ὅδε οἶκος, ὦ ἑταῖρε, μνημεῖον ἐστιν ζωῶν τῶν σοφῶν ἀνδρῶν, καὶ τῶν ἔργων αὐτῶν

Project 174001: Activities

Project 174001: Dynamics of hybrid systems with complex structures. Mechanics of materials

Leader: Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih, Professor

Project results


Академик Владан Ђпрђевић о доприносу проф. др Катице (СтевановиЋ) Хедрих у Едицији САНУ "Жовот и дело српских научника"
Academician Vladan Djordjević about research results of Professor Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih to Edition of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts "Llife and work of Serbian Scientists"
Audio-video file

Acceleration of the second order – jerk of a rigid body rotates around a fixed point,
Paper dedicated to memory of my professor of Mechanics, Professor Dr.Ing. Dipl. Math. Danilo P. Rašković (1910-1985) and half century from first common publication.

Acceleration of the second order (Jerk) of a kinetic point moving with constant sectorial velocity as well as of the planet moving, Paper dedicated to the memory of my professor of Mechanics, Professor Dr.Ing. Dipl. Math. Danilo P. Rašković (1910-1985).

UTORAK, 24.12.2019. u 15:30, Sala 301f, MI SANU, Kneza Mihaila 36
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih - Project Leader and researchers of Team of Project 174001. Dynamics of hybrid systems with complex structures, Mechanics of materials
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia

The project has produced original scientific results in the following themes:

  1. Elements of mathematical phenomenology and applications (in Mechanics, in nonlinear dynamics in general, in integration of scientific knowledge in reduction of number of models of dynamical systems).
  2. Analytical mechanics of discrete fractional order systems; Derived a series of theorems.
  3. Nonlinear and rare phenomena in dynamics of hybrid systems with coupled structures of rigid and deformable bodies; Transfer of energy through a system and subsystems; Synchronization of subsystems.
  4. Models of biodynamical oscillators; Phenomenon of transfer of signals, information and energy through their complex structures; Oscillations of DNA helix chains and discrete continuum models of Zone Pelucida, a biomechanical oscillatory model of the mitotic spindle.
  5. Mechanics of discrete continuum models. Dynamics of coupled structures of deformable bodies and discrete continuum layers with different constitutive relations: Linear elastic, nonlinear elastic, visco-elastic, hereditary and fractional order properties.
  6. Phenomenon of dynamics of systems with friction and vibro-impact system; Theory of collision of rolling bodies; Dynamics of billiards.
  7. Mechanics of damage and fracture.
  8. Control of systems with delay and theorems of stability.
  9. Continuation of doctoral research in accordance with scientific based themes by younger PhD students. 13 PhD students, younger than 30 years of age, are included in the project team and its scientific research. All of them were participants of the two year seminar. So far, 13 PhD students completed all courses at doctoral study programs; 11 candidates defender their doctoral dissertations.
Other topics considered in the framework of the project are: nonlinear transformation, rheonomic system, nonholonomic constraints, mass moment vectors, gyro-rotor dynamics, approximation, amplitude-frequency characteristic, stability, synchronization, theory of collision, vibro-impact system, dynamics of billiards, energy analysis, non-local theory and applications, biomechanical oscillators, control motion. The project collaborators participated in the conferences ENOC 2011, 2014 and 2017, IUTAM ICTAM 2012 and 2017, ESMC 2012 and 2018, EURODYN 2017, Mini-symposium Nonlinear Dynamics 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2017, Modern Problems in Mechanics Kiev 2019, All Russian Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Ufa 209, Castr Sedlice 2019 and Minisymposia Classical and Celestial Mechanics in CASTR 2019, Nonlinearity Belgrade 2019, DSTA Lodz 2019, Serbian Congress of Mechanics Sremski Karlovci 2019, etc.
Presentation of the scientific Results will be realized with participations of the following researchers of the Team Project ON174001 in 2019:
dr Ivana Atanasovska
dr Sreten Stojanović i dr Dragutin Debeljković - Group presentation
dr Nataša Trišović
dr Jelena Đoković
dr Slobodanka Boljanović
dr Julijana Simonović
dr Ljubunko Kevac
dr Danilo Karličić, dr Milan Cajić, Nikola Nešić and Marija
Stamenković -Atanasov - Group presentation
dr Anđelka Hedrih
dr Ivica Čamagić i dr Srđan Jović – (Kosovska Mitrovica activity)
dr Dragomir Zeković, dr Radoslav Radulović
dr Katarina i dr Stevan Maksimović
dr Marija Mikić
doktorant Stepa Paunović
doktorant Nevena Arandjelović
doktorant Branislav Milenković
doktorant Đorđe Jovanović

