Obradovic has been elected for a foreign member of the the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geo Sciences)
In memoriam - Dragi Radojevic (11.11.2015.)
NUCLEUS - New Understanding of Communication, Learning and Engagement in Universities and Scientific Institutions, a new Horizon 2020 project launched on September 1st
Science Camp "Viminacium"
Special Issue of International Journal Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 73, Pages 1-128, July 2015
Dedicated to Petrovic's theory: Elements of mathematical phenomenology and Phenomenological Mappings.
Edited by Katica R. (Stevanovic) Hedrih, Ivan Kosenko, Pavel Krasilnikov and Pol D. Spanos
A minicourse in Polyhedral Combinatorics by Jack Edmonds, June 4-7, 2015
Academician Gradimir Milovanovic received "City of Belgrade" award for the year 2014
The award of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts assigned to academician Bogoljub Stankovic, 31st of October, 2014
University of Belgrade is #87 in the Best Global Universities ranking for mathematics
In 2014, dr Miodrag Mihaljevic is elected as a
Member of Academia Europaea
,("The Academy of Europe")
MMM Mathematical Month May 2014
Lectures of the 2013 SANU laureates for Mathematics and related Sciences - part II
Lectures of the 2013 SANU laureates for Mathematics and related Sciences - part I
The award of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in the field of mathematics and related sciences for 2013 assigned to dr Zoran Markovic, dr Miodrag Mihaljevic, dr Nenad Mladenovic, Dr Zoran Ognjanovic and Dr Slobodan Simic
Minister of National Education of France awards the medal "Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques" to professor Silvia Gilezan (22. 10. 2013.)
MMM Mathematical Month May 2013
Mathematical Institut SANU is ranked within the first 5% of most influential Scientific organisations in the world
The award of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts assigned to Teodor Von Burg, 14th of September, 2012
MMM, promotivni video
MMM Mathematical Month May 2012
Evaluation Criteria for Scientific Projects
In memoriam - Prof. Slaviša Prešic
In memoriam - Zoran Perišic
IBM Cluster application form
Jubilee Seminar Devoted to the 60th Anniversary of the Mathematical Institute
EuroMech Society ENOC Young Scientist Prize Rome 2011 - Andjelka N. Hedrih
, researcher of Team Project OI174001
( European Society of Mechanics - European Nonlinear Oscillation Conference Roma 2011)
50th years of organizations of series ICNO Kiev 1961 - ENOC Rome 2011
Saint Volodimir Prize for 2010 - Ukrainian Higher Education Academy of Sciences
100th years from birthday of Prof. Dr Ing Dipl. Math Danilo P. Raskovic (1910-1985), head of Mechanics Department of Mathematical Institute.
EuroMech Society News Letters - ENOC Young Scientist Prize Paper