ὅδε οἶκος, ὦ ἑταῖρε, μνημεῖον ἐστιν ζωῶν τῶν σοφῶν ἀνδρῶν, καὶ τῶν ἔργων αὐτῶν
Student Seminar


Luka Milićević

The overall aim of the Student Seminar of the Mathematical Institute SASA is to help students and young researchers in the earliest stage of their career promote and exchange their ideas, form scientific interests and master the skills required for carrying out research in mathematics, mechanics, computer science and related fields. The seminar represents a platform through which students of different universities both in Serbia and abroad can meet each other, discuss experiences and share information regarding conferences, workshops, summer and winter research schools. Having in mind the fact that Serbia has a significant scientific diaspora, the Student Seminar endeavors to stimulate contacts between recognized scientists and students studying in Serbia, to familiarize students studying abroad with scientific life in Serbia, and to create a necessary basis for establishing some of the contemporary subfields of mathematics, computer science and related sciences within our community. Additionally, Seminar provides active scientists with an opportunity to meet potential PhD students, simultaneously allowing interested students to start working on concrete problems with the help of their older colleagues, even during their studies. Seminar is open to all and meets on Fridays at 12, just before the meeting of Mathematics Colloquium, which is the most significant general mathematical seminar in Serbia. Mathematics Colloquium also provided a significant support in founding Students Seminar, and for these reasons Student Seminar is often informally referred to as `the Little Colloquium’. While being open to public, Seminar has the practice of having only students of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and postdocs, as lecturers. In other words, talks are given by people that have not yet obtained a scientific title, since we believe that it is easiest for students and early career researchers to get the necessary experience in presenting scientific results and their own work by having their friends and colleagues as audience. Seminar participants actively engage in other seminars and event concerning the popularization of mathematical sciences, such as Mathematical Seminar at Petnica Science Center and M3: May, the month of mathematics. Each year, Student Seminar hosts the final round candidates for the best student’s paper and the best PhD thesis awards, which are presented by the Institute.
You can follow the Student Seminar on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/studentskiseminar/

Founding the Seminar
Student Seminar was founded on the initiative of Stevan Gajović and Jelena Marković, with dr Zoran Ognjanović, the director of the Mathematical Institute SASA, and dr Zoran Petrić, the chairman of the Mathematical Colloquium, giving their strong support. Before the Seminar was formally founded, it was already an established practice for students that signed a letter of intent concerning their career development with the Institute to give talks at Institute’s colloquiums and seminars. The Student Seminar was officially founded on 8 May 2017, by decision of the Scientific Council, with Đorđe Baralić as the chairman and Boriša Kuzeljević as the secretary. In October 2017, Luka Milićević was appointed the secretary of the Seminar. Since February 2022, Luka Milićević has been the seminar chairman and Ivana Đurđev Brković has been the seminar secretary.