XII Всероссийский съезд по фундаментальным проблемам теоретической и прикладной механики, Уфа, 20-24 A августа 2019.
Катица (Стевановић) Хедрих

5th International scientific conference “Modern Problems of Mechanics”, held 28–30 August at National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, August 28–30, 2019 | Kyiv, Ukraine.
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih

The 10th International Workshop Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research (CASTR'2019), Siedlce, Poland, September 25 – 29, 2019. a mini-symposium on Celestial and Classical Mechanics in the framework of the confeence CASTR
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih

Стручни извештај о учешћу у међународном научном скупу
15th Conference on "DynamicalSystems – Theory and Applications" (DSTA Lodz 2019) held in December 2-5, 2019 in Łódź, Poland
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih             Andjelka Hedrih

Conference on Nonlinearity, Belgrade, Oct 11–12, 2019. On the occasion of the 110th birth anniversary of N. N. Bogolyubov.
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih

ISUMEL- 14-й МІЖНАРОДНИЙ СИМПОЗІУМ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ІНЖЕНЕРІВ-МЕХАНІКІВ У ЛЬВОВІ, 23 — 24 травня 2019 р. Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»

Symposium Nonlinear dynamics - Scientific work of Prof. Dr Katica (Stevanovic) Hedrih, September 04 - 06, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.
Biografy and selected references of Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih
Scientific Results of Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih
Nastavno-naučne publikacije - Scientific-Teaching publications of Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih

Stručni IZVEŠTAJ o učečšću u naučnom skupu: NODYCON 2019 – First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, у организацији: The Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
Ivana Atanasovska           Stepa Paunović           Катица (Стевановић) Хедрих

Стручни извештај о учешћу у раду Седмог српског (32. југословенског) Конгреса теоријске и примењене механике и организацији Минисимпозијума: 7th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, (32th Yugoslav Congress) 24-16 June 2019, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia and MS-1 Nonlinear Dynamics
Катица (Стевановић) Хедрих       Ivana Atanasovska       Andjelka Hedrih       Milan Cajic       Stepa Paunovic       Branislav Milenkovic       Danilo Karlicic       Djordje Jovanovic       Marina Trajkocic-Milenkovic

Report of the scientific work activity of the Seminar Mechanics of Machines and Mechanisms - Models and Mathematical Methods for the period June 2018 - June 2019.

Saradnja sa Društvom fizikohemičara Srbije - Predavanje na Sekciji za nelinearne fenomene i kompleksne sisteme - 15.novembar 2018.god.

Naučno-popularna predavanja u Muzeju nauke i tehnike - Ciklus Pametna priroda, novembar 2018.
Naučno društvo Srbije se uključilo u akciju obeležavanja jubileja 150 godina od rođenja Mihaila Petrovića. U prilogu je obaveštenje o predavanju koje će naš član, Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih održati u Kolarčevoj zadužbini u četvrtak 27.09.2018. i kojim ćemo se osvrnuti na život i delo našeg akademika. Pozivamo vas da i svojim prisustvom na ovom predavanju doprinesete svečanom duhu jubileja koji obeležavamo.

Seminar Mechanics of Machines and Mechanisms - Models and Mathematical Methods

Seminar for Nonlinear Dynamics - Milutin Milanković in Niš

NODYCON 2019 - First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, February 17-20, 2019, Rome, Italy.

