ὅδε οἶκος, ὦ ἑταῖρε, μνημεῖον ἐστιν ζωῶν τῶν σοφῶν ἀνδρῶν, καὶ τῶν ἔργων αὐτῶν


(1947 - 2008)

Zoran (Periša) Perišić was born on May 18, 1947. He completed elementary school and gymnasium in Belgrade, and graduated on Faculty of natural and mathematical sciences-Group for Physical-chemistry in Belgrade. In 1973 he started to work at Institute for nuclear sciences "Vinča", as a research assistant. One article, with a group of authors, was presented in Solid state physic Conference in Portorož, in 1974.

From 1976 to 1990 he worked in the „Republička zajednica nauke” as the chief executive for natural sciences, mathematics and environment protection. In 1990 he was appointed Secretary General of the National Fund for Science. At this position his abilities and hard work resulted in superb performance. With just five employees and five students engaged part-time, he managed to organize the most efficient and transparent call for new scientific projects ever. The basic principles for evaluation and selection were established which lasted for next two decades. Unfortunately, the Fund was abolished in 1992, with a ridiculous explanation that it was a part of self-management system which was being abandoned, and its functions were taken over by the Ministry of science, in which Perišić then worked for a short time. From 1993 until his premature death in 2008, he worked in Mathematical institute SANU, Belgrade, as the assistant director. As a researcher he was a member of the team in the project "General elements and particular goals for data protection in computer systems and networks", funded by Ministry of sciences and technology from 1998 to 2001, and then in the projects "Development of standards for digitalization and computer archiving of cultural heritage” (2002 –2004) and “Digitization of scientific and cultural heritage” (2005-2007).

Published papers

1. Научно засновано датирање у археологији, NCD Review бр. 2/2003, стр. 57-59;

2. Diging info the Future of the Past, NCD Review, бр. 7/2005, стр. 62-64;

3. Too much... information ( NCD Review, бр. 10/2007., стр.68-70).

Public lectures

1. Рачунари на квант – Семинар за историју и филозофију математике МИ САНУ (2002. година);

2. Млинарев сан (Green function) - Семинар за историју и филозофију математике МИ САНУ (2004. година);

3. Мултидисциплинарна истраживања у археологији* – Археолошко налазиште Виминацијум, 2004. године;

4. Мрамор, камен и жељезо - (Детектовање већих шупљина у археолошким објектима бомбардовањем субатомским честицама), Археолошко налазиште Виминацијум 2005. година;

5. Сезамее, отвори се! – Међународни скуп око OPEN ACESS-a, Народна библиотека Србије, 2005. година.

6. Знате ли које био чукун деда агента 007 - Семинар за историју и филозофију математике МИ САНУ (2006. година);

Author: Zoran Marković