Sveruski kongres fundamentalnih proglema Teorijske I primenjene mehanike 2019

UTORAK, 18.12.2018. u 17:00, Sala 301f, MI SANU, Kneza Mihaila 36
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih, Mathematical Institute of SASA, Belgrade, Serbia
with participations of the following researchers of the Team Project ON174001:
Following researchers of the Project team presented original scientific results in period 2011-2018:
dr Ivana Atanasovska
dr Sreten Stojanović i dr Dragutin Debeljković - Group presentation
dr Nataša Trišović
dr Ljubunko Kevac
dr Danilo Karličić, dr Milan Cajić, Nikola Nešić i Marija Stamenković -Atanasov - Group presentation
dr Anđelka Hedrih
dr Dragomir Zeković, dr Radoslav Radulović
dr Katarina i dr Stevan Maksimović
dr Marija Mikić i dr Julka Knežević Mijanović
doktorant Stepa Paunović
dr Julijana Simonović (postdoctoral study at Cardif University)
Without presentation:
dr Jelena Đoković i dr Slobodanka Boljanović
dr Ivica Čamagić i dr Srđan Jović – (Kosovska Mitrovica activity)
dr Tomislav Petrović(Retaied), dr Ljiljana Veljović (Retaied)
Photo of the researchers

Stručni IZVEŠTAJ o učečšću u naučnom skupu: ICAMEN 2019 – International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology, у организацији: Manipal University Jaipur, India


EURASIAN HEALTH & MEDICINE 2018, одржане од 03-04, новембра 2018, на Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China

Извештај са учешћа на конференцији COMETa 2018 – 4th International Scientific Conference у организацији: Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву - Машинског факултета. Јахорина, 27-30.11.2018.
dr Ivana Atanasovska

Predavanja Katice (Stebanović) Hedrih održana na Se minarima u MI SANU, Zadužbini Ilije Kolarca I Galeriji SANU u 2018 godini posvećena obeležavanju jubileja 150 godina od rođenja Mihaila Petrovića.

ASME Membership Certificate to Katica R. (Stevanovic) Hedrih.

Struči IZVEŠTAJ o učečću Evropskoj naučnoj konferenciji: "ESMC 2018- 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference", koja se održala u Bolonji, Italija, od 02.-06. jula 2018. godine, u organizaciji Evropskog društva za mehaniku, Univerziteta u Bolonji i Univerziteta u Trentu.
Katica R. (Stevanovic) Hedrih         dr Andjelka Hedrih

Struči IZVEŠTAJ o učečšću naučnom skupu: ENOLIDES 2018 – IUTAM Symposium "Exploiting nonlinear dynamics for engineering systems" у организацији: IUTAM (International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) и Faculty of Thechnical Science, Novi Sad.
Ivana D. Atanasovska

Struči IZVEŠTAJ o učečću naučnom skupu: "RAD 2018 - Sixth international conferences on radiation and application in various fields of research", 18.06.-22.06.2018. Охрид, Македонија.
Andjelka Hedrih

Katica R. (Stevanovic) Hedrih

Nikola Nešić, izveštaj sa boravka u Kini u periodu od 24. juna do 3. jula 2018. godine, Hohai Univerzitet, Koledž za mehaniku i materijale, a u okviru programa uzajamne posete istraživača, učesnika srpsko-kineskog bilateralnog naučnog projekta pod nazivom "Napredni analitički i numerički metodi za analizu funkcionalnih gradijentnih mikro/nanostruktura", rukovodilac dr Danilo Karličić sa Matematičkog Instituta SANU u Beogradu.

dr Милан Цајић, извештај са боравка у Кини у периоду од 21. до 30. маја 2017. године, Hohai Универзитет, Колеџ за механику и материјале, а у оквиру програма узајамне посете истраживача, учесника српско-кинеског билатералног научног пројекта под називом "Fractional order control and modeling of mechanical behavior of nanomaterials and nanostructures", руководилац проф. др Михаило Лазаревић са Машинског факултета у Београду.

Ivana Atanasovska: Award - Outstanding Reviewer status - Mechanism and Machine Theory
Ивана Атанасовска: Статус Изванредног рецензента у Elsevier-овом часопису Mechanism and Machine Theory.

Odbranjeni doktorati po sadrzajima rezultata istrazivanja po temama Projekta ON174001
dr Ljiljana Veljovic (2011)
dr Julijana Simonovic (2012)
dr Srdjan Jovic (2011) prezentacija
dr Andjelka Hedrih (2016) Izvestaj
dr Danilo Karlicic (2016) doktorat
dr Ljubinko Kevac (2017) doktorat prezenacija
dr Radoslav Radulovic (2017) doktorat
dr Marija Mikic (2018) doktorat Izvestaj
dr Milan Cajic (2017) doktorat

Second Gold diploma (2017) of Project Leader Katica (Stevanovic) Hedrih after first (in 1967 as Best diploma student at University of Nis)
References in 2017.

Godišnji izveštaj za 2017 na projektu ON174001.
Preneti prilozi kao elektronski fajlovi PROJEKAT ON174001

Sedmogodišnji izveštaj za period 2011-2017 na projektu ON174001.

Seventh years report for period 2011-2017 at Project ON174001.

List of research team references in 2017 at Project ON174001.

Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research (CASTR-2017), Siedlce, Poland, October 18 – 22, 2017.
Report - Izvestaj

APPROXIMATION AND COMPUTATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (ACTA 2017) (АПРОКСИМАЦИЈЕ И ИЗРАЧУНАВАЊА - ТЕОРИЈА И ПРИМЕНЕ), The conference is dedicated to the renowned mathematician Walter Gautschi, one of the founders of modern numerical analysis. Belgrade, November 30 – December 2, 2017

Предавањe: ДИНАМИКА ВИБРОУДАРНИХ СИСТЕМА ТЕЛА У КОТРЉАЊУ, Проф. др Катица (Стевановић) Хедрих
Понедељак, 13. новембар, 12 сати, Универзитет у Нишу, Мултимедијална сала, број 8

Извештај са одржаног предавања и посете Националном техничком универзитету у Атини од 09.05.2017. до 11.05.2017.год.

Стручни извештај са IV International Seminar ”Nonlinear Phenomenology Advances: Mathematics XXI Century & Natural Science" одржаног у Санкт Петерсбургу на Петар Велики – Санкт петербуршком политехничком универзитету, Русија, 03.-06. октобра 2017. године.

Извештај са радионице под називом Oberflachentage - FH Technikum Wien, која је одржана у Бечу, Aустрија, од 28.03.2017. до 30. 03.2017. у организацији BRUKER Nano Surfaces, у сарадњи са FH Technikum Wien (University of applied science, Wiena).

Reports of participations in The 10th EURODYN 2017 Conference (International Conference on Structural Dynamics), at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, from Sunday 10 to Wednesday 13 September 2017 (see https://eurodyn2017.it)
dr Katica (Stevanovic) Hedrih, dr Ivana Atanasovska.

dr Katica (Stevanovic) Hedrih.

Reports of participations in The 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2017) in Budapest, Hungary.
dr Katica (Stevanovic) Hedrih, dr Ivana Atanasovska, dr Andjelka Hedrih, dr Milan Cajic, dr Danilo Karlicic, Nikola Nesic.

Mini-Symposium: "Stochastic Vibrations and Fatigue: Theory and Applications",
Project OI 174001 in Mathematical Institute of SASA and Bilateral Project 2015-2017, No.: 3 - 19, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade and School of Science, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, Cina, MI SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, July 4, 2017, at 11h, Auditoria I
Program    Booklet of Abstracts     Report

ДОКТОРАНТИ на пројекту ОН174001 "Динамика хибридних система сложених структура" (2011-2017),
руководилац Пројекта Катица (Стевановић) Хедрих

Филм поводом пола века научног рада: Проф. др Катица (Стевановић) Хедрих, дипл. машински инжењер, члан Научног друштва Србије, Руководилац републичког научног пројекта ОН174001 "Динамика хибридних система сложених структура" (2011-2017), координираног у Математичком институту Српске академије наука и уметности, са реализаторима: Математички институт САНУ, Машински факултет у Београду, Математички факултет у Београду, Факултета техничних наука из Косовске Митровице, Машински факултет у Нишу, Технички факултет у Бору, Факултет инжењерских наука у Крагујевцу, Технолошки факултет у Лесковцу, Државни универзитет у Новом Пазару, Иновациони центар Електротехничког факултета у Београду, Институт Кирило Савић и Иновациони центар Машинског факултета у Београду.

Mini-symposium: “Nonlocal theory of mechanical structures”
Mathematical Institute of SASA and Project OI174001, Belgrade, Serbia, April 25, 2017, from 11-17h, room II, first floor, Kneza Mihaila 36
Booklet of abstracts
Report of realisation

Invited Lecture of Professor Dr. Fotios Georgiadis, a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the Lincoln School of Engineering, College of Science, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom, Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics (JVTSD):
Linear and Nonlinear Modelling/Dynamics of L-Shaped Beam – A Simple ‘Composite’ Elastic Structure,
Mechanics Colloquium, April 19, 2017 at 18 h in auditoria 301f.
CV    Extended Abstract    Report of visit

Izveštaj o održanom Mini-simpozijumu „Mehanika kontakta: Teorija i primene: (Report of realization of Mini-Symposium:“ Contact Mechanics: Theory and Applications “) Beograd, 14. mart 2017

Reference istrazivaca u 2016

Invited Lecture of Professor Yuri Mikhlin, National Technical University, Kharkov, Ukraine, member of Project team:
Mechanics Colloquium, March 15, 2017 at 18 h in auditoria 301f.
CV    Extended Abstract

Mini-symposium: “Contact Mechanics: Theory and Applications“
Mathematical Institute of SASA and Project OI174001, Belgrade, Serbia, March 14, 2017, from 10:30-19:00h, room II, first floor, Kneza Mihaila 36
Booklet of abstracts

Извештај о одржаним научним скуповима, серији минисимпозијума у години јубилеја 70 година рада Математичког института САНУ,
а у организацији Пројекта ОИ174001 ''Динамика хибридних система сложених структура. Механика материјала.'' координираног у Математичком институту САНУ

Mini-Symposium "Biomechanics and Modelling of Biological Systems"
Project ОN174001 in Mathematical Institute SASA, Belgrade, December 7, 2016
Booklet of Absracts

Mini-Symposium “Non-Linear theoretical basis in description of real world phenomena“
Project ОN174001 in Mathematical Institute SASA, Belgrade, November 30, 2016
Booklet of Absracts

International Mini-Symposium “Fracture Mechanics and Numerical Methods“
Mathematical Institute SASA and Project ОN174001, Belgrade, November 16, 2016. from 10:00-20:00h, room II, first floor, Kneza Mihaila 36
Booklet of Absracts

The 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016, held in Montreal, Canada, from 21 to 26 August, 2016. У организацији Интернационналне уније теоријске и примењене механике (IUTAM).
Please visit the ICTAM 2016 Web Site.

"VI Russian-Armenian Conference on Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Physics and Analytical Mechanics” September 11-16, 2016, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
Organizations and sponsors: V.A.Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics of NAS of the Republic of Armenia, Southern Federal University (SFEDU), Don State Technical University (DSTU), International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation (ISAAC), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR).

The 5-th international conference on nonlinear dynamics in Kharkov, September 27- 30, 2016. Nonlinear Dynamics Kharkov 2016, September 27- 30, 2016.
Органиѕатор чувени Универзитет Харковска политехника (по А.М. Љапунову – аутору Теорије срабилности и по физичару и нобеловцу Лаву Ландау).

3th Conference on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Theory and Applications- DSTA 2015, Łódź, December 7-10, 2015, POLAND, Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2016, September 26-30, 2016.
13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry

Конференција поводом 10 година Српеког друштва за рачунску механику 2006-2016, Крагујевац
(Conference dedicated to 10 Years of Serbian Society of Computational Mechanics 2006-2016, Kragujevac)

Participation of dr Ivana Atanasovska in „5th International Conference on Power Transmission BAPT 2016“

Mini-symposium "Non-Linear Dynamics with Applications in Engineering Systems"
Mathematical Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Project OI174001
Belgrade, Serbia, October 26, 2016, from 10:30-18:00h, room II, first floor, Kneza Mihaila 36
Booklet of abstracts
Informacija sa odrzanog Minisimpozijuma

Mini-symposium "Fractional Calculus with applications in problems of diffusion, control and dynamics of complex systems"
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade,
Mathematical Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and
Serbia-China scientific-bilateral project number 3-12.
Belgrade, July 13, 2016 with participation of researchers of Project ON174001
Booklet of Abstracts

Mini-simpozijum: NELINEARNA DINAMIKA (Mini-Symposium: Nonlinear dynamics) Projekta ON174001 - povodom 70 godina Matematickog instituta SANU
(Project ON174001 - Jubilee on 70th of Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) Beograd 25. maja 2016 u 11h.

Researcher from Project team of Project ON174001 collaborate with researchers from Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Moscow, Russia using International Agreement between Mathematical Institute SANU and MAI supported by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Nis, Faculty of Technical Sciences University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Engineering Sciences University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica University of Pristina and Mihailo Pupin Institute University of Belgrade.

The Serbian Scientific Society's Journal
Special Issue Nonlinear Dynamics S2 (2013)
Dedicated to Milutin Milankovic(1879- 1958)
Contents, Full Papers

Participation of Project Leader in Scientific meetings in 2015:

Fifth Serbian Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Arandjelovac 2015.
The 14th International Conference of Tensor Society on Differential Geometry and its Applications, and Informatics. Tsukuba University, Japan, Sept. 7-12, 2015
The conference on Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research CASTR'2015 and Mini-symposium on Computational Aspects of Classical and Celestial Mechanics, Stability and Motion Control, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Siedlce, Poland, 2015)
13th Conference on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Theory and Applications - DSTA 2015, .., December 7-10, 2015, POLAND, Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics

Participation of Project Leader in Scientific meetings in 2014.

Participation of Project Leader in Scientific meetings in 2013.

List of Publications in 2015

List of Publications in 2014

Presentation of Research Results at Project ON174001 in 2013.

List of Publications in the years 2010 and 2013

List of Publications in the years 2011 and 2012

List of Publications in 2011

Brief Report for Bulletin of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Special Issue of International Journal Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 73, Pages 1-128, July 2015
Dedicated to Petrović's theory: Elements of mathematical phenomenology and Phenomenological Mappings.
Edited by Katica R. (Stevanovic) Hedrih, Ivan Kosenko, Pavel Krasilnikov and Pol D. Spanos
Preface , Contents, Explanations

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 41(S1), Special Issue Dedicated to Anton D. Bilimovič, 2014.

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 40(S1), Special Issue - Address to Mechanics, 2012.

IUTAM - ICTAM Beijing 2012:      Poster     Presentation

Symposium Nonlinear Dynamics - Milutin Milanković Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Applications (SNDMIA 2012),
Belgrade, October 1-5, 2012.
( Eighth Serbian Symposium in area of Non-linear Sciences)
Booklet of Abstracts

EuroMech Society News Letters - ENOC Young Scientist Prize Paper.

Third Edition of the paper:
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih and Tijana Ivančević, RIGOROUS KINETIC ANALYSIS OF THE RACKET FLICK-MOTION IN TENNIS FOR GENERATING TOPSPIN AND BACKSPIN, In: International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra , Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 1-26, 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISSN: 1060-9881, All editions

Presentation of PhD Thesis by Srdjan Jović, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, 2010.